
In the next hour, Orion found himself perched in the back seat of the black sedan which was racing through the city traffic. It was only early morning with the sun still hiding behind skyscrapers, so traffic was not so bad allowing them to zoom in full speed forward.

The heroic woman was driving the car like she was used to driving at such a speed in such tense situations. There was little to no tension in her face, her hands racing the car like it was her routine work. The Man called Ray was calmly checking his social feed on his mobile, randomly liking photos of cute girls.

Seeing two of them he turned his head towards Ed who was sitting alongside him in the back seat. But if he was looking for a normal reaction, he was again going to be disappointed because Edward was f*cking sleeping in the car. He was knocked out like a drunkard.

Orion gave up and noticed his situation. His left-hand Plaster was forcefully cut apart by the Fierce lady and she had applied some weird cream claiming it is now fine as new. Despite her bold prediction, he could still feel a dull pain in his arm although it was very less than it should be.

He was plucked from his IV and given a shirt and loose trousers to change in. For Which thanks to God, they gave him privacy. He quickly and painfully changed into his new garbs and before he could question their motives he was pulled into the back seat of Car by Ed.

Now Mustering his courage he spoke out,

"Hmm, where are we going?"

The woman smiled a little sympathetically at him. She knew what they were doing to the injured boy was totally unacceptable but circumstances demand this. For a young man who was living a normal life a few days back, suddenly announcing that he was going to be killed was definitely not going to sit well with anyone.

If there was any other person of his age, they would probably have to knock him out. But this boy, despite not understanding anything, was still trying to maintain calm however fake it was looking. She could not deny that she was not impressed by him.

Orion felt little better seeing at least she was trying to sympathize with her while with huge contrast Two Men didn't even bother to show any attention to him.

"Sweetheart, we are going to Japan. "


Suddenly at this moment, Ed woke up straight with his eyes focused like he was never sleeping before. Ray shoved his phone inside his pocket and stretched his knuckles together.

Seeing the slowing down car and sudden tense situation, Orion restrained himself from continuing his questioning.

"You go ahead, I got this one. "

With these words, suddenly Ray disappeared from the seat. Orion was amazed at the live display of conjurer power in front of himself.

He just phased out of the car like he was a ghost or something.

The Venezia stepped on the accelerator too hard and Car went on rolling with full speed ahead.

Ed placed his hand on the shoulder of Orion and said,

"Look no questions, we do not have time. Your life is on line this time. So listen without interrupting me.

Japan is one of the most powerful countries in the Magic world. So anywhere where we could keep you safe, it is there.

You don't have to understand everything because with time you will get to know. The MoJ and Ouroboros headquarters are there. And although I don't trust any of these, this time both of them are helping to keep you alive.

So after reaching Japan you can follow MoJ "

At this point, Woman wanted to intervene but Ed didn't give him a chance.

"Lady, let me complete, please. "

Seeing her nodding to him he continued,

"They are an official organization so you will be safe for time being. Remember to trust no one, everyone is out for himself in the Hidden world even a father can kill his son and vice versa. "

There was suddenly a plethora of questions swirling in the mind of Orion. He wanted to ask them all but didn't know where to start. Ouroboros? MoJ? But he restrained his impulses to interrupt.

As he opened his mouth to ask something, suddenly he felt something plummeting on the car which shook the whole frame of the fast driving Car. Due to sudden weight, it began to twist around and was this close to colliding with the upcoming truck.

He was horrified at the close shave with an accident but Venezia managed to keep the car under her control. With a loud punch, the roof of the car was dented from above. It was like Horror movies when some super-powerful monster is punching and denting the roof of the car.

Ed turned to Orion and Said,

"Follow my advice and you will be safe. "

After these words, to the surprise of Orion, he quickly opened the door of the still-running car, and with what appeared to be an easy pull, he threw the man that was on the roof towards the side.

His strength was so great that the man who was thrown to the side collided with the wall and went inside the building smashing through the brick wall.

With one smooth motion, he also jumped out of the car. The woman sighed in annoyance,

"There will be peace for a few minutes at least. "

Orion who sat behind was totally lost in this mayhem. What is the reason that these people are so crazy to kill him? What was his fault? Ed is so powerful, he is like a hulk but in the normal body of humans.

On the next turn, a car suddenly began following behind their sedan.

Venezia saw the car from her side-view mirror and gave a warning in a sweet voice.

"Orion duck to the floor and hold tight. Things are going to be rough now. "

He without thought ducked down and held the seat tightly when suddenly bullets began to shower on their car from behind.

He was surprised with the use of modern weapons too.

She chuckled as she drifted cleanly to another side,

"I can guess what you are thinking. Yes, we use all kinds of weapons from ultra-modern guns to swords, all that depends on how fast we can kill another person. "

"I want to teach these bastards a lesson but you are of priority here. These gangsters are crossing the line, shooting so openly in the daylight."

Orion was gritting his teeth in pain due to sharp pain in his wound on his stomach due to frequent rough driving. He hissed through his teeths,

"Gangsters not Conjurers?"

Now the speed of the car was so high that it was practically cruising on the road. She squealed in delight at such high speed,

"Yeah, these are normal idiots with guns. Hired for killing us. Bullets work equally for us so there is no difference between gangsters and Conjurers when it comes to Guns."