Alliance Formed!

The negotiations between the two became heated as Noslin attempted to preserve the terms she wanted everyone to be under. But Midas picked apart everything that she tried. Forcing her to agree to more beneficial terms for Ragnarok than the others had received. However, with things like how the loot would be distributed during joint exploration and raids, the other pantheons got to benefit from Midas' agreements as well.

They went through terms like information networking, who would explore in specific directions, and many other issues. By the time Midas was done, Noslin's eyebrow was visibly twitching as she tried to maintain her cool and trustworthy expression. 

"There's just one last thing we haven't discussed..." Midas grinned as Noslin shot him a cold look. "I'm assuming that everyone here voted for you to be the lead commander of the alliance due to your rank or level? Correct?"