
The coastal stretch was connected to the city by dirt roads, used daily by thousands of people. Beyond those roads, the natural morphology of the land had been preserved and the city gave way to the beach.

The grains of a long expanse of very thick sand, similar to the one that surrounded the village of Blackborough, shone under the sunlight. Looking to the right, namely south, Yoichi noticed that a small castle consisting of three towers overlooked the sea, standing imposingly a few miles from the eastern gates of Goldhaven.

On the other side, to the north, a large harbour area housed hundreds of boats of all sizes. From vessels to rafts, many boats were leaving and far fewer arriving.

Because of its geographic location, with the only outlet to the sea to the east, Goldhaven Harbor was primarily used for fishing than sailing. Beyond the coastline, toward the horizon, the nearest shores were those of Kamakiri, several thousand miles away.