

I leave that area of ​​the commanders I pass by the basic goods store in the area of ​​the orcs let's say that only idiots buy in WARLORD because their prices are through the roof for example pay 5 bronze coins for a bread while you can get it at 2 bronze coins that is the main one also I still do not need things out of the ordinary

I buy a sheepskin being the most expensive 1 silver coins, potatoes, tomato, some spices, honey, milk, salt, sugar and a couple of citrus fruits like limes most of the common things are equal to the earth just a few things that obviously they will not sell here for its price since we are in a very poor place as well as far from any kingdom

That's why I don't buy anything in that store that only sells you the name so far I also buy a couple of pans I leave the camp heading towards where I had arrived when we are more than 50 kilometers away and after that mamba I hunt a pig without biting it to avoid poison it we settled in a shade of a couple of trees

"Master what we do in this place" the first to speak is mamba with that the puppy pops his head so I tell them "first we will eat something that they will like later we will return to the camp" without waiting any longer the voice of mamba echoed in my head "Master that place stinks of shit mixed with urine, sweat and blood"

To which he replied "well if not who to go does not matter" I start to make a drawing on the sheepskin while I am cooking when the smell of the stew is very strong the two companions are standing guard so that no one spoils their food I take out the stew and now I start by heating the other casserole

at this moment my classmates practically forgot about the guard and take care of the casserole with the food, without stopping I start making the milk sweets that my mother taught me to make so that she could have money

So to be able to go to school although I feel truly sad by those memories when seeing the faces of these two classmates following everything I do with a face of astonishment reminds me that it was the same thing I did in front of my mother

When I finished making food and sweets I continued with the drawing that ended up putting all my data on height, weight, eye color, hair color, skin color, age class and level at the end I roll it up and stamp

I call MAMBA and SNACK to start eating each one at their own plate at their own pace, the food ends right away, then I give each one a piece of candy and tell them not to swallow it to keep it in their mouths with what Mamba had it very difficult but managed to do it like the puppy after several bites

we finished everything until one took a casserole, the other took the other and they took them to the trees to avoid sharing with the other, keep everything between the trees just a stick a piece of cloth and some silver coins a good piece of Flesh turn me into a kobolds I grab the sheepskin and we're back

When they see that I am leaving the two companions follow me "if they come with me they will not show themselves for anything it is very important also if they help there will be more food for the one who helps" so they both agreed almost jumping, so I took a bag rag to carry SNACK while MAMBA crawls up an arm hidden from the bottom

It is a bit late so we hurry to be able to arrive before dinner on the way we meet many hunting groups that upon entering were detained at the door for an inspection but they only take food from everyone who entered

I give them a piece of pork and they let me pass when I get to the kobolds camp, I look for a somewhat lonely place and draw the sign and wait

Some time later, two groups of kobolds sit next to them, they greet me and tell me to wait for the others to arrive when 10 kobolds come together, kúz begins to speak introducing everyone including the other two who turned out to be the chiefs of each of their villages.

which I don't care because the two of them voluntarily submitted I ask them several questions before starting

"Kúz someone knows where the commanders are staying" Góz responds quickly "we have the task of collecting the commanders' latrines at dawn" that's perfect for my plan

"They also pick up where the brigadier general is" everyone shakes their heads in negotiation "that subject has his own people besides being very in his cloud since the store is sheltered most of the time" it will be a little more difficult

"Sir, tomorrow is our turn to two stores in the place is the closest we can get" the kobolds make their proposal

"Which group will be cleaning tomorrow" the oldest man gets up "3 of the village are doing it" I say "I give him 4 silver coins, he goes to the store he buys milk and limes and the rest of bread that one of the 3 drink the milk and the limes before going to sleep when they ask you about the replacement you call me we will be in this place with the bread they distribute it among you "with nothing more to say they left as they arrived in small groups

when they left everyone had their doubts about what was happening, but no one asked is like blind faith to that strange kobolds more for the eyes, the old man passed by the store and bought what he said was left without speaking why the milk and The limes cost 3 silver coins, the other used to buy bread to distribute to those in his village as they told him.

He chose the boy he gave him the milk and the limes then he sent him to sleep at dawn he saw the boy run away without a known direction, who returned after an hour to go out again like that all night

when the group of orcs arrived they only found a kobolds with sunken eyes with a very pale face unable to do their job so they looked for a replacement leading another kobolds sitting under a tree to the other they saw him run again

They took the escorted group all the time until they reached the commanders' area where each one took a guard through the different tents, the brigadier general's tent was the largest in the whole place as well as having guards everywhere

when they located the objective the negotiation began "MAMBA a casserole of sweets for biting it and a casserole of stew for swallowing it" the happiness of the snake was very obvious "well one casserole for bite and another one for swallowing it"

"But it shouldn't make noise, if there is noise I'll take away candy pans for the noise it makes and it will eat SNACK" to which mamba no longer answered she concentrated on making herself small as much as she could until she became the size of a finger and as thick as a toothpick it seemed to have been born

so while Edwin cleans latrines mamba ran to the largest tent hiding between leaves, sticks and stones before entering a soldier who was on guard was sleeping standing he took advantage by passing to one side without noticing it

when entering the store everything was a disaster there were more than 3 women lying on a kind of carpet with an orc also there were other orcs inside the store with a woman each but he approached the orc in the middle of these women as they all smelled very strong to bitter fruits he chose that one so he grew as long and delegated as he could like a great rope

In a circular movement he quickly wrapped the orc pressing him up to the neck and bit him, injecting all his venom on five occasions when he felt the danger he wanted to get up scream or fight if necessary but the orc did not move much less scream since his body was being pressed causing shortness of breath

When mamba released him the guy no longer moved taking advantage of the fact that the body is naked he began to swallow it by the head a woman who was on one side woke up but when she saw that she swallowed the general in front of her she went into shock she fainted

as mamba was in a hurry she kept crushing it until her bones began to thunder she was scared by the noise since that stew tasted very good and she would hate to lose it plus SNACK will enjoy it so she let it go a little

when mamba finished swallowing 10 seconds had passed but there was a big problem it couldn't be made small