
After his head became visible, the rest of his body was revealed: Taisuke's ghost-demon skill had been forcibly deactivated, and a well-timed elbow strike turned the situation to Yoichi's advantage.

Taisuke's feet moved backward awkwardly and he stumbled on a rock sticking out of the grass.

With a thud, the Demon Hunter found himself with his back on the ground, unarmed and surprised.

Taisuke placed a hand on the bandage covering his face. When he raised it again, his palm was covered in blood and a sharp pain blurred his vision.

Without taking aim and using only an imperceptible portion of his physical strength, Yoichi had broken the Demon Hunter's nose.

Moments later, the ghost demon appeared in the vicinity of its tamer, attracting Kenji's attention, on all fours just below it.

That sphere that appeared to be wearing black sheets floated in the air like a jellyfish floats underwater.