You haven't missed yet, so I'll take it as the eye working properly?" Angel asked Wainwright happily, already knowing the answer to the question.
"Working properly? I daresay you went above and beyond what I could have ever dreamed!" Wainwright answered, sounding like he was getting all choked up.
The project Angel had been working on was creating a new eye for Wainwright, a left eye specifically considering he was literally blind in that eye. His right eye wasn't blind, though it too wasn't all that good. Still, it wasn't far-gone enough that he would replace it.
Ever since she had learned of his eye, and why he used a scattergun over the typical Jakobs snipers they were famous for, Angel had been working on an eye that would put him on a new level.
In the game, upon the death of his father, Wainwright's low confidence dropped even further, and he was unconvinced that he could be capable of taking charge of the Jakobs corporation, due to his perceived lack of ambition and more importantly, his inability to use Jakobs firearms properly due to his poor eyesight.
With the new eye, Wainwright could see perfectly up to 2.5 miles away, and could even lock on certain targets if he wanted.
The eye also had night vision capabilities, and could zoom in to the point that he could see bacteria floating around in the atmosphere if he focused hard enough.
For the most part the eye tried to keep his vision the same as his real eye, just a bit more clear, otherwise it would be trippy as fuck.
To use the special functions, Wainwright simply had to focus his mind on the command and it would happen. He didn't know how the hell it worked, but he loved it.
One of Angel's hopes was that now Wainwright would be more open about taking over Jakobs, making her grandfather happier in the process. It was sort of a gift for both of them if one really thought about it.
Montgomery and Kane had been present when Angel told Wainwright about the eye, and both were there after the surgery to see how things turned out. To say Monty was happy for his son would have been an understatement, though Kane couldn't have cared less about it.
The eye had been the one they copied from Zane when they knocked him out on Promethea, only it had a few improvements made, while a few controls were taken out.
Angel didn't feel the need to give Wainwright a drone that the eye could control, and Wainwright didn't want one. He wasn't expecting anything, so getting an eye worth a little over half a billion dollars was already more than he could ever ask for.
As per Kane's request, Angel and Radar had put in functions to make it impossible for the eye to be controlled by someone else, even if they managed to plug into the eye.
It could receive commands from the brain, but no command could be given to Wainwright through the eye. Kane learned that lesson from Tales of the Borderlands.
He didn't want Wainwright to go through what Rhys did with Handsome Jack's A.I. version, even if he could have been the one controlling him, not that Angel would have ever let him.
She hadn't known them long, but she had grown attached to her uncle and grandfather, regardless of their backwoods ways, or 'quirks' as she called them.
"I think it works pretty good." Kane said, being completely honest on the matter. If his eyes didn't work then he'd get one similar, only he'd have it upgraded to the point that it made the Sharingan look like pussy eyes in comparison.
There were some people who had perfectly good working eyes and replaced them with robotic ones, like Zane for instance, though Kane would never do that.
He wasn't sure if it was his powers or what, but his eyes were at a level he could see almost as far as Wainwright's new eye, only it didn't come with the special perks like night vision and the like. Still, they were his, and he wasn't about to replace them.
Sure he might be able to get some better ones, but he wasn't about to turn himself into a slave like Wilhelm had done. He literally got to the point he was a mindless bot in the game, and that thought actually frightened Kane.
He would end things long before he let himself ever get to that point, but it was still a fear he held inside. Sure he might be entertainment for some bored deity, but his life was his own, and he would do everything in his power to keep it that way.
"How did you know about the eye, and how did you ever find the time to do this?! It's only been a few days since you opened the Vault!" Wainwright asked, wondering when Angel had started working on the eye.
It might look like a small piece of machinery, but it was far from it. Not even Montgomery would have been able to justify spending that kind of money on something like this, and it would have taken weeks, if not months.
"By the way, where did you get the parts for this?!" Wainwright asked another question once he realized that some of the eye's components should be quite rare, and definitely not on Eden-6.
"I had you scanned the day we met. Even without the scan it was plain to see that you were having difficulty seeing, especially when someone approached you from your left side. You would always turn until your right eye could see whatever it is you were looking at. As for building it, Kane has a large assortment of resources and materials he lets me play around with in my spare time. Didn't take all that long, really." Angel answered, not feeling like it was all that big of a deal, which was weird considering the fact that she knew exactly how big of a deal something like this actually was.
There were only a few thousand people in the entire galaxy with the capability to build such an eye, and to contract them into building this exact model of eye would have been costly.
Travelling around the galaxy with Kane was slowly warping her perception of what was fathomable and what wasn't.
The man was an anomaly that she couldn't quite understand, and quite frankly scared the shit out of her sometimes, but at the same time she had never felt so alive than when she was beside him. The sex helped a lot in that regard.
Montgomery and Wainwright wanted to ask about all the stuff Kane gave her access to, but with him standing only a few feet away from them, they felt it best to hold off for now.
Instead, the father and son duo shared a touching moment where Wainwright almost hugged the life out of Angel. At least he might have got the chance if he hadn't suddenly disappeared into thin air, only to reappear a hundred yards away in a muddy swamp.
"Really?!" Angel asked, her annoyed gaze staring intently at Kane over her shoulder.
"The whole planet is a swamp. I figured we better test this out now to see how it handles the terrain just in case something goes wrong with the eye." Kane answered calmly without missing a beat.
Angel knew it was a load of crap, but she wasn't going to start shit over something this insignificant.
"Thank ya, Darlin! This means a lot to us." Montgomery said happily, giving Angel a quick hug that lasted about a second before he pulled away, shooting a dirty look towards Kane.
He thought he had a good understanding of Kane's personality by now, and he wouldn't have put it past the asshole to do the same thing to him as he had done to Wainwright.
Speaking of Wainwright, he was trudging back over to the group completely coated in mud. Well, most of it was mud.
"You bastard!! That was uncalled for!!" Wainwright shouted angrily, a little peeved at having suddenly been dropped in the swap.
"Is the eye still working good?" Kane asked, completely ignoring Wainwright's previous outburst.
"Perfectly!" Wainwright answered a bit more cheerfully, only now he was looking back towards Angel, though he didn't move to hug her again.
Thankfully for him, Angel moved forward and wrapped her arms around him, regardless of the weird discomfort she felt about doing it, and it wasn't because he was coated in shit and mud.
It was a sweet moment that she shared with her uncle, but all good things must come to an end.
"Now that you've settled the whole thing with his eye, do you guys wanna see the Den?" Kane asked, referring to the new base he had Radar had been working on.
Normally a project on this scale should have taken months or years, but with a robot army that worked perfectly in sync due to being controlled by a super A.I, and a monster that could remove any obstacle, it went a lot faster than Kane had expected.
The Den had a good ring to it, and it described the place perfectly, especially so given the redneck planet they were on.
Kane had opted to just call all the bases they built on each planet 'Paradise', but that was vetoed rather quickly by the rest of the group.
It made sense to him considering each place would literally be a paradise compared to the rest of the planet they were built on, but noooooo, it was 'unoriginal!' At least that's what Luna said before she picked the Den.
Everyone else thought the name was pretty good, and so it stuck. Luna hadn't even seen the place yet and already got to pick the name. 'The little...' Kane thought, thinking back to the night before when he had brought up the name for the new place.
"You two finished it already?!" Angel asked in surprise, honestly not expecting them to make such good progress.
"Most of it. We only installed the necessities for now. You know, the bedrooms, kitchen, lab, pool, living room, dining room, gym, gun range, and launching bay. Well, technically the launching bay still has about 8 hours left before it's completed, but we can just skip that section on today's tour." Kane explained, getting comically widened eyes from both Montgomery and Wainwright.
"You have all that, and you're still not done?! What else could you possibly have left?!" Monty asked, feeling it should have been fine with the bedrooms and the kitchen.
"You do realize I have 5 women that want their own things in this place right? Do you think they'd be happy with just that?" Kane asked, sounding as though he thought Montgomery was an idiot.
"As for what's left, there's the spa, arcade, library, armory, garage, and my bar. Would have prioritized the bar, but I don't actually need it there unless I'm entertaining guests." Kane said, getting a thoughtful humming noise from Angel.
"I only wanted the spa and the lab. Luna wanted the arcade and the library. Tannis only asked for the lab to be done as soon as possible, and Maya wanted the gym. As for Radar, she asked for more satellites around the planet, so I don't know why you think we're the ones who need all the stuff." Angel said, giving Kane a smirk before she held out her hand and began ticking off fingers.
"You wanted the pool, living room, gun range, launching bay, garage, bar, and the armory. That's 7 for you alone, and 5 for all of us combined."
The bedrooms, kitchen, and dining room were left off the list as they would all like to have those in any place they were at, so it wasn't counted for either side.
"You all are gonna be using the pool more than me, you always do, and don't get me started on the launching bay. You'll all be glad it's there in the future. Maya uses the gun range back on Pandora more than I do, and I'll bet that'll be the same here. You could also use some practice in the range, unless you wanna go on a hunting trip out in the woods. The Armory is technically just for you girls considering I have all my valuables on me at all times. You're all gonna be using every room just as much as I am, so don't go saying they're just for me. It's not my fault you girls don't think ahead." Kane argued, getting up close next to her.
There was a moment where neither said anything before Angel burst out laughing, and Kane smirked. It wasn't funny, but the situation just seemed to call for it, especially after the comment Luna made about Kane and Radar appearing as though they were an old married couple the other night at dinner.
The others never argued with him like Radar did, so they figured they would give it a go, something Angel was currently trying to do. She never liked arguing in the first place, but she was getting more relaxed around Kane.
The comment about being an "old married couple" itself had brought up the topic of marriage, and it was honestly one Kane could have done without. He didn't want to get married, never saw the point in it.
He never felt like he had to do a ceremony to prove that he liked someone, and he didn't think he needed the blessing of some deity that he hadn't known existed before he had died. He also didn't need a little metal ring on his hand to show that he belonged to someone else. Might as well put a collar around his neck that says 'OWNED!'
Thankfully, most everyone in his little group thought the same way he did. Tannis and Maya didn't agree with monogamy, the practice or state of being married to one person at a time.
Apparently most people in the galaxy believed something similar, with a large group even going so far as to claim monogamy was a sin. (Tiny Tina in Borderlands 3)
Kane didn't fully get how wanting to devote yourself to one person could be considered a sin, but he wasn't really one to judge these kinds of things.
People could do whatever they wanted, so long as all parties were consenting and were above at least 18. To him no one else should have a say in other people's lives like that, but again, that was just him.
There was also the fact that he was the most hypocritical person in the galaxy, so he could change his tune on a dime if the situation called for it.
The only person in his little group that actually thought about marriage was Angel, though she honestly didn't care for the whole monogamy thing like the rest of them.
She had just been alone for so long, she had fantasized what it would be like to be with someone when she was kept prisoner, and a big fancy wedding was something that had crossed her mind on more than a few hundred occasions.
Mostly it was the ceremony that she thought about, so if she ever did get married, she would hope things could stay as they were.
Anyway, back on track. After the little moment between Kane and Angel passed, everyone gathered up in a small aircraft before setting off back to the Jakobs Estate.
Tannis should still be there going over some Eridian text, and Maya and Luna should be back from riding Saurians, or at the very least be on their way back.
Walking quickly into the big building that was Montgomery's home, Kane cupped his hands to his mouth before shouting, "TANNIS!! THE LAB IS DONE!!"
Like a summoning spell had been activated, Tannis came barreling down the stairs with an armful of papers and a duffle bag on her back, most likely full of ECHO devices and other random items.
"Are Luna and Maya here as well?" Kane asked quickly before the scientist could run past him.
"Who?! Oh right!! The little one went to the kitchen to get some ice, while the other one is upstairs in bed. She got shot off a saurian by a jabber. The bullet went clean through, but she did hit her head pretty hard when she fell. I'd recommend taking a few days before you start hitting her head against your bed frame." Tannis answered plainly, then continued on out the door as if what she just said wasn't important.
In less than 5 seconds, Kane was standing over the barely conscious form of Maya, who looked as though she had seen better days. There was a massive bump on the side of her head, and she looked a little groggy, though that could have been due to the drugs.
Tannis must have given her a bit, given how she had a loopy smile on her face as she stared off into the nothingness.
"How the fuck did you get shot?" Kane asked calmly, regardless of how much he wanted to shout at her and call her an idiot.
Looking over towards him, Maya frowned at him for a second before her loopy grin came back over her face, then spoke, "Kane!! How you doin?!"
She gave him a wink and an air-kiss, then tried to bring her arms up towards him, but she missed and grabbed air.
"*Sigh!* I guess I'm not getting any answers for a bit..." Kane said, mostly to himself. He didn't think Maya would be capable of telling him anything for a while.
Just as Kane was about to pick-up Maya and bring her down to the ship, Luna walked in the room with a big bag of ice in her hands. It was only at that moment that Kane remembered the little girl had gone with Maya to go ride Saurians.
Realizing he could get answers from her, he asked, "What the fuck happened out there? And how the fuck did she get shot?! She has a Pearlescent shield!"
If Luna was worried, she sure didn't show it. Instead she actually looked confused herself.
"I'm not too sure. One minute we were riding this big giant Saurian, then the next minute I heard a gunshot before Maya fell off. Her shield was completely full, and there was only one shot. It was like the bullet completely ignored the shield." Luna answered, still looking confused.
Obviously she had been thinking about what happened out there herself and hadn't come up with a satisfying answer. Hearing what happened, Kane frowned.
In the game there were skills that let you bypass shields, and there were even some guns that could ignore shields, but those were extremely fucking rare, and he had yet to find one since he came here. Still, it was one explanation for this. The gun thing, not the skills.
"Head on down to the Arcadia. I'll bring Maya. We're heading to the Den." Kane said, perking the little girl up.
For the last few days she had been hearing about what Kane and Radar had been planning, but she had yet to see it. In fact she hadn't expected to see it for quite awhile yet. Kane and Radar had made better time than she thought.
"Did you finish the arcade?!" She asked excitedly with a big hopeful smile, only for it to disappear when Kane shook his head.
"Don't worry. You still have the games in your room, and we can hook-up a dance pad to the tv in the living room. It'll take a bit, but we'll try and get the arcade built soon." Kane assured her, getting a half smile in return.
She knew Kane didn't have to do anything like that for her, and yet he still went out of his way for her. He said it was something about her being a kid for as long as she could, because as soon as she was old enough she would have to contribute quite a bit more.
She already washed dishes and did the laundry, but that was just stuff she already promised to do. Killing people with Kane was more of a survival experience, as well as bonding time for the two of them, so she didn't really count that as a chore. Plus it was kind of fun.
"Thanks, Kane." She said happily, then gave him a quick hug before running down the stairs and out of the mansion, not giving him time to say or do anything.
She wasn't really in the mood to listen to Kane complain about her getting 'too affectionate', even though she knew he just said that for shits and giggles.
She could tell when she hugged him now, how his body wouldn't tense up like it had done before, and he didn't cringe at her anymore, so there was also that. It was proof that she was worming her way into his little black rock that he called a heart.
As Kane reached down to pick up the dazed Maya, he thought about how much he had changed since he had come to this world, and how everyone he knew was influencing him in some way.
Before he came to this world he didn't have friends for one thing, at least not ones he'd ever risk his life over. He had learned the hard way, and one too many times at that.
Being stabbed in the back by some random fuck was one thing, but getting stabbed by someone you thought you could trust was something else. He was just glad that dumb fuck Gary couldn't hit the broadside of a barn from 10 feet away.
It was those experiences that made him confused as to how trusting he was in this world. Not only did he have two best friends (Radar and Brick), but he also had women he kept around him.
He slept around in his past life, sure, but they were usually a one and done kind of thing, maybe a second or third round depending on if he was going to stick around the area for a bit, but it never went more than that.
He took his time as he walked down the stairs, wondering how he let himself get this way. Before coming here, he would never have been so open about killing people, and he was a lot better with his outfits.
He planned his jobs quite thoroughly, but he threw most planning out the window the day he appeared in Fyrestone.
Looking at the blue-haired woman in his arms, Kane thought about his old life compared to now. He was certainly living better, and was quite a bit happier too.
On that line of thought, it didn't matter to him if he wasn't some perfect assassin anymore, and that he didn't plan every bit of his life out to every second. That had gotten him killed, and he finally found people he could come to trust.
(A.N. This was actually something I wanted to say since like chapter 5, just never got around to it, so just roll with it. Kane isn't going to change, he already changed from who he was. He will still be the same guy you've come to love.)
With everyone finally ready to go, they travelled to the Den in the Voracious Canopy. Like Paradise, the side of the mountain seemingly opened up upon their arrival, and a large platform extended outwards from the mountain.
Once the ship landed, the platform pulled the Arcadia inside, placing it perfectly next to the launching bay in one of the designated landing zones.
There were only 3 zones, which pretty much meant there could only be 3 aircrafts/ spacecrafts inside at any point. As they disembarked the Arcadia, everyone looked on in awe at what would be the launching bay.
There were dozens of bots moving about doing something, and with how it looked, it was obvious it was incomplete at the moment, just as Kane had told them. Still, it was bigger than the one they had in Paradise, with a few added features.
Not bothering to explain anything about the Launching bay just yet, Kane led everyone down the halls for a few minutes until they eventually made it to the living quarters.
The room layout was almost identical to the one in Paradise, mostly because Kane couldn't really think of anything else to add to them, other than the fact that he made his bed twice the size that it was before.
Rather than a King-sized bed, he had an Emperor-sized one. There may have also been a sex swing in his room somewhere, which was why he didn't bother bringing the group in there. He didn't want to traumatize Luna more than he already had.
It would have been funny to show it to Monty. Let him see what kind of crap his granddaughter was into, but even Kane figured he should probably limit that kind of stuff. Angel really did get annoyed when he did it even though she played it off most of the time.
"Dibs on this room!!" Luna shouted, picking one of the furthest rooms from Kane's, which was the opposite of Paradise.
"Why? All your stuff is already in this one." Kane said, pointing to the room next to his.
"Whatever freaky shit you guys were up to the week before we left Pandora, you short-circuited the power from my room!! My wall arced with electricity for hours!!" Luna snapped, making Kane frown at the memory.
Yeah he remembered the day she was referring to, but it wasn't his fault. Either Maya or Angel, he couldn't remember which, had him chained to the wall and was doing something with some jumper cables, while the other one was doing something incredible with their mouth, pausing only when the cables made contact with his skin.
Maybe it was all the electricity going through his body at the time, and that's why he couldn't remember which woman was electrocuting him.
Thinking about that, he glanced at Angel, whose face could have put a tomato to shame for how red it was. She clearly remembered the night as well, and he was tempted to ask which role she had played that night, but figured now wasn't the time.
Plus with Maya currently out of it, she could say whatever she wanted and not have anyone refute her words.
"Fair point. You can move your stuff over later." Kane said, taking it all in stride.
After placing Maya in a random bed, everyone moved on to the kitchen, which was fairly big. It shared the space with the dining-room, and right next to it was the living-room.
The dining-room could seat a little over 50 people comfortably, then you'd have to squish if you wanted more. That was okay though, Kane liked around 10 people in the whole universe, and he didn't see that number increasing all that much in future.
The living-room was in the adjoining room, but it was a strictly NO SHOES room, mostly because of the rugs.
Kane would have done carpet, but he didn't want to have to pull everything out when he needed to replace it, and replace it he would, if past experience was anything to go by. Blood was not that easy to remove from the carpet.
One wall of the living room was basically a TV, while the other walls were lined with couches and chairs. There were coffee tables on the sides or in front of said pieces of furniture, but they all stuck to the same color scheme.
It was a windowless room, and that was how Kane preferred it. The glare from outside on the TV was annoying as hell on a good day, and it was just something he could do entirely without.
Next up they went to the floor below where the gym was located. This one was actually a mirror image of the one from Paradise.
It wasn't even because Kane was getting lazy either, it was simply because it had everything you could imagine, and the layout was perfect. Radar and Tannis had designed it perfectly, and Kane couldn't think of any reason to to use the same set-up here.
The pools were in the room adjoining the gym, and this time they were quite a bit different from Paradise, not that Monty or Wainwright would know that.
All they were really shown was the separate change rooms for boys and girls, and were told that showering beforehand was a rule, otherwise you'd get electrocuted before thrown out.
It was something neither of them were willing to put to the test, choosing rather to take Kane's word for it.
Again they moved onto the next floor down, this one being solely dedicated to the gun range. Funny enough, this one was more wilderness themed, and the targets were a mixture of people, Saurians, and Jabbers.
The holographic targets moved about just as the real things would, and the humans would even take cover and run when there was a gunshot.
You could change the surroundings to be a town or something, but for the most part it tried to look as real as possible to most of the planet.
"Incredible!! This place is amazing!" Wainwright said, though Kane already knew that, and he wasn't even being cocky either.
"Yes yes!! We're all impressed with the murder chamber! Where's the laboratory?!" Tannis asked impatiently, wanting to get to the room that interested her the most.
Aside from the kitchen and her bedroom, the other rooms were hardly something she'd need. Granted she did enjoy the other rooms, save for the gym, so she wasn't going to complain too much about it.
"*Sigh!* Next floor down at the end of the hall." Kane answered, knowing she had probably bitten her tongue to not ask that since they got here.
Like he expected, Tannis didn't bother waiting for anyone else as she made her way down to the lab. Not really bothering with the tour of the lab for now, Kane led everyone to the very bottom floor where the storage room and the garage would be.
The garage would have a doorway that opened up at the base of the mountain, but you would first need to drive down a long tunnel to get to the entrance. Still, this wasn't what he wanted to show them.
Moving down a hallway and through a few doors, most everyone gaped as they stared at a beautiful indoor lake.
There were some shrubberies, a few small trees, and lots of grass. A waterfall fed water into the lake, but it wasn't clear where the water escaped too. The lake itself was unnaturally clear, which was odd for Eden-6, it being known for its swamps and murky water.
"Did you build this place?" Angel asked curiously, having taken notice of a few things that shouldn't have been here.
"Sort of. Lots of what you see was already here, I just cleaned out the lake and sealed it with rock. Got rid of all the crap lingering around the room, and scrubbed it from top to bottom." Kane answered, at which point the sound of Radar clearing her throat could be heard.
"Okay, fine! Radar did that, and I helped!!" He corrected, giving credit where credit was due.
With that they officially ended the tour. At least the tour for everything that was done. It would still be a few days to get everything else finished.
They all made their way back up to the dining room where Kane laid out some snacks. It was shortly after that that Maya stumbled in from her bedroom where Kane had left her, looking as though she wanted more drugs.
"How are you feeling?" Angel asked, showing a bit of empathy for her bestfriend/ fuckbuddy.
"Ugh! Pissed off! That fucking oversized monkey shot me, and now I'm gonna go rip it's balls off!!" She answered hatefully, sounding as though she woke up on the wrong side of Satan's bed.
"Wait! You saw it?!" Kane asked, wondering when the hell that happened.
"Yeah, about the moment I was falling through the air. I saw this big ass Jabber jump from tree to tree with a sniper on its back. It really stood out because it was about 5 times bigger than the regular jabbers." Maya answered, wincing as she held her head.
"Well, we'll get you looked over and see if we can do anything to speed up your recovery. Once you're back to normal, we'll go hunt the big fucker!" Kane stated, getting a thumbs up in return.
Yes, he wanted to kill it because Maya wanted to kill it, but he also really wanted to check out the gun it used.
She gets her vengeance and he gets a new toy, win-win!