
Yoichi sensed that small amount of the dragon's power in his body. It was as if Kenji's flames flowed into his veins in the form of pure energy.

The scales of his arms raised slightly, leaving to the fire more oxygen to burn. When the young tamer opened his eyes, the flaming glow created by his arms illuminated the four walls of the large room, revealing all the wild demons.

Dozens and dozens of Komoerus fluttered around him, following geometric and regular trajectories. Frightened by the burning flames of their unexpected enemy, the bat demons screeched strongly, generating incredible chaos.

"They are activating their skills! Cover your ears!" Enatsu shouted, remembering the Komoerus' demonic power.

Shioko obeyed immediately and shut her ears, trying to resist that chilling sound, similar to two metal plates crawling over each other.