
Exile chuckled as he sat in The Raider's Horn, stroking his beard. 'I think I see why Mike prefers strategy games now. There is so much that can change at a moment's notice. Nothing remains constant.' His eyes narrowed as he studied the map. 'I'll have to thank him for his advice this time and the books he ordered for me. Though, it will take some time to properly understand them.'

'Parthus' one weakness is that he should be used to commanding NPC's without personalities. He'll be focused on the numbers and whether he can beat his enemies based on that. However, I should consider my followers as being as real as myself. The same goes for the warriors that Parthus commands. The best path to victory is to crush their will to fight. Then, no matter how much he orders them to attack us, their heart won't be in it. They'll be likely to rebel and less willing to follow him.'