Types Lesson

"As much as you need to cultivate your Oracle's powers, Kenji can't be useful in every situation. I don't know if you know this, but every demon has one or more 'types' that it belong to. The 'types' are, in a nutshell, the energy sources from which the demons derive their powers. They also represent biomes," Shioko explained, returning under the shade of the tree. 

Ryutaro remained silent listening to the archer's explanation, ready to intervene in case of mistakes. 

"For example, a water demon will feel much more comfortable fighting in a coastal environment, by the sea or even underwater. Conversely, a fire demon's skills will be depowered in an aquatic biome. Also, it's quite trivial, but... a fire demon's attacks are much more effective against a grass-type demon than against a water-type demon... you dig?" Shioko asked, trying to understand Yoichi's level of attention.