
(General POV)


"Damnation!! Would you stop that?!!" Monty shouted from behind a tree that barely shielded his massive form.

Wainwright wasn't too far away from him, hiding behind a tree of his own as he took deep breaths to try and calm his breathing.

In response to the request, Kane fired another shot, ripping a chunk of bark away from beside Monty's head, causing the man to recoil back to avoid the wooden shrapnel flying everywhere.

"God damn it, boy!! I said we were done!!" Monty shouted, trying to get Kane to stop trying to kill them.

Really, Kane was just having some fun. Angel had ECHOED him a few hours ago about how Monty and Wainwright were coming after him because of them shacking up, though she was fairly sure it was just to try and intimidate him. Maybe.

Anyway, she had asked Kane to not hurt them too bad, and to make sure he brought them back alive when he was done. Kane was almost overjoyed by the news, having killed a fair number of Saurians and Jabbers that did nothing to kill his boredom.

Now though, there were two rednecks out to get him, and Kane figured it might be fun to mess with them.

He set up trip wires, flashbangs, smoke bombs, and even set out some bait to attract some of the local wildlife.

All Kane had to do to make sure Monty and Wainwright found him was to ping his ECHO device off the nearby towers, and presto, they found him.

Watching Monty get his foot snared, than flipped upside down had been hilarious, but not nearly as funny as when the rope snapped and Monty landed on Wainwright.

The two of them groaned and cursed for a minute, but eventually they got to their feet before continuing on after him, only now they were going at a snails pace.

At first, Kane had only been using a paintball gun to pepper them every now and then, but after Monty managed to hit his shield, Kane got a little annoyed.

He forced them into the trap zones, making their day marginally worse, especially Wainwright who was already blind in one eye. When the flashbang had gone off, he completely lost his vision for a few minutes, shouting curses and saying how he was going to kill Kane.

That changed when the sound of a gun went off and almost instantly he felt a burning sensation in his left hip.

Kane didn't just pick on Wainwright though, as he did shoot Monty in the foot. The string of curses would have made a sailor embarrassed, but it just got a laugh from Kane.

Ever since, he had been swapping out between the paintball gun and a small caliber rifle, taking shots at the two of them as they ran off back to their vehicles, which was how they got in the situation they were in now.

"You gonna give me the Vault Key?!!" Kane asked, laughing at how things turned out. This had been a hunt to get him, but honestly he was having a blast, and he in no way felt like anyone was even close to getting him.

"Go to hell!!" Wainwright shouted, getting a laugh from Kane. For how many holes the man had in him, he was awfully sure that Kane wasn't going to be getting the key from his father.

"Is that how you feel, Monty?!" Kane asked, wondering if Monty thought the same as his son. Kane was hoping he did.

"We'll discuss it tomorrow, ya bastard!! I'm bleedin over here!!" Monty shouted, still not daring to get out from behind cover.

"Tell ya what!! I'll give you boys a head start. Once you get to your vehicle's, I'm gonna open fire!! Start going!!" Kane shouted, getting a groan from Monty. He was tired of this shit, and he was sure he was missing a toe!

Kane watched the father and son duo hesitantly make their way out from behind cover, then begin to slowly make their way towards their bikes that were less than a hundred yards away now.

Kane planned to toy with them the whole way back to Jakobs Estate, mainly by disabling the bikes and making them walk, but before he could, his ECHO device went off.

Answering the call, a holographic image of Angel appeared in front of him, looking a little annoyed.

"Kane... You said you wouldn't kill them." She said calmly, though Kane could tell she was biting back her annoyance.

"They're still alive. Look, they're hobbling to their bikes right this second." Kane said, moving the ECHO device around so she could get a good view.

He heard her let out a sigh before she said, "You know... I was thinking about having a bath. Maybe you'd like to join me?"

Kane wasn't sure what he was going to say, the words getting caught in his throat when the holographic image of Angel began to strip her clothes.

Her top came off and her bra fell out of view of the ECHO device, at which point she looked back towards him, a small pout on her lips.

"Maybe I should just call Maya to-" That was as far as she got before Kane shouted, "Be there in a second!!"

Kane disappeared an instant later, teleporting dozens of times in quick succession. He was back at the Arcadia less than 10 seconds after the call had ended, and when he entered Angel's room, she was just kicking the clothes off her feet, now being completely naked.

"You ready to-" Angel asked, however she was cut-off when Kane's lips met hers, his hands moving down to cup her ass, then lifting her up. It barely took a thought for his clothes to vanish, as he carried Angel into the bathroom.


(Montgomery Jakobs POV)

"OW!! I said be careful you slick bastard!!" Monty shouted at Clay, a reformed smuggler that was basically his number 2 in the Jakobs Corporation.

"And I told you to hold still. It's not my fault you don't listen. In fact, not listening to your granddaughter is what got you in this mess, aint it?" Clay asked curiously, though the smile pretty much said that he already knew.

"That son-of-a-bitch is monster!! He was all around us, treating it all like it was a game!!" Monty shouted, almost shivering at the thought of Kane.

"Now we know why Angel told us to stay away from him!!" Wainwright said, gulping down some whiskey to try and dull the pain.

"Shut up, boy!! We didn't know what kind of a monster he was, but now we do. We'll just be sure to careful around him from now on." Monty said, groaning as Clay sewed the hole through his shoulder closed.

He had already gotten a thing of plasma from the vending machine to restore all the blood he lost, but sadly it wouldn't magically fix wounds. It did wonders to dull the pain though, but the dosage he took was already wearing off.

Monty had been shot 3 times with real bullets, one in the shoulder, one in the foot, and the last one on his right hip.

Wainwright was only shot twice, in the shoulder and on his left hip. Monty wasn't sure if Kane was one of the best shots he had ever seen, or the worst.

Every shot of his had missed any vitals, organs, or bones, going clean through, except for the foot. Monty was now missing half of his pinky toe on his right foot, which was a real shame. He liked that toe.

Looking down at the bandage that wrapped the toe in question, Monty cursed Kane for probably the thousandth time in the last hour.

When both him and Wainwright were patched up, they made their way from the town of Reliance back towards the Jakobs Estate with Clay in tow.

They weren't sure where Kane was, and they doubted Clay would make much of a difference in a fight, but they weren't about to turn down potential support when it came to the demon.

Before long they were walking through the halls of his home, though they all froze when they got to one of the sitting rooms.

There was Kane, laying down on the couch looking relaxed as ever, using Angel's lap as a pillow.

"It's about time you guys show up! Angel was starting to worry that something terrible happened to you! I do hope you had a pleasant hike through the forest." Kane said mockingly, making Monty want to strangle him.

Despite how angry he was, it looked ridiculous with him and Wainwright looking like they were in a unicorn orgy with how colorful they looked, curtesy of Kane's paintball gun.

"You get the hell away from her, you bastard!!" Monty shouted, then began hobbling over towards Kane, who seemed to not care in the slightest.

Just when he was about to reach them, a blade appeared out of nowhere, pointing right at his mouth. The blade was glowing and humming a little, almost like it was a powered by something. Monty barely had time to react and stop himself from being stabbed by it.

Looking at the blade that seemingly appeared out of thin air, Monty couldn't help the cold feeling that washed over him.

"Careful... Just because I haven't killed you yet, doesn't mean I won't." Kane said calmly, sounding as though it was just regular conversation for him.

Clay and Wainwright who were still standing behind him tensed up at the situation, though none of them seemed to know what to do. Thankfully someone in the room did.

Angel leaned down and kissed Kane, while at the same time she pulled his arm that held his sword back towards him and away from Monty's face.

"Calm down." Angel admonished when she finally stopped sucking face with Kane. Monty watched as Kane sat up, then began to walk towards the doorway where Wainwright and Clay were, Angel only a step behind him.

"Where you goin?" Monty asked, his eyes looking towards Angel. He might have wanted Kane to leave, but he didn't want Angel to. He had just gotten her back, and seeing her leave was a little saddening.

"I'll be back. We're just going to eat some dinner first." Angel answered, perking Monty up a bit.

"Well hold on a minute!! If you're hungry, I can have food on the table in 20 minutes!! It'll be the best Saurian steak you ever had!" Monty stated, his words causing Kane to have to choke back the bile that was rising in his throat.

"Don't tell me you actually eat those things?!!" Kane said aghast, not believing these rednecks would willingly eat the poisonous things.

"Course we do!! They're a delicacy round here and on Eden-5!" Monty said, getting a weird look from Kane.

"You ever tried a Saurian steak?" Monty asked Kane, wondering why the man was making such a big deal.

"Yeah! We cooked three of the damn things when we first landed, and they were shit!!" Kane stated, getting wide eyes from Monty.

"You actually ate some random Saurian you just killed?! Pin-head!! Those'll kill ya!!" Monty shouted, not believing someone would be stupid enough to actually do that.

"Hmmm... how?" Kane asked, not seeming to worried about maybe poisoning himself. True, he hadn't actually swallowed anything because he couldn't, it being as tough as it was, but he also had a stronger immune system than most people.

"Saurians eat anything they can, meaning shit, poisonous plants, rocks, bugs, and a million other things on this planet that will kill a normal person. It hardens their muscles, and gives their meat a foul taste. Makes em less appealing to predator's. However, when they just hatch, they're completely pure of all those toxins, and their meat practically melts in your mouth." Monty explained, making Kane pause in thought.

He still dreaded the taste from before, but these people couldn't be that insane to actually eat that crap unless Monty truly knew what he was talking about.

"What do ya say, wanna eat here?" Monty heard Kane ask Angel, who nodded with a smile, though she did lean in and whisper something Monty could barely here.

"Just keep some Listerine and desserts on hand." She had said, though Monty wasn't sure what the hell Listerine was, nor did he know what kind of desserts she was talking about, though he was intrigued.

The only kind of desserts they had were alcoholic in nature, so hopefully they had something better.


(General POV)

Just like Monty had said, it only took about 20 minutes before the table was covered in food, and Kane had to admit, it looked a hell of a lot better than the shit he cooked earlier that day.

Out of his group, he was the first person to cut a little bit of steak, and already he could tell of the marked improvement just by how it cut like a hot knife through butter.

Luna, Tannis, Maya, and Angel watched expectantly as he brought it to his mouth, then hesitantly took the bite. Kane chewed it for a moment, then swallowed. It wasn't the best steak he had ever had, but it was sure better than anything he had managed to find in this world that didn't come from his shop.

"Not too shabby... I'd give it a 7/10." Kane said, getting surprised looks all around.

His group had been around him long enough to know how he felt about any food that wasn't his own, and they knew that any praise coming from him about someone's food was a miracle in and of itself.

Montgomery, Wainwright, Clay, and especially Baldrin thought Kane was just being a dickhead, giving the food that rating to spite the Jakobs Corporation.

Baldrin didn't like how some guy he had never even heard about was judging his cooking so harshly, when there were people that would literally kill to have his steaks.

"You think you've had better than this?!" Monty asked skeptically, figuring Kane was about to tell them a crock of lies.

"I have actually. However the meat is quite a bit different from this, and cooked with a few different seasonings, but other than that, these steaks are cut and cooked perfectly!" Kane explained, his words somewhat appeasing those of the Jakobs Corporation.

"What meat do you prefer over this?" Baldrin asked, actually surprising most people considering he mainly didn't speak unless spoken to.

"My personal favorite is beef, but I do enjoy a good moose steak on more than one occasion. Elk might be my third favorite, but it's right there with buffalo and caribou." Kane listed off, surprising everyone that wasn't in his group, as none of them had ever heard of those meats before.

"What are those animals?" Monty asked curiously, though Kane didn't bother to give an answer.

"Tell you what, tomorrow morning, I'll make breakfast and you can see the difference in meat. And everything else." Kane said, eyeing the weird looking green things on the table.

They sure as hell weren't back on earth, nor had he seen them on Pandora, the latter being a point in it's favor.

The only things Kane recognized were the biscuits and gravy, everything else being a complete anomaly.

Still, Kane tried at least a bite of everything on the table, and aside from the steaks and an orange banana looking thing, he could go the rest of his life and not eat any of those again.

The biscuits were more rock salt than they were flour, which was understandable considering they didn't use conventional flour made from wheat. The gravy was made from the boiled organs of the Saurian they were eating, and it wasn't even very good.

When the meal was over, Angel nudged Kane, at which point he passed out some chocolate cake with a bowl of whipped cream and blended up strawberries.

Wainwright asked if he was interested in coming back to his room the second after he swallowed the first bite, getting a frown from Kane.

"I'm not into dudes, but you do you man." Kane said, finishing off the rest of his cake.

Evidently, Monty and Clay weren't about to let Kane take what was left of the cake, as they pulled it to their side of the table with the strawberries when they saw him get to his feet.

"Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm going to bed. Gonna have to get up bright and early if I'm gonna go Vault hunting." Kane said, getting a grumble from Monty and a raised brow from Clay.

"I didn't know there was a Vault on Eden-6." Clay said, looking straight at Monty.

"There is one, but it's suicide to go anywhere near it. That's why we hid it away!" Monty shouted, glaring at Kane now.

"For you maybe. This'll be my third Vault, you old fuck!" Kane stated, then gestured for the others that he was going to be heading back to the Arcadia.

He only got about 2 steps before Angel moved past him with the bowl of whipped cream in hand, spinning on the go to look back and give him a wink as she licked a finger, then spun back around to go to either her room or his. God he hoped it was his.

When Angel had done that, Kane had paused mid-step, so now he was just standing there. However, rather than continue on, he smirked to himself before turning around to face the table, his eyes going straight to Monty.

"I'm gonna go fuck your granddaughter!!" Kane stated, knowing how it seemed to drive Monty mad that he was with Angel.

As he left the estate, Monty's shouts of anger could be heard, which only seemed to make Kane smile wider. If he couldn't kill the man for trying to shoot him, he sure as hell wasn't going to be too nice to him.


Kane woke up a few hours later feeling a little sticky in certain places, but he couldn't even complain about it. Turning his head to the left, Kane saw a naked Maya sleeping soundly.

Turning his head to the right, Kane saw a naked Angel, his right arm trapped beneath her. Looking at the two Sirens, memories of them fighting to lick the whipped cream off the other came back to him, and Kane could only smile. It had been really fun, and yummy.

Maya joining them was just a bonus in his mind, and all in all, he would have to say he would do that again in a heartbeat. Despite how sticky he felt, he was in no rush to wake up, opting to stay where he was a bit longer.

Eventually though, the two women woke up feeling just as sticky as he did, which was how they all ended up in the shower cleaning each other, though that was all they did, regardless of Kane's wishes.

They were already late for breakfast, and fooling around would only make them even more late. It wasn't much longer after that when they entered the Jakobs Estate, finding everyone else seated around the table, waiting expectantly.

"Bout time you show up! I got things to do, and I'm late enough as it is!" Clay said excitedly, then sat up straighter.

Luna, Tannis, and Radar looked as though they expected their tardiness to a degree, as they hadn't really showed much reaction.

Wainwright looked annoyed, while Monty looked pissed. Kane probably would too if someone did what he did last night to him, but thankfully he didn't need to worry about that. At least not yet.

"So where's the food?" Baldrin asked curiously.

Him being there didn't surprise Kane all that much, but him being seated at the table with a knife and fork in hand sure did. Evidently after the cake from last night, both he and Clay were more than a little excited for what Kane had in store for breakfast.

Not wanting to disappoint, Kane brought out some of the best steaks money could buy, already seasoned and cooked to perfection. To go with it, he brought out eggs, toast, hash-browns, gravy, and a fruit bowl.

Just to be a dick, he brought out a small bowl of whipped cream, grabbed an apple slice and dipped it in, then took a bite as he smiled towards Monty.

"You sure you're not into men? Cause it looks like you're trying to milk that apple for all it's worth!" Monty stated, getting a round of laughs from everyone, Kane included who took it good naturedly.

With enough said, everyone began to dig into the food, and it was only then that Baldrin and the others knew why Kane thought the Saurian was only a 7/10. These steaks were perfect.

An hour later and the table was completely cleared of all food, not a crumb leftover, everyone looking completely satisfied.

"So... Are you going to give me the vault key, or do I get to go find it?" Kane asked, looking at Monty who was trying real hard not to look at him. Instead, he was looking at Angel with a frown on his face.

"You sure you don't want to run Jakobs? You'd be here with family, and though we aren't the most advanced, we could always improve it together." Monty said, sounding far too hopeful.

"I'm sorry, but I won't. I don't want to run a corporation. I've seen what it takes, and it's not for me." She said plainly.

There was a long pause of silence before she added, "But, should you need some help, I'd be more than willing to come help my family. Might even be able to help upgrade a few things every now and then when we come on by for a visit."

The part about coming on by for a visit every now and then did seem to do wonders for Monty's mood, though a glance at Kane killed it in it's tracks.

"How confident are you about dealing with the monster inside the Vault?" Monty asked tiredly, almost dreading where his train of thought was leading him.

"About 99% sure I can kill it before anyone gets hurt. Should only take an hour or so." Kane said confidently, getting another sigh from the man.

"Fine! You can open the damn vault!! On the condition that you promise to bring my Granddaughter back here at least twice a year, one of the times being on Mercenary Day!!" Monty stated, looking like he wouldn't give in if Kane declined.

"Isn't Mercenary Day a Dhal thing? Wasn't it a promotional thing they did where at least one day a year, all mercenary jobs would be free? I know the idiots of Pandora adopted it as a day of gift giving and sharing! The only good thing about it is the violence usually calms down to about 1% of what it usually is, and that's just to cook the midgets for the feasts." Luna said, throwing in a bit of knowledge that no one else had bothered to know.

Kane called it 'Christmas', it being on December 25, and it was the only day where he didn't do a damn thing. It was actually scary how kind he was on that day, though he more than made up for lost time the day after, choosing to go and blow up a group of poor unfortunate souls.

"It doesn't matter that it's a Dhal thing! Everyone in the bloody galaxy celebrates it! It's one day a year where people can be civil, and regardless of not caring how it originated, I'm not gonna bitch about a day of rest!!" Monty stated, taking the stand that every other corporation took for Mercenary Day.

The only difference between them and Dhal was they didn't promise to kill a bunch of people for free, the idiots!

Kane wanted to tell him to fuck off, but Angel actually didn't seem opposed to the idea, and looked at him with her big watery blue eyes.

He technically didn't need to bring her here personally, so long as she had Radar or Maya with her then that should be fine. He could continue as he always was.

The final nail in the coffin that convinced him was when Angel leaned over and whispered, "I'll make it worth you while..." When she licked his ear at the end there helped in her favor, which prompted Kane to agree to the deal.

"Alright then! I'll have the fragments gathered by tomorrow morning. In the meantime, just sit tight and relax." Monty stated, then left to probably go and get the pieces.

If Kane had offered to take the man they could have been back here before noon, but he chose instead to continue exploring around Eden-6.

If he was going to be here more often than not, Kane decided he may as well look for a location to build a base of sorts. The Jakobs Estate wasn't bad, but it didn't even come close to Paradise, and the dreary atmosphere just wasn't working for Kane.

As for why he decided to build another base, why not? If he had a fortress on every planet in the solar system, it might help him out if he were ever put in a tight spot.

For instance, if the COV did come to Eden-6 like he figured they would, if he had a base lined with turrets and defenses, Angel and the others could hole themselves there in relative safety while he went and had fun killing the bastards.

Sure Kane could have just tricked out the Hunting Lodge in Floodmoor Basin or the Jakobs Estate, but something about that just seemed wrong. Didn't know why, but it did.

It only took a few hours of searching, but eventually he found a place in the Voracious Canopy near a waterfall.

All it would take was a turbine or two in the right areas, and boom, free power. Radar could help him iron out the details, but all in all it looked like the perfect spot.

He would have to scan the mountain to make sure it wasn't full of water or deadly gases, and then make sure it wouldn't collapse on him, but that was nothing. He had already done it before with Paradise, so this time should go over much better.

Jumping around the area, Kane couldn't find any sign of human activity, and he opted to ignore the wildlife around them for now. They would act as the deterrent that everyone could see for now, but eventually they might cause problems so he would need to deal with them.

It took most of the day, but eventually he had everything scanned, including the interior of the mountain with sonar pulses that literally showed him what was on the inside.

When he finally got back to the Estate, everyone was all gathered at the dinner table waiting expectantly for him, no doubt wanting his food over whatever they were going to eat.

Kane was going to make Monty pay for him and Wainwright, but decided he'd wait to charge him after he got the Vault Key. He didn't need Monty being a petty cunt about it.

After laying out a large assortment of tai food, Kane asked how everyone's day went.

Luna and Tannis were apparently checking the Eridium levels of the planet, finding out that it was actually much less than Pandora, which wasn't a surprise to Kane.

Pandora was literally the Great Vault itself, and it had to be made up of Eridium to feed the Destroyer. How it replenished itself so it would never run out was a mystery to Kane, but he didn't really care too much about that little bit of information.

Eden-6 had a monster, but the Graveward wasn't even close to the level of the Destroyer. Tannis actually came pretty close to guessing the reason why the Eridium levels were low, but Kane wouldn't tell her for now.

She was too smart for her own good, and he actually worried what she would do if she ran out of things to work on.

Maya spent the day hunting some creatures around the town of Reliance, apparently making a pretty penny from the people of the town.

You'd think by this point they would have a better way to deal with the Saurians and Jabbers, but all they had was putting up job adds on a bounty board.

It wasn't too bad for Kane though, as he figured he could look over it to find something to do to kill time every now and then.

Granted he didn't need the money, but maybe someone would offer a legendary gun or some item that was unique. Stranger things had happened.

Radar was still working on an off-world project, most likely she was adding more to the BF-R project. It was so close to being completed, yet it seemed like there was always more to add to it.

Still, when the project was finally done, Radar would have a body that would make Jack green with envy.

Angel spent most of the day with Wainwright, apparently she was trying to help him with something, though neither of the two would tell anyone what it was about, not even Monty.

Despite how curious he was, Kane decided not to pry into it, as Radar explained that he would find out in a day or two, which was all he needed to know. If it was dangerous in any way, Radar would have told him, and the fact she didn't spoke volumes to him.

It wasn't until Kane and his little group were back on the Arcadia for the night that Kane explained to them about building another base here on Eden-6, which got a round of approval from everyone involved.

If they were going to be coming to Eden-6 more than once in the future, it would pay to have a place of their own. Plus the planet could use the jump in technology.

Tannis was all for it, wanting a lab of her own here that she could experiment in. The Arcadia was off limits for her in that regard, as she was certain she couldn't get away with it from Kane no matter how good she was in bed.

There were some things belonging to a man you just don't mess with, and his spaceship was one of them.

With the idea thrown out there about building bases on other planets, Maya actually asked Kane if he would help her do one on Athenas.

She wanted it done in a way that no one would be able to track, that way the planet could mostly keep it's calm serene nature, while at the same time she wouldn't have to sift through books to relieve her boredom in the future.

Granted that wouldn't be for quite a few years if she could help it, but she still wanted to see if he could help her with it.

Having another base there would also hopefully have Kane cut back on the jokes about Athenas, though everyone else seriously doubted that.

With that said, everyone decided to call it early for the night, as they would most likely be opening a vault the next day.

At least that was supposed to be how it went, but plan took a detour when Kane felt a jolt that shot him out of bed, his weapons appearing in hand.

Looking towards the perpetrator, Kane frowned when he saw Radar standing in front of him with a frown on her face. "We have a problem. A Maliwan fleet just entered the solar system."