

I store washed grapes in large containers and especially in very good condition when my uncle arrived he asked me about the pots that are on his patio

"Edwin, what are those things that are here?"

"Uncle Santiago, good that you arrive is for something known as wine, now help me buy some barrels with the carpenter, they are similar to buckets for water but larger, they can reach up to the waist and are totally closed"

"I know of one who sells them but they are very expensive they cost 20 silver coins like how many we have to buy"

"Uncle first I will buy 10 barrels but we need many more you can bring those until we have a good place to store them"

"Edwin is not that he does not want to bring them, but they are 2 gold coins I do not have that many coins at the moment also we can get them cheaper if we buy the oldest ones"

"Uncle take these three gold coins, just bring new barrels, don't let them sell you the old barrels and ask if there is anyone who sells glass bottles"

"That will be much easier Edwin with the alchemists everywhere there are many wanting to sell bottles, well I'm going to bring the barrels"

After assembling platforms with the same fruit containers, we waited for my uncle to return, everything was improvised, even the wooden tubes with different rags to be able to filter the grape must

Since there is no press, I have to step on the grapes, but since we have to be careful not to spill it or an accident may occur, we have to call my best assistant

"Master, why did you call me?" Mamba comes running with a snack behind her, the two of them were always playing in the yard.

"First take you have to be clean so you don't fill it with dirt" I pass a bucket of water to which it is immediately reused to bathe

"No, teacher, I clean myself with the rain" she began to give many excuses because she cannot bathe, in the end I convinced her to make a new kind of candy

so I had to bathe him since she only wants to wet her tail when I pass it to the container I told her that she can get big to finish faster as my uncle already took a long time left mamba in the container I tell her that when I finish crushing all the fruits I come home to eat your sweets and I go home to prepare butter sweets with a snack

When entering the house the girls had a very heated conversation they did not even notice when I arrived since two of them seem to have a very big disagreement as if their lives depend on that so I go straight to the kitchen

"Today I will teach you two things Snack, the first one will be how to make butter sweets are one of the best sweets and the other is that you should never argue with a woman because you will lose that, be sure"

the kitchen is rectangular in shape it is not how you think square and metal this kitchen is made of earth and clay on stones, it has two burners to put the pots and uses wood as fuel, the wood is removed in the morning or you can also buy with 2 bronze coins

while I move the caramel paste to prevent it from burning, the women reached an agreement to say a game where luck was the one that decides the winner since they all want to be the first

His game will be easy to put papers into a container to say the order with the names of the day to start from tomorrow Monday to Friday to rest on weekends although he asked what they only tell me to get essence

I mold the candy into balls to put it to cool, I left half of the sweets to the women, this makes Liliana and Mirna proclaim a series of speeches towards the other women saying "whoever does not want to or can, they will take the place"

This unleashed an offensive from the other women returning to the discussion that they are too small to participate since they can be divided in two

I did not stay much longer, it is exhausting to listen to him we went out to take her sweets to mamba but she was asleep inside the container thank heaven she finished and she decided to sleep inside

my uncle arrived with two news the first is that the person who will be in charge of making the bottles can customize the design

The second is that he knows a carpenter who can work to make the barrels but we have to explain how we want these barrels since he is an elderly person who is not in great demand due to his age

my uncle tells me that this is very common since old people are marginalized by society and barely get to eat with small jobs since the competition is too difficult

The two will come in the morning for the details and if we want other things that they know more people who do different jobs such as construction, cabinetmaking, blacksmithing, ceramics, tailoring, cooking, training and security

"Come Edwin let's go inside to talk about entertainment I have some good ideas"

"Uncle, for your sake, let's not enter the women, this is in an important discussion unless you want to sleep in the living room, you can come in, I'm not going."

"You do not know me, Edwin, who is the boss" with great courage enters the house, it did not last long before returning with a sad face saying

"You know Edwin, today I want to sleep in the living room and nobody will change my opinion" I just show him an uncomfortable smile and change the subject

"Well man tell me about those brothels" seemed to give him energy because he began his narrative from the moment you arrive at their doors until you go up to the utility rooms

"There are all kinds of brothels, the common ones or the high class ones, I always go to the high class ones although they are more expensive they are the most reliable they are not full of thieves or murderers waiting for their opportunity to rob you" he says very seriously

the conversation was interrupted by my sister who came out with a snack in her arms to decide that her meeting had ended, as it is late, we both went in to go to dinner where they had several announcements

the first: my mother and sister will spend a few days at Ester and Mirna's house on any day of the week in case I don't see them before bed

the second: Esther will help me with the tailoring she will be my assistant

the third: my mother will help me to make the soaps, oils and perfumes, she will be my assistant

the fourth: Liliana and Mirna will help me with the fruits

the fifth: my aunt will help me make underwear when Esther is busy

If they have more demands, they will be notified in advance, this will be before I go to the academy in six months, also when the girls go to the academy, Esther will take the place and my aunt will take charge of the tailoring.

"For what purpose do they do all this?" asked my uncle Santiago

"to avoid hiring any stranger to be here, besides that your nephew is already an apprentice and in a couple of years he will rise to the rank of knight"

"Are you already an apprentice? But you don't even have a month to turn 16, I thought that your development is normal for boys your age. Besides, what kind of class are you?" was born

"Look Edwin for you to understand our race like all races has five different classes






These classes only wake up in two different ways in the soul room or naturally these are the traditional ways.

but they also say that if you kill a warrior who is superior to you by a rank you have the natural right to have a chance to acquire his class but you run a great risk of dying for a constitution very different from yours having less than 95% for succeed

you also add the fact that he surpasses you in everything from strength to experience since they are very difficult to kill, if this does not convince you, the worst choice is to fight with the orcs since their resistance is legendary so never "

I got up from the table and I say loudly "FURY" making the baggy shirt I have very tight cutting off my uncle's speech instantly, all the women were in shock

the first to speak is my uncle "since when do you have it"

"More than two weeks ago" he answered on the other hand my aunt runs and closes the door also the windows

he continued his speech "all classes are important but some classes are more sought after than others, common classes are below the battle classes as an example me and your aunt like Robert we are the common class on the other hand your father is class battle

He is also an apprentice but he is more important than us, that's why your family's concern with receiving strangers since they can do anything to "his voice cut short when he heard what he said.

"I'm also a hunter as well as a warrior" I tell him to solve my doubts

now my uncle looks everywhere to see that everything is closed "what other classes do you have" he asked scared

"I only have tailoring and I also have another one that is not very important, it is more aesthetic, these are only knowledge" at this moment, my uncle's gaze resembles Ester's as if it were a large piece of juicy meat. I don't want to think what happens if he I say about the others

until my aunt hits her on the head she reacts "I'm sorry Edwin, I was excited, most of them have one or two classes as you master one, you can have another as an example: a swordsman when he is rank 1 can have second-class blacksmithing to complement his class "

my uncle stops talking to drink some water until my aunt hits him again because everyone is dying of suspense, he continues "in your case it can mean one thing, hidden class since your main class still does not wake up, since all are acquired

when you are in the academy if you pass the selection they will take you to the hall of souls where you can wake up your main class "at that moment my aunt gave her a pinch on her arm that made her scream


"I'm telling you, don't pressure, Edwin, the main problem you have is your age, if people find out that you have more than one, they will come looking for you to burn your thigh, but there are also murderers of other races who are looking for them, that's why you have to careful "

"There are also women in disguise so you have to get as far away from them as possible" was when my aunt released her arm to have a big smile as if she was satisfied

"From tomorrow I will be the one who deals with the carpenter and the potter, you can make some drawings of what you want and explain to me before I go to work" with a dignified look he says it and then finish "of course you have to give me two bottles of that wine of which you boast so much "

"Now I am going to explain the following to you, pay close attention, waking up your class does not make you an expert, it is only the direction you have to take this is an apprentice level

to become a titular class you have to go through three stages

* BEGINNER [is knowledge]

* MEDIUM [is the experience]

* EXPERT [it's the meridians]

These three stages make you the holder in your class, when you are holder you have the right to register to be RANK 1 in the human race or for the other races (the class) OF BRONZE

there are in total ten different ranks but that will be explained to you in the academy because I am just an EXPERT APPRENTICE your aunt like Robert are MIDDLE APPRENTICE

so returning to your question to awaken the other classes you only have to first have the knowledge, then seek the experience and finally unlock your meridians

that's the simplest you can unlock in three ways

* NATURAL {your body unlocks them by itself]

* ASSISTED {potions or external materials}

* MEDITATION [they teach you at school]

"Well enough talk for today it's time to sleep" she got up and went to her room I think my aunt forgave her because she went to sleep with her

the others wanted to say something but they all lowered their heads with concern on her faces the first to say goodbye to her was my mother who went to her room after her Esther and the girls behind her all with very sad faces

I go to the bathroom to take a good shower after cooling my body I go to the bedroom to get some sleep

when entering the lamp is off so I thought my mother was sleeping, I went to bed alone that before closing my eyes my mother's voice is heard

"Edwin you have more of the classes you said right"


"how many more" she says

"one more" I answer later my mother's voice was heard again as if she was making a plea

"When you are someone important promise me that you will never abandon your sister like your father did with us"

"When it is, I will build a city with a great castle under my name and you will be by my side as the owners of the place" I say.

"Hee hee-hee the first to complain will be Ester that we are intimidating him" she says with a laugh in her voice

This will be a promise that we have to fulfill even if it costs us our lives