First Encounter

It was around mid-noon, Orion found himself walking in the street with absolutely no idea where he was going. He was following the route given to him by his friend group but he was beginning to think he was getting lost.

The city is a big confusing maze to someone who is stepping for the first time in it. Although it was not the first time for Orion, he was feeling the same because this part of the city was where he has never roamed before.

He found the lonely cross-section and walked past it to see where he was currently. He looked around to observe his surroundings.

Confused, he noticed that it was the same set of the building he had just passed a few seconds ago. He looked back from where he had come but it was now a different place. There was no cross-section there, only a plain road leading to somewhere.

Now when he began to observe minutely, he discovered many illogical things. First, there were no pedestrians in sight of him. He looked and found there were no cars on the roads, although noon was not exactly the time of rush hour in a big city, you can always find traffic on the roads.

He was stunned out of his mind, he quickly fumbled in his pocket and found his mobile. He was relieved to find at least a signal is here.

He quickly tried to call his friend but the phone never got connected, it just remained dead in the line.

He tried to open some app or search engine but the page or app never opened, it just kept on loading. Now for the first time, Orion was beginning to freak out.

He quickly dashed to the nearby building, it was some kind of corporate building. He opened the glass door and dashed inside, but to his horror, there was no one in reception.

He checked one by one all the doors but it was all empty, no humans in sight. He ran to the upper floor and after an exiting staircase, he found a similar-looking office. He dashed straight out of the main door and found himself again on the street in front of the building.

He was never going to the first floor but was returned to the ground floor. He walked and sat down on the side of the road, and began to take deep breaths,

"Relax, Relax buddy. It is a dream. It is a dream. It must be a dream."

He began to talk with himself closing his eyes,

"Remember, I am used to having weird out of context dreams now and then. It is the same. Relax, don't panic."

Suddenly he heard a loud crash, in front of his eyes a sky-high building began to crumble into the ground

'Earthquake?' Thought Orion as he dashed to the opposite side to avoid getting caught in debris.

Next, he saw something which increased his theory of all of this happening was his dream.

A fat man wearing a leather jacket and black jeans leaped from the falling building and successfully landed on the terrace of another building.

That was some 12 meters of distance, No sane man, even spiderman is barely able to pull that sh*t which happened just in front of his eyes.

The man continued to run as he disappeared from his view. Suddenly with another bang, a man with large wings on his back dived straight behind the first man.

This man with brown large wings like an angel was flying at high speed. He expertly dodged the falling debris and chased after the first man.

If the first one seemed barely human, this was straight from a set of superhero movies.

Orion blinked his eyes a few times to ascertain what he was seeing.

"A man just flew past in the sky like a bird."

Suddenly he heard the sound of someone behind him, he turned to look behind but before he could see who it was he was hit squarely on his head and he lost consciousness.

Sunlight falling on his eyes, with various people speaking. He opened his eyes groggily and found a large group of people surrounding him and saying something.

He sat up and found himself sitting on the side of the footpath. Suddenly a girl arrived and gave him a bottle of freshwater.

He took the bottle and drank a few mouthfuls, memories came to him like flooding.

"Thank God, it was a dream. What a weird dream! but at least it was not incomprehensible like his earlier ones."

He thanked the girl for returning the bottle. The girl helped him stand up,

"Are you fine? Do you want me to call Ambulance?"

Orion shakes his head and asked,

"What happened by the way?"

The girl replied," I'm not sure but onlookers said that you suddenly stumbled and fell on the footpath.

Then I arrived at the situation, maybe you fainted from sunstroke or something. You should check in the hospital."

Orion thanked the girl warmly and said goodbye to her. He walked on the path and soon crossed through a familiar cross-section.

Suddenly his heart began to beat violently recognizing it to be the same place as his dream. He lifted his head and looked towards the fallen building, but it was fine as new.

"Maybe, it is some weird case of deja-vu(a phenomenon in which something you saw in a dream happens in real life, giving you a sense of familiarity)."

Suddenly his phone rang and he removed it from his pocket to hear it. It was a call from his friends to whom he was going to meet right now.

"Hey, where are you, man? We are waiting?" Asked Ryan.

Orion quickly told them that he was on his way and maybe has lost his way.

"That place. Yes, you are in the right direction. Just walk straight and after another intersection. Turn left, there is a hotel, we are currently waiting for you."

"Ok, coming. " Orion affirmed and ended the call. He began walking toward the direction when habitually he lifted his hand to scratch the back of his head because he was feeling something sticky there.

Suddenly he stopped in his tracks, He looked at his hand which was covered in blood. He again placed his hand on his head and probed around a little.


He nearly cried out loud.

There seemed to be a small wound on his head which hurt like hell when touched. The blood was probably coming from this wound. He quickly placed his handkerchief to soak the small wound and it stopped after some time, forming a scab.

When his mind began to churn, he immediately thought of his weird dream. His heart again began to throb violently.

He shook his head and focused on realism thinking all this was his mind playing games on him. He took a deep breath and concluded,

"Ahh, Yes she said clearly that I fell headfirst on the street. It must be that wound."

He was happy and relieved to find some reasonable reason behind it.

Orion finally relaxed and putting the incident in the back of his mind jogged quickly to the destination.

Few Blocks away, From the terrace of the building, two people were observing him.

One was Man who flew past Orion at that time and the second was a woman wearing jeans and a hood.

"Why was he able to enter the Interim facet World?"

The man shrugged his shoulder,

"Who knows? Maybe some accidents.

Huh. We let that man escape, ready to be scolded by the Leader."