
"Woah! Do we turn back, quietly….he seems pretty pissed off already."

Whispered Ai as she tucked her head after watching the serious expression of the middle-aged man.

Orion cursed her under his breath as he showed his best smile to the man. He didn't want to be thrown out of the restaurant just as they entered because she ran her mouth off. This woman was crazy, or Orion was getting more and more sure of it.

Dai was in a bad mood. The thing was, he had been in a bad mood since that accident that changed his and his small family's life. But depression, worry, and sadness he was fighting all these things by himself in his alone time.

All because he couldn't release himself in front of his family, especially his daughter. He was the pillar of support for the whole family therefore he can't afford to slip up.

He had to remain optimistic and cheerful always, just as a loving father and husband would do. Thus, the only time when he is alone he allows himself to release his pent-up emotions.

This time was actually such a time where he was in the grave mood, thinking about her daughter when this two young couple walked in. He wasn't expecting someone at this time of night, thus was a little surprised to see them. He was not annoyed, just caught at the wrong time.

"Hello sir, I am sorry for intruding if you were busy we could….."

Orion, seeing the serious expression, tried to gauge the reaction of the owner. If he was truly pissed off, then running from here immediately might be a good move.

Dai noticed their awkwardness and immediately waved his hand to clear the misunderstanding.

"Don't worry. Just tell me why are you here? Some Complaints or booking some large orders...."

Orion, especially Ai, relaxed knowing at least the man was not angry. Maybe his face by default was serious. They, upon his gesture, sat opposite to him on the chairs.

"No sir, actually I am here for the job. Part-time job as the side chef."

Dai looked at the man and scrunched his eyebrows.


He never knew he had put up an advertisement for the job. As much as he knew, which was basically everything since he was owner they already had full staff including him.

He didn't call for the job, so what is he talking about? He had this small family restaurant with a decent business for several decades now. And he himself was a chef; thus, he works there every day. There is no chance he couldn't be more sure about these kinds of things.

"But I didn't put up for the job. Where did you read that?"

It was now Orion's turn to be totally caught off guard, like Dai. His face turned into abrupt shock as he began to overthink various possibilities.

'Sh*t, Did he somehow read the wrong restaurant address?


The Ad he read on the net was a hoax? '

At this moment, a small suppressed giggle was sounded in the room which attracted both of their attention. It was Ai who was covering her face with her hand trying to suppress her laughter but was unsuccessful.

Her brazen attitude immediately brought Orion's slow-moving brain into action. He was acting a little slow, due to alcohol but my God this girl is beginning to lose it due to alcohol running in her blood.

It was slightly unexpected after such a large number of shots she had taken earlier but

'Hey, I thought you were drinking so much, that too with so much confidence. That I thought you could handle such booze. '

He turned towards Dai in embarrassment to see him gazing at giggling Ai, with a totally expressionless face. He turned sober immediately as he dragged her from the chair to the outside.

She lost her restraint as he pulled her up and broke into a large fit of laughter. He yanked her outside, while simultaneously grasping his phone from his pocket.

"I'm very very sorry, sir. She has drunk a little bit more this evening. I hope you apologize…"

Dai looked at him and pretty calmly shook his head,

"No problem. Go on, Take care of her. "

He planted the phone on the table with the advertising page opened on his browser.

Fortunately, he hadn't closed that window in his browser earlier. Therefore he was able to go back immediately.

"Meanwhile you could check if this ad is wrong so that you could check who is putting these fake…."

He couldn't complete his words as he had to grab Ai who was going to fall off anytime. He took her outside while closing the door behind them.


Ai was now shaking with laughter.

Orion took her to the empty tables and made her sit there. He didn't know whether he should laugh or cry at this situation. Here goes her first job down the drain either due to the wrong ad or due to Ai.

"Hey, what's so funny about it?"

He asked with a little sarcastic tone.

"Haha….I, I don't know….hahah….but you walked to wrong…...to.…..haha...demand a job….."

She is wasted, concluded Orion as she began to talk incomprehensibly.

At this moment inside the room, Dai looked at the advertisement shown on the browser. He was surprised.

It was his restaurant, while the requirement was a full-time or part-time chef who could make dishes other than Japanese.

Well, it absolutely matched his restaurant. He looked below where the right address and phone number were given.

As he read the phone number, his expression immediately turned weird. It was his daughter's number. He immediately grabbed his phone and dialed it hurriedly.

After the first ring, he realized what time it was right now. It was late midnight, and here he is disturbing his precious daughter. He was about to cancel the call when the phone connected.

"Dad, yes? "

Sounded the sleepy, childish voice from the other end. The slight voice was needed to brighten the mood of Dai as he heard his daughter's voice.

Orion thanked the waitress as he made dizzy Ai drink the warm water. She proceeded to finish it after much trouble. At last, she plopped down on the table.

"Look, look Ai. Akiva!

Sit here, we are going back just as I come back after taking my phone back.

Listen girl, Sit here. Don't move."

He placed her securely on the table and ran back to the Boss's office to get back his phone. The job was not a big deal, but the last thing he wanted now was the drunk magic girl running amok in the town.

He was hanging out with her for the first time, drinking alcohol. He was still not sure how she would behave after being intoxicated. He only prayed that these Conjurers don't begin to use magic while drunk.

He opened the door to reveal Dai with some strange expression on his face. It was happiness or embarrassment he was not sure but he didn't dwell on it.

"Sir, sorry for the disturbance. I will take my leave…."

He grabbed his phone which was lying on the top of the table and hurried back immediately.


The rushed yell stopped him in the middle of opening the door.

Dai stood up and explained to him with a little apologetic smile.

"Actually, it was the right advertisement. I didn't know because my daughter had put it up before informing me.

So, you know we could do a little interview if you want. "

Orion was taken aback he hadn't expected such an outcome.

"Sorry, sir. I would have loved to take this interview but right now I have to decline.

My friend is down and she needs to go home immediately. Although I am grateful for your offer."

Dai quickly walked to him and patted his back. He was suddenly excluding happy vibes which was the total opposite from his earlier serious mood.

"No problem. Take your friend back at ease. We could take the interview tomorrow. "

Orion vaguely nodded his head at the sudden display of hospitality to him. He hurried back and was relieved to find Ai sleeping peacefully in her seat.

'At least she becomes silent…..'