Exile Unmasked

"Ladies and gentlemen. Today we are gathered for a very exciting announcement regarding Rebel Energy's partnership with a team in Pantheon Online." Jay smiled as he gave the opening of his speech. The members of the press fidgeted as they recorded every word he said. "Today, I would like to officially welcome the Ragnarok Pantheon to the Rebel Energy family!"

The crowd grew restless at that announcement. Each of them focused on reporting major gaming news, so they were all aware of Ragnarok and its achievements in the game so far. 

"Now, I would like to introduce Ragnarok's team captain, Exile!" Jay boomed as he glanced at their reaction.

Colt sighed as he walked on stage to join Jay by the microphones. The crowd erupted in disbelief when they understood who they were looking at. Reporters started placing calls to their editors, hoping to be the first to break this story.