Six-armed phantom

From the moment both of them introduced themselves to each other to the moment the situation in the club began to worsen. The two girls effectively bonded just like a group of old friends. And soon first-hand watched each other's powers too, coming to the understanding that they individually too are not easy characters to deal with. 

"Are you ready, …Wren? "

Asked Dia as she looked at her new partner. The girl with unusual white hair nodded to her as she turned back and glimpsed at the current scene of the club. They had overcome the plague-like situation here due to those fumes….though somewhat crudely. 

Both of them had worked fine with each other in tandem, but her senses and powers which….had considerably become more powerful since Old God's game, were telling her that it was not going to be easy. And this problem here was not some small party's doing.