City Appraisal

Three days had since passed by the attack on the Orion. Aftermath following the incident by the blonde guy, went as follows.

MoJ sent their 'official' investigation team to check over the remains of the murder of the blonde guy. It is usually termed as an unknown cause case for the local police which helps them to transfer it to so-called 'officials'.

MoJ moved with speed as they quickly gathered the remains and some magic from the remains to determine that it was the case of demon summoning. Simultaneously, they warned the local groups to stop hunting the Orion as till now he had not been proven guilty of this summoning.

There were still little repulsions in the hearts of the local magical community over Orion as it was clear he was the only one with motive and history to do so. But the order and investigation of MoJ were still effective enough to stop their unrestrained advances towards Orion.

Many people who were behind the shadows of this unhappy group, using the crowd to hide their motives felt that they lost this chance. The proper moment was just then when the murder just came to light to dispose of the calamity named Orion but unfortunately, they had missed that golden opportunity.

On the other hand, the life of Orion went a little normal after this incident. He was still learning to control his abilities from the Cassis all the while behaving like a normal uni student.

Professor Ren was still for unknown reasons skeptical of him, maybe she also considers the summoning to be his doing. Orion made some acquaintances with new students while the only Li remained as his self-proclaimed friend who was doing his best to heave him into Professor Ren's appreciation group.

Ai walked out of her last class to see Orion waiting for her outside the Uni building. She waved at him tiredly,

"Heya! "

Orion found her out of energy. He was grateful for her support but didn't want to latch upon her therefore suggested,

"If you are tired, you don't need to come. I think I could manage by myself in the city. You should rest today. "

Ai gave him a sneaky look and shook her head.

"No, no. Give me fifteen minutes to shower and change. You will lose yourself in the slender streets of Tokyo within one hour. And now you are not normal, there are several places which should be avoided by the unfamiliar Conjurers."

With these words, she went to her dorm to change into fresh clothes while Orion waited for her outside. He had almost gotten hold of his basic abilities, about what he could do normally. Therefore, it would not be false to say he is now a new fully-fledged Conjurer in the town.

Thus yesterday, when Ai suggested that he should visit the city for sightseeing both as a foreigner and new Conjurer he readily agreed. He was now qualified to at least know the hidden intricacies of Tokyo.

Orion went to the nearby public washroom and checked his face in the mirror. He was very much healed now, with only some minor cuts and bruises left on his face which could be easily overlooked in the shadows of night. His eyes were back to normal, as well as his swollen lips.

He washed his face with fresh water and set his long black hair backward. Maybe he should get a haircut, these are already reaching the base of his neck thought Orion.

Suddenly, the latest conversation with Cassis came into his mind,

"Weapons are the soul of Warrior. Without one, you are already performing at less than your half potential.

And for a Good warrior, everything could be a weapon. Never fight without a weapon until absolutely necessary."

He checked his pocket for a small iron chain piece and patted it. It was a tiny piece he found by himself, that is the broken chain part of the bike chain. When now he was getting the feeling of being attacked anytime literally, a small piece of chain is at least better than nothing.

Ai walked out in her skinny ripped jeans and short crop top. She had a low-cut design on the back of her top which revealed much of her back. At this moment, Orion observed the majestic tattoos on her back.

"You also got tattoos? And two of them?"

She turned back to him and threw him keys to the car. Orion caught them deftly. Neither he asked nor she told where she got those car keys from.

He followed behind her to some distance, all the while noticing lifelike details of her tattoos. They were not like his in even a remote sense. They were some kind of serpents, intertwined with details so minute that you could observe scales drawn on their bodies. They covered almost all of her small back, also leaving some part of bare skin in-between and that was covered with her bra and remaining top.



"These are dragons, or technically incarnations of eastern Dragons. They are the traditional art of my clan. "

Orion stepped to match her speed to walk together with her.

"They are awesome, totally marvelous ,and lifelike. They are nothing like those minimalistic eye Asahi gave me. "

She tsked in annoyance,

"Don't even compare those simple things with mine. These dragons are top-level art, perfected from generations of our ancestors, not like simple knack you could learn in a few years.

These are pride and identity...yeah these are awesome. "

Orion noticed that she was about to say something else but he didn't push her. He mentally made a note to ask her next time what benefits these provide to her and maybe he could also get these if it was possible. Maybe a tiger or lion would be cool.

The car they found matching with the key was a green, eye-catching small hatchback which got the eyes of Orion twitching. He knew about cars due to the courtesy of his best friend, and also never discriminated between them. But this neon green color was too much even for him.

He turned to Ai to comment something to see her hiding her face which was red due to embarrassment. She opened the passenger door and hopped in.

"Come in! We have no choice, she is the only car available today as her owner is staying the night at the dorm."

Orion shook his embarrassment as he opened the car door and set behind the wheel. He ignited the engine and surprisingly the car was smooth driving for its little too attractive body.

The first stop they settled for was the restaurant shop in the side interior of the Tokyo district. They parked the car to get inside.

"Is it something special?"

Asked Orion as took in the usual scenery of the common looking restaurant.

She shook her head,

"No man! It just has my favorite dishes. We are here to eat because I am hungry, we will discover Tokyo later."

Suddenly, Orion felt that this girl was too shrewd to handle. He lifted his hands in surrender and felt it was better to let her lead than to ask questions every time and feel like an idiot.

Inside the restaurant, both of them ordered their dishes and began to wait for their orders. Orion went on to search on his phone on local websites for any potential part-time jobs open for Side chef.

He had to take up a job, to get some pocket cash to spend because he didn't want to depend on Mr.Asahi more than necessary. Also, there was that apartment, about which he still doesn't know who pays rent

The dishes arrived after a few minutes as both of them dipped into the delicious food. It was characteristic of Tokyo restaurants with appropriate flavors mixed with almost catchy spiciness.

As the chef, even Orion felt that the dish was prepared with almost the best of efforts. Although he could also prepare such a level of the dish with some practice, the experience screaming from the food is something he can't replicate.