
The time available to the three adventurers was beginning to run out, and the rock walls were getting closer and closer to their faces. The fear of being swallowed up by that narrow, cold room was palpable.

"We're not giving it our best! But how do we figure out who did it with this little information? The three brothers are very similar to each other, and from their faces, I can't figure out who may have cheated on the other two!" Enatsu snorted. Surprisingly, the merchant managed to regain control of his thoughts, integrating Yoichi into the reasoning.

"Maybe it has something to do with the kind of wounds they have? I don't know, the fact that Ysai is the only headless one... or Osai, who doesn't have both legs... are you sure these are not important details?" Shioko asked. From the way she spoke, it was clear that she wasn't convinced of her statement either.

Unable to sit on her hands, waiting inexorably for the moment of the end, she too wanted to help.