
After a thorough and slow muscular awakening, the young warrior could feel his body in much better shape than the previous day. The pain behind his back caused by Ogai's blow was almost completely gone, and his upper and lower limbs were much looser.

By working hard and minimising distractions from the outside, Yoichi could finally meditate for the first time. The 'lotus' position, often assumed by Ryutaro, with the palms of his hands facing upward, had helped him achieve a state of stillness and relaxation.

About an hour of meditation had been enough to restore his physical condition. The next step was the technique of cultivating the spirit, to which only he, Ryutaro and a select few people had had access.

In the history of the Dojo and the gatekeeper's exile, he had undoubtedly had other students, though he had never mentioned any of them to Yoichi.