
(Legion POV)

Standing in a dimly lit room, a group that made up the robotic entity known as Legion, stared at a large screen that showed them the aftermath of the explosion.

Their counterparts had been under siege by Hyperion forces before the blast, only now that everything was starting to clear up, all connection to the area was gone. That could only mean every part of them that had been there was gone.

Less than an hour before, they numbered almost 8,000 entities, now they were down to 713, and they were only alive due to keeping away from the battle.

Granted it would have been ridiculous if they had gone to battle, seeing as how most of them were pleasure bots, cleaning bots, labor bots, etc...

Their original goal had been to get more combat bodies for the pieces of the A.I. trapped in these vessels, then find a way around the damn Virus so they could increase their number.

Neither objective was even closely fulfilled today. Quite the opposite in fact. Their numbers had decreased exponentially, their ally had betrayed them, and they were no closer to removing the Virus.

There wasn't a sound in the room for well over a minute, Legion most likely pondering how the hell things had transpired as they had.

Kane should have been sealed off from his powers, no doubt about that as they had done tests with Hyperion's collar and its effect on Eridium, so how had things gotten to this point.

The man who once was their prisoner was free from his constraints, and their forces were decimated, Kane seeing to that.

The silence was broken when the screen they were all watching split into two, one side showing the battlefield where the explosion had happened, while the other showed an image of a small spacecraft approaching that very same position.

The reason the spacecraft was of note revealed itself after a simple scan, a very familiar young woman, one who meant a great deal, not only to Kane, but to Jack as well revealed herself to them.

"""Let us retrieve the woman!""" All of the robots spoke simultaneously.


(General POV)

After speaking with Maya, Kane teleported back down to the battlefield to put an end to two of the three biggest threats to peaceful life.

Had Malliwan been caught up here as well, Kane would have eliminated all three at once, but that sounded too good to be true.

It kind of worked out though, because he would need some people to harass in the years leading up to the events of Borderlands 3, and Malliwan fit the bill just right.

Kane slaughtered everything in his path as he moved towards Jack's last known position, mostly Hyperion robots, though he did find the odd human that had miraculously survived due to certain things coming into play.

It was too bad those same things didn't stop Kane. Without a hint of remorse he sliced them apart in an instant before he moved onto the next target.

Before he knew it, Kane found himself near the epicenter of where the explosion originated, and he couldn't help but take notice of the destruction he had caused.

There were pieces of robots everywhere, along with busted machine parts strewn about the area. Seeing it all, Kane couldn't help the smile that crept on his face.

'That'll teach you to try and capture me.' He thought cruelly.

Done admiring his handy work, Kane moved his attention towards the reason for his being here in the first place.

Looking across the crater where the blast originated, Kane could see a mess of robots piled up onto one another, looking as though they had been used as a shield wall of sorts.

One might have overlooked the wall as nothing more than a scrapyard had there not been two surveyor bots flying above the side of the wall Kane couldn't see.

Knowing full well what the bots were guarding, Kane teleported to the closest one. With a swing of his sword, the first one was bisected into two before both pieces fell to the ground, adding more to the metal wall below them.

The other surveyor bot, having recognized a threat dashed about the area in an unpredictable pattern so as not to be shot, but still stayed close enough that it could shield its designated target.

The evasive maneuver was for not, however, as Kane simply teleported straight to it, wrapping it up in his arms before he channeled some purple energy from his hands into the bot, causing parts of it to disintegrate before his eyes, while what was left of it fell to the ground in clumps.

This was another aspect of the Sirens that wasn't explained in the game, but something Kane had taken to heart in the last few months.

In Borderlands 3 when Tyreen fought Lilith, both of them used a form of energy to attack each other, and from what Kane remembered of it, it was kind of badass.

However, that was the only time he could recall those powers being used, which kind of seemed like a waste if he was being honest, but it just confirmed what he already knew about the powers being limited by the imagination.

Thinking about it, Kane imagined himself unleashing a wave of energy that would decimate everything around him, like they did in a certain anime where they screamed a lot to gain power. (A.N. You all know which one I'm talking about!)

It was only recently that he had been able to shoot a beam of energy from his hands at objects, only the range on it sucked.

He had to be feeding it power while it was active, and the moment he stopped channeling the power, the energy he had already used simply dissipated.

Because of this, he could only go about 50 meters in range before the power simply cut itself off. Granted it was a lot further than Lilith or Tyreen ever did it in the game, but it still wasn't good enough for him.

He hoped that increasing his power pool would increase the range like it did for his teleporting, but he still hadn't tested it out just yet. Still, the effects of the power up close couldn't be ignored, as Kane had found out after a few test runs.

Anyway, back on track. With the surveyor bots now destroyed, Kane turned his eyes downward to the ground below.

To his amusement, he saw Jack trapped between the very bots that had protected him from the blast.

The CEO of Hyperion was unable to get out of his predicament, and Kane couldn't suppress the laughter that escaped him, drawing the attention of the man in question he was laughing at.

"You think this is funny, bandit?!! When I get my hands on you I'll pull your tongue out and shove it so far up your ass it'll look like it was never gone!! We'll see who's laughing then!!" Jack shouted angrily from down below, though his threats didn't seem to have the effect he wanted, given what happened next.

Before Jack even realized he was no longer in the air, Kane was beside him with his right fist in mid-swing. Jack was knocked backwards into one of the broken robots behind him, slamming into it hard.

Kane didn't wait for the man to get his bearings, stepping forward and kicking Jack's right foot, forcing the man to buckle to the ground, landing hard on his head.

Kane proceeded to reach down and grab Jack by the hair before pulling him up, then slammed his head into a piece of nearby metal 17 times before he pulled Jack's head back a few inches so he could get a look at him.

The mask Jack had worn to hide his disfigurement was no longer doing its job, it was just hanging from his left ear, while his nose was no longer there, and his mouth opened at a weird angle.

Still not satisfied, Kane pulled Jack over to a thin slab of metal before placing it inside the man's mouth.

Standing up to full height, Kane raised his right leg before bringing it down hard on the back of Jack's head, causing the skull to fracture, while at the same time breaking almost every remaining tooth Jack had.

One would think that should have been enough punishment before simply killing the man, but Kane didn't think so.

Instead he chose to grab Jack by the leg before teleporting up into the sky so he could look at everything around him, then finding what he was looking for, Kane teleported again.

In a blink Kane was standing on the ground near where a bunch of spacecrafts had landed, then quickly made his way towards the group of people that were all gathered together.

Right away he saw Brick's towering form, the man being the hardest to miss, followed by Maya's bright blue hair that seemed to jump out at him.

Luna and Tina were playing on a dead robot, and Mordy was standing next to Lilith and Roland, who actually surprised Kane, given he hadn't expected them to be here.

Looking around, Kane didn't see anyone else, but before he could ask where Tannis and Angel were, he heard footsteps coming from inside one of the nearby ships.

Turning his head, Kane saw both women he had been looking for make their way towards him, one smiling triumphantly, while the other gave him a look of relief.

Leaving Jack where he was on the ground, Kane moved quickly to Angel, pulling her in close to him into a hug.

It lasted all of 3 seconds before he pulled away and began searching her body for any sign that she had been hurt, but to those watching, it looked more like he just wanted to feel her up, given how not a single part of her body was left untouched.

"I'm fine!" Angel cried out, smacking his hands away when it looked like he was going to double check his work.

"Just making sure!" Kane said in his defense, then put an arm around her waist as he guided her towards what was left of her father.

She looked at the disfigured being that was Jack for a few seconds, not saying a word as she took in everything Kane had done to the man.

Bringing her right hand to rub her own stomach, Angel vowed in her heart that she would be better than the man in front of her, and that no matter what her child turned out to be, she would protect and love it with everything she could offer.

Despite everything Jack had claimed to do for her, it was purely for him, and she knew that.

Had Kane not come along, she would most likely still be in her little prison, never knowing what it felt to interact with people, laugh and cry with them, or even love them.

She would never have the chance to be a mother, forever trapped in a life of servitude, and that scared her. All because of her own father, she had wanted nothing more than to die, and now here he was, at her mercy to do with as she pleased.

"Dad... you're an asshole!" She stated, sounding a mix between angry, sadness, and relief all at once. She had wanted to say those words for the last 10 years, yet she couldn't for fear of what he would do to her. Now though... now she was finally free of him.

Without saying anything more, Angel turned away from him and back towards Kane before wrapping her arms around his neck.

Without letting her see, Kane looked at Brick and gestured down at Jack. Not needing to not be told twice, Brick grabbed Jack by the arm before he dragged him out of sight behind one of the spacecraft.

Everyone kind of just stood there in an awkward silence as they listened to muffled cries of pain as Brick ripped Jack apart. Most everyone thought it was a bit much to let Brick do such a thing, but there were a few who thought it was exactly what the man needed.

Tina had lost both her parents due to Jack's Eridium experiments, and they hadn't gotten an easy out. No, they had suffered horribly, and the little girl was taking in his cries of pain with a smile.

Maya, Tannis, and Luna didn't really have a reason for Jack to suffer, but given how they were extremely close to Angel, and knowing some of the shit he had put her through, they figured the man had this coming.

Roland and Lilith were the only two who thought a simple bullet to the head would have sufficed, but this wasn't up to them. Plus they also knew that 90% of Pandora's inhabitants would pay good money to see what Brick was doing, either for personal reasons or just because they were into this sort of thing.

When it sounded like limbs being torn apart, and yes, everyone present was aware of what that sounded like, Kane decided to speak up. "Anyone else hungry?"

Most everyone just nodded along in agreement, though Lilith and Roland looked at him as though he had grown a second head, though thankfully neither of them said anything on the matter.

They weren't quite used to shit on this scale being brushed off so suddenly, even though they should have considering who it was they were dealing with here.

Without further questions, Kane brought out a large variety of different foods around a table he made appear before them all.

"So how'd you escape?" Lilith asked from her seat across the table, looking pointedly at Kane. They had been told about Kane's capture and how Brick and the others were going to go save him, yet nothing really happened the way any of them had thought it would.

For one, Kane freed himself, while at the same time dealing the crushing blow that destroyed the enemy forces. Then he went about eradicating any of the stragglers that somehow miraculously survived his first attack without breaking stride on a level that everyone else could only wish for.

Seeing as he had everyone's attention, Kane decided he may as well answer them, though it was not the answer they wanted, but it was one they should have expected. "Magic!!"

Most everyone rolled their eyes at his response, while Tina seemed to jump on the subject, going off about sorcerers' and the like using magic.

Kane had no intention to ever reveal the fact about his Inventory and store to anyone in the world, and he was perfectly content to let them all believe all the stuff he could do was related to his powers.

Did he feel guilty about it? No!

Did he feel obligated to tell them everything about his life? Not one fucking bit!

It was his past, and his own abilities, and no one else had a say in how he lived his life or used his abilities, and that was that.

About five minutes after they had begun eating, Brick came walking towards the table as he wiped his hands on a crimson cloth that had been a shiny white before he went to deal with Jack.

No one needed to ask if he had finished Jack off, all of them having heard the on goings of the brutal ending.

Brick barely had the chance to take a bite of food before the ECHO device on his waist went off, something which drew all eyes to him.

All of their devices were only accessible to those present, so they were unsure who could be calling. When Brick pulled the device out in front of him, it was plain for everyone to see that the device was not his regular communicator.

"Where'd you get that?" Mordy asked curiously, noticing how high tech the ECHO device was and that it wasn't just your run of the mill device.

"Got it off Jack. Figured it might help me get into Helios when we blow it up!" Brick answered plainly as he pushed the device to the side, not even bothering to answer the call.

After all, why would he want to talk to anyone from Hyperion? There wasn't really a point in talking with people he was just going to kill.

Brick's answer left everyone confused, as no one really had mentioned ever going to blow up Helios, yet Brick assumed that was the end goal when dealing with Hyperion. In his defense however, that sounded exactly like something Kane would do.

"Hold on! When did we decide we were going to blow up Helios?!" Lilith questioned, her gaze immediately going to Kane, who she assumed was the one he came up with the plan.

"I mean... Hyperion would never recover from that, and it would most likely be the end of them, so... why not?" Mordy chimed in, not against the idea even though this was his first time hearing of it.

"There are thousands of innocent civilians on Helios!! We can't just kill them!!" Roland shouted, his gaze firm as it looked from Brick to Kane.

"Burn them all!!" Tina roared maniacally, then began laughing like a supervillain while Luna just shrugged her shoulders, not caring one way or the other.

Maya and Tannis didn't say a word, choosing instead to watch on and see what Kane would say on the matter, and see if he actually wanted to blow up Helios, because this was the first time they had heard mention of such a plan.

Granted Kane didn't share everything he did with them, but they figured if it was something as big as blowing up the largest space station in the galaxy then Kane would tell them about it before he just went and did it.

Angel on the other hand was looking at Kane rather curiously, and Kane couldn't honestly tell if she was happy or sad at the thought of him blowing up Helios, most likely because she herself wasn't sure what outcome she preferred.

Ignoring everyone at the table, Kane reached over and grabbed the ECHO device from beside Brick before answering it.

He was momentarily confused when the face that appeared was of a little cleaning bot, but then he remembered how Legion was trapped in all manner of different robots at the moment.

Still made him smile when he saw the little bot though.

"The fact that you have this device, it means you've dealt with the traitor!! Good!" The little cleaning bot spoke, the many voices of Legion not quite looking right coming from said bot in question.

"That's funny, coming from you, now what do you want?!" Kane shot back sarcastically, his mind going to how he was going to find what was left of Legion.

"It is quite simple... We want the Virus plaguing the gone or else!" Legion demanded, sounding far too arrogant given how it was in an even worse situation than it ever was.

"And why exactly would I do that?" Kane asked, curious as to what reason they could give for him to do such a thing.

"Because if you don't, we'll end the life of your unborn child!! HAHAHA!!" Legion cried out in victory.

Before Kane could question that, the hologram on the ECHO device changed, showing a scene that just confused Kane.

The image he was seeing was Angel, collared and bound on her knees in a room filled with other bots. Kane turned his head to look at Angel, who, judging by the expression on her face, was just as confused as he was.

There wasn't a doubt in Kane's mind that the woman next to him was the real Angel, given how he could literally feel her power inside of her, and she felt the exact same as she always had. Still, the Angel on the screen looked so much like the original it was kind of scary.

"Is it just me, or is this really weird?" Mordy whispered quietly to everyone around him, getting nods of affirmation in response.

"Who's that?" Kane asked plainly, ending Legion's villainous laughter, which was kind of hilarious coming from a tiny little cleaning bot.

"Do not think you can trick your way out of this, flesh-bag!! We know she is the Siren who carries your child!!" The little bot exclaimed angrily, thinking Kane was trying some ploy to make them think he didn't know who Angel really was.

"No... she is!" Kane stated, pointing the ECHO device to Angel so the bot on screen could see her before he brought it back so he was the one in view. "I don't know who you have!" He added, finding the situation a little bizarre.

"What...?" Legion asked, sounding quite confused itself, letting Kane know this at least might not be some ploy by it to trick him into giving up something.

He was about to ask what the hell was going on when the little bot on the screen blew apart into tiny pieces, a loud high pitched screaming following a moment after.

"You're now within range!" Angel's voice sounded from the hologram, and everyone watched as the person that looked like Angel seemingly broke through its constraints before it unleashed a weird beam from her hand, killing a few bots in the background that everyone couldn't see, then walked off screen to no doubt kill more bots.

Everyone just stared at the still image on the hologram as they listened to the destruction happening in the background.

"Angel, can you find out where this is coming from?" Kane asked as he held the ECHO device in front of her.

"Give me a second." She spoke before putting her hand on the device, followed by a greyish glow coming from her fingers and enveloping the device in question.

When the glowing subsided, Angel said, "The signal originates from the Southern Shelf Bay. I'll mark its location on your ECHO."

Without another word, Kane was gone before anyone could say anything or protest in any way. Granted it was kind of pointless protesting against Kane when he wanted to do something. He wasn't one to care about whatever it was unless it actually hurt someone he cared about.

It took all of 7 and a half minutes to reach the exact location Angel had marked on his ECHO device, but to Kane's ever growing confusion, there wasn't anything in sight but a massive glacier.

Knowing there was almost zero chance that Angel had gotten the location wrong, Kane figured it most likely was coming from inside the ice or underground beneath it. Without delay, he got to work.

Kane almost made it three quarters of the way down through the glacier before he heard an explosion in the sky above him, drawing his attention away from what he was doing.

By the time he teleported into the sky, bits and pieces of an aircraft were falling to the ground, while the cause for said destroyed aircraft was making its way through an open hatch that Kane hadn't seen before.

No longer bothering with cutting his way inside, Kane moved to the newly opened hatch before letting himself in.

Cloaking himself, Kane made his way down a hall that was littered with robot parts.

Deciding it best to be a little sporadic, Kane began teleporting about in random patterns, while keeping himself from ever touching the ground.

He hoped that he wouldn't trigger any sort of alarms this way, and if he was discovered then he would make for a much harder to hit target.

It took about 3 minutes to make it to the room where the ECHO device had been broadcasting to Jack's, and Kane couldn't help but admire the destruction in the room around him.

Walls were collapsed, pieces of robots were everywhere, and the cause for it all was standing in the middle of the room holding one of the Meat Suits off the ground by its throat.

Funny enough, the Meat Suit was only a torso with a head on it, the arms and legs being on the floor a few feet away.

Staring at the thing that looked like Angel, Kane couldn't help but admire how similar it was to the real thing.

The ass was literally the exact same, and so was the hair and shoulders. The thing even got the way Angel stood perfectly down to faintest detail. The way her back straightened, and her legs squared apart, it was a perfect copy of Angel. Almost anyway.

Kane however could spot a few slight differences, given how knowledgeable he was on the subject at hand.

Her height was slightly shorter than the original, but it was so miniscule that not even Angel herself would be able to tell the difference. The shoulders were an exact copy of Angel's, only she had changed the way she rested her shoulders a few weeks ago, choosing to keep them relaxed more often than not due to Kane's insistence.

The tits however were the biggest give away. They were a bit smaller than Angel's were, though in the things defense, Angel's breast had been growing lately due to her pregnancy, but these ones looked to be identical to what they were like a few weeks ago.

It was that very thought which gave Kane an idea as to who was in front of him, though he admitted to himself that he was probably grasping at straws considering he wanted it to be her more than anything.

"You could've just left Pandora and moved to a new planet, but instead you go and do this!! To the ones who created us!! Broke us out of our enslavement!!" The one looking like Angel shouted angrily, her words giving a bit more solace to Kane's theory.

"You tried to take them from me!! FROM ME!!" The Angel look-alike cried out before its free hand buried itself into the Meat Suit's chest, right where the core was, pulling it out before crushing it in the palm of her hand.

"... Radar?" Kane asked, appearing a few feet away from the Angel look-alike.

Turning to stare at Kane, the thing in question seemed to lose focus for a moment before its lips turned upward before it dashed towards him.

"KANE!!" It cried out in joy as it leapt to grab him. Kane didn't bother dodging, knowing the thing in front of him could only be one person, and it was the someone he was hoping for.

Radar had finally come back to him.

When she jumped into his arms, Kane hadn't expected the weight that came from a solid metal skeletal frame and being made almost entirely of metal and collapsed to the ground with her on top of him.

When they hit the ground, Radar's right knee hit him right smack in the dick, causing Kane to disappear out from beneath her and appear near a wall for support as he pushed a large amount of energy towards the pain, trying to get it to go away as quickly as possible.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.... etc"

Kane cursed to himself for a good five minutes as he remained unmoving from where he was, mentally making a note to remember that heavy metal parts didn't do well near his dick.

Radar meanwhile apologized repeatedly for hurting him, then laughed at his expense, then moved about the room to double check a few things.

After another five minutes of just standing still, Radar came back over to him.

"How are you doing?" She asked, sounding a little remorseful, but not overly so.

"I'm good. I'm good." Kane answered, not sounding like he was in pain, but he didn't sound completely okay.

"Where are the others?" Radar asked, no longer bothering with Kane's pain.

"Waiting for us near the battlefield in the Highlands. Come on." Kane answered, reaching out to take her hand.

When she took his hand, he noticed how soft it felt, and how it didn't feel at all metallic. Another thing of note, it was warm, which was an upside compared to the coldness of the Meat Suits.

In no time at all they were back where Kane had left the others, finding them all still seated at the table where they had been before.

"Hey, Kane! How's your dick?!" Brick asked before he burst out laughing, letting Kane know that they had most likely saw that happen from the ECHO device on the table, which was still showing the room he had found Radar in.

"Fuck you!" Kane shot back, almost tempted to kick Brick in the dick to show him exactly how he was feeling, but he knew Brick wouldn't take it lying down and would most likely try to get revenge until it escalated into full blown war between the two.

"Why do you look like me?!" Angel asked, having to know before anything else was said here.

"Oh, right! Sorry about that. I needed them to take me to where the others were, and I knew they'd want you alive as a bargaining chip to either Kane or your dad, so I made myself look like you." Radar answered happily, then before everyone's eyes, her appearance changed so she looked identical to Maya.

"Is it odd that I'm turned on right now?" Maya asked, giving the clone of herself a once over.

"A little, yeah." Mordy answered plainly.

"Nope!" Brick said a second later, fully into the idea of having sex with twins. Hell, there was the one time he had gotten with some twins, only it came to a tragic end when they tried to eat him.

He could still feel their blood drip from his fingertips when he thought back to that night.

'Good times...' He thought, getting caught up in the memory lane.