

Edwin woke up in a very good mood as in his mind he had countless different sword techniques, different types of cuts and different types of rapiers what he was thinking was because his mother and sister were sleeping next to him.

reviewing the faces of the two he could notice a dark circle under their eyelids that happened to him when his daughters got sick the first time

At night maybe something happened with him at night it was the most viable thing so he very carefully got up to make them something for breakfast to make up for the sleeplessness

After cooking something quick for the three of them, he left the cave to exercise following a series of exercises for the different parts of the body at the end of the routine he looked for a stick to use as a practice sword when he returned he took out the dagger and began to give him a sword form almost at the end of his work

It was when he heard a series of noises that came out of the cave, he knew that the women had woken up when they finished eating, they went out to see where Edwin was, knowing that he was fine, they relaxed and went to sit next to him.

"Edwin, how do you feel, do you have some kind of pain, do you have some kind of discomfort, does some part of your body hurt?" With a worried face, his mother asked him, his sister was also listening to his answers, just waiting for confirmation that everything was good to relax

Seeing that they had spent the whole night taking care of him, he explained to the two that the disease will not return that it had already ended and he felt much better that they did not have to worry anymore, after a series of questions asked by the two women they confirmed that It was better

They also took the opportunity to tell him how desperate they were to see him very ill and today they will sleep together again to be safer without any possibility of making any kind of reply. He agreed with them.

On the other hand, they behaved very happy for the rest of the day, especially they were very happy, they always had a smile on their face after knowing that they had won this discussion.

Edwin did not give much importance to the discussion, he continued to shape his wooden sword when the afternoon arrived, he went to look in the forest for something to eat and also wood for the campfire they had to spend the night, the hunt was not heavy this time

he had very good luck to hunt in the afternoon despite the cold the two rabbits gave them to his mother to prepare them, he lit the fire and settled near the fire to continue making his wooden sword

Upon seeing the shape of the sword, his sister approached to accompany him making a very comfortable talk until dinner was ready. "Ed, what are you doing with that piece of wood?" he asked her after sitting next to him, seeing her interested, he began to tell him what I was doing and what will it do

For Liliana, being able to protect people who cares for them was like a dream. Being able to use a sword to defend herself was one of her goals, knowing that her brother could help make this dream come true. She asked him to teach her with great nervousness what I looked thinking that he will refuse to be able to teach him

Seeing her sister's nervousness, she said with a smile "Lili, after dinner you sleep, then we'll start early" after hearing what her brother said, got up with a big smile and finally went to tell her mother the good news. He could learn to defend and protect the people he cared about

at the end of dinner Edwin went to bathe on the river bank that night happened without any important incident to say the next day very early before sunrise the two brothers began training to use swords where their sister's legs trembled from the rigorous training

When Karen woke up when she came out of the cave, she watched the pair of young people do some training positions, she stayed to see how they exercise where the pair was very sweaty at the end of the morning, the two of them went to breakfast to be able to continue with their training until When it was noon, they had to finish because poor Liliana's whole body ached and she couldn't go on any longer.

Edwin knew that it was only the first day, although he had the information, his body was not in a position to continue with the training, just like his sister, so he also rested for a moment, he did not want to overdo things

at noon the two young men exchange their training experiences where Edwin gave different advice to her sister for her training the young woman listens attentively to her brother from a distance Karen looks at her children with a smile

In the afternoon Ed realizes that he has to make his trip to get something for dinner so before leaving the cave to hunt he warns the two women of his intentions so that they would not worry about his absence

Upon entering the forest, he comes across some tracks of an animal larger than those left by rabbits.When following the small traces they have left, he gets excited because in the distance there is an animal a little smaller than a dog but fatter.

when looking at it closer the image of the animal is like that of a pig but it has a pair of fangs in its trunk as it is afraid of scaring it this time it takes a little longer to aim with its bow so as not to ruin its hunt out of nowhere a sound in the head catches your attention


1. Make a successful hunt especially avoid being robbed of the press

reward: beginner level hunter knowledge

Without wasting any more time, he crawled through the tall grass to surround the prey with the hope of being able to see it from the front, grabbing as little noise as possible without losing sight of the animal when he arrived behind some trees where he was facing the animal

looking more closely at the terrain you could see two dark lumps lying on the grass I had no idea what they were but the sure thing is that they were trying to steal the prey here he faced a dilemma, wait for them to attack or kill the pig first

here he had his first theory about these missions where the task they give you is what you have to do to the letter such as if I kill the pig and then shout to drive away those things the task would be done

But if I kill the pig and then shoot arrows at one of those things, killing it, I'm sure it will give me an additional reward. This is what happened with the kobold the first time where I just had to escape, but as I returned to kill it, they gave me that mission. hidden

so if I kill the pig and then kill both things, those will give me a greater reward so we will go with this plan without waiting for anything else, he started his plan where he got as close as possible to the pig without alerting him where the position was fundamental factor for your attack

when he was moving towards the press he felt someone looking at him with a desire to kill him where he unconsciously stopped moving for a moment after the feeling disappeared as if it had never happened he took note of the direction and continued with the plan

he got into position to wait for the perfect moment to kill the pig after about 5 minutes the two animals started a race to attack the pig apparently they were gray wolves when the pig saw them coming he ran forward in my direction

As he had the bow ready, he shot him in the head so that they wouldn't take the press off me, putting the other arrow quickly on the bow, I aimed at the first wolf, we'll see if my theory is true.

Without delaying any more time he released the arrow and put the next arrow aimed at the second wolf without rest he released another arrow as the wolf refused to fall he shot others more given in the body of the animal until the wolves no longer moved he was alert

Without wasting time I took out the arrows from the bodies of the three animals I checked the bodies taking only the pig and put it on the shoulders covering the back then it dragged its feet away this caused that its footsteps will be heard when it moves away in the forest

After spending a while the forest was without any sound, only two wolves could be seen lying on the ground suddenly a cracking of the branches in one of the most leafy bushes from which a shadow more than (2 m) high came out with very noticeable muscles his skin was a reddish color he had full armor a bow arrows he was also equipped with more objects

He approached the wolves that were on the ground, he checked them, then he looked at where that human went, then he hung the bow and took the two wolves, one on each side when he prepared to retreat

saw an arrow fly from a distance