The Lost Lords of Skardia (Part 4)

"Bjorn, Fjora, can I speak to you for a moment?" Ania asked as she led them away from Skalr. "What do you two think?"

"Honestly, I don't know." Bjorn sighed as he glanced at Skalr. "After everything we've seen, I'm inclined to believe he really is a Runelord. If you're asking whether we can trust him, well, Runelords were notoriously devoted to Skardia's best interests."

"You're talking about Runelords from legends." Fjora sighed. "That doesn't mean Skalr is the same as them. What are you thinking, Princess?"

"I'm thinking something doesn't add up. Skalr turned up when we needed him. He found both secret tunnels. He showed us what happened here, and Skalr exposed the hidden elves." Ania groaned as she removed her helm. "Skalr said the elves have been among us since the village. They could have attacked at any time. But they didn't. Not until Skalr exposed them."