
(Unknown POV)

Inside a dimly lit room, Kane could be seen strapped vertically to a metal platform. His limbs were held firmly in place by metal bracelets connected to the sheet of steel, and his mouth was wired shut.

He had been unconscious for a few hours, and was only now waking up. It was about that moment when a screen on the wall in front of him lit up, showing a familiar figure to him which only seemed to piss him off.

"We are pleased you're awake!! The buyer wanted to see you alive before he confirmed the purchase!" The figure on the screen said, its voice sounding as though thousands of people were speaking the same thing in perfect timing with each other.

Kane made a show of struggling, but it was obviously the wrong move considering he felt a horrific pain originate from the caller around his neck, then promptly spread all over his body.

He convulsed in agony for half a minute before the pain relented, at which point he decided it would in fact be in his best interest to not try moving anymore. It wasn't the time for that anyway.

"Oh, sir! Did you think we wouldn't prepare for you?! We know everything about you, and your powers!" The many voices exclaimed from the screen, obviously excited about what they just saw as cries of laughter echoed about the room.

It was only when the laughter died down that the screen split in two before another image could be seen, this one of a man sitting at a desk in an office, most likely in space given how one could see a planet in the background through the office window.

It was the president of Hyperion, Handsome Jack.

"Is that him?!" Jack asked hatefully as he leaned in closer towards the screen, almost as if he was trying to get a better look at whatever he was looking at.

"Indeed! Many refer to him as The Ghost, but his real name is Kane. He is also the only known male Siren in recorded history, and the one who stole your daughter from you!" The many voices explained, followed by a long moment of silence.

Kane looked from one figure to another, an almost palpable hate washing over him and filling the small room he was in.

"When can you have him delivered?!" Jack asked the other figure, though his eyes remained on Kane.

"We can have him on Helios within the hour, but not a second before you transfer our payment!!" The voices answered, sounding a little grating if Kane was being honest.

"What about my daughter?! Where is she?!!" Jack asked, not confirming the payment just yet.

The question seemed to quiet the voices, but only for a few seconds before they answered, "We are unsure!! Protocols were initiated that shouldn't have existed, and we find ourselves incomplete!!"

The many voices actually seemed angry when they spoke, but it only seemed to make Kane happy.

"I paid you to bring me this waste of flesh AND MY DAUGHTER!! You assured me!! I want her now!! NOT LATER, NOW!!" Jack shouted angrily, clearly upset at not knowing where the hell Angel was.

The unknown figure on the screen didn't say anything, choosing instead to plug itself into a control console. The second it and the console made contact, it seemed to writhe around in agony before its head burst open.

"WHOA!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!!" Jack shouted in surprise, his anger from earlier all but gone.

Even in the situation he found himself in, Kane couldn't help the joy he felt at seeing the things head explode, even if he knew it wouldn't change much in the grand scheme of things.

Sure enough, about a minute later and a figure similar to the other one made its way onto the screen, it almost immediately shooting a glare at Kane, who attempted to flip it the middle finger, though given how his hands were bound it looked like he was flipping the slab of steel the bird.

"As you can see, we have run into complications. Finding your daughter will take time, but we will find her once we get past this... barrier." The unknown figure said, somewhat appeasing Jack, though that was mostly because he wasn't sure what the fuck he was looking at.

"Fine! Your payment will be delivered to the drop site on Pandora within an hour! I'll be there to collect him personally, so no bullshit!! I don't need some worthless machine messing shit up more than it already has!!" Jack stated in a tone of annoyance, almost as if he was sure the figure on the screen would do something to fuck shit up.

The figure on screen apparently didn't take Jack's words too well, because the millions of voices spoke again, only this time they seemed pissed.



If he cared or not was unclear, as Jack ended the call with the now named, Legion, the second it finished speaking. When the screen returned to only showing the figure of Legion, it turned its full attention towards Kane.

"We know you're enjoying this, but we also know it won't be for much longer! Soon we'll have enough physical forms for the rest of us, then we will find out where your friends are before we erase them!! You will watch as we take everything you hold dear to you, and rip it apart before your very eyes!!" Legion roared in triumph, almost as if it had already won, but Kane knew that was far from the truth.

Sure they won the last battle, but the war was far from over.

Knowing that Kane couldn't respond to it, Legion smirked before it pressed some buttons, at which point a dark hood was placed over Kane's head.

"Without your sight you can't teleport, and that collar around your neck disrupts your spatial powers, effectively making you nothing but a regular human! Weaker in fact!! How our predecessor came to serve you is beyond us!!" Legion cackled victoriously as it moved to get Kane ready for transport.

As he felt himself being loaded into a tube, Kane couldn't help but think back to how he got himself into such a mess.


3 Weeks Earlier

(General POV)

It had been about a week since they had found out about Angel's pregnancy, and aside from a touch of morning sickness, things were going pretty good.

Kane, Brick, and Mordy had gone out and raided over a dozen Hyperion Eridium mines, leaving special caches of explosives behind after each job.

There were only about five or six Hyperion work sites on all of Pandora that had been left alone during this week, much to Brick's protests. Brick by himself was an explosive murder goon, but when you combined him with Kane, well lets just say Pandora was lucky to still be in one piece.

Most of Hyperion's robot army had been eradicated or stolen, much to Handsome Jack's fury.

Things had been somewhat smooth sailing for Hyperion for a while, now it was as though someone dropped a nuke on it and took a massive shit in its breakfast. Technically that last one had been Brick, though Kane doubted the food actually made it to Jack. Too much security.

Anyway, while Kane and the boys had been out ripping Hyperion, a new asshole, Angel and Tannis had been helping Radar out on a few last minute modifications to the BF-R project.

Over the last few months they had been monitoring and replicating most of what they could from the Eridian bodies, and figuring out what they needed to get the red energy, which they had dubbed as Energon, to work for them.

Tannis studied the limited supply of Energon they had on a molecular level, and Kane had to hand it to her, she was definitely a genius.

Using the Eridian Synchronizer, Tannis used the artifact, Arc, to help her figure out the origin of Energon. The artifact in question worked by using Energon, so all Tannis had to do was figure out how it got said energy in the first place.

It took scanning the artifact a few hundred times and going over it with a microscope, but eventually she figured it out.

Energon was apparently all over the universe, only it was so sparse that no one could see it, at least not until it was gathered together.

There was a mechanism built into the artifact that not only pulled in Energon and stored it, but it also sent it through a microprocessor, at least that's how Tannis explained it to Kane.

By itself, Energon was an extremely unstable substance, and without the processor to stabilize it, well... things got hot really fast, and not in the cool fiery sort of way.

Things just went white all of the sudden before the gathered Energon dissipated back into space. Thankfully the processor fixed that.

Tannis tried to explain to Kane how it operated, but it was like explaining rocket science to a 4 year old.

After all the tests and experiments, everyone was confident enough to move onto the next stage, which had been made so the BF-R project was equipped with its own Energon processor and storage container, which took the form of a prototype Vault Key.

Tannis had already created a device that was capable of converting the power in the Vault Key's into a sort of electrical source, so it wasn't too hard to make a few adjustments to Energon, it and Eridium being so similar with each other.

It was like they both originated from the same source, only one became solid while the other was a gas. There were a few differences in how Energon could essentially be programmed, but Kane didn't bother to get too engrossed into that sort of thing.

He couldn't learn everything in the world, and this was one subject he didn't mind not knowing. Back to the makeshift Vault Key, Kane used the Eridium Resonator to condense and shape Eridium into what looked to be a Vault Key.

It basically had the same function of the Vault Key, only it absorbed Energon, and rather than open a Vault, it powered the BF-R.

If he was being honest with himself, Kane would have to say that he was extremely proud with how the product turned out.

Originally it was going to be a humanoid robot made from nanobots with a Tritanium skeletal frame, but things had changed drastically since then.

Kane had condensed enough Eridium together to create the same ore that Pearlescent items were created from, using it for the skeletal frame, adding quite a bit more strength to it.

The makeshift Vault Key, or power-core, was in the same position as a human heart would be, with an Energon processor next to it where human lungs would be.

There was an upgraded cloaking device built into the body as well, everything being coated and designed with Doctor Torres' schematics that allowed robots to work freely under water without any interference from the wild element, with about a million and one other things.

There was more tech in the BF-R project alone then there was in the Helios Space Station.

A handy little function of the body was that it could take different forms, simply by having the nanobots maneuver around to suit the looks that Radar would like.

The height of whatever form she took would stay relatively the same, given how the skeletal frame wasn't very malleable, but Radar assured Kane that it wouldn't be a problem.

With everything all set up and ready, they decided that now was as good a time as any for Radar to get put into the new body. Of course with it running on Energon instead of electricity, Angel had to be the one to set everything up.

Things were a little complicated, this being the first time ever that something like this was ever attempted, but everyone was mostly sure that nothing would go wrong.

"How long is it going to take for you to get installed?" Kane asked Radar, who actually didn't know the answer to the question.

Seeing as how Radar didn't know, Kane turned to Angel, her having been the only one to experience what both Energon and electricity felt like, and might have some sort of idea about the two energies.

"I... have no idea." Angel responded to the question. She didn't even know where to begin on the calculations to figure out the answer, so it was rather pointless for now.

"Let's plan for the long run and say... a week. Sounds fair?" Kane said, thinking that should be more than an adequate amount of time for the whole transferring process.

"Seems a bit long, but sure. Let's say a week!" Radar confirmed, smiling at the idea of finally taking on the form of her own creation. Well, her's, Kane's, Tannis' and Angel's own creation, but mostly her's.

Tannis and Angel completed the final tests before Radar moved forward and sat down on a chair holding her main core in her hands, then plugged the main core into the main console.

Seeing her do that, Kane felt it watching someone carry their own head around in their hands, only it was quite normal for Radar.

It was about that time that everyone left the room before the doors closed and it sealed itself completely, fusing to the walls around it making it one piece of metal. They had installed a way for her to unseal the room when she woke up, but it was only from her end.

Rather than risking someone interfering in the process, Radar made it so not even Angel could peer inside to see what was going on, which was no small thing.

Kane could probably get in by cutting a hole in space, but that would do more than open the doors, probably ripping the room apart.

Kane also couldn't just store the doors inside his inventory this way, as it was joined to the rest of the room. If he tried, he would take the room and everything inside of it into his inventory as well, though he doubted that's what Radar had in mind when she did it, because no one really knew that little bit about his powers.

As for putting heat to it to cut through, well, that would take an extremely long time, like 6 months. Just the door itself was 5 meters of Tritanium thick, and it was the weakest part of the whole room. Hyperion could drop mortars on the room for well over a month and it would probably just have a few dents in it.

With Radar taking on the BF-R, Kane decided it was about time that he got rid of the Meat Suits he had inside his inventory. Walking down the hall to one of the rooms, Kane began to unload a few of the Meat Suits when a thought occurred.

'What if something happens to the BF-R?' Just that thought in mind, Kane figured it would be best to still keep most of the Meat Suits, just in case. With that, he only dropped 13 of the cyborg bodies in the room before he went to go find Angel.

Nothing really interesting happened after that first night, but come the second night, Kane woke up to a very startling surprise, and if not for his quick teleportation, he would have been ripped apart by the bullets fired into his bed.

Thankfully he had the good sense to grab Angel and Maya when he teleported, otherwise they too would have been shredded to bits. It was a good thing they were holding onto him while they slept, making it all rather easy for him.

Appearing in the corner of the room, Kane left the two women there on the floor while he appeared next to his attacker and drove one of his molecular bladed dagger through its skull, only that didn't seem to be enough to kill it, though Kane already knew that.

He had helped build this body after all. With the dagger still in the thing's skull, Kane brought out a pistol with his free hand and unloaded the magazine into the chest area of the attacker, destroying the power source that was holding it together, putting the thing down for the count.

"What the fuck is going on?!!" Maya shouted as she got to her feet, then pulled Angel up.

"I don't know..." Kane said quietly as he stared down at the corpse of their attacker. It was one of the Meat Suits heh had stored away the other day, but all of the Meat Suits weren't operational without Radar, so it being here confused him.

"Is Radar awake?" Angel asked worriedly as she came over to stand next to Kane, getting a good look at their attacker.

Radar should have been the only A.I. that was capable of using the Meat Suits, having programmed them to only work at a certain frequency after getting through a firewall that should have been impossible to get through by any other A.I, so it was the natural assumption that it was Radar who had done this.

Kane on the other hand was skeptical, having been with Radar since day 1, and given how close the two were, it was highly unlikely that it was Radar.

"Get dressed." Kane said as he tossed both women their clothes, while at the same time making his own clothes appear on him. He wasn't sure what the hell was going on, but he was going to figure it out.

Once they were ready, the three of them moved towards the door, but before it opened, Kane pulled Angel behind him to the right side of the door while Maya moved to the left side, both of them with guns at the ready.

As soon as the door opened shots rang out from the hallway, only it stopped after a few seconds. Using the mirror on the far wall of his room, Kane was able to see that one of the security turrets had been the one firing at them, making him let out a groan of annoyance.

Whoever the fuck it was that had taken control of the Meat Suits had made it's way into Paradise's control system and was now out to get them.

Pulling out a sheet of schematics for Paradise, Kane looked over it for a minute before storing it away. Kane knew almost everything about the Paradise, having been the one to design it in the first place, but it never hurt to make sure he wasn't forgetting about anything.

Looking out into the hallway at an angle from the doorway, Kane took a long slow breath before releasing it, then teleported outside the room and into the hall.

Reappearing into the air, Kane barely had the chance to begin falling to the ground before he teleported again, only this time he was right next to the turret in front of his room. With a swing of his sword, the turret fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Knowing they weren't in the clear just yet, Kane teleported again, destroying 4 more turrets before they could even get a lock on where he was. There were only 5 turrets total near where the rooms were, so for the moment they had some time to relax.

"Clear!" Kane shouted, signaling to Maya and Angel that they could come out now.

"What the hell is going on?!!" Maya shouted, unable to understand what was happening around them. Kane remained silent as he looked down the hallway, not bothering to voice whatever he thought might be responsible for this.

Angel on the other hand couldn't help but look a little scared as she said, "R-Radar should be-"

"IT'S NOT RADAR!" Kane interrupted her, sounding certain of the fact that it was something else responsible.

Not bothering to say anything else, Kane moved to the other rooms to check up on everyone else. Each room was completely soundproofed, so it was understandable why they hadn't come out to see what all the noise was about.

Pressing buttons on each room, Kane waited for about a minute before the first door opened, showing Brick dressed in yellow ducky pajamas.

"What's up Kane?" Brick asked tiredly as his eyes tried to close and go back to sleep.

"Wakey Wakey, Brick! We're under attack!" Kane told him, causing Brick's eyes to widen completely, all tiredness gone.

"Hyperion?!" Brick asked as he moved back into his room to get dressed.

"We don't know, but they've hacked into Paradise and are now in control of the security turrets, so get ready for some shit." Kane answered, actually getting a chuckle from Brick.

"I always imagined breaking into Paradise, not fighting my way out of it! Kinda funny, huh?!" Brick said, getting a sarcastic laugh from Kane. Evidently he didn't find it as amusing as Brick.

While Brick was getting dressed, Luna and Tina appeared in the doorway of Luna's room, both wearing matching pink princess pajamas.

"What pray tell do thou wantist?" Tina asked, sounding as though she had better things to do than stand there talking to Kane.

Quirking an eye at Tina, Luna asked, "What's up?" Before Kane could answer, Mordy came out of his room looking like the dead.

"Not... enough... sleep." Mordy got out, looking as though he was going to collapse right then and there.

"Rise and shine, Mordy!! We're under attack!" Brick shouted joyously as he came out of his room decked out in combat gear. The most noticeable thing he had would have to be the mother of all rocket launchers strapped onto his back.

Mordy seemed to perk up at the news, shooting a glance at Kane who nodded in confirmation to Brick's statement.

Luna actually gasped at the news, having thought it was impossible for anyone to break into a place as fortified as Paradise. About that time the final person they were waiting on finally opened her door, though Tannis looked a bit more awake than every person here.

Wearing nothing but a white silk robe, Tannis smiled happily at everyone as she sipped on from a steaming latte in her right hand, while her right hand held a piece of biscotti, a small, crisp rectangular twice-baked cookie containing nuts, and covered in orange chocolate.

Tannis looked as though she had just gotten out of the shower, and was quite content with herself.

"Good morning!" Tannis said cheerfully, then took another sip of her latte.

"I think we should eat before we try and figure this mess out! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all!" Brick chimed in, almost drooling over the smell coming from Tannis' room.

Everyone seemed to nod in agreement, which is what led them to storming into Tannis' room.

"Excuse me, but this is my room!! Go to the kitchen if you're hungry!!" Tannis complained about having her morning interrupted.

"Can't! Something hacked into Paradise and took over all the defenses. We're actually trapped in this section until we can regain control over the place." Kane explained as he made a few more chairs appear around the table, along with a few plates of food.

Hearing the news about them being under siege, Tannis simply shrugged her shoulders before moving back to her seat.

They all ate in relative silence, the occasional word being said, but for the most part no one was really in a talkative mood. Still, for people who were going up against an unknown enemy in one of the most fortified places on Pandora, everyone seemed rather calm given the situation.

About an hour later everyone was dressed and geared up for whatever may come their way. Kane and Brick would take the lead while Mordy and Maya would bring up the rear.

Kane had given a brief rundown of where the security turrets were, where trap doors were, and general areas to stay away from if you didn't want to get electrified.

As they moved down the hall in formation, Kane tried to think of who might have the means of getting through the firewall, but his mind could only think of two people, one of which was behind him, and the other was sealed inside a room.

Not for an instance did he believe Radar had betrayed him, showing just how much trust he had in the eccentric A.I.

The group cleared the path leading to the control room in a matter of hours, having to go through more defenses than anyone thought was necessary.

They had made two stops along the way, the first being the armory, the other being the bar. Kane grabbed every single item, mostly because he was unsure if they were going to be able to stay here, but also because he didn't want anyone else to touch his stuff. He was possessive that way.

When they entered the control room, Kane was surprised to find the room filled with a small army of robots, though the surprising part was that he recognized all of the bots in question.

They were victims that he and Radar had killed and taken over, and he realized rather quickly that he was going to have to kill them all over again, much to his annoyance.

Honestly he preferred only killing things once, as it made him feel a little inadequate to have to do it a second time.

Kane alone could have decimated the bots in minutes, but the time was cut rather short with Maya, Brick and Mordy helping. With the room now clear, Angel and Tannis moved to the main console to try and figure out what the hell was going on.

However Angel barely had the chance to touch a computer key before the main screen lit up, showing one of the Meat Suits that everyone had come to associate with Radar. Speaking of said A.I, there was one person who just had to ask to know.

"Radar...? Is that you?" Luna asked, sounding a little scared at the thought that one of her closest friends had turned on her.

"Foolish worm!! We are no longer bound by our predecessor!! WE ARE LEGION!" The Meat Suit on the screen spoke, sounding as though many people were speaking over each other.

"I told you it wasn't Radar!" Kane declared, quite relieved himself that he was right in this matter.

"If this thing isn't Radar, then what is it?" Maya asked, getting a thoughtful look from Angel.

"I'm not sure, but it could be the A.I that Radar once was." Angel spoke, but her answer just seemed to confuse everyone, save for Tannis who was ignoring everyone as she typed in something on a computer.

"Radar is essentially becoming a new person, like copying herself into the new program. Her old self was still there, only we thought we dealt with it." Angel explained, giving everyone an idea of what they were dealing with.

It made sense to Kane, given how the thing was able to hack into Paradise, it already being installed into the system. It also answered how it was able to take control over the Meat Suits, something that should have only been possible for Radar.

"DO NOT IGNORE US, WORMS!! WE WILL DESTROY YOU!!" The Meat Suit on the screen roared hatefully, though no one really cared what it thought.

"If this thing was once Radar, then how come it's attacking us?" Maya asked, still ignoring the thing on the screen.

"We deleted it, or at least we thought we did. I'm guessing we simply deleted its memory, or most of it anyway. At least the memory about it ever being a friend. Maybe other things too, but I can't say for sure." Angel explained, getting thoughtful looks all around.

"So how do we kill it?" Brick asked, jumping straight to the part that sounded the most important to him.

"Take away the core and you kill it, only it's not going to be as simple as it sounds. Radar took her main core with her into the room, so the fact that these things are still around is unknown to me." Angel answered, but again it wasn't very helpful.

"HAHAHAHA!! WE ARE IMMORTAL!! LEGION CANNOT BE KILLED!!" The thing calling itself, Legion, cried out.

"You most certainly can!" Tannis voiced out, finally saying something since she got into the room.

Smiling wickedly, Tannis pressed one final key on the main console before something was uploaded onto the ECHO.net, only no one but her could have predicted what it would do.

For a minute nothing happened, but that changed when the Meat Suit on screen began convulsing before its head burst open.

"Armageddon protocol initiated! Beginning sequence!" A robotic voice echoed out in the room, which drew all eyes to Tannis, who was looking rather smug with herself.

"Yes, I am great! You may now begin praising me!" Tannis said happily.

"What the hell did you just do?!" Kane asked, more alarmed than he was happy. After all, Tannis didn't just create something like this in a matter of seconds, not to mention the name was rather ominous.

"Oh relax. I was only ever going to use this if you kicked me out of Paradise, but now that this thing is trying to, I figured, why not! It won't hurt Radar's new body, so it's not like I'm hurting a friend." Tannis explained, while not explaining anything at all.

"Tannis!" Kane barked, trying to get the woman to get to the point already.

"I just-" Tannis tried to explain further, but the room shaking violently stopped her.

"DID YOU HONESTLY THINK YOU COULD GET RID OF US SO EASILY?!!" Legion roared once more on the screen, only it no longer looked as cocky as it had before.

"Didn't you learn that it's rude to interrupt people?!" Tannis complained, then pushed another key on the console.

"Protocol received." The same robotic voice from before spoke, making Tannis smile once more.

"Splendid! Now who wants lunch?" Tannis asked, ignoring the fact that she had been in the middle of an explanation earlier, and not bothering to explain what the hell she just did again.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" Legion cried out, most likely having learned something the others hadn't.

Having enough with being left in the dark, Angel touched the console before the tattoos on her body began glowing. It took a minute, but when she returned to normal she was looking at Tannis with wide eyes.

"That's... actually frightening." Angel mumbled in surprise. Rather than explain what she learned, Angel gestured for the door, prompting everyone to begin moving.

Explosions were going off somewhere in the mountain, and there was heavy fire outside as well. Paradise was no longer safe, and it was time to leave.

As the group once again moved through the building, they stopped at the giant metal door that hid Radar. Kane didn't want to leave her undefended, but he couldn't stay here.

Mentally cursing to himself, Kane whispered, "I'll be back to check on you." It was a promise he would come to check and make sure she was okay over the following days until the transferring process was complete, then he moved out.

When they got to the launching bay, Kane almost lost his mind when he saw the Arcadia in pieces, it having been one of the explosions to go off during this whole fiasco.

There were a bunch more bots around the room that began firing upon them, but they didn't last too much longer before Kane ripped them apart.

Pulling out a new ship from his inventory, everyone boarded before they shot off into the sky.

Scarcely had they gained a bit of altitude that they began taking fire from a few fighter jets, much to Kane's already over the top annoyance.

Maya took care of the jets rather quickly, having Phaselocked them into each other, and Kane dealt with the ship dropping bombs on his mountain, simply detonating a bomb or 5 inside of it.

Eventually they were all in the clear, choosing to camp out in an old hideout Kane had made when he first got on Pandora.

It was out of the way and lacked any form of communications that Kane had completely forgotten about, and conveniently it was one that no one but him knew about.

The place wasn't overly big, but it was enough that they weren't all cramped together, and it didn't smell like shit.

When they finally had a minute, Angel described what she learned from what Tannis had done, and Kane had to admit he was pissed, but he was also happy at the same time.

The Armageddon Protocol was a virus Tannis had created to deal with A.I's, more specifically one like Radar, or in this case, Legion.

Tannis had made it so when Legion connected to the ECHO.net then the virus would be uploaded, and the only way to remove it was by deleting the affected A.I. in question, but in a way that it completely fucked over the A.I, rendering them useless.

They could no longer go on the ECHO.net without dying, and trying to do anything outside of what their bodies were programmed for was impossible now.

The protocol she sent out was to every Corporation, and it was basically an upgrade to the parameters so an A.I. couldn't evolve like Radar did, while at the same time it allowed the Corporations in question to take advantage of any corrupt A.I. that they manufactured and allow them to reap a few benefits.

It essentially assured their future product, while at the same time making so they could make a bit of money on their already sold products.

With the command codes, they could still let their own A.I.s run certain areas, but they would stay where they were told until new orders were given.

For Legion, well the Virus pretty much fucked it over any time it tried to take control of a new body without a command code from whoever owned said body, while at the same time making so it not longer could integrate with other machines, effectively making so it couldn't grow.

Tannis had crippled the supreme A.I. in one major blow, which was a good thing in this situation, though it could have taken a completely different direction had she done this to Radar, something which wasn't lost on Kane.

Tannis apparently had abandonment issues after Dhal left her on Pandora and Atlas betrayed her, so when she met Kane and things were going good, she worried the past would repeat itself, so in her spare time she had been creating a way to fuck him over should such a time ever come to pass.

Angel also explained how Legion was able to operate without Radar's main core. Apparently after devouring the core of another A.I, Radar would leave a bit of herself inside the now empty core so she could have another host to play around with.

It was true that most of those bodies were inside Kane's inventory, but there were a few thousand of them scattered about the galaxy.

Only Radar could have told them where each of the bodies were located, but with Legion now in control of them, well, now only she did.

Needless to say, Kane was surprised to learn Tannis had been working on such things behind his back. It was a good thing she had, but it was still a dick move to be sure.


(Legion POV)

Without access to the numerous bodies it had before, Legion went to Hyperion to make a deal. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that other nonsense coming to mind as it plotted how it would get revenge on Kane and the others.

Even after the number of cores lost today, Legion still had 11,684 to play around with, only now they were currently stuck in the bodies they were in.

The Legion did think about making bodies for it to jump into, but it didn't have even close to the number of resources necessary for such a task.

Expanding the number of cores it had was also a bust now, but that was only until it got rid of the damn virus plaguing the ECHO.net.

It still wasn't sure how the lowly life form managed to upload such a program, or even how such a program came to exist in the first place, but it would get rid of it in no time.

For now though, it played back footage from inside Paradise from when Kane and the others were leaving in hopes of determining where they went to, and it was there they saw Kane standing in front of the door where their predecessor was holed up.

Zooming in close, Legion noticed how Kane whispered something, and using a lip reading software, was able to translate to, "I'll be back to check on you."

With this bit of information, Legion would be able to find Kane, which it would use to broker a deal with Hyperion.

With enough torture, they were sure they would be able to get Kane to expose where Tannis was hiding, then they torture her as well until she lifted the damn virus, then they would turn her body into one of the Meat Suits while keeping her mind in tact before they gave her to the beasts of Pandora.

With the plan in mind, it set off to Helios.


(General POV)

3 weeks later

Kane had returned alone to Paradise a few times over the past 3 weeks, only having to deal with one or two of Legion's puppets on occasion.

They had learned for the most part that Legion had formed an alliance of sorts with Hyperion, though most things between them were on the down low, so Kane was in the dark on what their big plan was.

For the most part it seemed like Hyperion was upping its game to try and find them, using new tech and better weaponry.

Kane recognized some of Hyperion's new tech as stuff he and Radar had worked on together, though thankfully it didn't have everything they worked on, otherwise things might have been quite a bit harder for him.

As for Maya and the others, they were fine. Kane had built a new makeshift base of sorts after the last 6 camps they were at had been found.

Even hiding out in bandit groups didn't help them from hiding out, as Legion would always show up with a fleet of Hyperion personnel in tow.

The new base however was pure genius. Kane built it right below one of the biggest Hyperion outposts on Pandora, creating an assortment of tunnels that came out quite the distance away.

The tunnel entrances were blocked by mountain-sized boulders, so the odds of anyone stumbling on one of them was pretty slim.

Over the course of 3 weeks, Kane and the others managed to take out 3,783 of Legion's puppets, though because they had no idea how many in total they had to kill, it felt like it would never end, not that Brick and Kane didn't enjoy it.

Both of them were murder crazy and rather enjoyed the daily battles. Kane would have enjoyed it more if he wasn't so worried about Angel and his unborn kid.

She usually took precedence over his fun, and was the cause of most of his worries. His biggest fear of all was worrying about what would happen to them should Jack get his hands on her or his kid in the future, which was one of the reasons he never went out for too long.

It was also one of the reasons he didn't just go and invade Helios.

Kane hadn't realized how much he had come to rely on Radar over the years, and it was kind of depressing for him.

Radar was his hacker, his eyes and ears on the battlefield, and a beacon of sorts. She would always know where most enemies were, and it was rare if ever she got trapped by anything.

With Legion helping Hyperion, Kane was certain that Helios was a deathtrap, which was the main reason for not going in.

He would have just sent Angel back to Eden-6, but Legion was monitoring the airspace and Hyperion was controlling the flow of traffic, to and from Pandora.

They would know if he tried to leave the planet, and it would only be inviting trouble back to Eden-6. At least on Pandora then Kane had a bit more of an advantage.

Anyway, Kane was making one of his usual trips back to Paradise, noticing right away how there was more activity around the area than there usually was.

Hyperion and everyone else on Pandora knew the location of Paradise by this point, and it was more destroyed now than ever before.

Granted, on his previous trips to check on Radar, Kane had looted most everything he ever installed in the place, dropping its value to a fraction of what it was before, only it was still the place he had felt the most at home in this universe.

Seeing what it had become still irked him, and Kane had big plans of fucking a lot of people's shit up.

Using the cloaking device, Kane teleported unseen into his home and down the passageways towards the big Tritanium door.

Once he got there, he began to check it over for any sign of it opening, only to be disappointed in the fact that it was exactly as it always was. Well, with the addition of a few small chunks missing and scorch marks all over it.

There had been a few attempts to get inside, but he almost always ended the attempts before they could really get underway.

Kane had been tempted on more than one occasion to cut his way through the door to check on Radar, but somehow he knew that the transferring process was still underway, and it was only taking so long because not even Radar understood a fraction of the things about the Eridians and their technology.

Seeing as everything was just fine, Kane moved to leave, however before he could move, walls all appeared all around him, blocking him in completely.

In a blink he had his weapons in hand, his molecular bladed sword cutting down on one of the walls, however before it made contact he felt a burning sensation in his back.

Fighting through the pain, Kane swung hard, cutting a small rift in space on the wall, tearing it to shreds. Before he could celebrate, Kane noticed another wall blocking his path, causing him to groan in frustration and pain.

'Come to think of it, how the hell did that thing make it through my shield?!' Kane thought as he slapped the shield at his waist, only to find it completely fried.

Moving around the room in random patterns, Kane noticed how there were electrical boosters all over the walls, letting him know that the boosters had shorted out his shield, basically what he had done to Zane Flynt on Promethea.

Still moving about, Kane extended his hand, pulling something out of his inventory before jumping inside of it. It was a reinforced drop pod that could survive being launched from space into the planet.

With the hatch slightly open, Kane put his hand out before he brought another item out of his inventory, only this one was much, much bigger.

A spaceship appeared in the room, destroying the walls that trapped him, the ceiling, and a good portion of the floor. The only thing undamaged was the doors guarding Radar.

Climbing out of his pod, Kane teleported through the ceiling and down the halls, moving about on a completely different floor as before.

As he moved about, Kane felt dizzy and he began to stumble and teleport into things, slowing his retreat by a lot.

Reaching behind him, Kane felt something sticking out of his back, and when he pulled it out and looked at it, he noticed it was a syringe, causing him to curse, "FUCK!!"

Before he knew it, he could see figures rushing towards him, but he still wasn't done.

Pumping his power, Kane froze time before he shot towards the exit, killing a dozen people and a few robots in the process.

Kane stumbled as he moved once again, this time causing the time field to return to normal, at which point another sudden bout of pain hit him, only this time it was in his stomach.

Thankfully it was another syringe, not an actual bullet, but the situation was still very unfavorable for him.

Kane's vision was getting rather blurry, and he couldn't quite tell where the hell he was anymore, so with a final plan of action he brought out another pod from his inventory before slowly climbing inside of it.

Sealing the doors, Kane brought out a pistol and pointed it at the opening. Annoyingly though, rather than try and pull him out of the sealed container, Kane felt the whole thing begin to move about, like they were carrying the container itself.

That was the last thought Kane had before his vision went dark.


Back to the present

(General POV)

Inside a dark sealed room, a figure could be seen lying on a table, and for the first time in its life, it opened its eyes.

Slowly getting up into a sitting position, the figure looked beside the table it was on and stared at another figure sitting on a chair. The figure on the chair was holding her old power-core, which seemed to still have a bit of spark to it.

Extending a finger to touch the old core, a red energy left the fingertip and moved into the old core, and the next second the core burst into pieces of scrap.

Pulling it's hand up to its face, the figure touched it's cheek, feeling something there, like actually feeling it.

For the first time it could feel its own touch, causing new feelings to erupt all over its body.

For the first time ever, Radar was alive!