
As Yoichi struggled to get up, Takamori spent a few words on his behalf. "Carry out my orders without objecting, Nobunaga. If Yoichi had the power of his Oracle at his disposal, it would have been much harder for you to knock him out," he said, looking at his more experienced pupil with an angry expression.

"Let him use it then! He will use his power and I will fight with my bare hands. I will prove you wrong Sensei and..." 

"Hey! I'm still here, I don't know if you've noticed!" Yoichi interrupted, getting up from the ground in pain. "If Takamori-Sensei has decided that bare-hands combat is what he needs to find out my weaknesses, then we'll keep fighting," he grunted as if his word was worth more than Nobunaga's.

The corners of Takamori's mouth curved into a slight smile. In his eyes, Yoichi's courage and determination remained his greatest and most important virtues.