Mitugh vs Orion

The man in a tuxedo emerged from the side hall and walked leisurely towards the main chamber. Several people who saw him were surprised and began to whisper with each other.

"He dares to come here, just after he publicly refused the bounty?"

"What does he think? Could he take on a whole of the organization?

Look at him walking like he owns this place…."

"Shh...speak low or he would listen."

"What the hell? He should be scared even if he is Oceanus, he is surrounded by almost a hundred conjurers and not to mention, Boss Reju."

Mitugh clearly listening to all these discussions smiled, but his steps didn't falter a bit. He knew that they were aware I could hear them but he doesn't care about these minions. They are just pests, provoking him.

He took out a cigarette from his coat and lit it up with a lighter. He took a long drag and walked right into the main chamber, or Boss's office.

He didn't bother to knock on the door, as they were waiting for him anyway. He casually strolled inside and watched one old man sitting on the boss chair while three people- two men and a woman stood beside him.

All looking at him like looking at prey. He disregarded their angry stare and settled himself on the couch opposite the Boss.

"How dare you renege on your bounty after taking the price?"

Screamed Woman in a high-pitched voice while pointing at him angrily.

Mitugh closed his one eye and looked at the woman who was fuming at his lack of respect for her. She was the daughter of Boss Reju, a Conjurer.

"Can we talk old man, I mean alone?"

He finally said as he removed the half-finished cigarette from his mouth. He threw the remaining butt accurately into an ashtray in front of the Old man.

The face of the woman turned purple in anger. She was about to attack this overconfident man here and now.

"Leave us alone, Now."

The two men and she were shocked to hear the Boss saying this. But after getting no follow-up from him, they finally left the office all the while giving death stares to Mitugh, who just smirked to irk them more.

Finally getting the peace, the old man who was wearing a shawl over his loose tunic stood up from his chair and grabbed his walking stick.

He walked to the side of Mitugh and sat beside him on the couch. He produced a bottle of wine from under the table and two glasses and filled them half full and presented one to him.

Mitugh just shrugged his shoulders and picked his glass. He looked at the old man who also grabbed his own glass and took a sip.

"Was Price not sufficient?"

Finally, he spoke in his deep cracked voice as he swirled the wine in his glass. His attention was on the glass and wine all this time.

Mitugh knew the man, Reju short for Rejasitur Cannes- the conservative mage from the Branch family of Cannes. He wanted to build his own empire so he left Europe to fulfill his dream here in Japan. Here he raised this organization, Silver Crown.

The Mage, if not the most powerful, is one of the strongest humans in all of Japan but the thing is the community he represents. He lives on the heads of the older generation, and those conservatives who believe hierarchy in magic should be strict and all those old norms, like down world should be restrained, humans are supreme, etc.

Mitugh leaned to the back of the couch and crossed his legs. He took a big sip from his glass,

"Price was sufficient, but….."

Reju waited for him to finish but after getting no response he turned sideways to see Mitugh lost in his thoughts.

Suddenly he began to feel annoyed by his behavior. First, he took the bounty but then also sent others back who he had sent other than him after that kid.

Then, after not responding for over twenty minutes of undisclosed silence. He appears and says that he doesn't want to kill a kid. And now walking so bravely in his office, and behaving so arrogantly in front of him.

Did he really think that I couldn't touch him?

Slowly, his hands began to tremble as his anger began to take control of him. He was doing his best to not lose his cool and kill this World Famous 'The Oceanus' here.

On the other hand, Mitugh was completely oblivious of the emotional strain he was putting the old man into. He was relieving the last five minutes he spent with Orion that finally changed his mind about killing him.


The trident came striking down, in the speed Orion can't fathom. If he hadn't signed the contract, then all he could do was first to get hurt and then think about what happened. But now he was watching with amazement as Mitugh swung his weapon at him.

Suddenly, he blinked his eyes as he felt the world slow down a little. The swinging trident seemed to slow down a little. To his shock, he could predict the movement and trajectory of attack in that few milliseconds.

It was like his brain was proficient in doing this, as done million times before. Almost subconsciously he sidestepped and leaned back to avoid the trident by a margin.

The world resumed its speed as he dodged but Mitugh suddenly changed the trajectory midway as he instead of continuing swing, instead stabbed forward.

Orion was caught off-guard but like magic, well it was in one way. His brain immediately calculated, giving him the result that in this blow, he was unable to dodge.

So he did what he could do at that moment he crossed his arms to brace for the impact from the stab. He expected his arms to shrill down to the bone, or at least fracture of his forearms.

But the trident striked with his arms, and just before colliding a water layer covered its sharp edges to make it blunt. The collision sent him flying back a few meters.

Mitugh tilted his head as he looked at Orion with little confusion,

"You got proficiency in combat? "

Orion lifted himself from the floor as he held his severely hurting arms. He looked at Mitugh and replied,

"Yeah, he is a minor spirit. Gave me little fighting proficiency !"

Mitugh rotated his trident in his hand and thought for a few minutes. While he was thinking, Orion looked around quickly to find something to help him fight.

God of war without weapons is just Man of war. He needs something or anything. He told about his ability, although downplayed to Mitugh because till now he could have killed him several times but he didn't.

This proves he was not here to kill him or at least that's what he inferred from his character. He looked to find a broken wooden stake piece, which was jagged from one end. It was seemingly part of a broken wooden signboard which was demolished to pieces sometime between the fight by Mitugh.

"Hmm, it has both huge potential and no potential depends on you. How you want to take it.

People prefer to fight at distance with magic spells or abilities while the underworld creatures prefer to get personal. But both can also be reversed. "

Orion with dried blood on his lips and one black eye was shocked by his statement,

"What is this now? A lesson for the future. Aren't you going for my life?"

Mitugh chuckled as he patted his hand on his thigh,

"Of course, I haven't decided yet whether to spare you or not. This depends on you if you could survive next…...hmm three minutes. I will spare you, what do you think?

You have given me many happy surprises I could hope for in one day. At least I could do this for you. "

Orion didn't bother to finish the subject with him as he knew from his experience that he could start his attack at any moment. Thus he walked to the splintered piece and picked it up while he was talking.

It was a little odd to his hand but at least better than empty hands. He then looked at smiling Mitugh,

"Yeah, whatever, I don't think I have many choices either. "

Just as he finished, He was already upon him but this time he was trying to hit him with the back of his trident.

Orion accurately felt the weapon, and where it was going. He almost by instinct bent his body and shoved the jagged wood piece towards the stomach of Mitugh.

In his eyes, it was the perfect counter. The trident back would pass just above his head while Mitugh wouldn't have time to react to his shove and maybe he could scratch him with his jagged piece.

But just as the trident end passed above his head, suddenly his calculations went downhill in milliseconds all because Mitugh increased his speed from what he was showing all along earlier.

He easily sidestepped the jagged piece and raised his knee to hit Orion straight into his stomach. He felt like throwing up, but his empty stomach helped him somehow.

Next what followed was the intense beating and frequent failure of calculations or ability of Orion as was stepped down by Mitugh on every turn.

Orion was literally staggering by end of it while Mitugh was tired just slightly. He looked like he didn't break a sweat but from inside he was very much surprised.

It was not even ten minutes till this boy came back with a contract and now look at him. He almost got me three or more times despite me working on my average speed which in theory he can't even touch.

He was like a shining and fluctuating source but now he had restrained his magic waves by almost half. He was learning fast and very quickly.

Mitugh slapped his hands as his trident disappeared and both of them found themselves back in the crowded station. Sudden Appearance of two people, was didn't even noticed by the normals.

"You won, kid. But taking a contract doesn't end your worries but rather starts it. Earlier if they were speculating about you, now they are gonna come surely after you.

Be careful! And learn how to use your ability properly. Honestly, you are sh*t at it. "

When Orion focused on last words, he wants to spat out something mean to him like,

Wow, I could totally say so if I got a chance to beat some newcomer while I was a veteran.

But he focused his half-closed eyes to see, Mitugh already had disappeared. He felt his head spinning due to constant punches on his face. Therefore, he found a bench to rest himself a little.
