The Great Skardian Army (Part 1)

"There's nothing here," The Sommerdan Captain in charge of the scouts said as his soldiers gathered around the campfire. "We'll rest here for a while and head back to the army. The commanders will be glad to know there's no ambush or reserve troops."

"Captain, does that mean tomorrow we'll throw everything we have at the Skardians?"

"Probably. Who knows what the commanders are really thinking? But it would be a waste to let this opportunity go. If we don't destroy this army here and now, they'll join up with another one later."

The soldiers around the fire nodded in agreement with their Captain as they shivered in the chilly night air. Their breath could be seen floating in front of them as each of them thought about the warm sands they called home.

Meanwhile, a short distance from the group of Sommerdan scouts. Two figures watched them with smiles on their faces.