Ch 61 - Ch 70

Chapter 61: My spirit ring is a bit special

"Okay, I didn't expect that you scumbag also belonged to this academy. I will see if Sister Xiao Wu beats you in the future." Xiao Wu's voice was very loud, and her fingers pointed straight at Dai Mubai not far away, staring wide. Angrily in his eyes.

  The lowest person present was the Great Soul Master, and Xiao Wu's voice was not hidden, so naturally he heard them all. At this moment, they all looked in the direction of Xiao Wu's fingers, the target was Dai Mubai.

   Dai Mubai was a little dazed, fucking, why are these two people? What scumbag? Don't spread rumors, okay. The twins are of one mind. Of course, they can only be regarded as one person. I haven't cheated. Can I be called a scumbag when I fall in love normally?

   slander, naked slander.

   "Xiao Wu, what's the matter? Is this person bullying you?" Ning Rongrong stepped forward and took Xiao Wu's arm, his eyes were also looking at Dai Mubai.

Xiao Wu shook her head, "There is no bullying. It's just that this scumbag took two twin sisters to the Rose Hotel to open a room, and it happened that there was only one room. Xiao San and I arrived first. He actually shamelessly wanted to grab the room. , I want to do it with us."

   "Bah, scumbag." Ning Rongrong sipped.

   "Oh~~~" There was a boo from those present, twins? The thieves are stimulated at the first hearing. Many people looked at Dai Mubai with envy in their eyes.

   Zhu Zhuqing next to him is unabashedly contemptuous.

  Dai Mubai's face turned dark, and the good reputation of such an amazing Laozi was ruined by this stinky girl. Today, I finally met Zhu Zhuqing, an old friend, but I didn't want to leave the first impression...

   "I haven't been tested yet." The old man spoke, attracting everyone's attention. After all, Dai Mubai was his student, and he had donated a lot of money to the Shrek Academy, which was in a tight economy. He still had to help, so the old man helped out.

   "Well, Xiao Wu, stop making trouble. Let's check first." Ye Zhiqiu said.

   "Huh. Slightly..." Xiao Wu snorted coldly, then made a grimace at Dai Mubai before going up for the assessment with Ning Rongrong.

  The old man simply touched his wrist, then nodded, "Age passed. Show your martial soul."

   Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu both nodded their heads, both of them activated their own martial souls at the same time.

   Ning Rongrong squeezed the lotus seal with his left hand, spread his right hand slightly, and let out a soft sigh, "There are colored glazes in the Qibao transfer."

   In a split second, a seven-story glazed pagoda emerged from the palm of her right hand slightly. The pagoda is very delicate and full of dreamlike atmosphere.

   Xiao Wu's martial spirit is different from other beast martial arts. After turning on the martial spirit, there is no beast's shadow behind her, but her own body mutates.

   Both ears were slightly erected, and the pale red pupils were watery, becoming more agile, and behind the buttocks, a small white fluffy tail was also exposed.

   Two yellow hundred-year-old spirit rings rose at the same time under the feet of the two.

   "Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda? Level 28..." The old man first looked at the seven-story pagoda in Ning Rongrong's hand and pondered for a while. Then he looked at Xiao Wu again and was surprised, "Level 29? Are there so many little monsters this year..." The old man smiled bitterly and said, "You guys really gave me a big surprise. All passed."

   "Mubai, take them to the fourth level." The old man said.

   Dai Mubai hadn't left yet, because Zhu Zhuqing didn't seem to plan to go with him, his expression was very disgusting, Dai Mubai could only stand in place with a black face.

   "Wait, please test it for us too, wait so we can go together." Tang San smiled and looked confident.

   "Oh?" The old man glanced at Tang San appreciatively, this little guy was very confident.

   is also the process of Mogu, but because of Tang San's practice of the mysterious jade hand, the old man really wasted a little more effort.

   "At level 29, can Lan Yincao cultivate so fast?" The old man looked at the two hundred-year-old spirit rings at Tang San's feet in a little surprise, "Passed."

   "Then it's me." Ye Zhiqiu smiled, stepped forward, and stretched out his arm.

The old man touched Ye Zhiqiu's wrist as usual, his complexion suddenly changed, and he took Ye Zhiqiu's other hand and touched it, and finally touched Ye Zhiqiu's chest, and he said, "Weird weird... ."

   Ye Zhiqiu's cheek twitched, and he wanted to punch this old guy in the face. What's so special, you don't have to take it for granted.

Fortunately, after the old man touched Ye Zhiqiu's chest, he stopped. He was a little surprised and asked, "How do you train your body? The intensity is simply the only thing I have seen in my life. My six-ringed soul emperor is not as strong as the body you..."


"No way..."

   The students who had passed the first round of assessment were in an uproar next to him, his expressions full of disbelief.

   Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other, and both could see the pain in each other's eyes. Ye Zhiqiu's physical strength is against the sky, and they have a deep understanding. When he was still at Notting Junior College, he was tortured to death by Ye Zhiqiu's physical strength alone.

   "This... personal privacy issue. Tutor, look..." Ye Zhiqiu was a little bit painful, and he didn't deliberately want to hide it. There is no way to explain the origin of the problem.

   The old man nodded, "It's okay, everyone has everyone's secret, release your martial soul."

"This..." Ye Zhiqiu looked around with a tangled expression. There are still many people Once his three spirit rings are exposed, it's hard to explain. .

   After all, his spirit ring is exactly the same as those of the Akatsuki organization members that have been exposed. This news will easily be spread by these people. Even if others don't believe in the authenticity of his spirit ring, once this kind of news reaches the Spirit Hall, the Spirit Hall will definitely not sit idly by.

   Your own spirit ring can't be exposed to the public at present. Otherwise, the Wuhundian will definitely come to investigate, and if you check, not only will the clone in the Wuhundian have to run away, but my own deity may also have to run away...

   "This instructor, my spirit ring is a bit special. Can we show it in the small wood next to it..." Ye Zhiqiu said with a serious face.

   The old man was stunned, the spirit ring is special? How special is it to hide from seeing people? Old man, what kind of spirit ring I have never seen before, is it possible that a twelve-year-old child still has a 100,000-year spirit ring?

   Tang San and Xiao Wu originally craned their necks, but after hearing what Ye Zhiqiu said, they both looked regretful.

   Ye Zhiqiu's spirit ring, they had never seen it before, and they wanted to see it a long time ago. I thought I could finally see it today, but Ye Zhiqiu actually wanted to hide...

   Ning Rongrong narrowed his eyes, his expression clear. She had personally experienced Ye Zhiqiu's absorption of two spirit rings. That kind of terrifying spirit ring configuration really shouldn't be shown in the crowd.

   "Well, you are also the last student to be assessed. Old man, I will accompany you to see how special your little guy's spirit ring is." The old man looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a funny expression.

   This child, in his opinion, is too cautious. What is there to hide things like spirit rings?

   Is it possible that you won't use Martial Soul anymore?

Chapter 62: What a pity your soul skills

"唰~" "唰~"

   Ye Zhiqiu and the old man turned into two afterimages one after another, like a gust of wind, instantly disappearing in place.

   can only be seen from the violently shaking branches and leaves of the trees when the two pass by, that they have all entered the forest.

"It's fast, is it an agile attack type spirit master?" Dai Mubai's pupils shrank, but he quickly denied his thoughts. At this age, even an agile attack type spirit master would not have such a speed. This... how did it happen? Is it a special spirit ability? But I didn't watch him open the martial arts...

   The rest of the people present also looked horrified.

   The soul emperor instructor of Shrek Academy can still understand with such a speed, why does Ye Zhiqiu, a twelve-year-old student, also have such a speed? This incident has temporarily become a mystery.

In the woods.

The old man is in front, he seems to have deliberately tried Ye Zhiqiu's meaning, the whole body's spirit power fluctuated wildly, and he interpreted the word hurriedly and exquisitely. The wind pressure brought by the high-speed running brought some small trees around and bent down. .

"Huh...It's almost a kilometer, and I'm about to leave the forest when I run. That kid is probably still eating ashes behind..." The old man smiled and turned his head to look, his eyes widened instantly and his mouth opened. It can be stuffed directly into a big white steamed bun.

   This scene he is seeing now, I guess he will never forget it in his life...

   I saw Ye Zhiqiu with his hands on his back and a faint smile on his face. There were three purple, black and red spirit rings all over his body, moving slightly at his feet. In his pupils, there was originally only a hexagonal pattern, but now in the center of the hexagonal pattern, there is an extra right-angled triangular windmill slowly turning, which is very strange.

   Every step Ye Zhiqiu takes, it seems to have stepped across space, his figure can instantly appear dozens of meters away, and he looks very chic and calm along the way.

   This is the skill of his third spirit ring, the 130,000-year spirit skill: Flying Thunder God.

  Flying Thor: Relying on special printing styles, it can move space instantly. Where there is a seal, you can move it. Soul power consumption depends on distance. (Additional effect of the 100,000-year spirit ring: Instantly record and engrave within 50 meters, and the imprint is invisible, and can be recorded and engraved on all objects. The spirit power consumption of the cast of Thunder God is reduced by 50%, and the imprint can be shared with the clone)

   Flying Thunder God was originally just a 40,000-year-old spirit ring, but with the help of the nine-tailed beasts in Ye Zhiqiu's origin, it directly increased the life span of 90,000 years, and only then has the current 130,000-year red spirit ring.

   The effect is also terrifying. The additional effect of the 100,000-year spirit ring allows Ye Zhiqiu to teleport almost infinitely regardless of the consumption of spirit power. As for the soul power, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to be outrageous.

Taking another step forward, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly appeared in front of the old man and said with a smile: "Teacher, look at my spirit ring. Although the first spirit ring is a bit worse, the other two are okay. Join the academy?"

   The old man who recovered from shock twitched his cheeks. Are you talking human words?

Looking at Ye Zhiqiu's ridiculous little face, the old man resisted the urge to punch him and tried to pretend to be calm, "Twelve years old, three-ringed soul sovereign, excellent talent, naturally able to join the academy By the way, your spirit ring looks bluffing, is it fake? It's a pity that a precious spirit ability can only be used to disguise, it's a waste..." The old man sighed with serious emotions before returning to the original path. Now, the face that seemed like I hadn't seen the world just now was really embarrassing, I slipped away...

   In fact, the old man said that he also wanted this kind of disguised spirit ability. It was simply pretending to be more than the necessary spirit ability, and he almost bluffed himself, an old fellow who had seen him.

   Ye Zhiqiu looked at the old man's back and just smiled faintly.

   If my spirit ring is fake, is it necessary to sneak over to show it to you? Yes, what do you always think and think...

   The thought moved slightly, and Ye Zhiqiu's figure disappeared instantly.

At the edge of the woods when    came, behind a big tree that needed a few people to embrace, Ye Zhiqiu's figure suddenly appeared.

   After turning off the Eternal Kaleidoscope, the three spirit rings disappeared. Ye Zhiqiu just emerged from behind the big tree, smiled and walked slowly towards Ning Rongrong and Tang San and others.

   Looking at the curious eyes of a few people, Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly: "It seems that you are all very curious about my spirit ring. Don't worry, you can see it in a short time. Don't be surprised then."

   Ning Rongrong looked at Ye Zhiqiu's smug look and curled his lips. "I haven't seen it before. What's so smug."

   Isn't it the thousand-year spirit ring and the ten thousand-year spirit ring? Hmph, I am not sour at all, Ning Rongrong, anyway, your whole person is mine, so your spirit ring is mine.

   Zhu Zhuqing only glanced at Ye Zhiqiu curiously, then ignored it, and returned to the cold goddess appearance.

"Scared us? Why, you can still make a ten thousand-year spirit ring." Dai Mubai leaned in unconvinced and said speechlessly. Even if you are fast, you can still absorb beyond the limits of the human body. Can't the spirit ring?

"Scumbag man, stay away from us." Xiao Wu, a vengeful little rabbit, immediately broke out when he saw Dai Mubai coming over, pointed his nose and began to provoke Dai Mubai glanced contemptuously. Xiao Wu glanced at it, "The fourth level you are waiting for is a one-to-one contest with me. When you play, I will surprise you and avenge the slander."

   Tang San, who was originally gentle on his face, heard Dai Mubai's words, and instantly turned sideways to block Xiao Wu behind him, his eyes a little cold when he looked at Dai Mubai.


   was about to open his mouth to continue mocking Dai Mubai's Xiao Wu for a moment. Looking at Tang San's back, her heart warmed slightly. Although Xiao San has been spending a lot of words lately and always annoys himself, but the actions are very honest.

   I blamed Brother Qiu, always instilling those weird poems to Xiao San, and broke Xiao San...

   If Ye Zhiqiu knew Xiao Wu's thoughts, he would definitely shout that I was really wrong than Dou E. That was Tang San's stealing learning from me. It's my shit.

  Dai Mubai saw Tang San's movements and said with a relaxed expression: "We were in the hotel that day, and we didn't succeed in the match. It seems that we can have a good fight today."

   "I am happy to accompany you." Four characters slowly spit out from Tang San's mouth.

   The atmosphere on the court felt a little bit of darts.

   Ye Zhiqiu hugged Ning Rongrong on one side, watching this scene with interest. Secretly thinking, I don't know if Xiao San fights Dai Mubai, who will win if Xiao San does not use hidden weapons? This seems to be a very interesting battle.

  Unfortunately, if the plot does not change, Zao Wou-ki will still be the one who will test everyone in the fourth level.

   Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu shook his head, a little regretful.

   At this time, the old man in charge of the assessment at Shrek Academy finally returned.

   As soon as he got out of the forest, he saw Ye Zhiqiu in the crowd.

   Old man:? ? ?

Chapter 63: Bearded Oscar

Why did you come back so fast? The old man looked at Ye Zhiqiu in a daze. Didn't I go first?

   "Tutor, can we go in?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled.

   "Yes..." The old man looked a little depressed, looked at Dai Mubai, and said, "Mubai, take them directly to the fourth level."

   Dai Mubai nodded and looked at Ye Zhiqiu and others, "Come with me."

   "Wait, why can they go directly to the fourth level? We have to start the assessment from the second level?"

   At this time, some passerby students who passed the first assessment were dissatisfied. They were all twelve-year-old and twenty-level great spirit masters. Why should they be treated differently?

   "That is, we are not convinced."

   "We have to go to the fourth level..."

   Seven or eight passers-by students who passed the first pass started to clamor.

"Quiet." The old man snorted, and at the same time the iron rods in his hand that were covered with dense black patterns emerged, one of which was squatting on the ground, and after a loud "clang", a circle of faint ripples moved around. Washed past, the grass couldn't be straightened.

   The crowd suddenly fell silent.

"If you can also go to the fourth level when you are twelve years old and have spirit power above level 25, you can go directly to the fourth level, otherwise, just stay quiet for me and wait for the assessment." The old man was full of momentum and surprised these young students. Not light.

   Dai Mubai smiled disdainfully, "Let's go, don't pay attention to them. There are always so many people who are self-conscious..." At the end of the word, Dai Mubai cast a deep glance at Tang San and Xiao Wu.

   Ye Zhiqiu narrowed his eyes while looking at Dai Mubai's back leading the way. The boss of the Shrek Seven Monsters, the money-losing tiger, looks crazy, and it seems that he will have to suppress his temper in the future.

   A few people quietly followed Dai Mubai and entered Shrek Academy together. This is this small village built entirely of wood.

   Compared to watching the desolate look outside, watching it all the way from inside, but it's okay.

   Although the ground of Shrek Academy is not covered by flat tiles, it is still flat. There is a thick layer of stones on the top layer, so it won't be too muddy on rainy days.

   Houses and so on, although they are only made of wood, they are not as strong as those made of bricks and stones, but at least they will not leak air, and they are barely passable.

The most important thing is that the greening of Shrek Academy is well done. It was originally built on the forest, so you can see big and small trees everywhere in the small village. Unlike those carefully managed trees, the trees here are closer. Natural, it seems that no one takes care of it, but it has a more charm, giving people a feeling of returning to the embrace of nature, very kind.

   This is probably the only highlight of Shrek Academy in terms of architecture.

   Along the way, Dai Mubai took Ye Zhiqiu and other five freshmen, winding around to the center of the small village.

   This is the playground of Shrek Academy, and it is also the only place where Shrek Academy is covered with floor tiles except for the rest room.

   occupies an area of ​​about 50 meters in front and back, and it is quite open, barely able to move the bones.

"Wait here for a while, I'll go to Teacher Zhao to come over to testify, and the assessment can begin. Your name is Tang San, right? Haha..." Dai Mubai first exhorted everyone, and then moved towards Tang San showed an unkind smile before walking towards the inside of the academy.

   "Well, this person is too crazy, Xiao San, don't leave your hands in a while, beat him to death..." Xiao Wu's face flushed, that was suffocated.

"He is not easy to deal with, it should be over 30 levels. The one next to you, level 29, is probably not an opponent." Zhu Zhuqing, who has been following a few people silently, puts his hands under his chest and strides enchantingly, rare. The reminder came up.

   "Little San won't lose." Xiao Wu immediately supported Tang San.

Tang San only smiled faintly, "Thank you for reminding me, I have a sense of measure." He believed that if he had full combat power, Xuanyu Hand Ghost Shadow Tracer would use everything, even if he didn't use a hidden weapon, it might not be right for the Soul Venerable. The power of World War I.

   Tang San is still very confident in himself.

   Zhu Zhuqing saw that Tang San was so confident, and after a slight nod, she fell silent again. She was indifferent to words.

   Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Zhu Zhuqing curiously, and silently compared with Ning Rongrong in his heart. Well, it's so big!

How big is   ? People can put both hands directly on the chest, but she can only put her hands under the chest. It's too strong, the arms are not long enough...

   Ye Zhiqiu glanced at her secretly, but didn't look at her. There was a Ning Rongrong next to him. This jealous jar was easy to turn over.

   Moreover, Zhu Zhuqing does not look as good as Ning Rongrong, but the figure is indeed much better than Ning Rongrong. They have their own merits.

   A little bird Yiren, a cold goddess.

   If Ye Zhiqiu is asked to score, the two should have the same score.

   At this moment, a soft voice sounded from the road where Ye Zhiqiu and others came.

   "Sell sausages, sell sausages, take a look, take a look, Oscar sausages, delicious and enough, only need 5 copper soul coins."

   Ye Zhiqiu and others looked back at the same I saw that not far away, a person was pushing a trolley towards several people, and they were walking and selling.

   This man is wearing a gray suit, short hair, and a diving goggles on his head. From the beard on his face, he can tell that he is a man.

   It is hard to imagine that that soft female voice would come from the mouth of such a rough-looking middle-aged person.

   The moment Ye Zhiqiu saw him, his cheeks twitched. Needless to say, this ratio is the Oscar of one of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

In the original work, how does Ning Rongrong like this kind of person? Ye Zhiqiu was a little speechless.

   "A Qiu, we didn't have breakfast. How about buying a few sausages to fill our stomachs?" Tang San looked at the golden greasy sausages tested on the grill, and thought it looked good. I wanted to help Xiao Wu buy a few, and by the way, I also asked Xia Ye Zhiqiu and others.

   "Go ahead, buy more." Ye Zhiqiu said.

   Although Oscar's spell is a bit disgusting, Ye Zhiqiu doesn't care about such trivial things. Food is always innocent, and the people of the great celestial dynasty don't pick it at all.

And in the original book, it seems to say that this grilled sausage tastes very good. It is the second time that Ye Zhiqiu saw Wuhun of the food department. The first time was when he was in Notting City. eat. This time, Ye Zhiqiu wanted to taste it.

   Tang San quickly bought eight grilled sausages, and he divided them into two, but Zhu Zhuqing did not.

   Ye Zhiqiu was stunned, and could only sigh in his heart that Xiao San is undoubtedly a straight steel man in his life. If you want to learn the skills of picking girls from yourself, you are afraid that you can only learn something.

   If it weren't for the arrangement of the world trajectory, Xiao Wu would definitely not come with Tang San, a straight man of steel.

Chapter 64: Zao Wou-ki: Give you time to explore tactics

"Little San, I don't like eating meat." Xiao Wu looked at the two grilled sausages that Tang San had handed her in her hand.

   I am a rabbit, how can rabbits eat meat? I just want to eat the carrots in Qiu Ge's Moyu bracelet...

   Xiao Wu looked at Zhu Zhuqing next to him, and shook the grilled intestines in her hand, "Are you hungry, do you want one..."

"No need." Zhu Zhuqing had a cold face, but as soon as she had finished speaking, her little belly screamed unconvincingly, making Zhu Zhuqing a blushing face, looking at the sausage in Xiao Wu's hand. It's not to answer, it's not to answer it...

   "Puff..." Xiao Wu was a straight-tempered, and laughed out on the spot, "You didn't have breakfast? Take it, you will all be classmates from now on, what's the embarrassment."

   Zhu Zhuqing was silent for a while, reached out his hand to take the sausage, and took it to his mouth.

Xiao Wu looked at the few people on the court who were all eating grilled sausages, then looked at her empty hands, and couldn't help but look at Ye Zhiqiu pitifully, letting the Buddha talk with her little eyes, give it to me... give me...

   Ye Zhiqiu and Xiao Wu have grown up together, how could she not know what this girl is thinking.

   The considerate Ye Zhiqiu took out a large and thick carrot on the spot and threw it out with a "whoo".

   "What are you doing..." Dai Mubai's familiar voice suddenly came over. At this time, he was walking quickly from a distance with a middle-aged man.

  Looking at the people who were eating grilled sausages with relish, Dai Mubai choked speechlessly, with cold sweat on his forehead, he couldn't help glaring viciously at the Oscar next to him.

   Even if you ask Tang San to eat grilled sausage, you dare to ask my fiancee to eat grilled sausage? Don't you know what your sausage is like?

   "Uh... Boss Dai, do you want one too..." Oscar said with a bitter expression on his face after seeing Dai Mubai.

   "Go to death." Dai Mubai gave him an angry look, then looked at Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Zhiqiu and others and said, "You can't eat this sausage."

"Why, it's delicious." Tang San deliberately took another bite of the grilled intestines, and made a chewing noise, Dai Mubai was also very upset. If you said it was not delicious, then I would just I want to say delicious. Are you biting me?

   "The taste is really good..."

   Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong also nodded in praise.

   Dai Mubai looked at a few people like that with a strange look in his eyes. He looked at Oscar and said, "Xiao Ao, you can get some sausages out again..."

  Oscar's expression suddenly became embarrassed, "Boss Dai, don't you? How can I say that we have been classmates for many years, and you will make the new students resent me..."

   "School brother and sister? No, you are a student of Shrek? This..." Ning Rongrong glanced at Oscar's beard, his face was speechless.

   Zhu Zhuqing Xiaowu and others also looked at the ghost expression. Doesn't Shrek only accept those under twelve? Even if you are a senior, you shouldn't look like an uncle, right?

"He is really a student of Shrek, but the hair is denser." Dai Mubai stroked his forehead and continued: "Do you know why I don't let you eat his sausage? It is really his spirit ability spell. It's disgusting..."

   "How disgusting is it?" Ning Rongrong asked curiously.

"This..." Dai Mubai glanced at Ning Rongrong and found that this little girl is quite pretty. If Zhu Zhuqing is likened to an iceberg, then this girl with a faint smile on her mouth is like a warm spring. The warm wind, that soft smile can infect everyone around me.

   Seeing this, Dai Mubai couldn't bear to tell her the spell.

   "Spells disgusting is a matter of spells, and food is innocent." Ye Zhiqiu said calmly and lightly.

   Oscar, who was waiting for the trial with a numb expression, saw that someone finally spoke for himself, and was a little moved, almost burst into tears, my soulmate...

   "Hahaha, good! Good food is innocent." The middle-aged man next to Dai Mubai laughed. This young man has an appetite for him.

"It's you, Mubai. You are older than others, but no one has a mature personality. You still need experience." The middle-aged man laughed and grabbed Dai Mubai's shoulder with one hand, and patted it vigorously. The bursts of "bang" and "bang" sounds are enough to see the power, Dai Mubai's handsome face changed in a few shots, Nima is so painful...

"What Teacher Zhao said... Teacher Zhao, do you think you should release me first. There is a chair over there, so you can sit there for a while...? I can give them a test?" Dai Mubai felt like crying. tears.

   "No, my hands are itchy. I will do the assessment myself." The middle-aged man squeezed his fist and made a "click" sound.

The boss with a grinning mouth. When he came here just now, the teacher in the first exam told him about Ye Zhiqiu. This made him curious. At the same time, his hands were itchy, and he wanted to see if Ye Zhiqiu could do it. To what point.

  Dai Mubai's expression changed, and Teacher Zhao personally assessed? He couldn't help but glanced at Zhu Zhuqing with some worry.

   "Teacher Zhao, you might not be in compliance with the rules. If you personally assess it, they will never pass the assessment." Dai Mubai hesitated as he looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man cast a faint look at Dai Mubai, "In this Shrek Academy, I am the rules. If they can survive the incense stick time under my hands, UU reading will be deemed to have passed the examination. The same is true. , I will give them time to discuss tactics with a stick of incense. After a stick of incense, the assessment will begin. If they fail, they will leave." The middle-aged man's eyes flickered, and the last sentence he said to Ye Zhiqiu and others.

   The words fell, the middle-aged man took out a Tibetan incense from nowhere, and lit the incense with a pinch of two fingers. Then he shook it slightly, and the tiny broken incense core of Tibetan incense was inserted straight into a stone next to it, but the incense core was intact, and the whole incense didn't tremble.

   The control of this power is terrifying. The pupils of Tang San and others shrank slightly.

   After doing all this, the middle-aged man went to lie down on the recliner next to him, closed his eyes and rested.

   "Eh..." Seeing this, Dai Mubai sighed helplessly. It seems that Teacher Zhao is determined this time.

He could only walk quickly to the side of Ye Zhiqiu and the others, and said, "You all heard what I said just now? I should have come to the assessment of the fourth level. I can do it one-on-one for a minute, but I don't want this time. Teacher Zhao would actually want to take action in person. Although one-on-one has been changed to you can fight in teams, the situation is still very unfavorable for you.

   At this point, Dai Mubai paused and looked at Zhu Zhuqing next to him, with a worried expression in his eyes.

"Time is running out. You only have a stick of incense to discuss tactics with each other. Tang San, it seems that we will have to wait until you enroll in the fight, or that you have no chance of enrolling... Teacher Zhao, but the vice dean of the college , Level 76 soul saint powerhouse, in the academy, his comprehensive strength is second only to the dean. You five should better understand each other's soul skills while waiting for the cooperation in the battle, say Don't let it last longer..."

Chapter 65: Before the war

[Thanks for the 21 consecutive lollipop rewards from Hongxiu Tianxiang (slowly walking with you). Although I don't know what it is... but you successfully tricked me into downloading a Red Sleeve App, but after going there I still don't know what it is. ]

   "Level 76 soul saint?" Tang San Zhu Zhuqing and the others' pupils shrank almost simultaneously.

   Even Ning Rongrong, who often sees Title Douluo such top powerhouse, is shocked.

   They are going to fight a soul sage. Ning Rongrong knows a lot and knows how strong a soul sage can be. Even in the face of an army of ten thousand people, the strong soul sage can come and go freely among them.

   Soul Saint, already has the seventh soul ability, Wuhun true form. Whether there is a martial soul body, that combat power is completely two concepts.

   Fighting against such a strong player, their winning rate is extremely low, but if they just drag it out...

   Ning Rongrong looked at his side, Ye Zhiqiu with a calm expression on his face suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. I don't know why, even if Ye Zhiqiu is just a soul lord, she still has confidence in Ye Zhiqiu.

   Dai Mubai looked around at the expressions of everyone, and when he saw Ye Zhiqiu, he frowned. Ye Zhiqiu was too calm and looked indifferent.

   It's probably a broken can, right...Huh!

   Dai Mubai sighed, and said, "I will give you a brief introduction to what Mr. Zhao is good at. As for how to cooperate in the future, it depends on you."

"Teacher Zhao's spirit is the Great King Kong Bear. It is a powerful beast spirit that combines attack and defense. Even a spirit master of the same rank can hardly break his defense. In Douluo Continent , He has the nickname of King Fudo Ming. From this we can see that his defense is strong. The only thing missing is probably his speed, but..." Having said that, Dai Mubai glanced at Ye Zhiqiu. Speed, how many moves may be able to survive under Teacher Zhao? It's a pity, the mentality seems to be bad...

"But there is a huge difference in spirit power between you and Teacher Zhao, and this advantage is naturally gone. Maybe... he can last longer, he can deal with it and delay time." At the end, Dai Mubai pointed out It refers to Ye Zhiqiu.

   Seeing that everyone is looking at him, Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said, "Don't look at me, you continue to discuss."

   In fact, Ye Zhiqiu felt that going through a stick of incense was really too pediatric. Using the Thunder God himself, he couldn't touch the corners of his clothes even if he was exhausted. He could also play with Zao Wou-ki as a clone. He went to Soto City for a cold drink. It was almost time to return by then.

   But Tang Sanning, Rongrong and the others, have never played against a senior spirit master. This is a good opportunity to train them. Ye Zhiqiu naturally had to stay, just in case, lest they get hurt like the original.

   "What does it mean for us to continue discussing? Don't you take the assessment? Can you serve snacks?" Dai Mubai said silently. If it wasn't for Zhu Zhuqing to stay, he wouldn't waste so much tongue.

"Okay, don't make any noise. The incense is half burned. It shouldn't be too late, everyone introduce your martial arts and see how to cooperate to better pass the assessment." Tang San frowned, he didn't want to pass the assessment. , Let his teacher down.

   Xiao Wu was the first to speak, "My name is Xiao Wu, Martial Soul Soft Rabbit. The 29th-level assault type war spirit master."

   "Tang San, Wuhun Lan Yincao. Level 29 Control System Battle Spirit Master." Tang San followed Xiao Wu's second introduction.

   Zhu Zhuqing's expression was still indifferent. Even when she introduced herself, she had a cold face. She hesitated for a moment, and her voice was cold and said: "Zhu Zhuqing, the ghost of the beast martial arts spirit cat. The 27-level sensitive attack type war spirit master."

"It's me. Actually, the four of us know each other. The main thing is to look at you." Ning Rongrong looked at Zhu Zhuqing and squinted his big eyes and smiled, and said, "My name is Ning Rongrong and my spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. .28-level auxiliary system spirit master."

   Qibao glazed tower?

   Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's originally calm eyes were slightly surprised.

   This martial spirit is so famous in Douluo Continent. Known as the first auxiliary weapon Wuhun in the mainland, I didn't expect to see it during the Shrek Academy assessment.

   "A Qiu, it's up to you, hurry up and finish introducing the strategy." Tang San urged.

   "What's the hurry..." Ye Zhi rolled his eyes, and Xiao San seemed to be serious about this assessment. Wouldn't it be too good if he waited for the show to start? Is it to start the show directly or follow the procedure?

"Ye Zhiqiu, the spirit of the main body writes round eyes. As for the soul master in which direction I am developing, I don't know. You can think of it as a strong attack type, or a sensitive attack type, emmm... in fact, a defense type. It's also possible. Soul Power Level 40 Battle Soul Venerable, it's only a soul ring to be able to Soul Sect." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and touched the back of his head, as if I was honest and wouldn't lie to you.

   Dai Mubai: ...

   Zhu Zhuqing: ...

   Even Tang San, who is familiar with Ye Zhiqiu, had their eyes widened. Can the attack system, the sensitive attack system, and the defense system be fine? Then you simply say that you are all-around tied? And... when did you get to level 40? Is it on? Is it absolutely dead? Brother, can you sell it?

   "You are really level 40? How could it be that I was only level 36 when I was 15 years old. How could you be level 40 when you were 12 years old..." Dai Mubai lost his voice.

   Zhu Zhuqing also flickered with a look of doubt.

   12-year-old and 40-level spirit power, it is indeed a bit unacceptable. If it is true, then what are these soul masters who are called geniuses?

   Ye Zhiqiu has no expression on his face, and there is no answer. The facts will prove everything. If you want to doubt, doubt it.

   Ning Rongrong, who is obsessed with Ye Zhiqiu, is unhappy, what do you mean? Did you say my boyfriend lied? Although I don't really believe it, it's not what you can say.

   "If you can't do it by yourself, it doesn't mean that Qiu can't do it. Don't compare yourself with him." Ning Rongrong said angrily, puffing his cheeks.

   Dai Mubai glanced at Ning Rongrong speechlessly and stepped aside, "The incense is about to burn out, you'd better allocate tactics quickly."

Tang San hurriedly glanced at the Tibetan incense sticking in the stone. Indeed, it has already burned to the incense butt. "It's too late to explain. Xiao Wu is the main attacker. A Qiu and Zhu Zhuqing respond side by side. My middle master controls and limits Teacher Zhao's actions as much as possible. , Rongrong's rear support, is there anything I need to add?"

   "No..." Xiao Wu and others all responded.

Ye Zhiqiu frowned and said, "Wait, I have something to say." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Xiao Wu and said, "Your second spirit ability charm, don't use it on Teacher Zhao, your spiritual power is too different. The trick will not be effective, but it will backfire itself, understand?"

   "Hmm!" Xiao Wu nodded her head seemingly.

   "Let's do this, and prepare for the battle according to the plan." Tang San saw Ye Zhiqiu's instructions, his face suddenly became more serious.

   In such a short time, Tang San could only formulate this simple tactic. As for the effect, in fact, he didn't have much confidence himself, so he could only do his best and listen to God's will.

   Level 76 Soul Sage, for Tang San, the pressure was still too much.

   "It seems that you have finished the discussion?" Zao Wou-ki got up from the recliner, grinning relaxedly. He has a rough appearance, a burly figure, and unclothed.

   This smile is like the head of a bandit, giving people the illusion of robbing the house.

   "Ms. Zhao, we have discussed it and can start." Tang San, standing in the middle of the crowd, said solemnly.

   At this time, the five of them occupied the front position of Xiao Wu. Ye Zhiqiu and Zhu Zhuqing responded to the left and right. Tang San was in the middle of the blue silver grass, and Ning Rongrong was assisted by the rear, barely having the embryonic form of a team.

Chapter 66: Zao Wou-ki's momentum and coercion

"Since you are all ready, let's start." When the words fell, another Tibetan incense appeared in Zao Wou-ki's hand, before he lit it.

   Tang San chuckled softly, "Open Martial Spirit, everyone, be careful, prepare for battle."

   "There are Liuli from Qibao." Ning Rongrong took the lead.

   Her graceful figure spun around once in place, her blue skirt flying. The brilliant colorful rays of light immediately condensed in the palm of her right hand, and at the center of the rays, a crystal clear seven-story pagoda emerged.

  The precious light flashed, adding a bit of extravagance to her soft face, Ning Rongrong smiled, and the whole person was light and graceful under the reflection of the colorful light. At the same time, two yellow hundred-year-old spirit rings rose from under her feet and moved quietly around her.

   "Seven treasures are famous. One said: power. The second said: speed." Ning Rongrong tapped his finger, and eight colored rays of light suddenly burst out of the glazed pagoda in her hand and flew into Ye Zhiqiu and the others.

"Huh?" Ning Rongrong glanced at Ye Zhiqiu suspiciously. She found that the soul power consumed by Ye Zhiqiu was more than several times that of Tang San Xiaowu and others combined. This... amplifies the soul and the soul. Is there such a big difference between the teachers? If so, then one's own spirit power might not be able to hold up a stick of incense.

Under Ning Rongrong's first and second spirit abilities, Ye Zhiqiu and the four could only feel a warm energy pouring in from the limbs and hundreds of skeletons. Putting the Buddha all over the body has an inexhaustible force, even the soul in the body. The force is active a lot, boiled slightly.

  At the same time, a sense of lightness also appeared. Several people seemed to have broken free of some kind of shackles, feeling that their movements were quicker and more sensitive.

   The first and second spirit ring skills of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda can increase the target's strength and speed by 30%. This ability will increase even more as Ning Rongrong's spirit power increases. If Ning Rongrong can break through to level 30, it can achieve a 40% increase, and at level 40, it can achieve a 50% increase. Such an auxiliary ability is worthy of the first auxiliary spirit of Douluo Continent. title.

"It's interesting, is the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit? Not bad, the old fellow Flander thinks he must be excited this time." As he said, Zao Wou-ki burned the incense in his hand, threw it away, and settled. On a large rock next to it.

At this moment, three spirit power rays of different colors erupted on the field at the same time. Tang San Xiaowu and Zhu Zhuqing activated their martial arts at the same time. Red, blue and black spirit power filled their bodies, rising at the same time under their feet. Two yellow centennial spirit rings.

Unlike Xiao Wu's soft bone rabbit martial arts, Zhu Zhuqing's martial arts ghost cat appears in the form of a phantom, half-floating behind her, the pure black hair is mixed with spots like stars, and the forehead can be seen faintly. At an inconspicuous mark of the waning moon, the pupils are like black gems, piercing and energetic, and their agile posture exudes an elegant and mysterious atmosphere.

   Zao Wou-ki was not in a hurry to attack. He nodded slightly satisfied as he watched the performance of several people. These children have very good spirit power, but they don't know the combat experience, so I hope it's not a spoiled vase.

   When he looked at Ye Zhiqiu, Zao Wou-ki was taken aback, why didn't this kid use Martial Spirit? I kind of want to see what your one hundred thousand year old spirit ring looks like, although it's just a fake.

"Teacher Zhao, do you have to pay for breaking the floor of the house? Will it make the shrek academy, which is not wealthy, even worse?" Ye Zhiqiu saw Zao Wou-ki looking at him, and was in a mood to laugh at Zao Wou-ki. A few sentences.

   "Good boy... I'll let you experience what makes worse." Zao Wou-ki grinned and laughed a few times. This little guy is a bit crazy, like when he was young, he really liked it more and more.

   Of course, if you like it, you have to have a good beating.

   Ye Zhiqiu shook his head helplessly, "Mr. Zhao, you don't use the idiom to make things worse. Listening to your know that you are uneducated~ uneducated, it's terrible."

   Zao Wou-ki:? ? ?

   Tang San and the others looked at each other silently, and they didn't rush to do it. Now that the incense has been lit, Ye Zhiqiu seems to be delaying time? Xiangdu has burned for a small amount, and this trick seems to be useful.

   Then a few of them are naturally happy. It's just that Ning Rongrong is suffering, and she has to maintain the amplifying state all the time to prevent Zao Wou-ki's sudden trouble, so her body's spirit power is constantly being consumed.

"Don't talk nonsense, I think you are itchy, brat. Is it useful to delay time? Even if I let you half of the time." Zao Wou-ki clenched his fists with both hands, stretched his muscles, and looked at Ye Zhiqiu without any haste. With a grin, he said, "Your kid is the most arrogant. If you don't open your martial arts, just start beating you."

After the words, Zao Wou-ki walked towards Ye Zhiqiu step by step. At the same time, a high-level spirit master's unique aura and coercion diffused from Zao Wou-ki, instantly enveloping Ye Zhiqiu. Under the pressure of this aura, plus The pressure of Zao Wou-ki slowly approaching step by step, changing to a low-level soul master, absolutely couldn't resist it. Kneeling under pressure was the best ending. Seriously, his entire bones would be injured.

   Zao Wou-ki did this because he saw this kid too owe to be beaten. He wanted to make this arrogant kid look ugly.

   Ye Zhiqiu felt it at the moment when Zao Wou-ki's momentum came over, his body sank slightly.

   But that's all.

   This trick was effective against other low-level spirit masters, but for Ye Zhiqiu, it was too pediatric. With a strong physique, Ye Zhiqiu directly carried it down without changing his face.

   Ye Zhiqiu even grinned at Zao Wou-ki, "Whatever Teacher Zhao said, you don't open martial arts, then if I open martial arts in advance, it seems that I don't know how to respect the old and love the young and bully the elderly?"

   The two people spoke tit-for-tat, but they didn't do anything, making Tang San and the others confused? What are you doing? Snatch each other...

This kind of aura and coercion is intangible and intangible. Zao Wou-ki is only showing it to Ye Zhiqiu, but Ye Zhiqiu has a look of calm and breezy letting go of the Buddha. Nothing happened. In this case, Tang San and the four of them naturally I couldn't find it, so the four of them were a little confused.

   Is Mrs. Zhao so good-tempered? Ye Zhiqiu ridiculed all this on his face. He didn't move?

   "Good fellow..." Zao Wou-ki was shocked, this kid was able to resist the aura of a Level 76 Soul Saint without changing his face.

   is weird.

   Zao Wou-ki's combat experience is very rich. He immediately thought of what special means Ye Zhiqiu might have.

   Maybe it's the special martial spirit, the special ability of the spirit ability, or the abnormal physical strength. These are all possible, whether it is opportunistic or not, this little guy has too many hidden things.

   Since the momentum and coercion didn't work, Zao Wou-ki planned to win by hard power. He wanted to know if Ye Zhiqiu could continue to be arrogant in the face of a confrontation.

   Shrek Academy never lacks geniuses, nor monsters. But it lacks a leader among the monsters.

Chapter 67: Solve the obstacles first

As far as Zao Wou-ki knows so far, Ye Zhiqiu has a spirit ability that disguises a spirit ring. I heard that the speed is also very fast, perhaps surpassing the soul emperor? In other words, there is a long-distance teleportation spirit ability. As for the physical strength, the soul emperor instructor who was evaluated in the first level also said that he was inferior to him, and it was obvious that his constitution was also very abnormal.

   And he also seems to have a special method that can resist the aura and coercion of a high-level spirit master.

  To sum up, this little guy is totally obsessed and hard to deal with. Originally, Zao Wou-ki, who wanted to solve Ye Zhiqiu's solution first, turned his mind around, and then made a decision...

   Ye Zhiqiu put it at the end, first to solve the other obstacles. For example, if the little girl from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School had no effect on her amplification, the combat power of these people would at least drop by a large margin.

   Thinking of this, Zao Wou-ki didn't want to wait any longer. The incense had already burned a quarter. He had to take the initiative to attack again, and the time for this incense might not be enough.


   Zao Wou-ki's right leg slammed on the ground, and there was a burst of noise, and the few floor tiles on the Shrek Academy playground were shattered again.

   With the help of the thrust of his right leg stomping on the ground, Zao Wou-ki suddenly shot Ye Zhiqiu straight, as fast as lightning. Even though he was not good at speed, the level 76 spirit power was there after all, compared to the soul emperor Ye Zhiqiu had seen before, it was only faster or slower.

"Yeah, Teacher Zhao, you are blatantly damaging public finances. I don't know if the principal will deduct your salary if he knows..." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Zao Wou-ki who was shot from the radio. But it was full of serious expressions.

   This is a Level 76 Soul Sage after all, and Ye Zhiqiu has no experience of fighting against such a strong Soul Master, so he is naturally cautious.

   "Here..." Looking at Zao Wou-ki getting closer and closer, Ye Zhiqiu narrowed his eyes. When he got close to him, he slid sideways and swiped directly against Zao Wou-ki's left hand.

   "Did it be so simple?" Ye Zhiqiu had doubts in his heart, turned his head and looked at it, suddenly shocked.

   "Fuck, what a good old man."

   At this time, Zao Wou-ki passed Ye Zhiqiu, but at the same speed, he rushed towards Tang San and the others.

   How could Ye Zhiqiu still fail to react at this time, Zao Wou-ki's attack on himself was false, just a feint, it was true that he wanted to eliminate Tang San first and they were out of the game.

   was about to use the spirit of martial arts to stop Zao Wou-ki's Ye Zhiqiu with Fei Lei Shen, after a pause, he thought about it. The young saplings in the greenhouse will never grow into towering trees. Maybe it's not bad to let Xiaosan and the others exercise?

   At this point, Ye Zhiqiu slowed down instead and walked slowly towards Tang San and the others.

"Xiao Wu~" Looking at Zao Wuji, who was rushing towards him, Tang San greeted him calmly, and a three-fingered blue silver grass coiled out of Tang San's hands, and instantly wrapped around Xiao Wu's waist. limb.

   Lan Yincao bends slightly, like a shot put, throwing Xiao Wu towards Zao Wou-ki, who is running towards him and others.

   If the two collided, Xiao Wu, who is weak in physique, would definitely be more fortunate. But at this moment, Xiao Wu couldn't see the slightest panic in her eyes, because she believed in Tang San.

   Sure enough, Zao Wou-ki ran to the front of the crowd at high speed, a few blue silver grass with forearms pierced the floor tiles, soaring into the sky, and immediately wrapped around Zao Wou-ki.

   The purpose of these blue silver grasses is not to entangle Zao Wou-ki directly, but to slow him down.

   Now Zao Wou-ki's speed is too fast, and the Blue Silver Grass of Tang San's first spirit ability can't entangle Zao Wou-ki in this state at all. He must first limit the inertia brought by his high speed.

   These blue silver grasses only dragged Zao Wou-ki for a moment, and they were torn apart in the blink of an eye.

But Zao Wou-ki's speed was successfully lowered. At this moment, Tang San's soul abilities were no longer reserved. Next to Zao Wou-ki, countless blue silver grass pierced the floor tiles, hovering out, and instantly wrapped Zao Wou-ki. A zongzi, only the neck and head were exposed.

   Xiao Wu just arrived at this moment, and Tang San controlled everything just right.

   "The first spirit ability, waist bow."

   Faced with such a good opportunity, Xiao Wu naturally would not let it go. She put her right hand on Zao Wou-ki's head and walked around behind Zao Wou-ki.

Both legs were wrapped around Zao Wou-Ki's neck at the same moment, his right calf hooked Zao Wou-ki's chin, and his left calf's knee was against the back of Zao's neck. Degree upside down.

   If only she was alone, with Zao Wou-ki's physique, Xiao Wu would definitely not be able to shake him.

   But at this moment, Xiao Wu is not alone.

   The number of times Tang San and Xiao Wu cooperated in combat was not too small, and they had a great understanding. At the moment when Xiao Wu exerted his strength, Lan Yincao lifted his legs away from the ground.

   No matter how powerful a person is, he can't hold his body without roots under his feet. Under the leadership of Xiao Wu, Zao Wou-ki turned one hundred and eighty degrees in the air, and slammed his head toward the ground.

   At this time, Zao Wou-ki's body was covered with blue silver grass. Only when his head was exposed, Xiao Wu could only choose this somewhat awkward way of throwing.

   She has already used all her strength.

   "Hehe, good cooperation, occasionally turning around is quite fun." Looking at the ground closer and Zao Wou-ki did not panic at all, but grinned with an inexplicable smile.

   "Not good." Tang San's pupils in the distance shrank, and he hurriedly pulled his hands back, and the blue silver grass wrapped around Xiao Wu's waist suddenly turned back into the air with Xiao Wu.

   At the moment when Xiao Wu was pulled back, the blue silver grass that was entwining Zao Wou-ki blew into the sky with a "boom", and it flew in all directions.

   approached the ground, Zao Wou-ki supported with both hands, a standard backflip, standing steadily.

   Tang San Xiaowu's series of attacks just now were resolved in an instant, doing useless work, wasting a lot of soul and physical energy.

At the feet of Zao Wou-Ki, the seven-circle gorgeous spirit ring had already risen at some point, and at the same time, behind him also appeared a phantom of two big yellow rice-colored bears, and they roared silently up to the sky, the khaki soul. The light spot diffused from Zao Wou-ki and floated around him, making him look even more mighty.

   The expressions of Tang San Xiaowu and others became tense. Zhu Zhuqing, who was wandering around the battlefield, had never found a chance. At this time, he also slightly clenched his silver teeth.

   It seems that Zao Wou-ki, who started the martial arts spirit, is beginning to be serious. They turned their eyes to one-third of the incense, and felt a little urgency in their hearts. If this continues, it is likely to fail the assessment.

   What is Aqiu doing? He shouldn't be the only way to fight his strength, why can't he even stop Teacher Zhao from breathing? Tang San searched for Ye Zhiqiu's figure anxiously on the court, and finally, on a big rock, Tang San found Ye Zhiqiu who was sitting cross-legged and watching the play.

   At this time, Ye Zhiqiu was holding half of a watermelon with a spoon in it. Seeing Tang San looking at him, he smiled slightly at Tang San.

   Tang San's cheeks twitched. We are working desperately here. If you were a melon-eater, wouldn't your conscience hurt?

Chapter 68: The eliminated Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing

Ye Zhiqiu ate melons in the distance openly, making the players on the field a little speechless.

   Zao Wou-ki is even more angry with his seven orifices venting out soul power, this little **** is really too arrogant. Think of us as monkeys? After I solve these four little guys, I will take care of you.

   Zao Wuji forcibly resisted the urge to rush to beat Ye Zhiqiu, and once again set his eyes on Tang San and the others. From the look in his eyes, he was beginning to be serious.

   "Xiao Wu, we are the guardian, and Zhuqing responds. Procrastinate for time." Tang San stared at Zao Wou-ki, his consciousness turned, and the battle plan was instantly changed.

   In Zao Wou-ki's serious situation, if he continues to attack, he is undoubtedly sent to his door to shoot him.

   What they have to do now is to delay the time, as long as it can be delayed, and the rest of the time can only be given to Ye Zhiqiu.

   Tang San felt that he had already guessed Ye Zhiqiu's thoughts. He definitely wanted to preserve his physical strength. By the way, he would use this watermelon taunting tactic to mess up Teacher Zhao's mood and lead to flaws.

   That's right, that's it, Ah Qiu is so witty.

   "Boys, I have to admit that you are excellent, but...that's it." When the words fell, Zao Wou-ki took a big step and went straight to Tang San Xiaowu and Ning Rongrong. These three people were the priority that Zao Wuji had to solve. Needless to say, the auxiliary spirit master, the tacit cooperation between Tang San and Xiao Wu also left a big impression on Zao Wuji.

   Looking at Tang San and Xiao Wu, who were on guard with all their faces in their poses, Zao Wou-ki grinned, "The third spirit ability, gravity is enhanced."

   As soon as the voice fell, the third purple thousand-year-old spirit ring on Zao Wou-ki's body lightened slightly and shot straight into the ground under his feet.

   Suddenly, Tang San and the four all felt like their feet were in a quagmire, their bodies suddenly became heavier, the Buddha was put on some kind of shackles, and it was difficult to move.

   Ning Rongrong, who is the weakest among the four, was interrupted at this moment. She herself was a little unstable, and a cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

   The enhancement effect of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda disappeared, making Tang San's situation even worse, and the bodies that could barely stand up were instantly bent over.

   Zao Wou-ki looked at several people with a faint smile in his eyes. This spirit ring ability, he was afraid of hurting these children, he didn't use his full strength yet, but even if a soul saint's thousand-year spirit ability was only half of its power, it was not Tang San and the great spirit masters who could easily resist it. of.

  On the field, Tang San and the others could barely move around at this time, but the speed was undoubtedly much slower than before, and Zao Wou-ki himself was not affected at all.

   There is not much difference between fleeing and not fleeing. The speed has dropped too much.

   Instead of turning around and running to show the back, it is better to delay the frontal attack for a few more seconds.

   Xiao Wu is the main attacker, closest to Zao Wou-ki, and naturally the first person to be noticed by Zao Wou-ki.

   Looking at Zao Wou-ki, who strode closer to him, Xiao Wu did not retreat but moved forward, taking the lead. She stepped forward and kicked Zao Wuji's hip with a whip leg.

"It's quite ruthless to start." Zao Wou-ki smiled indifferently. He dropped his hand and instantly intercepted Xiao Wu's right leg kicking. At the same time, his big hand was like an eagle's claw, firmly clasping Xiao Wu's ankle. .

   Xiao Wu gritted her teeth and struggled a few times, but instead of breaking free, she made her ankle hurt.

   "Xiao Wu..." Tang San exclaimed nervously.

"Second spirit ability, parasite." Tang San snorted softly. When he used the first spirit ability to restrict Zao Wou-ki's actions before, Tang San had already left blue silver grass seeds on his clothes. He originally wanted to use this. A move was unexpected, but seeing Xiao Wu being caught at this time, he was anxious and had to use it.

   Three-fingered blue silver grass instantly spread over Zao Wou-ki's body, once again wrapped him into rice dumplings, the same only showing his head.

  The reason for not covering his head was that Tang San was not afraid of killing Zao Wou-ki, but if he wrapped Zao Wou-ki's whole body, there would be no place to attack.

   Xiao Wu on the field was restricted at this time, and only Zhu Zhuqing was able to make an effective attack. Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing had not cooperated, so I could only hope that she was witty enough to understand what she meant.

   Although Zhu Zhuqing has a cool personality, she seems to be uncomfortable. But there was still some tacit understanding, and when Zao Wou-ki was locked by Blue Silver Grass, she rushed up.

   was originally wandering around, not far away, Zhu Zhuqing came behind Zao Wou-ki in the blink of an eye, and silently greeted Zao Wou-ki back of his head with claws flashing with dark light. This is her second spirit ability, Nether Hundred Claws, which can instantly strike a hundred claws at the same position of the target.

   Perform a hundred claws at the same position in an instant. If the damage is hit, it is still amazing, and it is still such a deadly place in the back of the head.

   Zao Wou-ki's complexion changed, and he let out a low growl, "First Soul Ability: Fudo Ming Wang."

   I saw Zao Wou-ki's first hundred-year-old spirit ring light up slightly, and a Vajra Bear phantom glowing with an earthy yellow light that resembled a golden bell suddenly emerged from Zao Wou-ki's body and enveloped him.

   The blue silver grass wrapped around him was suddenly shattered into grass scraps.

   Zhu Zhuqing's nether hundred claws blasted on it, only a series of "ding, ding, ding" clashes were heard, but the Vajra Bear phantom cover could not be broken, and there were no cracks in the UU reading

   Zhu Zhuqing had a look of anxiety in his eyes. The best attacking opportunity was missed. Next, they are likely to bear Zao Wou-ki's stormy counterattack.

   "Netherworld thorn." Zhu Zhuqing shouted, playing his first soul ability, wanting to retreat by the force of the counter shock.

   Zao Wou-ki smiled, and now he wants to leave, is it too late?

  , Zhu Zhuqing, who was retreating, only felt that her body was sinking again, and the gravity from the ground seemed to increase again, making her tumbling and retreating movements instantly become a little deformed.

   The mistake at this moment was caused by Zao Wou-ki's sudden increase in the power of the third spirit ability, and Zhu Zhuqing was also expected to do so.

   Such a good opportunity, Zao Wou-ki naturally seized it. Zhu Zhuqing, who sent him to the door, was held on his shoulders in the blink of an eye, unable to move.

   "You two are eliminated. Let's go." Zao Wou-ki looked at Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, who were being carried by him, with a smile in his eyes.

   With a slight flick of his hands, he threw the two out of the battlefield with Qiao Jin and came to the side of Dai Mubai who was watching the battle.

   Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing stood on the sidelines and looked at each other, both of them looked depressed.

   "Huh~" Tang San breathed a sigh of relief when Xiao Wu was not injured.

   "Boy, relax now, it's too early." Zao Wou-ki looked at Tang San and grinned.

   As for Ning Rongrong, Zao Wou-ki did not take it seriously. The girl was weak in physique and couldn't hold her third spirit ability. At this time, she had already ran far away from the scope of the gravity-enhanced spirit ability. Moreover, it seemed that her spirit power didn't seem to be much, and it was no longer useful.

   Now, as long as you solve Tang San, you can go and fight the arrogant little guy.

Chapter 69: Xiao Wu: Yes, Xiao 3 was beaten into a fool

"Ms. Zhao, wanting to catch me, it's not that easy." Tang San's expression was indifferent, and now he was the only one in the team, but he calmed down.

   Fight head-on, not your opponent. But if only to delay time, Tang San felt he could still delay for a while.

   Tang Sect's unique ghosts and shadows were not blown out.

   Ghost Shadow is not a speed-type footwork, it is good at avoiding, and the change of body shape is unpredictable.

   As you can see from the name, ghosts and shadows are all meanings of changing body shape and position.

   Unless, Zao Wou-ki can directly use the third spirit ability to press Tang San down and unable to move, otherwise, Tang San feels that he still has the ability to struggle.

   "Oh? Then I have to see how difficult it is." Zao Wou-ki smiled indifferently, and strode straight towards Tang San.

   "The second spirit ability, powerful vajra palm."

   got closer, and Zao Wou-ki's second spirit ring lightened slightly, and the spirit power on his palm instantly gathered, forming a big handprint of energy like a fan of wind, and he patted Tang San's chest.

   Tang San didn't have the slightest panic in his eyes, he was full of calmness. He reacted the moment Zao Wou-ki raised his hand.

At this moment, seeing Zao Wou-ki's move, Tang San changed his feet and quickly backed away. At the same time, the first yellow hundred-year-old spirit ring on his body flickered, and several sturdy blue silver grass vines quietly surrounded Zao Wou-ki. It spread, blocking the road where Zao Wou-ki was advancing.

   Although these blue silver grasses can't stop Zao Wou-Ki, they will break as soon as they earn it, but they can still delay Zao Wou-Ki for a while.

   Relying on the blue silver grass and the ghostly shadow of Tang Sect, although Tang San is not as fast as Zao Wou-ki, it is not easy for Zao Wou-ki to catch Tang San.

   This is Tang San's plan.

   However, the plan never keeps up with the changes...

   Zao Wou-ki saw that this kid was slippery like a loach, his strong vajra palm was shot several times, and every time he happened to be able to slip out of his hands, he couldn't help but lose patience.

   Two figures chasing and fleeing on the field, one of them suddenly stopped.

Looking at Tang San who was panting slightly and stopped to rest not far from him, Zao Wou-ki smiled and cursed: "Okay, you little loach, it's really slippery. Don't solve you quickly. The time to deal with that kid may be Not enough." When the words fell, Zao Wou-ki tickled Ye Zhiqiu, who was sitting in the distance watching the show.

   Tang San also looked at Ye Zhiqiu, and gave a wry smile. He had been supporting Zao Wou-ki's third spirit ability for so long, and he was almost reaching the limit, and his physical strength was exhausted.

   glanced at the Tibetan incense, Tang San suddenly smiled in such a situation where he was unable to return to the sky.

  The incense has been burned for two-thirds, and I am dragging it for a while until I run out of energy. This last point, Ah Qiu should be able to pass it.

   After all, before he and Xiao Wu were not A Qiu's opponents, now A Qiu is estimated to be stronger, it should be no problem to drag it until the incense burns out.

   Zao Wou-ki naturally saw the incense that had burned two-thirds, and he couldn't help but become anxious.

  I am not acting upright, and I have been so strenuous to deal with a few children who are only twelve years old. Then it spreads to the ears of other teachers in the academy, and they still laugh to death.

   Thinking of this, Zao Wou-ki decided to show his true ability, and the fourth spirit ring on his body lit up.

   In the purple light shining, this thousand-year spirit ring actually flew out, catching up with Tang San who was trying to avoid it with a clear goal, and set it on him.

   "The fourth spirit ability, location tracking."

   Zao Wou-ki squatted slightly, his sturdy legs suddenly exerted force, and the whole person jumped from the ground and jumped more than ten meters high.

   smashed towards Tang San like a falling star.

   If this is smashed to the ground, Tang San's small body can't be sat to death.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Ye Zhiqiu got up slightly, and the three spirit rings of purple, black and red fell from the top of his head circle after circle, and put them outside. This scene is a handsome group, but everyone is paying attention to Zao Wou-ki and Tang San. No one noticed this scene of confrontation.

   If Tang San can't hold it, Ye Zhiqiu will plan to take action. Exercise will return to exercise. It's okay to get injured.


   Tang San looked at the leaping figure of Zao Wou-ki, his pupils shrank for a while, and hurriedly shifted his position, but he was surprised to find that Zao Wou-ki in the air actually turned along with him, still smashing towards him.

   Does this trick have a locking effect? Tang San didn't have time to think about it, the spirit power in his body burst out in an instant, countless blue silver grasses on the surface rose up into the sky, stabs Zao Wuji who was sitting down on him.

   At this moment, the spirit power in Tang San's body was also completely exhausted. He couldn't stand anymore, his legs trembled, and he sat directly on the ground.

   "Fuck King Ming." Zao Wou-ki shouted in the air, and the familiar vajra bear appeared again, smashing the blue silver grass rushing towards him into powder.

   Zao Wou-ki himself continued to smash at Tang San.

   This trick cannot be avoided... Tang San closed his eyes a little tired.

   "Little San..."

   "Teacher Zhao is merciful..."


   Several people watching the battle in the distance looked anxious.

   "Boom..." A big hole was shaken out beside Tang San. The spattered stone and some dust smeared Tang San.

   didn't feel the pain, Tang San secretly opened his eyes, and when he saw Zao Wuji who was smiling at him next to him, he sighed with relief and seemed to have survived?

   At the last moment, Zao Wou-ki released his spirit ability and slightly changed his direction, otherwise Tang San would definitely be slapped to death by him.

   Actually, Zao Wou-ki just wanted to scare This kid was slippery and he was angry.

   "You have also been eliminated." Zao Wuji picked up Tang San, who was as soft as the mud, and threw it towards Dai Mubai who was watching the battle in the distance, sending him out of the battlefield.

"Aqiu, I tried my best, and the rest is up to you." Tang San, who was flying in the air, silently looked at the figure on the big rock, but his eyes stared at this look. It's not flying with the power of Zao Wou-ki's shaking, I'm afraid he will have to fall from the sky on the spot.

   Dai Mubai jumped horizontally, and still took Tang San down and placed him in a corner of the wall to sit against, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing both surrounded him.

   "Let..." Tang San struggled to get up, pulled away Xiao Wu who was in front of him, and looked up at the big rock again. He wanted to see if he was dazzled.

   However, Ye Zhiqiu was no longer on the big rock. Tang San quickly looked towards where Ning Rongrong was. Sure enough, Ye Zhiqiu was there, and he was feeding Ning Rongrong a watermelon.

   didn't see the scene he wanted to watch, Tang San was a little taken aback, did he really read it wrong just now?

   Seeing Tang San startled, Xiao Wu was a little worried, wouldn't her mind be broken?

   "Little San, are you okay?" Xiao Wu asked with a look of concern.

   Tang San lowered his head tiredly, "It's okay." Suddenly, Tang San seemed to remember something, and quickly raised his head, "Xiao Wu, the three spirit rings on A Qiu just now were purple, black and red. Did you see it?"

   Purple, black and red? It's over, Xiao San's brain is really broken...

   Xiao Wu was almost crying in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

Dai Mubai next to    looked at Tang San with a mentally retarded expression, even Zhu Zhuqing had question marks on his face, wondering if Tang San was hurt.

Chapter 70: Zao Wou-ki

"Mistress, you must be strong, don't worry, if you are stupid, I will definitely not want you." Xiao Wu was crying beside her, but what she said was so touching.

   Tang San's face twitched, I was so touched by what you said... Forget it, looking at your sad look, of course I chose to forgive you...

   At this time, Zao Wou-ki's voice came from the playground, attracting the attention of several people.

"Little boy, was it arrogant just now? You are the only one who has fighting capacity now, how about it, do you want to give up? I won't wait for you to cry and look for mom everywhere..." Zhao Wuji looked at Ye Zhiqiu, grinning and shaking each other. With both fists, there was a "click" sound.

   To Tang San Xiaowu several people, Zao Wou-ki left his hands. But for Ye Zhiqiu, Zao Wou-ki planned to take a good beating out of the depression in his heart.

   "You're talking nonsense, I'm obviously still fighting." Ning Rongrong said with a big mouthful of watermelon in his mouth and bulging cheeks, staring at Zao Wou-ki, and said vaguely.

   Zao Wou-ki couldn't help rolling his eyes.

   Ye Zhiqiu also smiled and shook his head. This girl is quite strong, her spirit power is basically exhausted, and her legs are shaking and she is almost unsteady. She is still so stubborn.

   "Don't make trouble, go and watch the game with Xiao Wu and the others, I won't lose..." Ye Zhiqiu grabbed her soft and tender face, with a doted look on her face.

   "All right..." Ning Rongrong hesitated for a while, holding Ye Zhiqiu's watermelon and left. It's really comfortable to eat a bite of watermelon on this hot day...

   Zao Wou-ki raised his eyelids uncomfortably, "I've discussed it? Come on, where do you want me to beat you."

   Ye Zhiqiu didn't answer him, but instead pointed his finger at the Tibetan incense, with a narrow expression on his face, "Teacher Zhao, there is only a little left of that incense. Are you sure you want to continue to talk to me?"

   Zao Wou-ki glanced at the one-fifth of the fragrance, but didn't care.

   This time is obviously not enough.

   And these little guys, he has already recognized, even if they fail the exam, he will let them join the academy.

   The only thing Zao Wou-ki wants to do now is to let out the suffocation in his heart.

   This little boy is too irritating whether he speaks or moves. He seems to have a mocking face, and he spreads dog food in public. Why does this make Zao Wou-ki, a 40-year-old man who has no girlfriend yet, feel like it?

  Adding to the fact that Tang San was holding back a lot of grievances, Zao Wou-ki made a decision, he wanted to cheat...

   With a pinch of his hands, Zao Wou-ki conjured another incense from nowhere and was lit by him.

   flicked, the incense that had just been lit in his hand shot out and was inserted next to the incense that was about to burn out.

   "Doesn't this have time again?" Zao Wou-ki looked indifferent, as if he did not do this shameless thing.





   Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong saw this scene and jumped on the spot. Ye Zhiqiu fights injustice for Ye Zhiqiu.

   Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing also frowned, this... is it too much? What about a stick of incense?

   Dai Mubai and Oscar glanced at each other. They had been with Zao Wou-ki for a long time and knew some of Zao Wou-ki's temperament.

   Teacher Zhao will do this kind of thing, which shows that he has made up his mind to achieve a certain goal of his own without being ridiculous. As for the purpose, it is naturally to beat Ye Zhiqiu.

   Both of them can't help but silently mourn Ye Zhiqiu, making you arrogant, now it's alright, the retribution is coming...

   I hope the waiting scene will not be too cruel.

   Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the Tibetan incense that had just been ignited and inserted. It was a little unexpected that Zao Wou-ki would do such a shame. However, he doesn't care, even if you are asked to insert ten incense sticks?

   Ye Zhiqiu's mentality has always been very calm. Although he has never fought against the Soul Sage, this does not mean that he will be counseled.

"Teacher Zhao, originally I thought about beating you one-fifth of Zhuxiang. This is because you have to extend the time of being beaten. I hope you won't regret it later." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Zao Wou-ki with a kind face and smiled. Said profoundly.

   Zao Wou-ki was taken aback, and beat himself a fifth of the incense? Extend the beating time yourself?

   The little **** can crush you!

   Even Tang San and the others who were watching the battle were shocked, did they hear it wrong? Ye Zhiqiu seems to say he wants to beat Teacher Zhao?

   Could you please brag about the draft?

Dai Mubai waved his hand with a funny face, and said loudly, "Your name is Ye Zhiqiu, right? Brother, I admire your courage. If you can beat Teacher Zhao, I will be yours after wearing Mubai. Little fan..."

  Zhao Wou-ki looked at Dai Mubai with a grin, "Xiao Bai, come to practice alone with me tomorrow and relax your muscles."

When the words fell, Zao Wou-ki didn't care about Dai Mubai's painful face instantly, he looked at Ye Zhiqiu without any haste, and said, "Interesting, interesting. Hahaha, I have not moved Ming Wang Zao Wou-ki in the Douluo Continent for many years. I saw an arrogant boy like you this time, I hope your bones will be as hard as your mouth in a while. Are you ready? I'm ready to go, let me see what you can do." Zao Wuji The look was a bit serious.

   He didn't mean to underestimate Ye Zhiqiu, but he didn't take it too seriously. This kid might cause some trouble to himself, but he never thought he would lose.

   Ye Zhiqiu didn't reply, but lowered his head slightly, as if something was brewing.

   This made Zao Wou-ki scratching the back of his head in some for a while.

   "Eight gates of Dunjia, open the rest and hurt Du Jing, six gates ~ open!" Standing still Ye Zhiqiu bowed slightly, and suddenly shouted.

  In an instant, with him as the center, the invisible and intangible air flow spread out like ripples, rolling up smoke and dust, and the field was like a thirteen-level tornado sandstorm.

Ning Rongrong and others were tens of meters away, and they were all affected. They couldn't help but squinted, half-arched, raised their hands to block them, trying to maintain a stable figure, and squinted towards the center of the storm. However, , The smoke and dust are too big to see anything.

   At this moment, a violent spirit power fluctuation spread out from the center of the smoke and dust.

   A ray of light quietly shined through the smoke. This energy seemed to be a fuse, after it, more energy beams penetrated the dust tornado one after another.


   The turquoise green energy that seemed to be like soul power rose into the sky at this moment.

   The smoke and dust around it was instantly riddled with green glow. Ye Zhiqiu could be seen faintly.

   At this time, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to be wearing a turquoise energy coat, which was constantly sublimating and moving around his body from bottom to top.

   In this 30-degree windless hot day, Ye Zhiqiu's long black hair fluttered out of thin air, and his imperial robes were hunting and hunting.

The spirit power fluctuations emanating from his body were too violent, and the muscles in his body were full of spirit power that wanted to burst his body. There was nowhere to go for these spirit powers, and they all began to escape from the body, curling up. Squally.

   Zao Wou-ki's expression is a little dazed, aren't you the soul sovereign? Is this the spirit power fluctuation that the soul sovereign should have? Is it too late for me to exchange that incense for one?