Swaddling Clothes

The fame and power of Shinzo Nishiyama, the last Emperor of the Tentochu faction, made him as powerful as a god. And like any deity, he was worshipped by an endless array of people.

It wasn't just his army and the subjects who populated the Imperial Palace: Shinzo's acclaim was also growing among ordinary people of all social ranks.

Rich and wealthy families had no interest in working against the monarchy, which would only fatten their wallets. At the same time, Shinzo Nishiyama had won the favor of even the poorest, professing to be a benefactor of his country and obtaining incredible benefits.

As poor Enatsu had reiterated from the first moment he met Yoichi, even uttering words against the Emperor was a crime punishable by death. But what did he look like? How old was he? In what way did he converse with the people of Tentochu?