
Because of the visible anguish Takamori was feeling, Yoichi decided to focus his words on the brave act of Ryutaro, who, going against the law, had rushed to the south of the nation after sensing a great danger.

Enatsu's wound was not a standard one, and even the mustachioed guild leader had noticed it: despite Yoshiko's stunning healing powers, the Blackblood that had penetrated his flesh had to be removed in some other way.

The amount of dark power Ogai had unwittingly injected into the young merchant's body was perhaps too little to turn him into a Void Summoner, but enough to keep the wound permanently opened. 

That particular condition, without proper treatment, would have forced Enatsu to never again be able to get out of a bed, or explore, fight, or even study. His great intelligence and desire to become a wizard would disappear along with his love of life if his guildmates didn't find a solution.