

my uncle was happy as were all of us, so we planned what we have to do next, so the four of us sat in the living room to see the good and bad news

"The first thing is to know if there are any side effects" I tell them

"I feel very good" says my uncle Santiago

"I just keep expelling impurities" my aunt spoke

seeing that the two have no secretary effect so far that reassures us all

"The second is if we can sell it"

immediately all three said at the same moment "never"

my uncle began to tell me "look Edwin, the government system is very mean, robberies or disappearances are very popular, without force one will simply die"

"the government or the different races want to have control of everything and to avoid any incident people on overhangs are kept under control" says my aunt

"Most alchemists have a contract with a person who will take care of their safety in exchange for a very heavy work schedule making it difficult to get out of them" says my aunt

then my uncle told us the first bad news "the bad thing is that you can not take it again I tried but nothing happened"

"What do you think about setting a deadline, after a certain time, they take it again" I say to the three

"We will put the term of one year, maybe it could be less but in order not to risk making a mistake, in addition our life has a location 100 years after reaching rank 1"

my uncle tells me with a very serious face "listen boy we are very grateful for having received this opportunity, whatever decision you make on our part, we will always support you in everything we can"

I will have to think of a way to make some coins that idea came to my mind at the end of the talk

my uncle invites me to go out to celebrate what I immediately refuse "I can't today" since the two women look at me very closely I tell him "the weekend will be better"

before going to the bar a voice tells him "Santiago you must be very careful what you talk about drinking" he was severely warned by my aunt and my mother about wine to avoid that when this drunk is going to say something too much

on the other hand I had to go back to finish bathing

the moment I left my aunt was waiting outside she alone gave me a smile and entered to remove the impurities from her body

for my part I went to the room I feel that when this list things will be repeated for the moment it is not good to force things and we have two good reasons to satisfy

when I enter again everything is dark when I go to bed my mother spoke to me again

"You must be very careful with what you do do not think that you are smarter or that everyone is stupid if you sell the bottles the less they know what you are doing, the better things will turn out for you"

"I know mother I always keep it in mind" I tell her and then change the subject because of a question that I have since we left the village

"Hey mother because you and Ester don't have a class like the others" that question is always spinning in my head

"It is mainly our 'complexion' as the different classes despise the common classes, the common classes also despise us calling everyone who does not have a class the impure since our body has four times more impurities than a normal person"


* special mission: solve your body complexion problem

* reward: alchemy knowledge

note: the greater the cleanliness of the complexion you will receive an additional reward

"mother don't worry we will think of something to help them solve your problem and I will see that everything will be fine"

"All races are impure so you don't have to worry about that, but if you can also remember to help Esther she suffers a lot because of that"

The next day at the time of practice with the girls, the wooden barrels arrived, so after filtering, he filled each one and took it to the tank in Ester's house that he previously occupied for water, since it has no use. , she suggested it to use it

We also went to the market to buy 6 half-liter bottles, a sheepskin, a wooden box with a handful of cotton wool and he assured me that the bottle is without any marks on the glass, being totally transparent and we went to the central bank of the city for information on opening an account

my face turned green when the receptionist tells me "she has to deposit 100 gold coins so she can have access to a very low rank magic bank card where any kind of theft can be avoided

Since these cards come with a magic system that by leaving a drop of blood makes it block any type of interference like those storage rings, of course as long as it is alive "thank goodness, it was only information,

when returning home

I fill one of the jars I cover it and put it in the box, then I split the skin in two and make two different letters where one is put inside with the bottle and then fill it with cotton to prevent it from breaking, I cover it, seal it with resin to in the end change and go out with mamba on my arm

in the afternoon he came to the city center near the market where there is a group of street children asking for bronze coins to buy bread

I approach "guys who is their leader" they all return to see with great caution in their face, until a boy of only 10 years old leaves the group "what happens why he loves us

I want them to take something to the entrance of an auction house "the child looks at me and says" one silver coin before and one at the end "I count all the children present, there are 8 in total I take out ten coins, I distribute them and to the leader I give both "take the box and give this letter to the guard who will give it to the owner to no one else, then they scatter in various directions"

the child only smiles "we know how to do that very well" but before they leave I tell them "take my friend with you for greater safety and if you do well in three days I will return with you"

The children did not say anything, they only saw a small snake on the box and went to the nearest auction house, located three blocks from the place

the two guards at the entrance to the auction house saw a group of children all dirty approach the premises but before they act a child spoke "a delivery for the owner of the place" without saying anything else they handed him the box with the letter, upon receiving the box and without saying anything else all the children went in different directions

without giving them time to ask by keeping a letter and a box that had a small snake

Albert was in his office with his eldest son Frank, the two had a meeting since in four days there was a big sale made by another auction house

"Father, what are we going to do, the auction house of the lord of the city takes advantage of his position to promote their sales we have to do something or we can go bankrupt"

the man is thinking with his arms on the desk "son, you don't understand that we can't do anything, grandpa has a lot of esteem for him, and this is his time, just let him be


what happens "sir there is a delivery for you" the voice of a guard is heard

"What happened to Sofia because she does not receive it, maybe I have to solve everything" he got up very annoyed and when he opened the door, the first thing that caught his attention is one of the guards at the entrance who is entangled by a snake although he did not hurts

having a snake tangled around your body while his tongue touches your face like you are a juicy piece of meat is not much fun

"Sofia what's going on" there is a woman trying not to panic in the middle of the hall who tells her "apparently that box arrived a moment ago and they asked that it be delivered to the owner of the place when he entered here he wanted to see what was inside and was attacked by the snake that grew to that size "

"How am I supposed to take the box without being attacked" at that moment the other guard came in and said "sir, he was also given a letter"

"My name is Albert I am the owner of this place please let it go" he hopes that with his presentation the snake can understand and above all prevent him from killing the guard

To his surprise, the snake released the guard who immediately handed him the letter, but the visit was in the snake, who returned to the top of the box, without wasting time he opened and began to read

that after a quick reading he took the box, he entered his office followed by Sofía and the two guards "I'm sorry, you guys go back to your post and next time don't want to be too smart"

when the two guards left he immediately closed the door to leave the box on the desk before being interrogated by the two people inside the room "whose is it" while the other says "what's inside"

Without paying attention to the questions they ask him, he approached the box and said with a calm voice "I agree" then the little snake got out of the box to get to the side, Albert without waiting opened the box to check it and take out a small bottle with another letter included

but this one he read aloud for others to hear

"Greetings, we will avoid names for obvious reasons, I recommend you to be alone or accompanied by people you absolutely trust, you will find a potion inside, to use this potion I also recommend that you use it on yourself or a person of absolute confidence, because it can be regret, use an expert apprentice or rank 1 after he or she takes it, when you see the result you will understand, I also tell you the following

* no side effects

* it is recommended to drink another after one year

if you do not agree it is not necessary to continue reading

otherwise the deal is the following 1000 gold coins per unit the price is not negotiable to start our deal you have to give a storage ring with a bank card without owners or the total amount in cash to the little snake

If you or your family are curious to know who I am, I tell you that you are wasting your time with nothing more to say. I wish you a good afternoon.

"Father the snake is a hired beast or a trained one" asks the girl and then the boy tells her "I say that we say no, he will be one more scammer"

Albert simply told them "Sofia calls one of the most loyal victors and you bring a storage ring, cheaper with 1000 gold coins"

The two boys wanted to say something but they remained silent because his father already told them what they had to do, moments later a well-known man arrived at the auction house not because of his efficiency, it was because of his loyalty

"Kim, drink it" without questions he grabbed the bottle and uncapped it and a smell of wine flooded the place and then began to drink it, only five minutes were enough to see how Kim's eyes filled with tears

everyone in the room looked at him expecting the worst "something hurts, you feel bad, don't worry we'll see for your family"

Kim's head shook in denial "go to rank one, I'm finally a starter" everyone in the room is in awe

she turned around and told his son who looks at him with his mouth open "change the ring, bring one with the highest capacity in which I make an answer"

the boy ran away while he told Kim "don't talk to anyone about this take a week off and don't leave the house at the end of the week you sign up for the mercenaries' guild now come out like nothing happened" old Kim just said "thank you"

"Father, what are we going to do?" Sofia asks him.

"We are just doing business" and then put on a piece of paper a word that said "AGREEMENT"

the moment his son arrived, he took the ring, checked that everything was correct to give it to the little snake

she just went out a window and got lost in the streets