Time For A Change (Part 2)

"What's wrong with him?" Ania asked as she sat beside the makeshift cot holding Skalr. 

"We're not sure, Princess. After Skalr returned with both you and Bjorn, he left again. I was there when he did something that annihilated every elf. I can't even pretend to understand what he did." Fjora replied as she continued to clean her weapon.

"And after that, he collapsed?"

"Yes, he's been out cold since then. He seems totally unresponsive, and his pulse is weak." Fjora sighed as she glanced at Bjorn in the opposite cot.

"What of Bjorn's condition?" Ania asked as she caught where Fjora was looking.

"He's stable, but Skalr said the damage to his eye would be permanent when he dropped you both off." Fjora sighed. "Nobody knows when he'll wake up."