Ceremony of Conjuring

Orion woke up to the knocking off the door. He arose from his bed groggily rubbing his eyes. It was one of his most comfortable night's sleep. As he opened the door he was instantly jerked awake by the man standing in the door.

"Mr… Asahi!" He looked around to find himself in the unfamiliar room as he remembered details of last night.

Asahi Tachibana smiled at him and greeted him well. He was looking fresh in his new purple formal shirt and black trousers.

"Orion, you have twenty minutes to get ready and report outside. I think we are going to have you formally acquainted with the magic world. "

He handed him a change of clothes and closed his door. Orion was still in the middle of processing what he had just said. But at last, he gripped his clothes while he dashed towards the shower. As he didn't want to miss his twenty minutes deadline.

Whatever the formal acquaintance meant by Asahi would be seen later. First, he was in desperate need of a good shower and a fresh change of clothes.

After thirty minutes, Orion walked out of his room in his wet long black hair, white T-shirt with casual khaki trousers. He was a little skeptical of this combination, but he himself was not much choosy about his clothes.

He found several closed rooms adjoining his room, wondering if they were empty or people live in headquarters. He was actually half right, full-time heads like Asahi lives in Headquarters for easy jurisdiction of their duties.

While to most of the other members these rooms serve as a temporary home or relaxing place. He walked out in the hall to see Asahi waiting for him, while furiously texting on his phone.

He greeted him to which he tersely acknowledged and gestured to follow him while he was still busy on his phone. After fifteen minutes of twists and turns through the large facility, they approached a lift that was already unlocked for them.

Asahi and Orion walked into it when he clicked the negative 5 number two times into the lift. Orion wanted to ask something but reading the room of Asahi getting furious with whoever he was texting he kept his mouth shut.

At this moment he realized that he didn't even have his phone with him. He had literally walked out naked from America without any of his items. Even clothes were borrowed, one which took him from hospital to Airport.

He sighed thinking about his friends, Ike, Ryan, Nydia hell he didn't even have time to talk with his Chef boss about hiring new help.

What will they think about what happened to me?

Probably Ed will give them some suitable excuse. He knew my friends and even knew where I worked. I hope it will work fine with him.

Thinking about Ed, the image of him knocked out cold after some drinks came to his mind. He had a weird premonition that he would be drunk and woozy in his apartment at this time. Suddenly the prospect of Ed informing his friends responsibly began to sound unsettling to him.

Orion was not always right. To prove this, In the apartment of Ed, there was something else going on this time. Everything was cleared squeaky clean like this apartment was not used for some five-plus years.

The same thing was true with Orion's place. His flat was also cleared out like it was abandoned for a very long time. There were no signs of anyone living here in the near past.

There were some unknown people currently investigating apartments of both of them. They were going as deep as looking for any stray hair left on the floor of the flat. But they were terribly disappointed as everything was cleaned, leaving no trace behind so ever.

But something still holds true with the prediction of Orion as Ed was currently sitting in the random bar, clearing out drinks at record speed. He was all dizzy but there were no signs of him slowing down.

Finally, Asahi kept his phone inside his pocket and cursed something under his breath. He was actually contacting his acquaintance for help with Orion's case but his friend straight out refused to help him.

He had to think of other measures to help Orion's case. The most important thing was to at least keep his identity under wraps and announcing to the local community that he was under their protection.

Even if MoJ was not so influential to stop everyone dead in their tracks. They were still one of the prominent organizations in Japan that had prominent power in this nation, unlike the American MoA which is still fighting on establishing its influence in its own country.

The lift dinged indicating they had reached their destination. That is an underground facility of MoJ.

Asahi had his temper under his control from earlier frustration. He gave Orion some basic information about the headquarters.

"This is real MoJ. The upper temple-like construction is just a shell for the mages and Conjurers to work and operate. While this underground facility is the real organization.

This facility basically is equipped with the most modern technology from all fields whether it is medical, or ancient research. Some of the rituals, spells, ancient magic craft are also researched here.

This is our stronghold for emergency measures, including protective bunkers which could even withstand a point nuclear explosion. Various ancient cursed, magical artifacts are stored here which are sometimes commissioned to the Conjurers or Mages for completion of their missions."

While he was giving a basic run down to the Orion, they kept on walking further inside the facility. Soon they found themselves standing before the ancient door. Surprisingly, in this metallic building, this door was made of wood and imprinted with various runes and small scrip hexes for protection.

Asahi knocked on the wooden door and with a slight brush of his hands, a light flickered on the spells inscribed on the frame of a wooden door. It opened to reveal an ancient chamber within.

Inside the old chamber was a huge pentagram inscribed on the floor. There was some kind of box kept between the center of the runic Pentagram.

"This will be your ceremony of becoming a Conjurer.

Theoretically, any human could become a conjurer but the most important thing needed in this process is to connect with a willing God. The God with whom you can forge a contract of his powers in return for your aid in their aims.

Conjurers do not have their own powers. They borrow powers from their contracts. Mages unlike Conjurers have their inherent ability of mana manipulation.

Therefore ceremony like this is an inevitable step toward becoming a Conjurer.

The Important process is to find God or Entity who is willing to sign a contract with you. Every God has a different test for his subsidiary thus we here only act as a bridge to connect humans to God, whether you are able to sign the contract is based on yourself."

Orion had many questions to ask but the shining Pentagram symbol on the floor was like a beacon that was disrupting his focus and will. He was attracted to the ancient runes of magic, from where the distinction of people living in the hidden world comes from.

He understood that this was the final step of throwing away his old life. After this, he will be part of this hidden world of which his parents were part, of which he could embrace his newfound identity.