

When she shouted mamba she released her to the poor lady, I helped her get up and fix her purple tunic that had or rather what remains of it since mamba had torn it to pieces when holding the body

that annoyingly tells me "you can stop looking is offensive" upon hearing her complaint she took her eyes off her "she is fine, she hurt herself" barely covering her body since her breasts as well as her butt are round and happy with shapely legs

The lady is absolutely beautiful with blonde hair, green eyes of robust completion that when she sees the pervert look I have, she snorts again but before she bothers more I deflect her visit to stop looking at her

"What are you doing in a place like this?" She talks to me while she tried to cover that pair of tits with her hands with one hand while the other covers her exuberant beauty thugs between her legs

"I came to modify a ring at the Walter store" she replied, trying to sound as natural as possible avoiding swallowing the accumulation of saliva that I have in my throat while my eyes swam over her smooth skin

"You know this place is dangerous and they won't have many customers" as she presses on her precious breasts causing them to spill over to the sides of her she launches a lecture about the place where it sounds in my ears, blah blah blah "You think that I'm pretty"

was the first question that she made coherent "absolutely beautiful" as a good connoisseur I answer

looking more annoyed she reprimands me again "you are brave, you don't think I can kill you if I want to" I took off the shirt she wore so I can wear it but it is too short, in my head there were more than ten ways to die

"He only answered what I ask and I doubt that you are the local tyrant" especially one but when he turned around he confirmed the theory, his hips look great "well follow me he took you around the place, careful where you look I can take your eyes out "

the tour was as expected, he can not remove the visit from his butt until he made me walk in front, it was when I paid attention visiting several sites but none attracted interest until I reached a land where there was a construction of a winery and a store in front that is near a dry stream is when I realize that it is late

"Ma'am, I have to go with pleasure, my name is Edwin, if you have nothing to do, I'll see you in three days in the afternoon." I know that she is very out of my league but what the hell is a MILF in every way "the taste is I'll see him in three days if the situation allows it "

I took the last look at that great body and asked him for the direction to leave the area while a voice in my head tells me that he is starving

When she saw that there was no one near her, the woman turned around and from her ring she takes out another robe similar to the one she had and puts it on "what's wrong with me, he's just a brat"

after walking several streets my salvation to torture came "boy don't move or you'll be dead" without hesitation I say "mamba is yours"

He quickly launched himself towards the man who stood in fear of just seeing how a snake tangled between his legs and the next blink his head threatened to bite her face he did not even have time to scream


the sound of bones breaking that is all that is heard from him before he dies then he begins to swallow it to start digesting it very quickly at the end he just spits out a couple of coins and the dagger

This lasted no more than five minutes at the end, it only got back on my shoulder to continue our way, passing two streets later, another two came our way.

"Take out the valuables you have or I'll help you get them out" the voice of one demands while the other only laughs at our luck, mamba got off very quickly, I only realized when she was growing on the thief's legs

"Before eating it, let me take off his shirt, I need one" he yelled but at that moment he started shredding it like a bag of potato chips

the thief with fear watches as they kill his companion before starting to run but it was too late "that it is not full of blood and I can prepare you a dessert" they were like magic words because she immediately reached him and bit his left leg

so that the guy fell to the floor and began to ask for help then his mouth was full of curses wishing the worst deaths so I got a new shirt and my partner got a dessert for dinner, moments later I got my first fight several streets later

In the Walter store

"Welcome madam, how many thieves did you stop today?" asked the same girl who attended Edwin moments

"Today was a very bad day Watch those rats know when I leave the store" was the lady who had met Edwin

"Have you seen my sister today" asked the lady to which the girl replied "she went to the auction house, her older brother called urgently"

"Well I'm going with them, there is some work that is urgent"

"if a boy came with a storage ring for a renovation" to which the woman showed more interest, he said "bring it to me to see how you want it to look before sending it to the jeweler" the girl nodded before leaving

"Charlotte, I have great news for you, it has been a miracle" a woman bursts into the office is practically the same image as the other who is sitting

But before reprimanding the woman who scared him, the office door was knocked on by Vela "ma'am here is the ring" before going by and leaving it on the table when they saw the ring the two looked at each other at the same time, but before talk they waited for Vela to come out after confirming that no one is behind the door and closing the door

There are millions of storage rings in this world but they both know this one perfectly since it was bought by the two of them so that his brother could sell it at her next auction.

"Today the older brother received a potion that was so magical that when I heard what he does I was impressed but the most incredible thing is the price, only 1000 gold coins with a ring"

before continuing to speak his sister interrupts him "today I met a young man who owns that ring" the two were thinking until one broke the silence "I will meet him when he comes for the ring, for the moment we will keep it a secret, until see what their intentions are "

meanwhile in the streets of the place

With a kick to the right side, I make him throw the sword with which he tries to attack to stoop on the floor, while his other partner tries to hit the mamba's head, without having any result, and then ask for mercy, but it was all kinds useless with mamba before they were both eaten

at the exit we had another three fights but mamba took care of them, she very fast she was so excited looking for more thieves until we got in the carriage to get home

The girls asked why I had a different shirt, I told them about the incident where we confused a lady with the thief, especially that nothing happened to her

Knowing that he had coins, my uncle tells me about the big dreams and how he has the biggest of them all, but he cut off his talk. "Uncle, how many coins do you want?"

"A businessman I found out that Mirna 50 is staying today, for spending the whole night I will tell your aunt to go to bed early so that she does not bother them, 100 to help your uncle realize his dream

I give him the 100 coins to do what he wants, he left the house the next moment without saying anything else it was my mistake maybe

the dessert that I prepare is one pancakes, everyone ate theirs from today mamba will sleep in a 5 liter bucket with wine to see if she can come out more concentrated or we have to look for other options to be able to do this mission

While everyone has her pancakes for dinner and talks about women, Mirna's face turns red as a tomato while Liliana laughs at her, until my mother reprimands her and begins to give her a very serious talk that it is her time to be all red

her talk goes on well into the night, until they all start saying goodbye