Ch 41 - Ch 50

Chapter 41: The magical effect of tail beast origin

Sword Douluo glanced at the tragic appearance of the iron-clad rhinoceros, and said with a slight jaw: "It's almost... scattered~" Sword Douluo squeezed the sword fingers, and the words fell, and the sword shadow all over the sky disappeared in an instant, like It has never appeared in general.

   Left a 10,000-year-old iron-clad rhinoceros all over the body and a mess of the plowed ground.

"Grandpa Sword, I'll go first." Ye Zhiqiu greeted Sword Douluo, then smiled at Ning Rongrong, then took out the long dagger from the Mo jade bracelet, and faced it smartly. The ten thousand-year-old iron armor that was lying slightly convulsed leaped over.

   After a while, Ye Zhiqiu came and stood in front of the iron-clad rhinoceros. He was about to use a dagger to give it a final blow, but he didn't want to... the sudden change happened.

   The iron-clad rhinoceros, who was dying, suddenly opened his eyes with anger, and a huge horn of the human head at the tip of the nose went upright on Ye Zhiqiu's head. Ye Zhiqiu was close to it at this moment and was shocked.

   He did not expect that being wounded into such an iron-clad rhinoceros would still have the power to resist. At this time, it is too late to escape...

   "Be careful..." Two exclamations sounded at the same time.

   At the very moment, Ye Zhiqiu had no time to hide.

   "Substitute technique." Ye Zhiqiu said silently in his heart.

   "Boom~" A puff of smoke rose up where Ye Zhiqiu was.

   Ye Zhiqiu's figure disappeared instantly, leaving only a thick fog of one person.

   In the thick fog, a blue silver blade of grass that was cut off by Sword Douluo's spirit skills was fluttered to the top by the iron armored rhinoceros, and it floated for a long time and refused to land.

The surrogacy technique is a spirit ability in which both sides exchange positions. This blue silver grass leaf was originally on the side of the head of the iron-clad rhinoceros. At this time, Ye Zhiqiu exchanged positions with it, and Ye Zhiqiu was naturally in the iron-clad rhinoceros. Sideways position.

   While the head of the iron-clad rhinoceros had been pushed out, to Ye Zhiqiu's eyes, it looked like it had stretched his neck, waiting to be slaughtered.

Naturally, Ye Zhiqiu would not let go of such a good opportunity. He stretched out his right hand and carried the tightly held dagger at the throat of the iron armored rhinoceros. The iron armored rhinoceros whose scales had already been cut by Sword Douluo was too fragile. There was too much, naturally, that Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help being so devastated. The throat broke on the spot, and blood burst out like a small fountain, staining the ground with blood red.

   The vitality of the iron-clad rhinoceros is very tenacious, even if the throat is cut by a sharp blade, it did not die immediately. On the contrary, he turned his head tenaciously and wanted to continue to attack Ye Zhiqiu, but this time, its movements became much slower and stiffer, weakened.

   With four eyes facing each other, Ye Zhiqiu saw firmness and a trace of doubt in his eyes, and the iron-clad rhinoceros with only the last trace of energy left, of course, could not hurt Ye Zhiqiu.

   Seeing the iron-clad rhinoceros's firm gaze that would give him a moment of death, Ye Zhiqiu also secretly admired him, and there were also tenacious generations of soul beasts.

In the end, the iron-clad rhinoceros still failed to reach Ye Zhiqiu. Even if Ye Zhiqiu stood by its side and did not move again, the rhinoceros horns were about to hit Ye Zhiqiu's chest with a "bang", and his head weakly hit the ground. The lamp has run out, but its eyes are still staring, full of unwillingness.

   Ye Zhiqiu fixedly looked at the iron-clad rhinoceros lying on the ground, and felt that a certain chord in his heart was touched. This soul beast deserves his respect. If Sword Douluo didn't make a move, they would be good opponents one person and one beast.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu bent his knees and squatted slightly, stretched out his hand and patted its big head lying on the ground, regretting: "The natural selection of things, the survival of the fittest. Although I am sorry for killing you, but...I need you Soul ring. Since you want to give it to me so much, then I will fulfill your last wish."

   The voice fell, Ye Zhiqiu used his hands to lift the big head of the iron-clad rhinoceros, and after a light bump on his chest, he gently put it back on the ground.

   The iron-clad rhino's eyes were a little surprised at first, but then it turned into a touch of excitement, and finally, it closed its eyes.

  [The negative sentiment value from the armored rhinoceros plus 566...]

   [The negative sentiment value from the armored rhinoceros plus 5666...]

   Regarding the excitement in the eyes of the iron-clad rhinoceros, Ye Zhiqiu guessed that this rhino brother was probably touched by himself, and he fulfilled his last wish before he died. He is really a good person...

The situation on the field is changing rapidly. The iron-clad rhinoceros almost hit Ye Zhiqiu severely. Ye Zhiqiu suddenly turned into smoke, and then appeared on the side of the iron-clad rhinoceros's head, and gave it a fatal blow. In the last scene, I saw Jian Douluo and Ning Rongrong, your way of fulfilling the wishes of the soul beasts before they die is so special... and it's too shameful...

   Ye Zhiqiu doesn't know what they think. He has always acted recklessly, doing whatever he thinks of. Unless there is force majeure, I don't want to stop me from using negative emotions.

   On the dead iron-clad rhinoceros, some black spots of light slowly emerged. After a while, a light black ten thousand-year spirit ring gathered above its body, slowly turning.

   Ye Zhiqiu found a slightly clean place next to him and sat down cross-legged. He didn't rush to pull the spirit ring, but went to the system store.

   He already has more than 17,000 negative sentiment points. Naturally, he has to buy the improved source of Sanwei Isosuke first, maybe it can also make a contribution when he absorbs the spirit ring?

   In 3000, the spirit ring of the color-changing hidden dragon became more than 5000 years old, and Shou Crane and the cat have contributed to their origins. Now adding Jifu's origin, this ten thousand-year spirit ring, with the help of the three-tailed beast origin, is it possible to become thirty or forty thousand years old? From light black to pure black?

   Just do it, anyway, Isofu Benyuan himself will buy it sooner or later. Now that the negative sentiment value is enough, the sooner I buy it, the better.

After Ye Zhiqiu spent 7000 negative sentiment value to buy the improved source of Sanwei Jifu, in the Qihai Dantian, like the previous few times, there was another turtle-shaped white light and others The two origins are in a three-legged situation, each occupying a corner, echoing each other.

After   , Ye Zhiqiu began to absorb the iron armored rhinoceros's spirit ring. The process went smoothly. There was no physical body that was not enough to bear the pain caused by the age of the spirit ring. From this, it can be seen that Ye Zhiqiu's physical strength is getting more and more abnormal.

With the help of the three-tailed beasts, the absorption of the spirit ring quickly came to an end. After the spirit power of the iron-clad rhinoceros spirit ring was divided up by the three-tailed beasts, Ye Zhiqiu's body became quiet.

   At this time, Ye Zhiqiu knew that it was time to buy spirit abilities by himself. After all, he had already experienced it once, and his practice made perfect.

Without thinking about it, Ye Zhiqiu spent 3000 negative emotion points to buy the A-level multiple shadow clone technique. The original B-level shadow clone technique was also within his consideration, and only 500 negative emotion points were needed. There is also excess negative sentiment value to buy an improved source of the four-tailed Monkey King.

   But if you think about it carefully, you can only add nine soul abilities, so naturally you have to choose a good one, so Ye Zhiqiu dropped the shadow clone technique PS.

   At the moment when Ye Zhiqiu bought the multiple shadow clone technique, the three-tailed beast's origin, as usual, began to feed back the spirit power that Ye Zhiqiu used to condense the spirit ring.

Three huge spirit powers suddenly exploded in Ye Zhiqiu's body. After strengthening his physical body, they slowly escaped. On top of Ye Zhiqiu's head, they condensed into a pure black ten thousand year spirit ring, this spirit ring Rhythmically falling slowly, and after covering the first purple thousand-year spirit ring, the process of absorbing the spirit ring completely ended.

   Two spirit rings, one purple and one black, slowly revolved around Ye Zhiqiu. The corners of Jian Douluo's mouth twitched slightly in this scene. Why didn't this pure black spirit ring look ten thousand years old?

Chapter 42: Return

After    the spirit ring was absorbed, the effect of the spirit ability automatically appeared in Ye Zhiqiu's mind, which was very different from the clone technique.

  Multi-shadow clone technique: The number of clones depends on the soul power in the body. Each clone possesses 80% combat power of the deity, and it will be destroyed by a heavy blow. The clones can practice on their own, and each clone has self-awareness. If the deity does not give the clone instructions to complete something, the clone will act according to its own preferences. Ninety-nine percent of the clones will strictly abide by the deity's instructions. The clone does not share the field of vision with the deity. After the clone is removed or destroyed, the deity can receive what it sees and hears. (Additional effect of the ten thousand years spirit ring: when the clone is not fatally damaged, it can continue to be immortal, and can absorb the energy of the world to repair itself)

   "Hiss~" Ye Zhiqiu took a breath.

   This multiple shadow avatar technique really didn't buy a loss. With his own means of adjusting the soul power of the tail beast in his body, wouldn't the shadow clone want to score?

   And the additional effect of the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Ring will disappear after being hit by a heavy blow, which harmonizes.

   With the addition of the first spirit ability's clone combat power plus 10% passive effect, when you become a titled Douluo, will anyone in this Douluo Continent be your opponent? Are you afraid that you will have to be killed by yourself using the human sea tactics?

what? You are the Ultimate Douluo, I can't beat you at level 91? Ha ha, have you ever seen a scene where 1,000 91-level Title Douluos opened up together?

   Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu was in a good mood. After standing up and stretching, he wanted to report the good news to Jian Douluo and Ning Rongrong.

When    turned around, under the forelimbs of the armored rhinoceros, a black light suddenly flashed across Ye Zhiqiu's eyes.

   Ye Zhiqiu's footsteps, is it...

In order to prove his thoughts, Ye Zhiqiu came to the iron-clad rhino leg in a few steps, and after pulling away its front leg, a shiny black metal like a wrist brace came into view. Ye Zhiqiu's eyes suddenly brightened, and the black piece of black He picked up the wristband and looked at it carefully. If he guessed right, this should be a right arm spirit bone.

   Why is the right arm instead of the left arm, because it was turned over on the right forelimb of the iron-clad rhino.

Sure enough, this iron-clad rhinoceros was touched by himself before he died. After his death, he exploded with a soul bone to repay him. Although this soul bone was a bit trash in Ye Zhiqiu's view, it was only ten thousand years old, and its age was too low. What is it.

   "Hehe, Xiao Qiu, it looks like you are lucky. This should be a soul bone." Jian Douluo walked over with Ning Rongrong and smiled.

   Ning Rongrong looked at the soul bone in Ye Zhiqiu's hand curiously. Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect has a great family, there are not many soul bones.

   Even the two Title Douluos of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect did not have a few soul bones on them.

   Ye Zhiqiu smiled with satisfaction, and bursting a ten thousand year soul bone is also an unexpected gain. Although he doesn't look at the ten thousand year soul bone, he can use it as a gift. It just so happens that Rongrong doesn't have a soul bone? Give her a right arm bone right to return the favor of the Mo jade bracelet.

"Grandpa Sword, this soul bone is also credited to you. After all, you were severely injured by the iron-clad rhinoceros. Give this soul bone to Rongrong." After that, Ye Zhiqiu handed the soul bone to Ning Rongrong. Past.

"Huh?...Give it to me?" Ning Rongrong slightly opened her mouth slightly unexpectedly. No matter how ignorant she is, she also knows that soul bones are very precious. After all, Grandpa Sword is so powerful, there are not many souls. Bone.

   Even after Sword Douluo heard Ye Zhiqiu's words, he was stunned. How much courage would it take to give a piece of ten thousand year soul bone to someone?

   Sword Douluo pursed his lips slightly, did not speak, just watched the two silently, the young man should decide for himself.

   And Ye Zhiqiu, this little guy might be the prospective son-in-law of his Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect in the future, and it is reasonable to send a soul bone as a betrothal gift in advance. In Sword Douluo's heart, he became more and more satisfied with Ye Zhiqiu. At a young age, even though he was sensible, his potential was endless.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Ning Rongrong dumbfounded, but didn't reach out to pick it up. He smiled helplessly, and had to stuff his soul bone into her arms, and said: "Take it, you are too weak now to improve. With some strength, I won't even be able to see my back in the future."

   Ning Rongrong originally wanted to push away, but after listening to Ye Zhiqiu's words, the little hand that Wei Wei handed out instantly shrank back, and tightly pulled the Ten Thousand Years Soul Bone in his arms.

   Both Ye Zhiqiu and Sword Douluo in this scene couldn't help but laugh, this little girl is so cute.

   The smiling faces of the two made Ning Rongrong's cheeks flush with shame, and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Sword Douluo saw that the two had already been allocated, and after thinking about it for a while, he said to Ye Zhiqiu: "Xiao Qiu, your second spirit ring seems to have increased in year. I suspect that in the future, each of your spirit rings will increase in year. , And this growth rate is very high. This may have something to do with your martial arts and soul skills in many ways. What is your second spirit ring? Tell Grandpa Jian, I will help you refer to what has affected you The variation of the spirit ring."

"Uh..." You can guess that there are ghosts. Ye Zhiqiu secretly smiled in his heart, but on the surface he said seriously: "Grandpa Sword, my second spirit ability is also a clone technique. This time I can separate 10 of them. A clone with 80% of the deity's combat power, UU reading and the clone will have its own consciousness. It can practice on its own without being fatally injured or disappearing."

   "Hiss~" After hearing Ye Zhiqiu's words, Jian Douluo took a deep breath. Damn it, Xiao Qiu's spirit ability is almost one world at a time compared with the first one, the difference is too big. From now on, if Xiao Qiu fights against other spirit masters, he will be singled out to change the rhythm of the group fight... This spirit ability is not like the first spirit ability, at least it has not insulted the name of the ten thousand year spirit ring.

"This spirit ability, compared to your first spirit ability, has a heaven-defying effect, and it's very good. The growth of the spirit ring's life may also be related to your clones..." Jian Douluo said in a tone. With a slight sigh.

   Ning Rongrong heard that Ye Zhiqiu's second soul skill had 10 clones, his eyes lit up instantly, and he didn't know what he was thinking...

Everything was done in the Soul Hunting Forest, and the three of them were in a good mood. Jian Douluo smiled, and said with a hint of joking, "Xiao Qiu, is it time to leave the Soul Hunting Forest now? You won't tell the old man about me. , Let's hunt down the third spirit ring...then this hunting forest really doesn't have a spirit ring suitable for you..."

"How can it be, cultivation is so fast. Grandpa Jian, I have absorbed the iron-clad rhino's ten thousand year spirit ring and I have only risen to level 27, and I still have to be level 3 to hunt the third spirit ring." Ye Zhiqiu Nao I scratched the back of his head, with a regretful expression on his face.

When the words fell, Ye Zhiqiu was in Ning Rongrong's exclamation, and a princess hugged her gently. With her legs on the tree poles around, she moved flexibly, and the figure moved away instantly. The speed was compared Before absorbing the second spirit ring, it was several times faster.

  Only a sword Douluo with a slightly twitching cheek was left in place, muttering unconsciously, "Level 27...Level 27..."

Chapter 43: Xiao Wu who owes an **** account

Several days have passed since the journey of hunting the soul forest.

During   , Jian Douluo and Ning Rongrong followed Ye Zhiqiu to Notting City for a few days, and Ye Zhiqiu was also a good guide, taking them to the streets and alleys of Notting City. emmm...all on credit, waiting for Xiao Chenyu to pay...

   You asked Ye Zhiqiu that he was very rich in receiving so many protection fees. Why is Xiao Chenyu paying the bill?

   ahem... In Ye Zhiqiu's words, it is a problem that can be solved with money, and I can't solve one of them.

   The second martial soul, the life miser.

   Under the bed where Ye Zhiqiu was sleeping, he hid a half basket of Golden Soul Coins. Except for Xiao Wu who occasionally surreptitiously took six or seven out of the house, none of the other little brothers dared to touch them.

   Ning Rongrong followed Ye Zhiqiu to play in Notting City for three days. When he returned, the beggar asked Ye Zhiqiu for a shadow clone of the second spirit ring. According to her, this was her new toy. (Author PS: Don't ask, this new word is correct)

   Sword Douluo didn't say anything this time. After all, Ye Zhiqiu's second spirit ring could be divided into 10 clones. It didn't matter to him that one more or one was missing, and it had little effect on Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu was naturally very happy about Ning Rongrong's request. He just gave the clone to the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect to listen to Ning Rongrong's words, and by the way, he found some spiritual masters of the same rank to brush the negative emotion value. Don't worry about it anymore, with this clone, Ye Zhiqiu's attitude towards him is a fully stocked state.

  Everything happened, Ye Zhiqiu naturally returned to Notting Junior Soul Master Academy. After going to the Academic Affairs Office to apply for graduation at the end of the year, Ye Zhiqiu found Xiao Chenyu and calculated the accounts of the streets and alleys to him. Not many, just a few dozen gold soul coins.

After   , Ye Zhiqiu returned to the Seventh Shelter, leaving only Xiao Chenyu who wanted to cry without tears. It seemed that his wallet was shrinking again.

   Pushing open the door of the long-lost Seventh Shelter, Ye Zhiqiu walked in slowly. There were quite a few students from the Seventh Shelter. They looked at Ye Zhiqiu who came in with some surprises.

   "Brother Autumn..."

   "Brother Autumn~"

   "Hey, Aqiu, are you back?" Tang San was a little surprised.

   Xiao Wu turned her head slightly with a guilty conscience, and looked around in confusion, hoping that the matter of secretly taking Qiu Ge's money was not revealed...

   Ye Zhiqiu smiled and nodded to them, and then replied: "When I first entered the door, why did I see all of you lose face, what's wrong?"

Wang Sheng glanced at each other with the other students and smiled bitterly: "Brother Qiu, it's almost the end of the year. I guess you have already hunted down the first spirit ring, right? If this is the case, we will have four of the seven houses this year. I graduated, my brothers are a little bit reluctant to separate..."

"Hey, what am I supposed to be? Notting Intermediate Soul Master Academy is just east of Notting City. I want to see those who have a chance, but those who haven't graduated. Practice hard. Don't just play around all day. Look at the junior. , Cultivation work harder, you have half the hard work of him, and your level is not so low." Ye Zhiqiu's elder brother's style, pointed and taught those students who could not graduate.

   They all lowered their heads in shame. Since Ye Zhiqiu came, their working-study life has improved by many times. This year, they have indeed neglected their cultivation.

Tang San looked helpless, and he was used as a model by A Qiu again. His cultivating hard work was a habit accumulated in his previous life. Cultivating this kind of thing seems to have become an instinct for him, and he might not cultivate one day. Tang San felt that he might still feel uncomfortable.

   Xiao Wu looked at the scene of Ye Zhiqiu's training, and she really laughed. She felt that this scene was very interesting. Obviously Ye Zhiqiu was a child himself, but he was able to pretend to be a serious lesson to these children who were older than him. The scene was a little offensive.

   Ye Zhiqiu, after hearing Xiao Wu's crisp laughter, gave her a sideways glance, and said nonchalantly, "Xiao Wu, I'm not here these days, maybe you secretly took me a lot of gold soul coins?"

   "No, absolutely not." Xiao Wu immediately denied it with her neck.

   "Really, it seems that you have grown a lot." Ye Zhiqiu nodded calmly, turned slightly, as if to expose the matter.

Xiao Wu saw that the matter seemed to have passed, she was slightly relieved, and a smug smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Hehe, as long as I refuse to admit it, you can't do anything with me. After all, there are so many gold soul coins under your bed. Don't you know it yourself?

   "Wang Sheng secretly told me just now that you took it every day during the five days I was absent, and you took a dozen of them." Ye Zhiqiu's voice suddenly came faintly.

   Xiao Wu's still smug little head hasn't turned around. After hearing Ye Zhiqiu's words, he retorted without hesitation: "Nonsense, I only took it 4 times, and I only took you 6 gold soul coins each time."

   "Pop..." Tang San covered his face...

   "Smack..." Wang Sheng covers his face...

   Xiao Wu hurriedly covered her mouth, but she had already spoken, and it was obviously too late...

Ye Zhiqiu was looking at her with a smile but a smile, "Okay...six pieces a day, after four days, it seems that there are 24 pieces, plus the previous ones, the total is 381 pieces, calculate the interest, and then round up. , That's 1,000 Gold Soul Coins, how are you going to pay me back this money?"

   Xiao Wu:? ? ?




   Five days later, Notting Junior Soul Master Academy officially closed.

   Many students are happily returning home together, and the main road of Notting College is full of people returning home.

   In the Seven Shelters, many students have almost left. Only Ye Zhiqiu, Tang San, and Xiao Wu were left. UU reading

   It's not that their hands and feet are slow, but that Ye Zhiqiu sleeps until now, Tang San and Xiao Wu are waiting for him to pack up.

   Due to Xiao Wu's homelessness, after discussion last night, she decided to follow Ye Zhiqiu and Tang San to the Holy Soul Village for a tour, and then waited until the Notting Intermediate College started, and then enrolled with them together.

   Ye Zhiqiu and Tang San would naturally not object to this kind of thing, and there is still the current scene.

Looking at Ye Zhiqiu who was tapping the gold soul coins into the Mo Jade Bracelet one by one, Tang San twitched the corners of his mouth. I don't know, he was shocked at first sight. How much money did you rob the kids in the college this year? ? And where did your storage soul guide come from? Wasn't it also in the hands of which fool made it?

   Xiao Wu's eyes were shining when looking at the Golden Soul Coin. If the money was mine, it would be great...

   "Ah, there are 1136 pieces left, I'm really a little money-making expert..." Ye Zhiqiu got up and stretched out his muscles and became intoxicated.

   "Let's go, go to Notting City to buy something to take back, I'll treat you." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu, waved his small hand and said with a big expression.

   "Then I'm not welcome, just to bring my father some wine back." Tang San smiled.

   Xiao Wu raised her hand with excitement: "I, I, I... I want to eat carrots..."

   "Huh? Do you still want to eat? Pay the money you owe me first..."

   "No, Brother Qiu, would you ask someone to eat... please someone to eat..." Xiao Wu began to shake Ye Zhiqiu's arm with a bitter face and acted like a baby.

   Ye Zhiqiu rubbed his head and said with a headache: "You really can't do anything about it. You only call it when I need to pay, right?"

   "I promise to call it that again... as long as you treat me to a carrot feast..."

Chapter 44: Home

Ye Zhiqiu and the three of them left the school gate together, and went to the major markets in Notting City to purchase a variety of items, and they stuffed half a black jade bracelet.

   Ye Zhiqiu also went to the clothing store to customize several sets of clothes. How could there be no such handsome clothes as the Hokage Royal Robe? Let's order ten eight pieces for all age groups.

  A red cloud robe with a black background, a hat and bells organized by Xiao Xiao. emmm...Let's have a dozen sets for all age groups. When you have the third spirit ability, you can dress the clone to do things.

   When the time comes to have the Flying Thunder God, then it will really be the Douluo Continent to travel freely. Ye Zhiqiu believes that the red cloud on the black background will become a nightmare for many soul masters in the Douluo Continent.

   You can let the clone do anything that is inconvenient for you, and you can let the clone do it for those who are inconvenient to kill. You alone are an organization and you can be a force. Moreover, the strength of this force will automatically become stronger as Ye Zhiqiu's level rises, and there is no need for Ye Zhiqiu to develop himself. This kind of good thing that saves worry and effort, is it the only one in Douluo Continent?

   Ye Zhiqiu and the three of them have been walking around Notting City until the afternoon before they left the city together.

   on the way.

   Xiao Wu bounced and couldn't stand his temper, holding the carrot and chewing while not forgetting to circle around Ye Zhiqiu and Tang San, full of fun. What made people uncomfortable was that she was still humming some small tunes she learned from Ye Zhiqiu. The tune was completely different and it was a source of noise pollution.

   There was a faint smile on the corner of Tang San's mouth. He has a kind of gentle character. The word gentle is a bit improper for men, but Tang San is this kind of person.

   Tang San didn't mind Xiao Wu dangling beside them, making noise.

   Ye Zhiqiu is not as good as his temper, rolls his eyes, "Dead girl, you can't stop your mouth when you eat, and then sing spicy rabbit head at night."

   Xiao Wu hummed a small tune feeling good about herself, and just skipped in front of Ye Zhiqiu. After hearing what Ye Zhiqiu said, her body became stiff, like a clay sculpture of wood and plastic. Only the phrase "Eat Spicy Rabbit Head at Night" is reverberating...

   Ye Zhiqiu glanced at her with a smile, and then continued on his way.

Xiao Wu, who was stunned for a while, came back to her senses, and hurriedly chased behind Ye Zhiqiu with a puffed face, trying to make a surprise attack, but suddenly saw Ye Zhiqiu in front of him stretch out his right hand, and he also held a carrot in his hand. It shook symbolically.

   Seeing this scene, Xiao Wu froze in an instant, and the calf that had been slightly raised was also put down. Oh my god...I almost forgot...My carrots are still in the hands of Brother Qiu...

   Ye Zhiqiu turned his head and looked at Xiao Wu with a smile, "Are you sneaking behind me, trying to attack me?"

   "Uh..." Xiao Wu rolled her big eyes, and suddenly remembered that when she was still in the Seventh House at noon, Brother Qiu seemed to be defeated by her coquettish Dafa. This trick seemed to have a miraculous effect on Brother Qiu?

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu looked like a face change, and immediately looked at Ye Zhiqiu pitifully, shaking his arm, and groaning, "Brother Qiu, people are too boring, they have been away for so long... I said that I had a carrot feast in the evening...Look..." Xiao Wu looked at Ye Zhiqiu with some expectation.

   Tang San's face twitched slightly next to him. When Xiao Wu was in the academy, she was synonymous with violence, and it seemed to be a violation of how she looked now.

   But Ye Zhiqiu seems to like this set?

"Okay, don't be a demon, your carrot is indispensable. Seeing that the hill in front is not there, our village is at the foot of the hill, not far away." Ye Zhiqiu seemed to have little resistance to Xiao Wu's coquettish methods, and his words were all at once. Much milder.

   This made Xiao Wu's eyes light up slightly, as if she had found a way to deal with Ye Zhiqiu.

   Tang San looked in the direction that Ye Zhiqiu pointed, faintly seeing the small exposed eaves under the hill in the distance, Tang San was a little dazed.

   "Why, Xiao San, are you homesick?" Ye Zhiqiu asked with a smile.

   "Well, I haven't seen my father for a year, and Grandpa Jack..." Tang San said startled.

   Ye Zhiqiu also sighed with emotion when he heard Tang San talk about Grandpa Jack, "Speaking of Grandpa Jack, he said he would come to pick us up on vacation, but there was no one. It seems that Grandpa Jack is also old and can't walk..."

   "What do you guys feel about...Go and go, I'm hungry..." Xiao Wu urged.

   "Let's go..." Ye Zhiqiu and Tang San smiled at each other, and then stepped forward to continue on their way.

   Wangshan ran to death, this is not unreasonable.

   Looking at a short distance, the three of Ye Zhiqiu didn't come to the entrance of Shenghun Village until the evening.

   Compared with a year ago, Holy Soul Village has not changed much, it is still in a state of indisputability.

   At this point in time, most of the households have just returned from work in the fields, and are walking to their homes one after another.

   The three people standing at the entrance of the village are naturally very eye-catching. Ye Zhiqiu is not short of money, so the three of them are dressed well. Although they are not brocades, they are made of silk. They are clean and look like children of rich people. Plus one year later, they are all It was a lot taller, and these village names didn't even recognize Ye Zhiqiu and the others.

   "Don't be stunned, let's go." Ye Zhiqiu greeted him, and ran towards his house first.

Tang San and Ye Zhiqiu's family were right next door, so naturally they were on the same road, so he followed Ye Zhiqiu with Xiao When they approached the door of the house, Ye Zhiqiu's loud voice rang, "Dad Mom, I'm back..." The voice has arrived before the person arrives.

   "Humhhhhhh..." There was a rush of footsteps in the room. After a while, Liu Qingqing leaned out of the door frame and looked out excitedly. When he saw Ye Zhiqiu's three people, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

   Liu Qingqing ran over in two steps and held Ye Zhiqiu in his arms.

   Ye Nan also didn't know when he was leaning against the door frame. He was usually unsmiling. This time, the corners of his mouth overflowed with a rare smile. It seems that Ye Nan is also very happy that Ye Zhiqiu can return home.

   Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at Ye Zhiqiu with envy in their eyes. They also want to have such a harmonious family, but there are so many things in the world.

   "Well, mom, don't get excited, there are customers..." Ye Zhiqiu struggled a few times before breaking free from his mother's embrace.

   Liu Qingqing then looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu, and said with a smile: "Is this a junior? He has grown a lot taller. Is this little girl your classmate?"

   "Hello auntie, my name is Xiao Wu. I am a classmate of Brother Qiu." Xiao Wu smiled, not afraid of life at all, and introduced herself familiarly.

   "Hello Aunt Liu, I'll go back to see Dad first." Tang San also said hello politely, and wanted to go back to his home first. Seeing Ye Zhiqiu's harmonious family, he really missed Tang Hao extraordinarily right now.

   "Wait... Xiao San, your father has not been in the Holy Soul Village a few days ago. He seems to be away from home. Didn't he write to you?" Liu Qingqing stopped Tang San who wanted to leave, and said with some confusion.

   Tang San was taken aback, and then quickly ran towards his house. He didn't think Liu Qingqing would lie to her, his father left a few days ago? How could it be so sudden?

   Tang San at the moment is in a state of confusion.

Chapter 45: I read a lot, I won't lie to you

"He..." Ye Zhiqiu sighed lightly.

  Mistress will be hit hard this time. However, some things should always be faced.

"Mom, Xiao Wu and I will go to see Xiao San first... Uncle Tang Hao is not here, I guess he will be very sad. By the way, let's cook a few more dishes at night, let's eat together." Ye Zhiqiu put the Mo jade bracelet in After throwing everything at home for food and clothing, they went to Tang San's house next door with Xiao Wu.

  The door was not closed. Tang San stood in the middle of the wooden house, holding a piece of paper with some dust in his right hand, his complexion, and silent. From the left hand he clenched, it could be seen that Tang San's mood was not very good.

Ye Zhiqiu stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted: "Little San, at least Uncle Tang Hao didn't leave without saying goodbye. He left a letter for you. That means he still cares about you, but he may leave because of some difficulties. Worried, I will see you again later."

Xiao Wu followed Ye Zhiqiu's words, softly comforting: "Yes, yes, maybe your father just left on purpose, just to make you grow better and stronger? Don't be depressed, let's go to Brother Qiu's house for dinner. , I'm starving to death..."

   Ye Zhiqiu has a black line on his face. Why does this kind of comfort sound so awkward to your mouth? You obviously want to go to dinner soon, right? Comfort is only incidental, right? Absolutely?

  A wry smile appeared on Tang San's face, "A Qiu, sometimes I really envy you, the family is happy. Oh... I only have my father as a relative. Now that my father is not here, this family is no longer a home."

"What silly thing to say, your father is not dead, just not at home. He is not there, don't you still have me and Brother Qiu as good friends? If you really want to find a relative...that... "Xiao Wu patted her little chest, "Then I don't mind being your sister. As the saying goes, the eldest brother is like a father and the eldest sister is like a mother. As long as you call me Sister Xiaowu, Sister Xiaowu will let you experience it. The maternal love is great."

  Ye Zhiqiu:...

  You are so showy...

Tang San:? ? ?

   "You look younger than me, right? I remember that you were born in August and I was in January. How to calculate, you should be your sister..." Tang San said with a black face and dissatisfied.

Xiao Wu tilted her head and clicked her chin with her index finger. "But you can't beat me. You lose every time you try. You don't even have the chance of a tie without the ghost method. Brother Qiu said, Dazhe As a teacher. I am better than you, so I should be my sister." Xiao Wu proudly raised her head with her hands on her hips.


   Ye Zhiqiu looked at the two people actually fighting like this, a little speechless. But Xiao Wu can be regarded as distracting Xiao San's attention.

  Looking at the two people who were still arguing, Ye Zhiqiu had to take action. He was hungry and wanted to eat.

   "Dawei Tianlong~"

   "Bang~" "Bang~" Ye Zhiqiu gave the two of them a brainstorm.

  Tang San and Xiao Wu both hugged their heads with a cry of "Ouch."

   "Does it make sense to argue about this kind of thing? Go to dinner..." Ye Zhiqiu said with a straight face.

  Xiao Wu put out her tongue mischievously, and hopped off first.

  Tang San seemed to be in a much better mood, and no longer continued to suffer. Following Ye Zhiqiu step by step, he walked towards Ye Zhiqiu's house.

  For Tang San, this meal tonight is special. He had never eaten at the same dinner table with his family. Tang Hao always stood up and drank a bowl of porridge with a few mouthfuls, and then either went back to sleep or went out to drink.

Although Ye Nan and Liu Qingqing are not Tang San's relatives, Tang San and Ye Zhiqiu have a good relationship. Ye father and Ye mother are naturally friendly to Tang San. Tang San will also politely call Ye Shu and Aunt Liu when he sees them. Count it as half a relative.

   Ye Zhiqiu and Tang San entered the house and found that seven or eight dishes were already on the table, but Ye Mu was still busy in the kitchen. It seemed that the dishes had not been finished yet?

   "Little San, sit down, don't be restrained." Ye Father looked at Tang San and smiled.

  Tang San nodded, "Thank you, Uncle Ye, for bothering you." Then, Tang San sat down in the empty seat beside Xiao Wu.

  Ye Zhiqiu looked at the seven or eight plates of various meats on the table, feeling that his lips and teeth were fresh and he hadn't tasted his mother's craft for a long time.

"Is this enough food? What is my mother busy with?" Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help it. If he changed to normal, he would have used his chopsticks first, but today there are guests. Although everyone is familiar, but polite Don't let it go, you have to wait until Liu Qingqing comes to the table before eating together.

   "My aunt asked me what I like to eat just now. I said I like to eat carrots. Now my aunt is making it." Xiao Wu said embarrassedly.

   Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes after hearing this, you girl would be embarrassed too?

"Haha, no hurry." Ye Nan took a sip of wine and continued: "Dan, tell me about your experience with Xiao San this year. Also, where did you get so much money to buy things? What's wrong with the college, right?"

   "Uh..." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu guiltily, but found that they were holding back a smile. There is no doubt that this is mocking Ye Zhiqiu's nickname.

   Ye Zhiqiu's face turned black, and it seemed that he had to find a chance to practice with them.

"Dad, do you think I look like doing bad things? Look at my sincere little eyes." Ye Zhiqiu tried his best to put on a harmless face of humans and animals. He followed his father, and he was more beautiful. , It looks really confusing.

"Well, I still have a lot of money. It's all from the Spirit Hall. After becoming a soul master, I can receive a lot of money every month. Moreover, I am a 27-level great soul master now. I can get more money." After speaking, Ye Zhiqiu took out more than half of the gold soul coins from the black jade bracelet and placed them in front of Ye Nan, a total of more than 600. A pile of gold currency piled together is really shocking.

  A few people on the table were Ye Nan was surprised that his son actually had so much money? He has no idea about the spirit master level.

  Xiao Wu and Tang San were shocked by the fact that Ye Zhiqiu was already level 27. What the hell, we are only level 18 now, why are you at level 27? Are you hanging up? Secretly went to the cram school?

   Liu Qingqing, who came out with the vegetables, saw this scene. The few dishes of carrots in his hand were almost thrown out. The two of them had never seen so many golden soul coins in their entire life.

  Does the soul master really make money like this?

   "Xiao Qiu, tell me honestly, where did the money come from? You can't go astray..." Ye Nan spoke harshly, not even his nickname this time.

"Dad, this is really the money from the Spirit Hall. The Great Spirit Master can receive a subsidy of 50 Gold Soul Coins a month." Ye Zhiqiu hurriedly explained, he still kicked Tang San and Xiao next to him under the table. Dance legs.

  These two are human spirits, and they reacted immediately.

   "Uncle Ye, what A Qiu said is true. The monthly subsidy of the soul master is indeed a lot." Tang San said.

   Xiao Wu looked like we didn't lie to you, and nodded in agreement, "Xiao San is right. We read a lot and won't lie to you..."

Chapter 47: The magical effect of multiple shadow clones

[Thank you for spending the rest of your life in love with me, and an emoji brother die who can't be named. Thousand rewards of two book friends]

   At the dinner table, Ye Zhiqiu and Tang San Xiaowu joined forces and flicked after a good meal before revealing the incident. Reluctantly convinced Ye's father and Ye's mother that the profession of soul master was really profitable.

   Speaking of it, Ye Zhiqiu really hadn't registered in the Spirit Hall, and he hadn't received any copper soul coins. After all, his spirit ring was so special that he didn't dare to enter the sight of the Spirit Hall.

  The Gold Soul Coins that Ye Zhiqiu saved were all respected by the students of all grades in the college. But this kind of thing obviously cannot be told to his parents, he doesn't want to experience the mixed doubles from his parents again.

   After a group of people ate dinner happily at the dinner table, Xiao Wu followed Tang San to his house and slept.

   No way, Ye Zhiqiu's family didn't have enough beds, and Tang Hao left, but Tang San's family had just vacated a bed.




   After the night, Wan Lai was completely silent, not even the humming of the bugs, the winter in Douluo Continent, for ordinary people, was still relatively cold.

   Lying on his own bed, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to be asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, walked out the door lightly, and ran out of the village.

   Ye Zhiqiu stopped at the familiar big rock outside the Holy Spirit Village.

There is no one to take care of outside the village. There are dense blue silver grasses everywhere. These blue silver grasses will emit light spots in the middle of the night. In the daytime, these small spots are not conspicuous, but in the dark night , These small light spots are easy to see. At this moment, they are floating half a foot above the blue silver grass, unconsciously drifting with the breeze, like countless fireflies playing, driving out the darkness here. Little, the surrounding scenes are a bit dreamy.

   "Beauty is pretty, but it's a bit boring for one person to appreciate it alone..." Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and sighed with emotion, then opened his own martial arts spirit.

   If you want to cast a spirit ability, you must first open your own martial spirit. Even if Ye Zhiqiu's spirit abilities were derived from ninjutsu, it could not violate the rules of this world.

   "Second spirit ability, multiple shadow clones~" Outside the empty Holy Soul Village, a soft drink came out.

   Then there was a series of "boom" and "boom" sounds. After a while, the uninhabited wilderness of Liao was suddenly crowded with dense figures. At a glance, there were at least five or six hundred people.

   This place suddenly became a bit noisy, but fortunately, it was a short distance away from the Holy Soul Village, otherwise the whole village had to be awakened.

   Most of the shadow clones stood quietly on the spot, silently looking at Ye Zhiqiu's deity, waiting for instructions. These are clones with a relatively calm personality and thinking. They know that the deity must call them something to order.

   The other part of the shadow avatars are not as conscious as they are, whispering to each other, burying each other's deities, and some actually want to sneak around and play...

   Ye Zhiqiu's face turned black, and it's okay to have fewer clones. If there are more clones, it will inevitably be a bit strange. He can't scold him, otherwise, isn't it scolding himself?

   "Be quiet, stand obediently." Ye Zhiqiu shouted.

   The hustle and bustle of the audience instantly calmed down. The avatars who were talking had their mouths sewn on them, and some kind of regular force bound them. A certain avatar who wanted to escape was also set in place, still maintaining a running posture with one leg raised, his face was a little painful.

   Ye Zhiqiu looked at the quiet avatar of the audience, showing a look of satisfaction, and said: "I am calling you out at night to avoid crowded eyes, and I feel a little bit forced. Next, I will start dispatching tasks."

"You can use the transformation technique to change your face, you can change anyone's face, don't hold me and the faces of the villagers of the Holy Spirit Village. Then you will disperse to the battle between the large, medium and small towns of the two empires. The soul field is not allowed to use the spirit ring to participate in the soul-fighting competition. It is best to rely on physical strength to win. Remember, not revealing your main identity is the first element, and then the negative emotion value is brushed. How to brush it without me teaching you? After the game, I lifted the clone and returned. Did you understand?" Ye Zhiqiu patiently ordered word by word, there is no way, each clone has its own consciousness, and some clones are not very good, so he must tell clearly.

   "My deity, I don't understand, how can I use negative emotions? Ask for advice." The avatar who wanted to lift his legs to escape asked.

   The other clones looked at him contemptuously, as if to say, how come I have such a mentally retarded clone partner of you.

   Ye Zhiqiu rubbed his head, a little speechless. This clone seems to have a bad brain? Let's teach it, so as not to have other brain-dead clones mixed in, and don't know how to pretend to understand.

   "The question of how to use negative sentiment value is actually very simple. You always curse people, right?" Ye Zhiqiu asked when looking at the clone.

   "I'm good at this..." The clone who tried to escape was proud.

   "Yeah." Ye Zhiqiu nodded and continued: "Then after you played the game, you pointed at the audience and cursed. How ugly and how to curse? UU read understand?"

   The eyes of the clone who failed to escape lit up and made an OK gesture.

   "Are there any problems?" Ye Zhiqiu confirmed again.

   All the clones shook their heads.

   Ye Zhiqiu smiled with satisfaction. It seems that his clone still has inherited his fine lineage. After all, there are only a few brain-disabled people.

   "Go ahead." Ye Zhiqiu said.

   As soon as the voice fell, there were continuous "booms" and "booms" in this area. After the white smoke dissipated, the hundreds of Ye Zhiqiu had disappeared, replaced by various faces.

   There are some people Ye Zhiqiu has met in his previous life, and some acquaintances in this life.

   For example, Xiao Wu, Jian Douluo, Ning Rongrong, Yu Xiaogang and others are listed. Even Ye Zhiqiu saw a dozen Su Yuntao...

   These transformed avatars scattered around the Holy Soul Village. They used their own methods and disappeared into the darkness of the night in the blink of an eye.

   Ye Zhiqiu's mouth turned up, and it is estimated that Douluo Continent will be lively after tonight. If Su Yuntao goes to participate in the soul fight, and it happens to be in his own Su Yuntao clone, then it will be interesting...

   Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu smiled wickedly.

   Everything was arranged properly, Ye Zhiqiu yawned and planned to go back to sleep.

   I hope that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, my clone can bring me some surprises. The feeling of lying down and earning negative emotions is really great.

   There are many soul masters in the big battlefields in various cities. If the eighteenth generations of the soul master ancestors in these viewing seats are greeted again, how much negative emotion should there be?

   Such a big cake, how could Ye Zhiqiu give up. This is also the reason why he appointed the clone to go to the Great Fighting Soul Field.

Chapter 48: Stable increase in negative sentiment value

The next day, Ye Zhiqiu woke up very early. It was not that he became diligent after he got home, but that two clones had been automatically released. The memory of their experience this night directly poured into Ye Zhiqiu's mind, and Ye Zhiqiu was awakened.

   comes with the memory of the two avatars, as well as the negative emotional value of the blockbuster, which has been refreshing the screen.

   It is also a coincidence that the two clones of Ye Zhiqiu went to a small Colosseum in Notting City, and they reported their names back and forth, but they were arranged as opponents by the Colosseum...

   The two avatars exchanged eye contact, and after directly playing a fake game that can no longer be faked, they pointed to the crowd of onlookers on the stage and breathed fragrance...

This naturally caused a lot of turmoil. The spirit masters who were watching were originally upset with the two spirit masters who were fighting the counterfeit match. Now they are being scolded by their noses, and they are almost mad and want to kill them. , The onlookers came off the scene one after another, preparing to fight these two unqualified soul masters in a group.

   The two clones saw that the task was almost completed at this time, and the goal of earning negative emotions had been achieved, so naturally the shadow clones were lifted and went straight away.

   There was also a scene in which Ye Zhiqiu was awakened by memory initiation.

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head amusedly. The two souls of his own were actually lined up together. It was a coincidence that the two soul masters who were opponents on the competition stage brazenly fought the fake match, and even partnered to spit out fragrance to the crowd of onlookers. Think about it and know how angry those soul master audiences will be.

   "Forget it, since I'm awake, I won't sleep anymore, so I won't be awakened by the memory of the clone again. Let's go and have a long-lost breakfast..." Ye Zhiqiu said to himself while wearing his clothes.

   opened the curtain of his room, and outside was the living room. On the dining table in the middle of the living room, there were three small bowls. One empty bowl contained some leftover porridge and soup, and the other two bowls were full.

   Ye Zhiqiu knew that his father had eaten the empty bowl. He wakes up very early every day and will go to work in the fields after eating.

   Liu Qingqing was about to eat, and saw Ye Zhiqiu coming out.

   "Dan, wash up and eat when you get up."

"I know my mom, dad has gone to work in the fields again? Isn't our family quite rich now? You two elders should also save a little effort." Ye Zhiqiu went to the yard to fetch water and wash, while not forgetting to talk. .

Liu Qingqing smiled comfortedly and looked at Ye Zhiqiu outside the door and said: "Your father has been doing farm work all his life, and you let him suddenly enjoy the blessing at home. It is also very rare. Besides, the money will wait for you to grow up in the future, and you will have to pay Marry a daughter-in-law? I discussed with your father last night, and I will save it for you first."

   Ye Zhiqiu washed his face and sighed softly. His parents still couldn't turn their minds. They saved money for a lifetime. Now when they spend whatever they want, they still prefer to live a simple life.

   If you take your own daughter-in-law, you will have to be a bachelor for a lifetime. Forget it, just let them, you two are happy.

   After having a hasty breakfast, Ye Zhiqiu slowly walked out of the village. The days in the Holy Soul Village were boring, and it was more than a month before the opening of the Noordin Intermediate Soul Master Academy.

   During this free time, the only thing Ye Zhiqiu could think of was the big rock outside the village that had accompanied him for several years.

   Lying on it to bask in the sun is really a treat. It's winter again, and the sun is just right, and the sun is warm and comfortable.

Ye Zhiqiu put his head on his hands and closed his eyes slightly, observing the reminders that popped out of his mind from time to time, and receiving memories of watching some clones. What's more interesting is that he saw the negative emotions from Jian Douluo and Ning Rongrong. .

   It is estimated that the avatars disguised as them and went to the Arena of Souls to compete, were discovered by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. If they can find out so quickly, it seems that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's intelligence network is quite powerful.

   "These clones are all very efficient..." Ye Zhiqiu muttered to himself with a mean smile on his face. So far, he has successively received more than 30 avatar feedback memories.

   These avatars are all going to the Arena of Souls in nearby cities, and the efficiency of completing the tasks is naturally very fast.

   The remaining clones are probably still on the way.

In short, Ye Zhiqiu's full picture mockery is very classic. Now his negative sentiment value balance has exceeded 40,000. These clones are simply scoring machines. If all parts of the body have completed the task, then Ye Zhiqiu estimates The balance of his negative sentiment value is likely to reach as much as three to four hundred thousand, and these negative sentiment values ​​are enough for him to round up the origin of the nine big tail beasts.

   Ye Zhiqiu has already decided that he will come here every two months, so that these spirit masters cannot forget the fear of being dominated by the Zuan people.

   Now that he has enough negative emotions, Ye Zhiqiu naturally has to buy a lot.

  Purchase the improved source of the four-tailed Monkey King, and spend 8000 negative emotion points.

  Purchase the improved origin of King Muwang with five tails, costing 9,000 negative emotion points.

  Purchase the improved source of the Six-Tailed Rhinoceros and spend 10,000 negative emotion points.

Purchasing Nanao Shigeaki's improved source cost 11,000 negative sentiment" Ye Zhiqiu sighed, and instantly spent 38,000 negative sentiment points. It was the first time he realized it. Can be regarded as experiencing the feeling of a local tyrant.

At this time, in his Dantian Qi Sea, there are already 7 tailed beasts. The four-tailed Monkey King originally looks like an ape. The five-tailed look is a bit strange, like a horse, but this horse has a long head. Four horns.

   The six-tailed origin is the most weird, it looks like a flying...Nanchi is like a unicorn.

After   , the price of the eight-tailed source and the nine-tailed source has risen a lot, which may be related to the energy contained in them. Ye Zhiqiu still can't afford it, but it is only a matter of time.

   The improved origin of the eight-tailed bull ghost: 15000 negative emotion value.

   Nine-tailed Nine Lama's improved origin: 50000 negative emotion value.

   The improved origin of the eight tails and nine tails, in Ye Zhiqiu's view, is a bit expensive. It's okay for Yao, but it's several times over...

   can only wait for the clone to earn slowly, and slowly grind. As for the eternal kaleidoscope, Ye Zhiqiu is not in a hurry.

The only difference between the    Kaleidoscope and the Eternal Kaleidoscope is whether it can open the full body of Susano. Oh, there is another effect that won't be blind.

   This is not very helpful to Ye Zhiqiu right now. It is better to concentrate on buying the original source of the tail beast. This is a good thing to lay the foundation, and for every additional tail beast, the training speed can be increased by one point.

   The most important thing is that when absorbing the spirit ring, the tail beast will feed back its spirit power, which can help improve the quality of the spirit ring.

  How do you look at it, these are all things you have to buy first.

   After Ye Zhiqiu finished his work, he looked at the sky and found that it was already in the middle of the sky, "Is it almost noon unknowingly? It's time to go home..."

Chapter 49: Xiao Chenyu: Don't come here~

The leisurely time always flies quickly. The time flies, and one month has passed.

   Ye Zhiqiu separated a shadow clone under the surprised eyes of his parents, and gave him instructions to accompany his parents at home, by the way, to be a bodyguard, and then went out to find Tang San and Xiao Wu, ready to go to Notting Intermediate College to sign up.

   Fortunately, Ye Zhiqiu's parents didn't know the concept of spirit ring color, otherwise Ye Zhiqiu's purple millennium first ring and black Wannian second ring would definitely surprise their eyes.

   Over the past month, all cities in Douluo Continent have been very lively. The clones of Ye Zhiqiu were too capable of making trouble, and some clones were wanted by the Spirit Hall.

  The major battlefields have become people's laughter after dinner. Talking a lot, some people naturally found a flaw.

   When all the soul masters who caused trouble disappeared, they were accompanied by a puff of white smoke, and then they disappeared.

   This...thinking about it is extremely scary!

   There are such soul masters in so many cities and towns who are doing things. Obviously, this is organized and disciplined.

   I can't help but feel that there is a sense of rain and rain coming all over the building, although everyone does not know why the soul masters of this organization only specialize in cursing people, and the cursing is still awkward, and all kinds of novel words are endless.

   But in the eyes of many people, this organization style is not decent, and naturally it is not a good thing. They classify this organization as the evil side.

   Every day, people go to the Wuhundian to report, and the Wuhundian is also a headache for this matter. Therefore, many soul masters who were pretended to be by Ye Zhiqiu would be taken and questioned by the Spirit Hall, among them Su Yuntao, who was arrested several times...

   Ye Zhiqiu just smiled indifferently about this kind of thing, ha ha, you slowly search for it, if you can catch me, I will lose.

   It is his own negative sentiment value that has soared over the past month. The origins of Yao and Nine Tails have been bought, and Kaleidoscope has also spent 50,000 negative sentiment values ​​to upgrade to Eternal Kaleidoscope.

   Even after spending so much, he still has nearly 200,000 negative sentiment points in hand.

  From this, it can be seen that multiple shadow clones are really a magical skill. Not only can Ye Zhiqiu be able to score points more easily and happily, but after the clone is competed in the Arena of Souls, the combat experience is also a very valuable asset.

   And all of these, Ye Zhiqiu got them all while lying down, and his life in the open was so comfortable.


   In the afternoon, Ye Zhiqiu and Tang San Xiaowu came to Notting City again. This time, they came to Notting Intermediate Soul Master Academy to sign up.

I heard that the principal of the Notting Intermediate Soul Master Academy is the elder brother of the principal of the Notting Junior Soul Master Academy. One is the Soul King and the other is the Soul Master. They each opened an academy, both located in Notting City. Become a good story in Notting City.

   The area of ​​Noordin Intermediate Soul Master Academy is not much larger than that of Noordin Junior Soul Master Academy. Although it is an intermediate Soul Master Academy, the proportion of Soul Masters in Douluo Continent is really too small.

   In the entire Noordin Intermediate Soul Master Academy, the total number of students is more than 200, which is not even comparable to the number of Nodding Junior Soul Master Academy.

   But none of these students are below level ten, and the worst is level eleven. They have initially entered the realm of soul masters. Naturally, their combat power is not comparable to those of the Noordin Junior Soul Master Academy.

   Today is the day to register for the college, and the school gate is naturally very lively.

   Ye Zhiqiu and the three people just got here, they saw a few acquaintances.

   "Hey, isn't that the fellow Xiao Chenyu?" Xiao Wu pointed to the familiar faces surrounded by a group of teenage stars like a moon, and blinked with interest.

"Don't be surprised, Xiao Chenyu is now at level twelve, so he can naturally go to the Noordin Intermediate Soul Master Academy. But he seems to have a good relationship with others?" Tang San was a little confused. This kid was not at the Noordin Junior Soul Master Academy. Qiu's number one little brother? Why did he come to the Noordin Intermediate Soul Master Academy, but he seemed to be the leader?

   Ye Zhiqiu's mouth is slightly raised, his junior has good talents, smart brains, and hardworking, but a dead house cannot respond to things like humanity and sophistication.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said, "Have you forgotten that Xiao Chenyu's father is the lord of Notting City? The teenagers are not as ignorant as the six or seven year olds of Notting College. Many of their families need to rely on The City Lord's Mansion is naturally willing to curry favor with Xiao Chenyu when doing things. People are very important to some people." Ye Zhiqiu slowly popularized the two people with the worldly knowledge. Although Tang San and Xiao Wu weren't idiots in this regard, they were not very bright either. After hearing Ye Zhiqiu's explanation, their faces were astonished.

   "Let's go, now that we saw it, let's say hello to Xiao Yu Yu and give Xiao Yu Yu a surprise." Ye Zhiqiu showed a wicked smile.

   Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other, and they both saw the pity look in each other's This kid is really miserable.

   Since he took the initiative to seek trouble at Notting College, he has been exploited by Ye Zhiqiu for a year. Now that I have finally come to the Noordin Intermediate Soul Master Academy, I didn't expect Ye Zhiqiu to come again...

   It seems that he has to be exploited for a few years...

Xiao Chenyu, who was being surrounded by the crowd, smiled like a chrysanthemum at this time. There were some students who flattered him around him, and there were some who were significantly higher than him, but these people did not have to lick their faces to flattery. Yourself?

   This is the advantage of the power of the City Lord's Mansion.

  I came to this Notting Intermediate Academy, and I can finally feel the face of the academy boss once again. Unlike at the Notting Junior Academy, I was exploited by the Great Demon every week. It was really miserable to think about it.

   At this point, Xiao Chenyu suddenly remembered, ah, that big devil seemed to hunt the first spirit ring at the end of the semester? Then he can also attend Notting Intermediate College?

   "Fuck..." Xiao Chenyu in the crowd suddenly burst into a swear word. Regardless of the doubts of the people around him, he turned around and looked around in a panic, as if searching for something...

   At a certain moment, Xiao Chenyu's eyes suddenly dazzled, and he died... he really saw the big devil... and the big devil came over with the familiar nuclear smile...

  He's coming...He's coming...He's coming with a nuclear smile...

   Xiao Chenyu, who had a smile on his face and was in the spring breeze, immediately turned his face into pig liver color when he saw Ye Zhiqiu...

   The two top brothers next to him, Ling Feng and Liu Long, were also messed up in the crowd...

   Looking at Ye Zhiqiu who was getting closer and closer, Xiao Chenyu panicked and couldn't help but stepped back, " don't come here~"

Chapter 50: The witty Xiao Chenyu

"Young Master Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

   "Young Master Xiao, is this person your enemy?"

  "Do you need help, Shao Xiao..."

The many young students surrounding Xiao Chenyu looked at Xiao Chenyu, and then at Ye Zhiqiu. Their eyes lit up. Young Master Xiao seemed to be very afraid of this kid. Our opportunity for performance is here. A good opportunity for sensitivity.

  Xiao Chenyu was stunned, and suddenly remembered that there are many senior students from the Noordin Intermediate Soul Master Academy on his side.

Among them, they have a lot of spirit power at the fifteenth and sixth levels. Now they are different from the past, with two fists hard to beat four hands. He doesn't believe that this great demon who has just obtained the first spirit ring can beat his side more than a dozen A senior soul master.

  It seems that today, it is time to avenge the exploitation of that year.

  "Damn, help me beat him...After beating, we are brothers." Xiao Chenyu pointed at Ye Zhiqiu and shouted.

"no problem."

   "Leave it to us..."

  "Happy to help..."

  These senior students slowly surrounded Ye Zhiqiu with a sneer.

  Some of the students who came to sign up around saw that there seemed to be a good show. They all took the initiative to give up the open space and watched the two waves of people with interest.

  On the side, there are more than a dozen senior spirit masters from Notting Intermediate Academy. On the other side, there are only three people, and these three people seem to be young, the other two people are even more immobile, only the handsome boy in the middle came out.

   There seems to be a big difference in combat power on both sides...

   Ye Zhiqiu shrugged helplessly when Xiao Chenyu called on these people to deal with him.

   Xiao Chenyu seems to have a lot of resentment, but you want to deal with me with these crooked melons? Isn't it a bit of a playful thing?

  Looking at a group of students approaching him, Ye Zhiqiu smiled contemptuously, shaking his figure, bringing out some afterimages.

   "Boom~" "Boom~" "Ah~!"


   Screams sounded one after another, these students could not even touch Ye Zhiqiu's figure, and could only see the afterimages brought out by Ye Zhiqiu when he acted.

  The two couldn't breathe, they all lay on the ground...

   Ye Zhiqiu stopped then, looking at Xiao Chenyu with a nonchalant expression. It was as if these spirit masters lying on the ground weren't beaten by him.

  Xiao Chenyu:? ? ?

  After a while, the crowd onlookers reacted from the shock, and there was a lot of discussion.

   "Fuck, too strong..."

   "Which city's fierce man is this? It won't be the arrogance of those big forces..."


  Even Tang San and Xiao Wu's eyes shrank sharply when they looked at Ye Zhiqiu, Ye Zhiqiu's speed was so fast, Tang San turned on the purple magic pupil, and he could barely see his movements.

  "A Qiu has become stronger again. No wonder he hasn't been looking for us to discuss with us since he returned from hunting down the spirit ring. It seems that studying with us will not help him much..." Tang San shook his head with emotion.

  Xiao Wu nodded with a face of approval. She hadn't seen how Ye Zhiqiu made the move just now. It is very difficult to capture Ye Zhiqiu's figure. How can you compare with Ye Zhiqiu in this state? I am afraid that it will not only become a sandbag.

   "Guru..." Xiao Chenyu's Adam's apple rolled, a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

  Ye Zhiqiu walked slowly to him, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "Xiao Yuzi, what did you say? I heard you seem to be beating me?"

Xiao Chenyu twitched his face and showed an even more ugly smile, "Brother Qiu, you got it wrong. I'm not too excited to see you coming, it just happens that my father is because I went to Notting Intermediate College. , I gave you a lot of pocket money. I'm not in a hurry to honor you." After that, Xiao Chenyu took out a money bag from his clothes pocket. The money bag was much larger than before, and it looked heavy. , It has weight.

  Xiao Chenyu was about to take out half according to the old rules. But he didn't want all the money plus the purse to be stolen away by Ye Zhiqiu.

  Xiao Chenyu: ...

  [The negative emotion value from Xiao Chenyu plus 166...]

  "This time I will teach you a lesson. Next time, I will strip you off and let you dance the seaweed dance in the playground."

   Ye Zhiqiu put the money bag into the Mo jade bracelet in front of Xiao Chenyu's face, while still smiling and leaving a threatening word.

   Then, Ye Zhiqiu turned around and left, and entered the college with Tang San Xiaowu to sign up.

   Xiao Chenyu stayed there for a while, he seemed to have seen the storage soul guide? Isn't this something that only the proud sons of the big powers have? The worst storage soul guide, the price is more than tens of thousands of gold soul coins, and this is still unavailable in the market, and basically no one will sell it.

  This big devil is really the children of those big forces...Fortunately, Xiao Chenyu, my wit, did not completely offend him, and only used a few small gold soul coins to resolve this matter.

   Thinking of this, Xiao Chenyu actually smiled. He touched it from his pocket, and he touched another purse. This is the money bag that I used when I was in the Noordin Junior Soul Master Academy.

   Xiao Chenyu was robbed by Ye Zhiqiu and cast a shadow, because every time Ye Zhiqiu would take half of his money from his pocket. So Xiao Chenyu also developed the habit of carrying two wallets, which Ye Zhiqiu didn't know.

  The so-called Tao is one foot high, and the magic is one foot high. Xiao Chenyu's brains were actually quite smart, but this wave deceived Ye Zhiqiu.


  Ye Zhiqiu and the three went to the Academic Affairs Office to sign up, and after receiving the school uniform, they went to the dormitory.

  At Notting Intermediate College, they have just enrolled and are considered first-year freshmen. Naturally, the dormitory is also on the first floor, which is called Yishe for short.

   There were probably more than a dozen first-year freshmen in one house at this time, all busy with their own affairs, but Ye Zhiqiu didn't encounter any stupid baby boy.

  Different from the Seven Houses of Notting Junior Soul Master Academy, although the decoration of the one house is not gorgeous, it is very clean, covered with flat tiles, and staff will clean it regularly every day.

  The bed is also very large, with soft cushions on it, it is very comfortable just sitting. Unlike the junior soul master academy, UU reading are all rigid beds.

  Ye Zhiqiu took out his bedding from the Moyu bracelet, and after simply laying the bed, he greeted Tang San and Xiao Wu and went out.

  After graduating from the Notting Junior Soul Master Academy last time, the clothes ordered, one month has passed, should they have all been completed?

   Ye Zhiqiu has to get it, and it is time for him to change his style.

  After a while, Ye Zhiqiu got all the clothes. The imperial robe is like a drape, he put it directly on his body, and it fits well. The black lining and black trousers underneath, matched with the imperial robe, looks pleasing to the eye.

   Behind the robes of the gods, there is no word from generations of Hokage, but a purple-black word for autumn. On the back near the shoulders, there is a neat row of black gou jade stitched at intervals, which has been embellished.

  The craftsmanship of the shopkeeper is still good, and Ye Zhiqiu is very satisfied with the clothes, just what he imagined.

  As for the red cloud robe with black background, Ye Zhiqiu simply took a look, and after confirming that there was nothing flawed, he hid it in the Mo jade bracelet. This thing is better not to show others.

  The shopkeeper might not have imagined that the two sets of clothes he sewed would actually become two legends in the Douluo Continent in the days to come.