
Ren appeared in the facet world and stood behind both Orion and Ai with her arms crossed.

"Oh! Miss Akiva, I never knew you were a friend of his. Is your clan aware of your… company? "

Suddenly, the expression on Ai's face turned sour.

"What I do is not the business of my clan. You should probably check on that guy, to see if he is still alive? "

Orion didn't know both of them to know each other but from their talk, it was apparent that even Ai would have trouble because of him in her clan. He was a problem everywhere.

He lifted himself and turned to both women who were staring daggers at each other.

"I think I want to go back. Can you please let me out?"

He spoke with his head hung low, blood leaking from his mouth. He was tired of pretending he could go through all of it. Today, he was just an inch away from dying.

But the main thing was, the reason behind all this was he himself. Because he is the problem. No one is free of troubles who tries to stand with him. He is a proper outcast.

Ai turned to him, understood something,

"I am coming with you, ….we"

"No, you are staying here and report to me about all of this, Miss Akiva."

Ordered the Professor looking straight into her eyes.

She flipped and tried to tell at her but Orion waved his hand,

"No need Ai, I am fine, just need sleep. Will meet you tomorrow. "

Professor snapped her hand,

"I am letting you go because you need medical attention. And obviously your good behavior of not using magic after my warning. Understand this, Mr.Orion. "

He didn't respond to her and felt himself coming back to the real world. Sounds of horns and traffic made him sure he was in the right place.

He started walking towards his apartment. He didn't bother to go for first aid, his bleeding jaw, and bruises of his body were less hurting than the pain in his heart.

He was useless, at least his father was able to fight by himself even if he was evil. While he is just a normal stuck in this world of supernaturals, who can hurt him anytime. The funny thing was no one was on his side, he was alone.

He was about to open his apartment door when he felt something, his eye ink throbbing. He turned back to see a poster, as a page flying and coming to rest on his feet.

He picked it up and opened it, It was written in an ancient script which he was unable to understand. But as he concentrated a little more he felt himself suddenly understanding a weird language.

" Demon Summoning Ritual. With only common materials, you can work out a simple agreement with a demon to do your bidding. 100 percent success guaranteed. "

He squinted his eyes, it was not normal. He was sure there was some magic involved in it reaching to him but this wording looked more like a scam. He was about to throw it into the bin when his eye went to the last part.

"Orion, Consider this as my gift. "

His heartbeat began to rise and breathing became ragged. He glanced at the last words again and thought of the anger and humiliation he felt when fighting that blond idiot.

He quickly went inside his apartment and went to the kitchen,

"Salt, knife, meat, ...."

In the unknown room, a Person entered from outside. It was a common room found everywhere in the city. But as the person closed the door, suddenly it changed to a dark place.

There was the occasional sound of the ocean churning to the shore coming from the darkest corner. The person walked and then kneeled towards that dark corner.

"What happened? "

"My lord, it is as we expected he was here in the college. Even MoJ is maintaining its distance from him. Now we had to just work according to plan. "

"Uhh….it was obvious that kid is burdened by deeds of his father. " The deep and low voice chuckled,

"We will be providing him a proper place in our legion after we complete our objective. But if….."

"I understand lord. The day is not far when you will be free again to regain your revenge. "

The low maniacal laughter sounded in the room which soon was buried under the raging sounds of sea waves crashing against rocks.

"Here take this, it can serve as my eyes in your world." With these words, the darkness faded from the room and what was left was the dim normal room and still kneeling man who looked eagerly to what his lord had left to him.

Suddenly, the phone buzzed in the pocket as Orion was sitting on the floor of his room. In front of him was a circle made of salt with his blood dropped at recurring points all over its circumference.

There was a piece of chicken raw meat left inside a circle, and with a poster in his hand, he was about to read ritual verses to summon a demon.

He was sick of this helplessness, he wanted to take revenge. This ritual provides him exactly what he needs. He doesn't have magic, so he would have to use this method to take his best shot.

And according to this, a demon who will be summoned will be bound inside a circle till he permits him to go out. He will form a simple pact with him to teach that bastard a lesson, who was out for his blood so publicly. He knew nothing would happen to him because in everyone's eyes he was evil. So this time he will do as everyone wants him to.

But the sudden phone call interrupted his train of thought. He fished out the phone from his pocket and picked it up. It was from Ai.

"Hey, you alright?"


"What happened?"

"I am sleeping, if nothing else will talk tomorrow. "

"Wait .wait…. I just called to see if you are okay. When you left you were pretty depressed.

Don't worry about it. Tomorrow, Mr.Asahi and us together will figure something out for you. Please don't be depressed. "

"What happened to him?"

"Oh….he…..Ummm you know.."


"Okay, listen but be calm. Time is a little against you but everything will be fine after a few days. "


"He was discharged without any charges. " Ai said as she closed her eyes. She knows how he would feel about it. She was also very angry but she can't fight with the majority of higher sorcerers.

"They said he was just misled by your rumors. Therefore he is innocent and was sent to the hospital because my spell caused him a minor concussion." She spat out everything in one breath.

Seeing the silence on another end, she was getting anxious…..

"Oh, I am going to sleep, I will talk tomorrow. "

She wanted to say something,

"Professor quarreled with those croons but…."

Before she could finish she heard the phone line cut by him. She put down her phone and sighed hoping he wouldn't get too sad over it.

Orion looked at the finished diagram in front of him and tightened his hold on his phone. He closed his eyes and decided to hell with it.

The sun rose in the morning with birds squeaking loud. Orion woke up from his bed by the loud knocking on his door. He arose from his bed and felt his body screaming in pain.

He didn't felt much pain yesterday but today he was literally feeling sh*t. He walked stumbling to open the door all the while knocking on his door was large enough to wake up the whole neighborhood.

He was confused as he looked at the time it was four thirteen in the morning. Who could be so early and in so much panic?

He went to the door limping and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. His face was bruised in the jaw along with a black eye and cuts on his forehead. It was looking bad but hurting like hell.

He opened the door to see anxious Ai standing outside in the same dress as tomorrow. There was little tension on her face.

"What happened?"

She flinched at seeing his bruised face but soon remembered why she was here, tension returning to her expressions.

"He is dead. Murdered."

"Who? "

"Fred. The Blonde Conjurer is killed in the hospital and you are the prime suspect. "