

The two days went by quickly, the work at the store went smoothly, I finished three dresses and my sister still doesn't want to talk to me, she's still mad at me

in the afternoon before leaving the tailor shop, Ester starts sucking my cock until she gets and swallows what she is looking for she lets me out while my aunt watches that no one comes

Today I am going to bring the rings in the Walter store to be able to transport the positions will only be 100 but the amount in coins is impressive for a person of my position

Like the previous time, the carriage only took me close to the place before running away, which does not even surprise me, in front of the store there is a group of guards who guard the entrance, which was not previously there.

"Stop what is the reason for your visit" a tall man in shining armor and an emblem of a castle with a brown star stops me and questions

"I come for a ring, they will give it to me today" from the first moment he speaks, I feel as if a beast was about to jump and attack which makes me nervous, looking away from my surroundings where all the men are outside. they have the same armor with the same type of environment

"Today the store is closed" he just tells me that and turns to leave, for my part without anything else to say it is also time to leave, only that before doing so a voice stops my withdrawal

"oh so this is why there is no one inside the store" a lady comes out of the entrance with two guards is the same lady that mamba had attacked, I just hope she doesn't hold a grudge against me

"The lord of the city entrusted us to take care of this area from thieves" while he says that his trembling voice is very evident and the others are withdrawing, taking a step out of the woman's vision

"The last time I told my cousin, that he will stop bothering our business, I am only giving them 1 minute to leave" without saying anything else his guards come forward and the smile on his face just hopes they stay

"Miss we can't do that" the guards lined up to defend, in turn they all take out iron staves before starting their match, when there are only a couple of meters left to face off, the voice of a person is heard from the entrance of the Street

"As I miss this environment, so much energy when I saw them made me want to fight" everyone stayed in their place and quietly, nobody spoke, even the woman hides behind her guards from the gaze of the gentleman no older than 25 years old, he has full armor and only his face is visible the most striking is his chest emblem with a W with three stars

with a source voice he tells them "you leave and tell Leonard that you are going to visit his house today that I hope to see him at the entrance to our arrival and you" before he said anything the woman came forward

"Uncle, I called grandfather" this makes the gentleman remain silent before returning to speak "let's go to the store" before continuing on my way the woman told me "his ring is finished, just come and pick it up"

I sincerely wanted to go, if the guards from a moment ago cause me discomfort, the gentleman terrifies me, of being 100 meters away and more his eyes as if they were knives

"I'll tell the grandmother who steals her flowers to give them away" as if by magic all hostility disappeared, just so I can move and the gentleman stopped paying attention

when the two disappeared from sight she approached me to the store, I was greeted by the same girl who takes me to a room where she tells me to wait until they take care of me

"Hi Edwin my name is Chantal here is her ring" the woman introduces herself and although she feels a bit distant she smiled at him while she took out a dress that I made

"Miss I made you this dress as a form of apology I just hope you accept it and if possible, try it on to verify that it fits you" I show her the dress that immediately grabbed it and looks at her and leaves the room to return with him dressed in a few minutes, that when walking he goes up showing his pair of well shaped legs

"I like it, only it's small and it makes my butt stand out" turning around to show it where her figure stands out makes the gaze go to her perfect round and big buttocks where I just hope that the dress rises a little more, at the end I control myself to fix it

It is a short and tight blue summer dress, I also give her a pair of the new pantyhose, I explain how to use them, at the end I pay wearing another one and we leave the place

[In the main office of the Walter store]

Chantal enters with a big smile and her sister asks her "she left" she only confirms with her head, Charlotte goes to the gentlemen who are with them "grandfather there is something important that we have to talk about, it is about a new potion, it is we need her to come to protect her sale "Charlotte tells her grandfather that he looks as old as a 40 year old man sitting in the front office chair

"Father what is your opinion" the gentleman does not even raise his voice to him

"First we have to see the potion and see if Jinx has to protect it, besides Lester we have to see my grandson" before leaving

the ring is black a snake tangled with two red stones as its eyes the first thing I do is put a drop of blood after putting it on the index finger of the right hand, I immediately check the size of the space being a small room 15 ft x 30 ft and 30 ft high

They are great the other one is a smaller one with enough space for his purpose, he finished filling and putting the potions in the ring, to go where the street children are who meet me and the older one asks me "what is what wants "

"I need you to watch the auction house when there are people watching the place leave me a sign to know and be careful you know for the thieves" everyone laughed at what I said

"It is obvious that this is not from this place but we will charge you a gold coin per week until you stop paying" he tells me

I counted all the boys there were more than 20 children "I will pay you a daily gold coin but they have to be watching all day and all night when they see dangerous people they leave and leave this sign" the boy stayed down before grabbing the sign

"At night it will be difficult there is a gang that dominates this area and our place is too far away"

"Look for a house nearby, I just want the store to be watched, but continue like street children. Let me explain here what happened the first week and for the gang, don't worry, give me 15 days." The boys no longer have questions

I walk several streets while I give the ring to mamba and he wears it is the auction house there he is received by Albert who checks it while they read the letter


This is the first delivery, there are only 100 potions, please use the same ring for the coins if you need more potions please send the amount that you can afford and have the amount of coins needed within a period of no more than 7 days

One of his sons went to look for the coins, which, not having enough, decided to send a card with the amount while he sent her a letter where he asked for more potions.


A bank card with the amount equivalent to 100 potions was sent, a supply of at least 1000 potions is also requested to supply within the next 7 days if you cannot supply the quantity or if you are missing some materials, send the list and will do everything possible to get them with their respective deduction

With nothing more to say, Albert put the things inside the ring and gave it to the snake that immediately went out the window again to go two streets and into the sewers where they lost sight of him.

"Master, I came, no one followed me, wait as you taught me, no remember to make the pancakes as you promised" you have to pay a price for using mamba trips

He gave me the ring that I immediately check where the bank card has the total number of coins that can be spent and a letter comes inside the ring that he took out and read and then feed it to Mamba

it is natural that he asks for more potions and wants to know the materials he used to try to make his own potions now that we have enough coins to make our first moves both in and out of the city

The main thing we have to do is get reliable people who can never betray and who are extremely grateful to me, not only, for giving a chance, since those people with the necessary amount of coins will not even think twice when betraying

think, what kind of person is grateful "the one you help" adds now, an opportunity to get out, more, save them from dying in the shit that they are and above all, leave what they are destined to do all their lives

The result: the people most loyal to you about this kingdom, as I have no idea, where the slave market is, we asked for information to rent a carriage to take me to the site, my first thoughts were to hire citizens to work in the company and shop but there will be many problems in the future

Although I will be the one who prepares the positions, I cannot do everything and I need a strong income that can be a cover

When you arrive at the place it is like any commercial area where there are renowned stores and others that not even flies approach, these renowned stores usually have their best products to sell in front of the store, there are also specialized stores to certain product with any type of work imaginable

In the renowned stores there are price lists being the most expensive, the elves followed by the succubi, the level one warriors and the demons, each with a ridiculous sum there are also different races, sizes, colors and classes

As I walk down the street I have mixed feelings about seeing the sideboards where people are displayed, you realize that everyone here is the same and nothing, and no one can change it, at the end of the street there is a store that does not fit in with the others it is too simple no decorations or hostesses with a sign "Nagesuteru"

when being curious between, there are cages with all kinds of people at the end there is a counter with a sleeping man apparently he is over 60 years old

Knock Knock

"Go to the second store there they sell the best women or three more stores in the back sell the men" he just half opened his eyes and closed them again

"I'm looking for something else besides looks" as she hit the counter to wake him up

"Boy, there is only one thing here, it is the garbage of the whole market, most of them are rebels, prisoners or people who can kill you while you sleep, everyone who is here needs to be chained"

"How much does each one cost?" the question took him by surprise but being a businessman then he answered

"Women 25 gold coins, men 50 coins, we have contracts of 3, 5, 10 years there are also contracts linked to your life, the first three are worth 5 coins and the last is worth 10 coins, everything is in gold"

"I need 100 men and women of each, who have combat training, prepare the 200 ten-year contracts 20 life contracts and you know the place I want to find 5 blacksmiths, 5 carpenters, 20 tailors 10 cooks 10 beautiful women 1 housekeeper keys and food for all of them

"Boy are you sure, look that there are more than 8900 gold coins, you can buy more people for that, the common classes I can get you with a commission, on women something you want them to do in particular"

"Just that they are pretty and know how to work" without saying anything else the man played a campaign and some young people ran away and gave them orders

boy my name is Bob come I want you to accompany me to the basement so you can see what you will take and do not say that I am cheating on you