001 Dying after being no.1 hooray!

"Come here you Giant zombie! wanna take a bite? come here!"

My finger's typed at the keyboard in a fast pace while my other hand was focused on clicking and moving the mouse repeatedly like there's no tomorrow, well there really is no tomorrow if I can't win this.

I was currently live at a gaming platform, more than 100k people was watching me as I made my way to the top leaderboard, all I have to do was defeat this Mutated Giant zombie king that no one ever defeated before, well only the higher ups but even then they couldn't defeat it due to the lack of knowledge about the boss.

Some of them would always ended up with low HP and that would be the time where they already conquered the boss but to their surprise, the boss would explode causing them damage and a mini version of it would pop up with only 50% of the boss's life earlier yet it's damage would be 2x more than what they were dealing with. Some players think it was some kind of a cheat but to me I understand it, killing the boss would instantly move you to the top and no matter how much players level up they could never replace your throne, only those who can defeat the boss can be able to be at the top.

"That's it! explode!" I screamed in excitement while making my character back away from it's dead body, if I can avoid the explosion I might have a chance of killing it's mini version cause I still have 50% of my HP.

I waited till it explode and when it did the mini boss came out, it's looks were still the same yet. Mutated muscled body with eyes everywhere from it's body and this ugly tentacles that's squirming around it's head that was only a giant eyeball, the only difference now was it's size was 10x smaller than what it was previously.

As the battle started my viewers went up from 100k, now there was 213k people watching me and I couldn't help the grin that made it's way from my lips.

'That's it you weaklings, watch your new king achieve something no one had ever done' I thought inside my head.

As it started I expected it to be slow like earlier but to my surprise it's speed increased now that it's not a giant. I ran and ran, keeping my distance away from it. I changed my melee weapon into a bow, unlike guns if I missed a shot I can pick up my arrow so it was better than an ammo that would ran out immediately. I also known from my current knowledge about the boss that melee weapons and bows are more effective against it that guns, it was a tough challenge since most of the players here used different kind of guns but I prepared before doing this so victory is mine.

I aimed at the little boss's small eyes around it's body and whenever I hit one it would screech and shake for five seconds before it regained it's stance and attack me, whenever that happens I would ran and create a far distance between us before taking my time aiming an arrow at one of his weak spots again.

It continued like that for 15 minutes and now I was down to 30% percent HP. I overlooked the small study about the boss changing into long range when it's about to die but since no players have reached this far I wouldn't gain this kind of information. I was having a hard time now, for some reason my head was pulsating like crazy and I was experiencing headaches yet I ignored it as I glance at my viewers that now reached 400k. The amount of players watching gave me a new found motivation and I ignored the pain.

"Just one more hit at its head or eyes, whatever the hell that is" I grumbled as I took a deep breath and focused. It was preparing to lunch one of it's poisonous flesh balls, that's how I like to call it cause it looks like a bunch of flesh molded together into a canon that would come from it's mouth in its stomach. This was it, this was my only chance. If I take the damage I would be left with 10% HP but if I manage to hit it too it would die. I gritted my teeth as the opportunity came. Its mouth from its stomach opened and formed a giant flesh ball before spitting it at my direction, as it close its mouth its head was revealed unprotected and that's where I let go of the arrow and it came flying towards it.

'Please kill it' I prayed above and everything seemed to be in slow motion. I took the attack and my HP went down to 10% as I predicted yet what almost brought me to tears was the boss's life going zero as the arrow hit its giant eyeball head.

Tears formed in my eyes and I scream at the top of my lungs.


That scream must've woken up my parents and a few neighbors cause their lights turned on but I didn't care. My eyes were glued to the golden notification on the screen.

{Congratulations Player69XRT5 for defeating the Boss}

{You are now the number 1 player in the leaderboard}

{You have received 1,000,000 battle coins}

{You have received a legendary item would you like to equip?}

My mouth fell open.

'A legendary item!?' I exclaimed in my head. I did not see that coming. As my excitement got out of hand I instantly went to check it out. I frowned at the image. It looked like a normal watch but it doesn't have a time in it, instead there was coordinates and my HP bar. I shrugged and clicked equip, if it was a legendary item it's looks won't matter, only it's stats would make use to me.

{Watch of resurrection had been equiped}

"Watch of resurrection huh? weird name but does it resurrect me when I'm fighting?" I said curiously. Suddenly a new notification popped up that got me so confused.

{You will die, would you like to resurrect in the game?}


'What's up with the choices? And does it mean I died in the game? If so yes, I would resurrect' I thought without a care and pressed enter.

The screen of my PC suddenly blacked out and I coughed.

"Okay what the fuck!? MOM DID YOU TURN THE SWITCH OFF AGAIN?" I screamed in annoyance and heard no reply.

"Tsk, stupid old woman" I cursed before removing my headphones and standing up. My head began to pulse again like earlier but this time it was even more painful. I fell on my knees, clutching my head tightly. I also felt something trickling down my nose and ears and when it hit the floor my eyes widen.

Blood, it was blood. I didn't have time to do anything. Black dots swarmed the sides of my vision before completely enveloping my eye sight and leaving me in a void of darkness.

As my body lay unmoving on the floor, the screen on my computer turned on and a notification popped up.

{Resurrection will now begin}