Spirit Hall

Opening my eyes, I found myself in a beautiful and spacious room.

Sun rays crept through the window, it was already morning. But I still could not understand where I am.

* Knock-knock *, - someone knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" Asked a light girlish voice

Kurumi: "Come in"

* Sss .... *, - the sound of doors opening was heard.

Maid: Young mistress, did you rush?

Kurumi: "Y-yes," she said awkwardly.

Kurumi: "Where am I and where is my mom?"

Maid: "Mom?"

Maid: "Ah ..... You must be talking about Her Highness?"

Kurumi: "I don't know"

How the hell did I end up here? Ah ... I am beginning to remember that day by a little.

* Flashback *

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Kurumi: Are you my mom?

Bibi Dun: No, we found you in that kratar. So how did you end up in this forest?

Kurumi: I don't ... don't .. * Ahhhhh *, "she shouted clutching her head.

Bibi Dun: Kurumi what's wrong with you. Kurumi ...

Bibi Dun: Return faster ...

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"End of Flashback"

Why don't I remember anything at all except the voice in my head that says that she is my mother? He says that I can trust her ...

Kurumi: "How much did I sleep?"

Maid: "You slept for 3 days my lady"

Maid: "Her Highness has asked me to dress you, my lady."

Kurumi: "Okay"

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On behalf of Bibi Dun

She hasn't woken up for 3 days, I wonder if everything is all right with her?

And why does she also call me mom?

Too many questions in my head.

Bibi Dun: There is news about the situation that happened "

Chrysanthemum: "My lady, there is no serious news"

Old Demon: "But some clans ask what happened in the Star Doe Forest"

Bibi Dun: "Leave everything as it is, they will calm down themselves"

* ssss .. *, - the sound of opening the doors to the Main Hall

And then a little girl came in with silver hair and a red dress that fits very well to her red eyes.

Bibi Dun: "Kurumi, are you finally awake?"

Kurumi: "Mom ... Are you my mom?"

Why does she think I'm her mom? It's all strange ..

Bibi Dun: "Why do you think I'm your mom?"

Kurumi: "I don't know, my inner holo says you are my mom .... Can I call you mom?"

Bibu Dun: "How unexpected and reckless. Golden lightning and this child," I thought.

Bibi Dun: "Okay well, you can call me your mom. So how old are you little Kurumi and what is your soul?"

Kurumi: "I'm 6 years old and I don't have a soul yet."

How she was able to survive in the Star Doe Forest without a fighting soul ... Very interesting

Bibi Dun: "Then tomorrow we will awaken your fighting soul, but for now, go rest, you need to gain strength."

Kurumi: "Ok mom"

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- (Author's words: memory and all the powers that she chose to appear after the awakening of the soul)