An Avoidable Loss

Exile felt disorientated as he suddenly found himself exiting the gateway back into the mortal realms. Immediately he heard Ania screaming as she was surrounded by three warriors trying their best to help her.

"Master!" Skovi said as he nuzzled against Exile's leg with a whimper. 

"Where were you?"Exile asked as he glanced at the wolf as he walked toward Ania's writhing figure. 

"I was right here," Skovi said with confusion in his eyes. "I walked through the gate and came out the other side. You reappeared about a minute later. Did it fail?"

Exile glanced at the great wolf with a frown. 'I've only been gone for a minute?' His mind reeled in shock at that news. It felt like it had taken him months just to traverse the void on the other side of the gate. He became excited at the thought of what could become possible at the higher tiers.