Blood lust

Orion found his mind blank out as he looked at the heavenly face before him. Her face, her lips that were red as cherry sprouts he without knowing leaned towards them.

On other hand, Florence felt her breath rise. She began to take deep breaths as she remained closer to Orion. She was feeling extreme lust. She was close to losing her mind in her lust when the door shuddered.


The small vibration was enough to shake Florence back to some senses although it was not enough. She had her fangs almost hovering above the nape of Orion's neck, just short of piercing them.

She smirked and took back her fangs. Orion who was busy with his lips on her neck woke up from his muddled senses as something sharp picked his neck.

Instantly, he was wide awake and aware of his senses. All his hotness cooled down to sweating as he realized what pain could meanwhile be in a Vampire's company.

The door shuddered once again, this time a little louder. Orion hurriedly leaned back as he checked his neck. There was a small scratch on him from where one drop of blood was dripping.


She smiled dazzlingly, with her eyes still hazy in lust as she propped her finger in her mouth as she licked his blood by her tongue.

"What honey?...mmm, you really taste sweet."

She stood up from the table and walked staggeringly to the door. Her stride was unbalanced, similar to an intoxicated person.

Orion on other hand was deeply traumatized by her actions. He almost had been bitten off by a Vampire but the worst part was that he didn't want to resist it. He almost failed the temptation of the blood-sucking queen.

He was now totally stunned and shocked sitting in his chair. He had lost all his will to fight, in other words, accepted his fate at the hands of vampires. He absentmindedly looked at the door.

She opened the door to reveal two men in the middle of the scuffle while holding each other's collars. One was her sub-Roger while the other was a tall man with black hair and black eyes. His handsome face was frowning but watching Florence immediately turned into a charming smile.

"Oh hello, Miss Florence. I was informed that you remembered your admirer."

Florence was not in much clarity right now. She was losing herself but before she could completely she had to find herself a snack.

She grabbed the hand of the man and pulled him inside while ordered,

"Roger, call Amy here quick…."

Roger immediately began to contact the girl called Amy. He knew where she would be, in his boss's office waiting for her. She was the current girlfriend his boss was with.

Orion heard the voice but didn't believe his ears but as the man walked inside he was shocked.


"I gathered that you sent for me.….." The man stopped mid-sentence and then looked at only the living man in the room. He met Orion's eyes and immediately gestured to him to keep a little quiet.

Orion was pleasantly surprised but immediately turned silent on getting his signal. He sat back down silently.

Ed walked and sat on the chair opposite to him while at this moment Florence reentered the room. She was now totally drunk, in her lust. She looked first at Ed then at Orion and then smiled.

"Oh my…. Two friends….you can talk."

With few steps, she was upon Orion,

"What do you say, boy? Shall we continue where we left?

I welcome you to join my lair as my boyfriend. What do you say about my offer? And you too, Edward I could also reintroduce you back to our circle if you accept me as your master... 'hicc'..."

Orion was stumped out by her behavior. She was looking like she was drunk but how could that be? She was fine just a moment ago. He looked at her eyes and found them clouded with lust which made his heart skip a beat.

Ed again signaled him to remain quiet while he himself was on full alert if she lost her restraints, he could stop her.

Florence was now squirming along the wall, her breaths coming in ragged puffs. Her dress was threatening to fall off at any moment to reveal her heavenly body. She was right now the most irresistible beauty in the world.

But surprisingly, despite being two men sitting right in front of her. Not one of them was excited to find her like that. One was too traumatized by an earlier brush with death, while another one probably knows what she is feeling.

The door opened at this moment, by a woman wearing a short dress. She was also beautiful with her thick brown hair, brown eyes, and short but full figure.

She looked inside to find Florence and yelled,

"Florence?..." There was some hesitancy, some fear in her eyes to find her girlfriend in this questionable situation with two men sitting in the room.

Florence at this moment opened her eyes, which were completely red now. She jumped at the girl and closed her mouth with her lips and both fell to the ground.

She instantly shredded her clothes, but despite being a normal girl Amy didn't find her behavior horror. But she turned into something else as soon as Florence touched her. She began to return love to her girlfriend with the most passion she could muster.

It was in the next few minutes Orion discovered that the lust he was observing in the eyes of Florence was not sex lust it was 'blood' lust.

The fangs emerged from her mouth as she bit into the neck of the girl. Amy was currently feeling high on drugs as the bliss she was feeling while making out with Florence was heavenly.

But in the next second the hot scandal scene turned into gore as Florence lifted herself and opened her mouth. Her jaws ripped open to reveal more elongated sharp fangs, in the next second her whole mouth was ripped open as it only contained sharp, razor-like two-inch-long fangs. There was no skin left on her lower face only, a mesh of sharp long fangs all around.

She turned into a monster right in front of Orion and Ed, while the former was beginning to freak out while the latter was pretty calm. He looked at Ed for answers he just spread his arms,

"That's the true form of vampire…."

As expected, she this time was a complete monster with her fangs. She ripped off the slender neck of the poor girl as blood poured out like water from a broken pipe.

The girl didn't even have a chance to scream as she died in her high state while Florence or now the monster was currently ripping her body and drinking all the blood it could find in that body.

The blood-stained large fangs sucked her out completely in a few minutes leaving only a dead body with half neck and shoulder.

She stopped her work in half an hour then, stood up and walked calmly to her chair, and sat down on it. Somewhere in between her jaw healed back to original proportions and her more than a hundred razor-sharp teeths shrunk back to normal human proportion.

She smiled satisfyingly at Ed and Orion like the above horror incidents never happened before. It would be pretty convincing if her whole mouth was not stained and the streams of blood dripping from her jaw, to her white neck to her cleavage. Even her dress was all stained with fresh dark hue all over.

"Now we can talk about business."

She said while crossing her legs and looking at both men while she licked her fingers.


After three hours, Zeph and Ed were sitting in the small but empty ramen stall witnessing the sunrise.

"You here? When did you come here? "

"I just arrived four days back. I was just enjoying the States. Then I thought maybe I could do the same here too. Also, it had been a long since I was on holiday abroad. " Ed fished out a bottle from his jacket and opened its screw. "But at the airport that crazy lady's gang forcefully took me to her. From the info I have gathered she was pretty much insane and 'viola', turned out to be more than true. I can confirm in my four-day stay at her building."

"Hmm...Did you tell her about me knowing you?"

"Me, no" Ed replied almost immediately, in a few minutes his guilty conscience was trembling under the hard stare of Orion.

"I think I may have blurted out in a drunk state. I'm not sure…" he said after a while when Orion kept staring at him and didn't let go.

Just as he finished his words, Orion grabbed him by his neck and began to choke him.

"You IDIOT! I was this close to getting bitten by her and what about all the threats and warnings. And don't even forget that horror show she showed while committing a murder. I don't think I am going to sleep for the next few days….thanks to you."

Ed didn't resist and let him choke him all he wanted. Conveniently, He didn't need to breathe at all. After Orion finished his torture, he casually cleared his jacket collar,

"I didn't know she would lure you using me….I'm sorry dude. Actually, I also think I would have nightmares too"

"Can Vampires sleep though?"

Ed turned to him and gave him his middle finger. It was just casual banter. They were happy to find each other thus were just screwing around.

And what happened the previous night, Orion was still not ready to talk about it and Ed was fine with Orion taking his own time processing that. It was just one tiny corner of the huge hidden world he had witnessed.