Ch 643 - Ch 655

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 643

"dong! dong! dong! dong! "

Just when Qiu Bai was a little surprised by the sudden obstruction, a loud footstep sounded from the depths.

Qiu Bai's whole body was tense in an instant and moved towards the front. Looking ahead, on the road that should have been empty except for the surrounding area, there was a dark one. light spot.

Right now, the sound is coming from it. Although there is still a long distance from his position, judging from the sound, it must be the size of the owner of the footsteps. is quite large.

"Let's slip while there's still some distance." Although it's not quite clear what the situation is about the other party, the pressure on him from the gravity environment is no longer enough to ignore. If there is a fight here, he probably won't be able to use his full strength. Besides, the things that appeared in the depths of this place, the battle power must not be comparable to those of the dragon corpse outside, he should try to avoid fighting as much as possible.

Qiu Bai immediately turned his head and ran in the direction of the return journey, but before he could run farther, the same sense of obstruction reappeared, which made the person who was already sweating because of the gravity environment. Qiu Bai's face suddenly became ugly.

He should have left when he felt the gravity just now. This is not a natural environment, but a man-made gravity environment, and now he is completely controlled in it.

Qiu Bai took out a piece of silver jade pendant directly, but at this time this jade pendant looked a little dull.

"dammit, has spatial transmission been banned?" Looking at the silver jade pendant in his hand, Qiu Bai's originally ugly face became a little darker again.

A large part of the reason why Qiu Bai dared to explore the ruins so deeply was the spatial transmission jade pendant in his hand, which was a relatively safe place on the periphery before he went deep The coordinates are set, and in case of emergency, as long as he crushes it, he can escape through spatial transmission.

But now he has completely lost this retreat and is completely trapped.

"No way, can only bite the bullet." Looking at the huge silhouette that gradually enlarged in the distance, Qiu Bai also muttered with a wry smile.

"dong! dong! dong!" As the footsteps continued to amplify, Qiu Bai finally saw the other side's face clearly.

"This is a dragon? No! It doesn't have the breath of life, it's an elemental creature made of rocks?!" Seeing the gigantic creature that was gradually becoming clear, Qiu Bai was also muttered expressing congeals.

At a distance of only a few tens of meters from him, a creature with a shape quite similar to the dragon corpse he had seen before was approaching with heavy steps. Although the appearance is very similar, the whole body of this dragon seems to be composed of rocks. Its height is about five or six meters. The size of the whole body is probably more than ten meters. There is a faint yellow on the dark rocks. The halo of his eyes radiates yellow light at the position of his pupils, but he can't see the existence of this thing with eyeballs at all.

Qiu Bai's first reaction to this kind of existence is elemental creature, and there are also some elemental creatures in Doluo Continent, among which earth elemental creature is very similar to it. However, the shape of those elemental creatures is humanoid, and there is no facial features at all. If the rock dragon in front of him hadn't felt the aura of flesh and blood at all, he might have really regarded it as a dragon corpse.

"roar!!!" A huge roar erupted from the rock dragon's mouth, and a wave of air also erupted around it.

Qiu Bai immediately entered the state of battle, and the bright white Scale Mail directly wrapped his whole body.

The rock dragon in the distance also found the Qiu Bai silhouette, and the huge body also stopped. The huge mouth of its confinement also suddenly opened at this moment, flashing this earthy yellow light in its mouth, and then the next moment of rays of light quickly condensed, and then the breath of earth-yellow directly moved towards Qiu Bai.

Qiu Bai's swing of the wings behind him directly avoided the breath attack of this time, although the gravity environment here limited his speed to a certain extent. But now that he has spirit possession, he also has amplification of spirit power and martial spirit. Although he will still be restricted, it will be much better than in the case of pure fleshy body.

Qiu Bai, who flew into the air, also felt deeply uncomfortable. Now he seems to be flying with a huge load. But now is not the time for him to think too much. A dark spirit ring lights up in an instant behind him, and the next moment is formed by countless gold light balls condensed in the position of his wings.

Qiu Bai's wings flickered, and the ball of light burst out like a bullet, and then exploded in the air like fireworks, and then turned into a larger number of balls of light, like a A huge meteor shower is generally pouring down.

Qiu Bai's 4th Soul Skill Draco Meteor, with this movement speed is not very fast, and at the same time the opponent with a huge size, as a group attacking skill Draco Meteor is undoubtedly very suitable.

However, at the next moment, the entire body of the rock dragon suddenly lit up with a rich yellow light.

"roar!!!" After a loud roar, an earth-yellow barrier appeared around it and wrapped its huge body in it.

Draco Meteor, hiding the sky and covering the earth, is the strikes directly above the earth-yellow barrier around him. The barrier is stirred up by the stars and has a lot of ripples, but the barrier itself is completely Unaffected is generally still so shining.

"It didn't work?!" Seeing that he was blocked by all the attacks, Qiu Bai's face under the bright white armor mask became more serious.

Qiu Bai looked at the rock dragon wrapped by the earth-yellow barrier in the air. Although the barrier looked very fragile, the energy contained in it was extremely huge. Most of the creatures with the earth attribute are known for their defense and strength. He is very clear about this kind of thing. The current rock dragon is one of them. If you want to defeat him, you must use a super attack to break through his defense. OK, it might be difficult to break through his defense with his first spirit ability, but that doesn't mean he can't do anything.

Next moment, dark red light appeared from its body, and a circle of blood red spirit rings also appeared on its body.

"Divide! Divide! Divide!"

An invisible wave spreads from its body to the surroundings in an instant, and the flickering defensive barrier on the huge rock dragon is also With the onslaught of this wave, it quickly dimmed. Although it was dim, the shield was still not broken and dissipated.

Qiu Bai's aura also instantly increased to the level of Super Douluo. This time, according to his estimation, his spirit power aura probably reached the level of Rank 97 Super Douluo.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 644

Feeling the power of his own explosion, Qiu Bai also has some confidence in his heart, looking at the yellow barrier that has become dim, a silver flame directly turned into A flaming arrow shot directly at it.


The moment the flame arrow shot on the yellow barrier, a crack appeared on it at a visible speed, but after a while, the entire yellow barrier was covered. Full of cracks.

"roar!" seemed to sense that his shield was about to be broken by Qiu Bai, and the rock dragon also burst into a violent roar.

The yellow light on the body erupted, and the cracks on the shield all over the body healed quickly. Seeing how this situation could be so easy, Qiu Bai let him recover, the gold light surged on his left hand, and the sharp aura spear appeared directly in his hand.

The silver flame gushed out instantly and wrapped the whole spear. Qiu Bai raised high with his left hand and threw the spear out of the air. Qiu Bai cannot use two martial spirits at the same time, he can only throw spears in this way to attack.

The flame spear is directly a penetrating shield that heals gradually, then dissipates into the air as flickering points of light. The spear directly pierced the rock dragon's body without any obstruction, and its position was the thickest place in the center of the whole rock dragon's body. Qiu Bai's spear at this time, the position of the silver spear tip is also a little strange and climbed up a touch of the color of Purple Gold, the sharp spear tip has almost no obstacles, and directly penetrated into the thick rock armor , the cracks spread from the location where they pierced. Qiu Bai, who saw this scene, couldn't help but evoke a smile. If you look at it this way, this rock dragon's strongest means is probably his barrier defense, and his own stone armor defense is not very good. Maybe he can solve it easily. However, just when Qiu Bai was a little overjoyed, the whole rock dragon instantly burst into dazzling light.

The next second, a spear with a purple patterned gold shaft was ejected directly, and it seemed to be flying back into Qiu Bai's hands after being hit by a summon.

The dazzling light dissipated, and the body of the rock dragon appeared again, but it was completely different from the appearance at first. The whole dragon's body is no longer so heavy. The whole thing is like taking off the outer rock armor. Although it is still very strong, compared to the previous heavy armor Earth Dragon, More like a swift war dragon. The limbs and whole body are still made of rock, but there are flashing yellow crystals on its joints and back, and the sharp claw on the limbs has turned into a yellow crystal state.

"I'm going?! Are you a boss in a game? Can you transform after breaking the defense?!" The rays of light dispersed, and Qiu Bai couldn't help complaining loudly as he watched the reappeared rock dragon.


"Have you entered the second stage so soon? This kid's abilities are really strange." The huge dragon body in the depths of the ruins also came out. A somewhat suspicious voice.

This rock dragon was originally created in two states, one is the heavy armor form at the beginning. Under the heavy armor form, a circle of defensive barriers with very strong defense will be formed around the rock dragon's body. In this form, the means of attack are quite limited, but the defense is extremely strong.

Don't pay attention to the layer of stone armor on the rock dragon. It looks very thick, but its body is an ordinary rock after all. Although it has strength and has a good defense, it's just not bad. If the shield is removed,

Qiu Bai can actually destroy this layer of rock armor without much effort. So in this form, the real difficulty is how to break through the yellow shield.

Originally, this is a very difficult task. With Qiu Bai's current ability, even the spirit avatar that activates the first spirit may not necessarily be able to destroy it. He can only use second spirit, soul bone and other series. All means can be used to break through.

However, the ability of divide is worthy of being called a bug. After the weakening of divide three times, plus a wear of Heavenly Flame. This is what led to it, Qiu Bai was able to violently break through that layer of defense with his second spirit and even shatter the rock armor on its surface.

The rock armor was broken, and the rock dragon naturally gave up this somewhat cumbersome rock armor and entered a more powerful fighting form.

gravity environment area

Qiu Bai was instantly tensed when he saw the rock dragon whose shape had changed greatly. The next moment, the golden light gradually condensed on the rock dragon, and a beam of light like a golden tornado hit the ground directly from its body in an instant. next moment The ground of the entire space area begins to appear golden spots of light.

"dang!" Qiu Bai, who was already struggling to fly in midair, suddenly cursed and landed on the ground, one-knee kneels, with one hand firmly propped up own body.

The gravity of this area has been raised by another level, and Qiu Bai, who could barely fly in the air with some effort, just fell to the ground.

"roar!!" The rock dragon roared, and then the yellow crystal blocks all over his body flickered, and a huge dark yellow array appeared in front of him. Then one by one earth-yellow energy bodies continuously condensed on their array, and then went directly to Qiu Bai who had just landed not far away.

Seeing the massive attacks that were about to land on him, Qiu Bai moved with all his strength. Swiping the edge to avoid this wave of attacks, however, the rock dragon's attack obviously won't end like this, he immediately turned his head and chased Qiu Bai to attack.

Qiu Bai had a hard time dodging the rock dragon's attack, but the current gravity environment was too restrictive for him. After barely dodging a few attacks, one of the yellow energy bullets hit Qiu Bai's leg armor directly, and then countless attacks fell on him like a chain reaction.

A large number of attacks directly caused one after another crack on the Scale Mail, and he was directly attacked and half fell to the ground. After a wave of attacks ended, the rock dragon flew towards Qiu Bai, and the huge yellow crystal claws slapped directly at Qiu Bai, who had just propped himself up.

"Hah!" Qiu Bai loudly shouted, his whole body exploded with power instantly, and he dodged directly from the spot.

Qiu Bai broke out with all his strength and wanted to distance himself from the rock dragon. Now he is severely limited by the gravity environment. The close-range battles he is usually best at are now unavoidable. dodge. Now the defense of rock dragon's state will be weakened to a certain extent, and his own attack can definitely have some effect. If you use a strong attack from a distance, you may be able to solve this big guy.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 645

Seeing the rock dragon disappearing and sneaking into the ground, Qiu Bai was also in a cold sweat. He first restricted his movement, and then launched a sudden attack by sneaking into the dark, the attack of the rock dragon. The model can be said to be quite complete.

Qiu Bai turned on spiritual power directly to the surroundings, always paying attention to the movement of the disappearing rock dragon. In the next second, Qiu Bai's eyes suddenly changed, and the whole person burst out and flashed in another direction.

"roar!!" The huge rock dragon rushed out directly from the ground where Qiu Bai was before, but at this time Qiu Bai had already dodged and avoided the surprise attack of this time . However, the long tail rays of light behind him suddenly grew longer in Qiu Bai's surprised eyes, and then fiercely slapped Qiu Bai's body.


Qiu Bai was knocked to the ground directly, and the strong gravity caused him to leave some traces on the ground, but it turned out to be half a Body embedded in the ground.

"roar!!" The rock dragon roared again, and the yellow crystals all over its body burst out with strong rays of light, and the part of its hind limbs went down and the whole front of the body seemed to want to stand up. When the front half of the body was about to form a 90-degree angle with the ground, the two front claws of the entire upper body fell heavily on the ground.

The ground trembled a little because of this blow, and at the same time, the yellow energy at the front paws of the rock dragon spread to the whole ground in an instant.

In the next second, countless rock pillars poured out from the ground. Qiu Bai, who was embedded in the ground, was directly knocked out by the rock pillars that emerged from the ground before he could get up and stand up.

"Your uncle's!"

Qiu Bai, who was directly pushed into the air, scolded him, but his whole body felt the huge gravity in the whole space, which he couldn't control. fall to the ground. Qiu Bai also hurriedly took advantage of the liftoff, adjusted his posture, and finally landed on the ground in a better way.

Qiu Bai, who was already pressed and beaten like this, was also extremely annoyed at the moment. His entire right arm was instantly transformed into a dark gold color, and five sharp claws like dark golden blades directly Spread out from the right hand wrapped in white armor. Without the slightest hesitation, Qiu Bai raised his right hand and slashed vigorously.

Five huge dark golden claw marks left a huge sound of breaking the wind in the air, and the extremely sharp power seemed to cut through the space. The dark gold dreadclaws directly moved towards the rock dragon in the distance, and several giant rock pillars appeared in front of the rock dragon in an instant, trying to block the blow, but a powerful attack that even the space would be cut through. How could it be so easily blocked.

The rock pillar in front of the rock dragon is like butter, directly divided by five huge dark golden claw marks, and the rock dragon hurriedly merged into the ground when the situation was not good. . After the attack, five huge ravines flashing with dark gold light appeared on the ground in an instant. On the edge of one of the ravines, there was a rock with bright yellow flickering crystals. After a while, the yellow crystals on it disappeared. It dimmed as if it had lost its power, but in the blink of an eye, it was completely reduced to an ordinary stone.

"che! Escape? Really troublesome?" Qiu Bai couldn't help tsked, looking at the rock dragon who had apparently escaped his attack.

I have to say that fighting on the ground, the ability to escape is quite difficult, sneak attack, dodge and escape, one ability can achieve a variety of uses through the use.

If you don't talk about escaping, but only in terms of combat, he can be said to be not worried at all,

After all, he can fly, and the skill of escaping can at best hide himself. Physical skills. However, the current self is greatly restricted by the powerful gravity environment, and in many cases, he has to fight on the ground. Once the battlefield turned to the ground, the ability to escape became a Divine Skill.

Seeing that his blow did not achieve much effect, and the rock dragon on the opposite side disappeared into the ground again, Qiu Bai's mentality was also a little broken at this time. But now is not the time for him to think blindly. He must be alerted immediately to defend and sneak into the sudden attack of the rock dragon underground.


Douluo Continent.

At this time, Huo Yuhao and others also went to Sun Moon Empire to rescue a series of imprisoned contestants including the Earthdragon Sect where Nan Qiuqiu was located. This time with them is Ma Xiaotao, whom everyone has not seen for a long time. After graduating from the inner court, Ma Xiaotao joined the Shrek Procuratorate and kept running around the Doluo Continent, performing various tasks. After returning to Shrek, she also learned about what happened to everyone when they came back from Sun Moon Empire, as well as Qiu Bai, and she was a little sad when she was shocked. For this little junior who helped her spirit evolution, she was It's very good, but fortunately, the only good news now is that he should be still alive, but he just arrived somewhere unknown.

It is worth mentioning that due to spirit evolution, Ma Xiaotao's cultivation in recent years has been very smooth, but in about three years, her spírit power has reached Rank 75 is close to Rank 76. And now she is only 22 years old. At this rate, she is likely to surpass Zhang Lexuan, the most talented discíple Inner Court Eldest Senior Sister Zhang Lexuan, who is called Shrek Academy's most talented in the past 100 years. When Zhang Lexuan was 26 years old, he broke through Rank 80 and called Spirit Douluo, setting the record for the youngest Spirit Douluo at Shrek Academy, and Ma Xiaotao may be faster.

In this action, everyone inevitably faced Holy Spirit Cult. Without the original plot, Ma Xiaotao was awakened by Huo Yuhao in Holy Spirit Cult as an inner response, but the rescue work was It didn't make it difficult. The godly expert Electrolux in Huo Yuhao spiritual sea, with his help, Huo Yuhao and the others also rescued the trapped people smoothly.

Tang Sect Shrek and the others acted separately. Huo Yuhao, Wang Qiu'er and Ma Xiaotao went with Nan Qiuqiu to rescue the trapped Nan Shuishui. However, just as Huo Yuhao and the others were about to escape, they were pursued by Evil Spirit Masters who had the strength of a Titled Douluo and a Spirit Douluo.

Nan Shuishui has the poison that inhibits the spírit power in his body. Although he has been detoxified, he can't exert much strength at all. Ma Xiaotao, the strongest among them, originally wanted to break the power, but only the Spirit Douluo Level Spirit was among them. Master, with the help of the strangeness of the martial spirit, Huo Yuhao and Wang Qiu'er immediately used spirit fusion.

Although spirit fusion is powerful, the opponent has a Titled Douluo after all, which is only a little bit of an effect. Among them, Wang Qiu'er even in the case of spirit fusion, in order to block Huo Yuhao and suffered considerable injuries.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 646

Seeing the arrival of a large number of Spirit Engineer Corps and already quite a few Evil Spirit Masters, Electrolux also directly proposed to let him take over Huo Yuhao's body, which Huo Yuhao is of course without the slightest hesitation.

The situation is really urgent right now, even if Electrolux takes over Huo Yuhao's body and connects his Undead Demiplane, it's a little hard. After all, the current Huo Yuhao is just a Spirit King, and even with Electrolux, a godly expert who controls his body, he is a little powerless.

In the end, the power of Electrolux divíne consciousness was too much, and its divíne consciousness fragments were a little unstable. Huo Yuhao spiritual sea also began to collapse, and the body was severely injured and almost died. escaped.

After escaping, Wang Qiu'er saw Huo Yuhao, who was about to die, also directly chose to sacrifice. When Wang Qiu'er's sacrifice was completed, a golden light flew out from his body, which was the soul of a little golden beast. However, just when it emitted light and wanted to turn into a stream of light and fly away, a gray airflow restrained it.

Because of the sacrifice of Wang Qiu'er, the power of destiny of the Auspicious Emperor also came to Huo Yuhao, and the Electrolux in the spiritual sea of Huo Yuhao also received its Good Fortune, which was originally too much consumption The divíne consciousness fragment finally stabilized. And at the moment when its divíne consciousness stabilized, Electrolux also noticed this scene.

As a godly expert, Electrolux naturally recognized that this was the soul of the Auspicious Emperor, and wanted to keep it at the moment, but at the moment he just controlled it, he found something wrong. There seems to be some other things in the original beast soul.

But before he could explore it, an invisible golden light suddenly appeared in a shatter void and landed on the beast soul of the Auspicious Emperor. A golden light was directly stripped from its beast soul, and then turned into a light and flew into the air. At the same time, the Golden Dragon Spear originally held by Wang Qiu'er not far away also flew straight after the stream of light. Electrolux wraps the Auspicious Emperor's soul spell to prevent it from collapsing into Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea.

"In the soul of the Auspicious Emperor, with the divíne consciousness of other people, it is absolutely impossible for humans to be able to do such a thing, only gods. God of this world, what are you planning. "Electrolux in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, watching the soul of the Auspicious Emperor just recovered, murmured somewhat solemnly.

Douluo Divine Realm

A blue figure who was closely watching Douluo Continent at this moment, his handsome face also frowned slightly at this moment.

"Wild God from another world? You are really nosy! The attainments in the soul are somewhat interesting. Although this time it is not completely stripped, this amount is enough for Wutong's martial spirit to further evolve. , this Golden Dragon Spear is also time to take it back. If it weren't for the situation I am in now, this kind of variable should not exist."

The Divine Realm at this time has since the last Divine Realm Council, Although it looks like it is still calm, under this calm appearance, an undercurrent is surging.

"God of Destruction is not very stable. This is much earlier than I expected. We must prepare countermeasures. If there is any accident, we can only let Wutong stay at Doluo Continent first. It's over." blue's voice was muttered with sadness.


Douluo Continent Clear Sky Castle

Two streams of light rushed into the castle shrouded in clouds, two streams of light connected one after another He landed in front of a white clothed man with azure long hair in the castle.

"Have the Golden Dragon Spear and another part of the divíne consciousness come back? In that case, it's time to call Wutong back, but I'm sorry for that auspicious beast." The azure-haired man muttered.


The barren plane, the ruins of the beast race civilization city.

At this time, Qiu Bai was still fighting a tough battle with the rock dragon that had changed to the second form. However, the battlefield at this time seems to have some conspicuous changes. There is a huge golden pentagram array on the ground of this battlefield, which is continuously emitting rays of light.

3rd Soul Skill Polestar Array, this is the only control soul skill among the seven spirit rings of Qiu Bai first spirit. And now he is the soul skill used in the humanoid state of the spirit avatar, and its power is stronger than normal use. As a control-type skill, Polestar Array's function is to control a group of people in an area. It may be a waste to deal with a single enemy, but its control method and ability are very suitable for the current situation.

The attached characteristic attribute of Polestar Array is weakened, which can restrict the enemy from the dual level of attribute and energy. In this situation, it seems to have changed into another appearance. Under the action of the Polestar Array, the gravity of the area where it is located is also weakened by it. Although the gravity acting on him is still huge, it is stronger than before. It's a lot easier. At the same time, the role of the Polestar Array is also to make the rock dragon's movements that have been active all the time become a little dull, and the flickering yellow crystals on its body are dimmed a lot.

"roar!!" This is not the first time the rock dragon has moved towards him so roaring. After his own Polestar Array shrouded this area, this rock dragon has thought many times. To escape from the array, he also used the escape several times during the period. However, due to the influence of the Polestar Array, the speed of the rock dragon and its escape was also greatly affected.

But this is good news for Qiu Bai, after a long fight, he is also somewhat used to the current gravity, and with the weakening of the Polestar Array, he is finally able to launch some quick offensive. However, to maintain the Polestar Array, Qiu Bai must maintain the first Spirit Possession state, so his main means are soul bone, Heavenly Flame and other means.


With Qiu Bai's shouted, the five dark golden claw marks also moved towards the rock dragon, and the rock dragon, which became slow, escaped to the ground. The speed was limited, so he evaded directly. However, the dark gold claw marks were faster. The dark gold claw directly cut off one of the rock dragon's forelimbs and wrapped a part of the body.

A part of its body was destroyed, but the rock dragon did not respond at all. Correspondingly, the destroyed position began to emit a faint yellow light. When the rays of light lit up, some gravel on the ground was on the ground. It seems to be attracted and attached to it, and then the stones gradually change as if they are about to be cut off, but due to the number of stones, the change is a little slow.

Qiu Bai's mouth twitched slightly when he saw it like this. After fighting for so long, Qiu Bai was naturally impossible and didn't cause any damage. In the past, the injured part also absorbed the surrounding rocks and healed quickly, but now under the action of the Polestar Array, the absorption of rocks and the recovery speed have dropped significantly.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 647

Looking at the rock dragon whose forelimb had been cut off and was slowly recovering, Qiu Bai naturally made it impossible for him to continue to recover.

Another dark spirit ring lit up, and Draco Meteor, like a meteor exploding, poured directly into it. The current rock dragon does not have heavy rock armor and energy walls. In this state, his defensive ability is far less than before.

The meteor like a rainstorm kept falling on the rock dragon's body. Although the power of each blow is not enough to cause too much damage to the rock dragon, Draco Meteor is a group attacking soul. skill , a large number of attacks are enough to make up for this weakness. The rock dragon's recovery speed was slowed down because of the Polestar Array on the ground, so there was no way to start recovery.

"Fix it with one effort!" Looking at the rock dragon in this state, Qiu Bai's eyes were also crossed, and his head began to flash.

A strong space fluctuation emanated from its head, and next moment a crystal-like dragon horn crown appeared on other heads. space control dragon horn bone, the second external soul bone obtained by Qiu Bai, is obtained from the 100,000 Year Soul Beast, so its power from the very beginning is very powerful.

This soul bone has given him two space skills, space confinement and space strangle, which can be said to be Divine Skills. This soul Qiu Bai can be said to be rarely used. The reason is that although the space skill is powerful, it consumes too much spírit power, and the space confinement is slightly better, but as an offensive soul skill, the spírit power consumption of the space strangle is really not something he can afford at this stage. Yes, when he used this move to deal with Evil Spirit Master's Zhongli brother when he just broke through Spirit Sage, it just consumed almost 90% of his spírit power.

However, Qiu Bai is also a little impatient in this situation. He has been entangled with this rock dragon for too long, and he must break this situation as soon as possible.

"Space strangle!" Qiu Bai's right hand was facing the rock dragon, and he was holding it hard.

In the next instant, silver bars of light appeared in the space around the rock dragon, and then the surrounding space seemed to be distorted just like it was under high temperature. . Seeing this, the rock dragon was also ready to flee, but just as the silver's twists spread all over its body, just touching it, its rock body was as if it had suffered a huge force, and it shattered directly where it touched.

However, this is just a prelude, the stripes of silver are more and more distorted, and finally the whole space seems to be wrinkled. When its folds reached a limit, the folds were directly cracked, and dark nothingness cracks appeared around the rock dragon.

The body of the rock dragon is under the dark fault, and it is all split up and in pieces directly. appear in the body. However, without waiting for Qiu Bai to observe carefully, a violent suction burst out in the pitch-black crack, the dismembered rock dragon body fragments, the pale-yellow light ball and other things in its location were directly affected by the powerful suction. Pulled in.

After all this was completed, the dark space crack also slowly healed. Except for a few extremely irregular damage marks on the ground, there was nothing else, as if The powerful rock dragon had never appeared before.

"Hu~hu~" Seeing that the rock dragon Qiu Bai was finally resolved, he could not help but take a few deep breaths, and a smile appeared on his face.

After being deadlocked for so long, he finally solved the trouble. Qiu Bai felt fortunate that he was consuming a huge amount of spírit power in his body.

Thanks to his now condensed soul core, not only the recovery speed of spírit power, but also the total amount of spírit power has also increased. Otherwise, after fighting for such a long time, he doesn't necessarily have spírit power and can use soul bone to cast space strangle.

With the disappearance of the rock dragon, Qiu Bai was not maintaining the Polestar Array, and at the same time, Qiu Bai suddenly felt that the huge gravity in the surrounding area seemed to disappear.

Qiu Bai moved his limbs and moved quickly. After fighting in the gravity environment for so long, he was under tremendous pressure every moment, running spírit power and activities. Now that the gravity environment has suddenly disappeared, he feels that his body is quite light, and it seems that he will fly out a lot with a little touch, and his spírit power is also solidified a lot.

This is good news for him. Originally in Qiu Bai's expectation, it might take him a while to consolidate his somewhat vain spírit power due to too fast promotion. In a strong and stressful environment, the battle against the pressure and the rock dragon greatly accelerated this process. According to the current situation, he can consolidate his spírit power and restart cultivation in a few days at most.

Suddenly Qiu Bai turned his head and looked towards. In the depths of the ruins, at the moment when the gravity environment disappeared, he suddenly felt something calling him from the depths of the ruins. Qiu Bai, who was going to exit directly from here, hesitated.

"Forget it, the daring, starving, timid, let's go!" After pausing for a while, Qiu Bai also expressed congeals, and stepped forward again.


"A little faster than I expected? Humans are weak, but they are a very interesting race. Judging from the appearance of this kid, he is probably one of the human races. When you are a teenager, you can have this power at this age, and sure enough, Human Race has a great advantage over Beast Race in some aspects." When Qiu Bai defeated the rock dragon and moved forward again, its relics appeared deep. The rays of light flickered again above the huge dragon bone.


Qiu Bai went deeper again, and his progress along the way can be said to be quite smooth, there is nothing like the previous gravity environment and rock dragon. . And as he moved forward, the outline of the huge castle he had seen from afar became gradually clearer. The location there is not only the location of the largest building in the ruins, but also the highest location in the mountain range.

There are quite a few buildings around it, but these buildings have been destroyed and almost all the remnants are left. As he kept approaching, Qiu Bai also saw something. There was a huge dragon corpse above the huge castle.

The corpse of this dragon was several hundred meters in length, but only a part of its forelimbs fell on the huge castle, which destroyed nearly half of it. It was only at this time that he realized why the outline of the building he had seen before was so huge, because there was such a big guy on it.

"That should be the strongest being in this tribe, right?" Qiu Bai couldn't help but feel a little palpitated when he looked at it from a distance. The beast form of spirit avatar is not as big as an arm.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 648

The posture of the giant dragon in front of him is completely different from the surrounding dragon bones and the dragon corpse around it. Not to mention its huge size, it is said that its shape is very characteristic.

Its entire body is very similar in appearance and structure to the dragon corpse that he collected dragon blood and absorbed déstruction aura before. Not surprisingly, they should be of the same race, but their backs are very conspicuous. Large dragon wings.

The appearance of dragon wings also highlights the extraordinaryness of this corpse. In this community where all Earth Dragon Races are, an individual with wings that can soar in the sky is undoubtedly unique. of.

"Is this a mutated Earth Dragon instance?" Qiu Bai said thoughtful looking at the huge individual in the distance.

In Dragon Clan, mutation individuals can be said to be very common, and dragon bloodline is susceptible to various factors and other changes. It is also common for individuals with mutations to appear from time to time in a race. On the way before he came here, he also encountered some individuals with mutations. Mutation is extremely unstable. An individual may become a more powerful individual than its original race, or it may mutate into other types of individuals, not a change in strength but a change in ability or other aspects, and finally One is that the mutation becomes a much worse individual than the original individual.

Actually this can be seen from two of the founders of Shrek Academy 10,000 years ago. Two of the three founders, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong, are from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan of the Dragon Beast Spirit family, but their martial spirits are vastly different.

Liu Erlong's martial spirit is the variant of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit-Fire Dragon. Although it has lost the ability to control lightning, it can control fire. Its ability and strength are compared to the orthodox Blue Lightning. Tyrant Dragon also not to be outdone.

The martial spirit of Jade Xiaogang is completely different. Luo San Pao Spirit has nothing to do with dragons in appearance. Pigs are not like pigs and dogs are not like dogs. A martial spirit with a very strange shape. Although it has the ability to form independently from the body, and has the ability of simple wisdom, its combat capability is very low, and the attack method is actually fart. It's hard to imagine that the individual before the mutation is the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, which controls thunder and lightning. This is a typical mutation failure individual. Although it is a failed individual, it does not mean that it is useless. Luo San Pao Spirit has an extremely pure Golden Holy Dragon variant bloodline, which can be truly embodied as Golden Holy Dragon with spirit fusion.

The bloodline of Luo San Pao Spirit is a positive variation, vividly and thoroughly in the present era of Beibei and Sea God Pavilion Lord Mu En. Both are descendants of Yu Xiaogang, the martial spirit of Mu En is Peak Beast Spirit or the extremely rare Light Element Spirit Radiant Holy Dragon, which is the representative of awakening the perfect mutation of its Golden Holy Dragon bloodline. Although Beibei's martial spirit is still Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, but because of the strong Radiant Dragon Bloodline in his body, he can perform holy dragon awakening to temporarily change the martial spirit to Radiant Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, as long as he can obtain a Soul Beast's spirit ring, which Guangming is familiar with and has a strong dragon bloodline, can help his martial spirit to completely mutate into a Radiant Holy Dragon.

In fact, Beibei in the original plot is also true. In the later period, he obtained the spírit power of Heavenly Dragon Horse, and its martial spirit is also mutated from Radiant Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon in a spurt of energy to Radiant Holy Dragon.

The mutation of this giant dragon is undoubtedly in a stronger direction, not only some of the strong defense and strength as Earth Dragon, but also has the ability to fly, can move and fly quickly , it is no wonder that this dragon can become the strongest individual of this race.

Qiu Bai looked at the distant giant dragon, and the feeling of calling before was obviously from the dragon's location.

Judging from the plane's spirit energy level, plus its mutant individuals and beast race civilization and other signs, the strength of this dragon beast is no surprise that it has definitely reached the level of a god. Before entering the gravity realm, he could detect some faint godly aura on the dragon corpse that he absorbed the déstruction aura. This is not to say that these dragon beasts reached God Level, but that they touched this level during their lifetime.

The giant dragon in front of him gave him a completely different feeling. Although it was far apart, he could clearly feel an aura that only a true God Level could have. He who has multiple God's Relics in his body is very clear that it is a completely different level, and the level of his life has been sublimated in essence.

The previous dragon corpse still had some remnant soul, and this giant dragon definitely still has some divíne consciousness left.

"It seems that the thing before was probably created by this guy!" Qiu Bai couldn't help muttering.

Thinking of the rock dragon and the gravitational area that appeared strangely and then disappeared strangely, all this was probably done by the giant dragon in the distance, but what was the purpose? A test for him? In short, the rock dragon that the other party created before is difficult to deal with, but its strength is not invincible. Besides, he is still here now, which means that the other party may not have any malicious intentions. Qiu Bai walked towards the huge palace that was already in ruins.

I thought it was very big from a distance, but after getting closer, he realized that he had underestimated the size of the palace, and it was not that he had not seen such a large building. The few giant buildings in this city that seemed to be used by giants were enough to amaze him, but now this palace is several times larger than those.

Just before Qiu Bai came to this huge, broken door, it opened automatically as if he had sensed it.

"en?! Is this to let me in?" Qiu Bai secretly said in one's heart, and then walked in.

Qiu Bai stepped in. For a while, he felt that he should have entered the kingdom of giants. Everything here is too big. However, its damage is also quite serious. The weathered stone wall, some beams and columns on the verge of collapse, are full of traces washed away by time.

Qiu Bai didn't pay too much attention to these straight walks. Although many parts of the entire palace are in ruins, the entire main road of the palace and a great hall are relatively intact. .

Qiu Bai walked along the main road to the end, and he saw another huge door. Before he could walk in front of it, the huge door opened by himself as before. Without hesitation, Qiu Bai walked in directly.

Qiu Bai looked up at this great hall with obvious traces of time. Although it has experienced the wear and tear of time and has become a lot desolate, it can still be seen that it was once magnificent.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 649

In the grand hall, Qiu Bai looked around as he moved forward.

"Human, dare to trespass this King's palace alone, you are very courageous!" Just as Qiu Bai was watching, a somewhat heavy voice suddenly sounded.

Qiu Bai's body trembled for a moment, and then he tried to find the source of the sound, but he couldn't find anything. Although Qiu Bai is very flustered inside, he still tries his best to look calm from the outside.

"Senior, it's not so much a kid trespassing, it's better that you called me in, senior, otherwise the heavy gate of this palace wouldn't open by itself." Qiu Bai forced himself to calm down, and then He said with a respectful expression on his face.

"Oh?! Even if this King asked you to come to this palace, you never thought, did this King ask you to come to die?!" The heavy voice sounded again, but this There are some murderous auras between the words of time.

"If you want to kill me by means of senior, maybe I can't come here." With murderous aura's words, Qiu Bai couldn't help sweating, but he still gritted his teeth, a little bit. said hard.

"Hehe! It's really interesting, you kid, or is it that humans are as articulate as you." After Qiu Bai finished speaking, the owner of the thick voice said meaningfully.

tone barely fell destroyed most of the giant dragon's bones and the head part emitted rays of light, and then a rays of light shone on the broken throne in the great hall. Then, in the rays of light, a somewhat old middle age person appeared silhouette from the rays of light, sitting on the throne and looking down at Qiu Bai. The whole body of this silhouette exudes a faint light, just by looking at it, you can probably tell that this is a remnant soul.

"Silhouette?!" Qiu Bai was also a little surprised when he saw the middle age person. Based on his previous speculation and the conversation with the other party, it can be basically determined that his guess about the civilization of beasts is correct. This should also be Dragon Clan, but why is the image of a human being displayed? Is this plane also a human being?

"Boy, you seem a little surprised!?" The middle age person on the throne looked at Qiu Bai, who was suddenly stunned, and smiled and said a little faintly.

"Seeing the senior, it's not surprising that it's a little abnormal!" Qiu Bai hurriedly replied, but he didn't express his doubts, but the next sentence of the middle age person was a bit disguised. to clear up his confusion.

"Oh! It's a bit frank in this kind of place, putting it that way you brat is also the first human to come to this Divine Dragon Realm. The boy signed up!" middle age person smiled indifferently said .

"Boy, Qiu Bai. I don't know senior..."

"hmph! This King is one of the Divine Dragon Realm 24 Great Clans, the last Patriarch of Coiling Mountain Dragon Clan, Coiling Winged Dragon King." The middle age person snorted sitting on the throne, and then there was a very heroic spirit in his words, and there was also a strong sense of pride on his face.

"Divine Dragon Realm?! Was this plane originally called this name?" When Qiu Bai listened to the speech of the middle age person, he also got some information from his mouth.

The name of this plane is Divine Dragon Realm, the race inhabited by this mountain range is a dragon Beast Race group named Coiling Mountain Dragon Clan, and from its language analysis this race has With quite high strength and status, there are twenty-three other races that can be compared with it. Another point is that from his previous sentence, he can be sure that this plane should not have the human race.

However, as a result, there is another problem. This plane has no human race at all. What is the current posture of the Coiling Winged Dragon King.

"Boy Qiu Bai, I have seen Senior Panshan!" Looking at the big guy in front of him, Qiu Bai also hurriedly and respectfully said to him.

"Boy, you seem to have a lot of questions?" Coiling Winged Dragon King also saw Qiu Bai's current state, so he said.

"Senior, as you said, this kid can be said to be coming to this plane for the first time, some things are really not quite clear..." Qiu Bai cup one fist in the other hand.

"Okay, boy, don't be so restrained, just ask if you want to know anything." Coiling Winged Dragon King waved his hand.

"many thanks senior, about this Divine Dragon Realm..."

In the next quarter of an hour, Qiu Bai also directly asked Coiling Winged Dragon King many questions, Coiling Winged Dragon King didn't mean to perfunctory him and answered it all patiently.

Qiu Bai finally has a general understanding of this Divine Dragon Realm. This plane is called Divine Dragon Realm. Three dragon beast powerhouse for Supreme Three Divine Dragons. The Three Divine Dragons are not of any race owned by this plane, they are mighty gods born of the world's power.

Under the Three Divine Dragons are the 24 Great Clans that the Coiling Winged Dragon King said before. 24 Great Clans is the twenty-four beast races that cream of the crop among all the beast races on this plane. In addition to the Coiling Mountain Dragon Clan where he is located, there are other twenty-three such as Nether Earth Python Clan, Spirit Sensing Fox Clan, etc. a race. And among these twenty-four races, there are four races whose intensity far exceeds other races, and is called the existence of Four Holy Clans. The Four Holy Clans are Azure Wood Dragon Clan, Seventh Metal Tiger Clan, Scarlet Flame Phoenix Clan, Ink Black Tortoise Clan. The strongest in the Four Holy Clans are some nicknames for the Four Holy Beast.

Whether it is the Four Holy Beast or the strongest among the other 20 clans, although its strength is not as good as that of the Three Divine Dragons, its own strength has reached the god level, and its spirit consciousness All are completely transformed into divíne consciousness.

As Qiu Bai guessed, this Divine Dragon Realm has no human beings, but is composed of thousands of beast tribes, which can be said to be a real gathering of all beasts. As for why this plane knows about the human race, it is because this plane is the same as the Doluo Divine Realm at a certain level, it controls or monitors hundreds of lower planes.

These lower planes are not as general as the Divine Dragon Realm, and there are also human beings in them, but the humans in these lower planes are more vulnerable in the plane survival. Among these planes, many plane humans are just beginning to be in an early stage. Many of them have no related cultivation system, so the power of Human Race is undoubtedly quite weak compared to Beast Race, which can continue to grow and become super strong.

However, even this Human Race has a civilization. The biggest difference from Beast Race is that Human Race has abandoned the power of wild beast, but also has Beast Race, which has only cultivation to very proven. One ability that can only be possessed by the level is wisdom.

In the lower plane, there are not many intelligent individuals in the Beast Race, however in the Divine Dragon Realm it is different, the Beast Race in the Divine Dragon Realm is born due to the world's spirit energy here The power is progressing faster than the Beast Race in the lower plane, and spiritual wisdom is also easier to open, so the intelligent individuals are also imitating the humans in the lower plane, establishing a civilization-like existence.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 650

"So boy, how did you come to this Divine Dragon Realm?" After Coiling Winged Dragon King answered most of Qiu Bai's questions, Qiu Bai couldn't help but ask he asked.

"This is actually because..." Qiu Bai simply told the Coiling Winged Dragon King that he was killed by god in the original continent, but he had no choice but to use space-time item to escape, and the result was that he ended up in the This Divine Dragon Realm.

"Oh?! The human beings in your place are rather interesting, and they are also able to cultivate to reach the God Level." The Coiling Winged Dragon King said something unexpected when he heard Qiu Bai's words, after all, in this Divine Dragon The human beings of the multiple lower planes governed by the Realm represent a rather weak race.

"Actually, none of our human beings have awakened to something called martial spirit since birth. Martial spirit can be a tool or a living being. With constant cultivation martial spirit, human beings can They can continue to become stronger, and part of those gods are actually those who have cultivated martial spirit to Extreme and breakthrough to a whole new level." Qiu Bai indifferently said.

"Huh! This is really interesting, you brat is so powerful at such an age, I am afraid it is because of the martial spirit of cultivation. And from you brat, this King can feel that he is also a dragon clan aura. You just said that a martial spirit can be a living thing, could it be that your martial spirit is a certain Dragon Clan?" The Coiling Winged Dragon King looked at Qiu Bai, looked up and down and asked.

"Senior, my martial spirit is indeed closely related to Dragon Clan." Qiu Bai noddéd.

"Oh! No wonder, you brat has such ability, it turns out to be the ability to drive Dragon Clan." Coiling Winged Dragon King said.

"By the way, senior, there is still something I don't know, kid." Qiu Bai smiled, then remembered that one of his biggest questions had yet to be answered.

"I don't need you to say it, I know what you want to ask?" Coiling Winged Dragon King looked at Qiu Bai, and said directly without waiting for him to speak, "What you want to ask is why is this plane? It will be like this ghost now."

Qiu Bai noddéd, indeed from the information just obtained Qiu Bai can roughly infer the general power of this world. The Supreme Three Divine Dragons, whose strength is definitely on the 1st Class God or even above it, is likely to be comparable to the Five Great God Kings of Doluo Divine Realm. Under the 24 Great Clans, the strongest of each race, its strength is also god level, and it is said that many of its clans also reach god level individuals. As far as the overall strength of this plane is concerned, it may not lose to Doluo Divine Realm, but what is the reason why such a place has become such a barren image.

"Oh~~" Seeing Qiu Bai's nod, Coiling Winged Dragon King's face instantly became melancholy. After sighed, he opened the mouth again and said, "I can't remember how many years ago it was. , that guy suddenly appeared in this world one day, and then destroyed it without any reason."

Hearing this, Qiu Bai also raised his brows, suddenly a little surprised, before Qiu Bai seemed to think that this place might have suffered the Armageddon disaster that made it what it is now, but now that I heard this, it seems that this plane was devastated by an unknown powerful creature.

"It is a disaster, a destruction, a Demon God, an incarnation of annihilation. No matter how we fought together, we could not defeat it, it kept destroying this world. Even the The Supreme Three Divine Dragons are not their opponents either. Although the three of them teamed up to cause heavy damage to the natural disaster, they also fell one after another. Although the natural disaster was badly damaged, it did not fall because of it, killing the life of this plane. After that,

he also left directly, but the power he left behind affected the entire plane, making the Heaven and Earth in this piece become dead silent. The Heaven and Earth Rule here are both Confused."

The more he listened to Coiling Winged Dragon King's narration, the more Qiu Bai felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. I've seen it, it's not right, it's a very familiar feeling.

"The attribute of destruction can destroy the power of the entire plane by one person, natural disasters, etc.! It won't be..." Associating what the Coiling Winged Dragon King said and his own experience, Qiu Bai couldn't help but feel the same. Zhen, an idea appeared in his mind.

It is very likely that God of Heavenly Wrath—Austin Griffin who destroyed the plane and left it without any life.

It is rumored that all things in this world are created by God of Creation. God of Creation our own omniscient and omnipotent hands have created countless planes and lives, and their power is unmatched by anything. God of Creation used all its power to create planes one by one. After creating countless planes, God of Creation also dissipated forever because its own power was completely exhausted.

But time is always relative, and God of Heavenly Wrath was born and exists with God of Creation as his twin. If God of Creation symbolizes creation, then God of Heavenly Wrath symbolizes destruction, and its existence itself is an existence that constantly destroys all things in the world.

God of Creation naturally knew that God of Heavenly Wrath, as his twin, would destroy the countless planes and lives he created, but he couldn't bear to destroy them completely, and finally decided to destroy them. The seal, like the life created by God of Creation, must continue to become stronger in order to regain its original power.

God of Heavenly Wrath is undoubtedly the strongest existence in all the plane worlds, and there is no single god that can match its power. However, according to what he remembered, God of Heavenly Wrath Austin Griffin was surrounded by a large group of 72 Demon God Pillars when he reincarnated into a plane because of his past ego, and he had no choice but to perish together, and it could only reincarnate helplessly.

It is also because of Austin Griffin that 72 Demon Gods crossed the plane directly to the plane where the Holy Necromancer Slumbering Calamity Electrolux was originally located, so there is the story of the Sealed Divine Throne.

The current God of Heavenly Wrath should be in eighth reincarnation, due to the seal of the strongest Long Haochen of Sealed Divine Plane, the ninth head of the Nine Headed Chimera state of God of Heavenly Wrath will be sealed, And God of Heavenly Wrath will never be reappeared.

This plane may be one of the planes that was destroyed by God of Heavenly Wrath many years ago, so it is understandable why it looks like this.

Unfortunately, this world is a world that belongs to Beast Race. Although the overall strength of Beast Race world is much stronger than that of human civilization, it lacks too much in wisdom. Although there is also the existence of the beast race civilization, it is too primordial. Without the characters and arrays of the 72 Demon Gods like the plane, it is not too difficult to understand that the plane will be destroyed.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 651

"Boy, what are you thinking? What!? Frightened?!" Coiling Winged Dragon King's expression changed a little as he described his description, and finally Qiu Bai was stunned. , said with some mockery.

"It's really scary. After all, the strength of oneself has wiped out a whole plane of creatures. This is really too..." The voice of the Coiling Winged Dragon King also made Qiu Bai sobered up, and then said.

The information of the Coiling Winged Dragon King really scared him a bit, and he didn't expect that he would come to a plane destroyed by God of Heavenly Wrath. Wait, so speaking of which déstruction aura he absorbed before, the source of that is the God of Heavenly Wrath? !

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sighed that he was so daring, the déstruction aura left by God of Heavenly Wrath, he dared to use it as a material to improve the level of the spirit ring. However, this can also fully explain that the purple-gold pattern that appears on his spirit ring and his martial spirit are also phenomena influenced by déstruction aura.

The level of the déstruction attribute of God of Heavenly Wrath is probably a lot stronger than the Destruction Power of the God King of Destruction of Doluo Divine Realm. After all, God of Destruction is just a God King, and The God of Heavenly Wrath was born as the twin son of God of Creation, who created countless planes in the world. In terms of seniority, God of Heavenly Wrath's seniority can be said to be the ancestor of countless planes and creatures on this world.

"Indeed, with its power, it's hard for me to imagine how it could really kill him. It's been a long time since it appeared, and that natural disaster has been destroyed again and again. How many plane creatures have you got. Boy, maybe your original plane will be found by it one day." Coiling Winged Dragon King sighed, and then said to Qiu Bai with some melancholy and some admonition.

Qiu Bai also noddéd when he heard his words, but in his heart he said that his worries were totally unnecessary. It has been several years since Electrolux came to this world. Now Sealed Divine Plane is only afraid that Divine Knight Long Haochen has completely solved the problem of God of Heavenly Wrath and his partner Hao Yue. . But he probably knew it himself.

"Okay, you have finished asking what you should have asked. Now it is the turn of this King to ask you." The Coiling Winged Dragon King turned to Qiu Bai and said.

"Senior, if you want to know anything, the kid must know everything." Qiu Bai replied.

"Well, since that's the case, then you tell this King, what did the lord tell you?" Coiling Winged Dragon King un'ed, and then asked with some grim.

"ah?!" Asked by the Coiling Winged Dragon King, Qiu Bai was also a little stunned for a moment, that lord? ! Who is it? ! Safrin? !

"en?! What's wrong with the kid, can't you tell?" Coiling Winged Dragon King brows slightly wrinkle asked.

"No, senior, apart from you, no one else has spoken to me since I came to this plane." Qiu Bai hurriedly replied, he was really at a loss. He really doesn't know what to say about such a mindless thing.

"What? Do you mean you haven't seen those people yet?!" The Coiling Winged Dragon King on the throne also said in surprise.

Looking at Qiu Bai below, that look doesn't seem to be pretending, but that he really doesn't know anything.

"Really." After a while, the Coiling Winged Dragon King also calmed down and looked towards Qiu Bai again, "Perhaps you brat didn't know it, but that lord once helped you. "

So who is that person? ! Can be so respected by the Coiling Winged Dragon King,

Could it be the Four Holy Beast, or the more powerful Three Divine Dragons? ! And help him? ! When exactly, he didn't know that Qiu Bai was also confused by the Coiling Winged Dragon King.

"Senior, who are you talking about?" Qiu Bai couldn't take it anymore and asked directly.

"Hahaha! You brat, you know this Divine Dragon Realm, you should have guessed it a little bit. This King will be sold here, and it will be clear when you meet the adult. That's it." Coiling Winged Dragon King said in a somewhat covert manner after some heroic laughs.

Qiu Bai is also very annoying about this, what is wrong with this Coiling Winged Dragon King, he has to learn to be a riddleman. Now that you know it, just say it directly, this plane doesn't even have a live one, what nonsense are you talking about here... um, after all, this guy is really a ghost now.

"Okay, boy, you just passed the test of this King, and that lord helped you, so this King will give you a little benefit." Coiling Winged Dragon King looked at Qiu Bai said with a smile.

Hearing what Coiling Winged Dragon King said, Qiu Bai's face could not help but become a little excited. He took so long to come to this deepest palace just to see if he could find it. to what baby. Originally, when he saw the Coiling Winged Dragon King and knew that there was a divíne soul left, Qiu Bai didn't expect anything. After all, the master was there. If he dared to act blindly, he would probably be gone. Although the current Coiling Winged Dragon King is just a surviving divíne soul, the rock dragon that he met when he came just now and the inexplicable Gravity Space. Qiu Bai can also see that although this one has been cold for so long, it doesn't take much effort to kill such a small Spirit Sage.

Now the Coiling Winged Dragon King is willing to give him something, and he is undoubtedly quite happy. After all, a Dragon Clan boss who reached the god level before his death, the things he gives are not much worse. go.

I saw the Coiling Winged Dragon King looked towards his huge corpse above the entire great hall from the throne, and waved his hand.

Above the huge corpse, above its most conspicuous wings, a burst of golden yellow light suddenly erupted, and then it quickly retracted in the blink of an eye, and kept shrinking to about the size of a human head. , and then fell directly from the position of its corpse, and came directly to the hands of the Coiling Winged Dragon King.

Qiu Bai's eyes were fixed on the group of gold lights in his hands, from which Qiu Bai felt an extremely powerful breath.

"Boy, my Coiling Mountain Dragon Clan is the Earth Dragon Race. Although it is Earth Dragon, it is also a genuine dragon, but my name is Winged Dragon King. The reason is that this King is Coiling. In Mountain Clan, there is only one mutant with dragon wings." Coiling Winged Dragon King said solemnly.

"However, this King's wings are not born, but an adult gave me part of his power, which makes this King's Earth Dragon have dragon wings. ."

This remark of Coiling Winged Dragon King made Qiu Bai's pupils shrink. It turns out that this Coiling Winged Dragon King is acquired mutation, and this mutation benefits from the high above it. -ranking dragon. Other Dragon Clans, also called 24 Great Clans by the Coiling Winged Dragon King, may not necessarily have this ability, so the only thing left is the Supreme Three Divine Dragons.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 652

Just as Qiu Bai was looking at the gold lights on the Coiling Winged Dragon King's hand, his right hand was strangely lit up with a blue circular area. The current reaction also made Qiu Bai stunned for a moment, that light group seemed to be the same as those dragon souls that his martial spirit desperately needed now.

"Well, this aura, is this your so-called martial spirit? It's indeed dragon clan aura, and it's quite strange." Coiling Winged Dragon King naturally noticed Qiu Bai's anomaly and looked at Qiu Bai said meaningfully.

"This power, after years of running-in by this King, has also acquired the breath of this King. It would be a pity to let it dissipate over time. Boy, although you are a human being , but its so-called martial spirit has a great relationship with my Dragon Clan, this One will give you this power now." With a flick of the Coiling Winged Dragon King, the group of gold lights shot directly into it. Qiu Bai's body.

Qiu Bai only felt a majestic force pouring into his body instantly. This force is very familiar to him. It belongs to Dragon Clan. Needless to say, Qiu Bai is a sit cross-legged directly.

After the gold lights entered Qiu Bai's body, the golden light instantly drowned his whole body, and then a pair of shining pure white light wings appeared behind him without any warning. . The golden light rushed to the position of its wings in an instant. For a time, the wings that were originally like blue curtains were transformed into pale pale-gold in an instant.

The golden transformation made the already gorgeous shining wings even more gorgeous, but the change did not stop there. The original pair of wings began to change from the extended back. The connection between the back and the wings, on each side of the wings, both lit up two shining golden spots at the same time. Eight twinkling golden spots of light.

The golden light spots are constantly shining, and their size is constantly expanding, and then faint golden particles slowly spilled out from the positions of these light spots, and the golden particles kept pouring out, For a time Qiu Bai's entire back was covered by a piece of golden.

Then one after another striking white light shot out from the back of Qiu Bai, covering the golden light spots on Qiu Bai's entire back body, instantly as if being received, all rushed towards the white light beam. In the hybrid collision of rays of light and rays of light, two completely different light spots gradually combined, but quickly solidified, as if to completely stabilize their shape.

At this time, the shining wings that had turned into pale-gold suddenly vibrated, and the rays of light, which had been colliding and solidifying, seemed to be sensed, and quickly poured in again. Qiu Bai's body, after all of it poured into his body, Qiu Bai also unconsciously let out a muffled sound, and then the next moment was like a broken shell, four pairs of eight wings that flickered this gold light from Qiu Bai Bai's back instantly stretched out.

Four pairs, including Qiu Bai's original pair, a total of five pairs of shining wings appeared on Qiu Bai's back, almost all over his entire back. At this point, all the changes in Qiu Bai have come to an end.

"Oh. Is it almost over? This kid is really, this King only grew a pair of dragon wings back then, but he grew four pairs in one breath, because of his Martial spirit was originally for the wyvern class? But now this kid has more wings than the Six-Winged Wyvern King guy. That nasty guy shows off in front of me all day long, let him know I can't even compare to a human being, and 80% of the time I'm so angry." Looking at Qiu Bai's completely changed, Coiling Winged Dragon King was also a little surprised,

said at the same time with some laughter and nostalgia.

The gold lights are still emitting rays of light within its body, and the Coiling Winged Dragon King is also an expression congeals. The position of its right hand is slightly raised, as if to do something.

However, before the Coiling Winged Dragon King could act, the part of Qiu Bai's right hand, a bright white gauntlet with a dark blue gem, appeared directly on Qiu Bai's hand. The dark blue gem on the screen immediately released rays of light. The originally flashing gold lights also turned into a stream of light in the blink of an eye and were continuously sucked into it by dragon beast. However, it is completely different from the absorption of dragon souls in the past. This time, the gem has turned into a golden with the absorption of the optical flow. At the same time, there are also unknown spells similar to the spell on the dragon hand. Text texture.

In the deepest inner space of Qiu Bai martial spirit, the huge blue and white sphere in the center of the pure white building is constantly absorbing this sudden golden energy, and then its original blue and white color is changed. There is also a touch of conspicuous golden.

As the gold lights were absorbed by Qiu Bai's gauntlet, the ten wings behind Qiu Bai gradually dimmed, and the golden rays of light on eight of the wings were dimmed continuously. After a certain degree, it was directly retracted as if it was retracted into Qiu Bai's body. And the original Qiu Bai's wings, the golden that was dyed, gradually returned to the original translucent blue.

"Oh, this kid's so-called martial spirit is really strange, this power should be completely unbearable with this kid's physique, but now it is completely absorbed. ."

The Coiling Winged Dragon King looked towards Qiu Bai under the sit cross-legged with some surprise. His action just now was to set a seal on Qiu Bai's body. After all, although the power he gave is under his control now, there will be no problem, but once released, its enormous power may directly prop up Qiu Bai's body to explode. However, the result now is somewhat beyond his expectations. Qiu Bai directly absorbed all that power.

The Coiling Winged Dragon King put it all down to the martial spirit. Although he was right, there were some problems. In fact, the entire Doluo Continent is afraid that only Qiu Bai's martial spirit will be like this. If it is someone else, he will definitely be blasted directly as he originally expected.

Qiu Bai's consciousness also dived directly into the deep space inside his own martial spirit at this moment. As soon as he came to the deepest pure white building, Qiu Bai saw a huge blue- white light ball.

"Is something changed at last?" Looking at the huge light ball, he couldn't help but muttered.

This light ball has been craving dragon souls or other things related to dragons since it was combined with the light ball left by Arkatis called the new probability. After being absorbed by the power given to him by the Coiling Winged Dragon King this time, he can finally see some visible changes.

It seems that his martial spirit has also undergone some changes due to its influence, perhaps now he is just trying to absorb the power from Dragon Clan and when it is completely changed, the new Probably will also be presented to him.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 653

Qiu Bai opened his eyes slowly, then felt it, and couldn't help frowned.

"Boy, you seem to be dissatisfied." The Coiling Winged Dragon King on the throne looked at Qiu Bai who had just stood up, and said unhappily, but he gave him a lot of benefits. He should have been ecstatic when he woke up, but what's the matter with this somewhat disappointed look now.

"Uh, no wonder senior, the gift of senior is indeed extraordinary, but probably due to the boy's martial spirit, there is not much noticeable change now, so..." Qiu Bai also saw The other party looked a little unhappy, but it's no wonder that someone was a godly expert who gave him benefits and ended up looking like this. It's no wonder that people can be happy.

"No change?! Boy, look at the wings on your back!" Coiling Winged Dragon King said unhappily.

"Wings?!" Hearing what Coiling Winged Dragon King said, Qiu Bai also directly called out his spirit possession as the wings behind Scale Mail.

shining light like wings like a blue curtain , looks very gorgeous, but it's no different from before.

"That senior, my wings don't seem to have changed." After looking carefully for a long time, Qiu Bai said a little embarrassedly.

"This... how?! There was a change just now!" Seeing Qiu Bai like this, Coiling Winged Dragon King didn't think the other party was deliberately pretending to lie to him, but he had seen it with his own eyes before. The wings behind him have changed from one pair to five pairs, but why are they gone now.

"Is it because it was absorbed by the strange hand armor?" Coiling Winged Dragon King couldn't help saying in one's heart secretly when he thought of Qiu Bai's performance before.

"Forget it, boy, in short, you absorbed that power, right!" After a while, the Coiling Winged Dragon King also shook the head and gave up thinking.

"Yes." Qiu Bai noddéd.

"That power, since you have absorbed it, it will show its power sooner or later." Coiling Winged Dragon King replied, and then the words changed again, with a somewhat complicated expression, " be that as it may, but there is always a feeling that this King doesn't do anything."

"That, senior, junior has something to ask for!" Seeing Coiling Winged Dragon King like this, Qiu Bai's eyes lit up and said to him.

"You brat, you are very good at finding opportunities! Okay, what's the matter." Hearing Qiu Bai suddenly say this, Coiling Winged Dragon King couldn't help but laugh cursed, and sighed Qiu Bai in his heart Seeing the needle, he asked.

Qiu Bai laughed and then directly mentioned that he wanted the Coiling Winged Dragon King to create a gravity environment to help him in his cultivation, and also said about the déstruction aura attached to the dragon corpse on the periphery. After learning that it could absorb those déstruction auras, the Coiling Winged Dragon King's face became a little ugly, but after some changes in expression, he felt a little relieved.

"Boy, those déstruction auras are the remnants of the catastrophe, although they are just aura, they are still very powerful, this plane will become what it is now, Heaven and Earth, the law of desolation, chaos and déstruction Aura has a direct relationship. There are many clansman in this King who are stained with the breath of destruction after death, and their souls are tortured.

You absorb those breaths, it is considered Helping them get free, this King owes you a favor." Having said this, the Coiling Winged Dragon King also bent down slightly and said to Qiu Bai.


You are serious, the kid helped them, and they also gave the kid some benefits after that." Qiu Bai scratched his head and said when he saw others like this.

"Boy, you are being sincere. Okay. One of the side halls of this palace is still relatively complete, so you can go to the cultivation. This King will set up gravity realm there to provide you with cultivation." Coiling Winged Dragon King smiled, then pointed in the direction of a side of this great hall and said.

"many thanks senior!" Qiu Bai cup one fist in the other hand with both hands, the high-pressure cultivation field, successfully got it, and then he will start the crazy leveling mode. Just at his previous speed, it may not be long before he can reach the Titled Douluo Level, and then he will be able to find a way to break through and become a god. In this plane, he is confident that he will be able to reach the God Level within a few years. , he will then be able to return to Doluo Continent.

Thinking about it this way, Qiu Bai couldn't help but feel a little fiery in his heart. However, the development of things is always unexpected, not long after, Qiu Bai returned to Doluo Continent due to an opportunity, and after that he was fearless in a certain sense.

Douluo Divine Realm

At this time, many places in the Divine Realm are not so calm.

In an open space in the Divine Realm, four silhouettes collided continuously, two of them flashed the 5 Divine Rings behind them, and the other two also flashed 7 Divine behind them. Rings. Among the Divine Realm, the 1st Class God has seven divide ring halo, and the 2nd Class God has five divide ring halo. Now there are two 1st Class Gods and two 2nd Class Gods fighting.

The gods of the Divine Realm are usually everyone minds their own business, and it's not that no gods will fight spars in some places, but now it doesn't look like a competition at all.

The two 2nd Class Gods are a man and a woman. The man's body is covered with the skin texture of the tiger, and his pair of completely different eyes is its biggest feature, a golden long head. Under the hair is a face like a knife.

The dark purple light flashes on the woman on the other side, and the speed between back and forth is extremely fast as if flashing, the curvaceous figure is vividly and thoroughly highlighted by the tight dress, a face with a Desolate temperament, very attractive to the eye of the opposite sex.

The two 1st Class Gods opposite the two are also a man and a woman. The man also has the same golden hair, but his face is indeed full of contempt and disdain, and his whole body exudes dark. blue light.

The other female god couldn't bear to look directly at her. The brows tightly frowns seemed to have countless jealousy and unwillingness in her eyes, her appearance was very ugly, one eye was big and the other was small, the bridge of the nose was slumped, and the shoulders were slanted. Quite short in stature. All the gods in the Divine Realm are gods who are detached from ordinary creatures. At this level, they can basically control their appearance to a certain extent. Therefore, the gods in the Divine Realm are basically all handsome men and beautiful women. This female 1st Class God is somewhat unique.

"God of Pride, God of Envy, we and you Original Sin God have always been everyone minds their own business, why do we do this now." The blond 2nd Class God, with grim eyes and a bad face said to it.

The two 1st Class Gods at the moment are God of Pride and God of Envy in the Seven Original Sin Gods under God of Destruction, and the two opposing them are one of the original Shrek Seven Devils , is also the current Divine Realm Level 2 God of War Evil Eyes White Tiger Dai Mubai, and next to him is his wife, also one of the 1st Shrek Seven Devils, the current Divine Realm 2nd Class God Goddess of Speed Zhu Zhuqing.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 654

"hehe! War God, we really have nothing to do with you, but who made your good brother offend our lord. I advise you to obediently surrender, so that you can still Don't suffer from flesh and blood." God of Pride's face was full of mockery and disdain. In his eyes, the War God and God of Speed were just two 2nd Class Gods. He was a 1st Class God, and he was only a 1st Class God. The two can be easily taken down.

"Sure enough, God of Destruction is going to target Little San?" Dai Mubai muttered gloomily.

In the Divine Realm Council Five God Kings, the disagreement between Tang San, who is both Sea God and Asura God, and God of Destruction, the older God King, is not a secret thing. , but what others did not expect was that God of Destruction dared to directly attack the gods of the Tang San faction.

Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai looked at each other, both of them knew what to do, and the two instantly leaned against each other, and a vast aura erupted directly from them. The 5 Divine Rings behind the two turned out to be attracted to each other and merged together.

God of Pride and God of Envy, seeing this situation, also complexion changed and dared to attack them in a hurry. However, at the next moment, a huge white tiger appeared directly in the air, three pairs of wings spread out behind it, and seven shining divíne rings emerged behind it.

spirit fusion, should not be said to be dive soul fusion, under this skill, the two combined battle power instantly reached 1st Class God Level.

The huge white tiger as easy as blowing off dust blocked the combined attack of God of Pride and God of Envy, but it did not intend to continue fighting with it, and simply planned to escape. The opponent's strength is much higher than them, and it will not do them any good to continue to fight.

However, just as White Tiger was about to escape, a huge dark gold light erupted behind him, directly blocking his way. A man with a huge head and an exceptionally thin body appeared on this battlefield, with seven divine rings behind him symbolizing his status as 1st Class God.

"Greedy, what are you doing? Didn't I say, I can do it alone? Like jealousy, what are you doing here!" The person who appeared was the 1st Class under God of Destruction God is also the God of Greed of Original Sin God.

"Stop complaining here. If the Lord's mission cannot be accomplished, when the time comes, everyone will be punished together." The sharp voice of God of Greed remembered that God of Pride heard God of Greed mention When he arrived at God of Destruction, he couldn't help but curl one's lip, his eyes looked towards the huge white tiger surrounded by three people again.

Looking at the appearance of God of Greed, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai who were in a fusion state could not help but grim up, although their power was improved through the fusion of divíne soul, but the current situation is Three to one, they are destined to be unable to escape.

The same situation is happening elsewhere in the Divine Realm.


Divine Realm, a beautiful valley, a delicate woman in a yellow shirt who looks like she is in her twenties, is being surrounded by a pair of peach blossom eyes. A man with a beard is behind him. On the opposite side are a face looks sinister, a fatty with a huge cracked mouth and a big belly, and a man who is swaying all over as if he is going to fall asleep at any time.

The two blocked are 1st Shrek Seven Devils member, Divine Realm 2nd Class God Food God Oscar and Nine Colored Goddess Ning Rongrong. They are not good at fighting. Opposite them are God of Sloth and God of Gluttony of Original Sin God, and they are blocked by two 1st Class God at the same time.


Divine Realm, lava lake.

A huge flame phoenix collided with two silhouettes that were very small compared to it. The two opposite flame phoenix, a man and a woman, wore a long white dress with a face. And the figure can be said to be flawless, standing next to him is a tall and thin man exuding dark orange light, his body is all wrapped in orange robes.

Original Sin God God of Lust and God of Wrath, two 1st Class Gods came here to capture 2nd Class God Phoenix God Ma Hongjun at the same time.


Divine Realm Center, God of Destruction and Sea God battle, when they sent the seven Original Sin Gods to bet on the many gods of the Tang San faction. It is the beginning, and the battle between the two is now approaching the end after fighting for a long time.

At this time, Tang San had already switched to the Asura God Position, using the Ultra Divine Tool Asura Blood Sword, but he still fell into a disadvantage. The white dragon venom in Tang San's body is constantly eroding his divíne soul and divine body, and as time goes on, the impact is getting more and more serious, although there is a seal of strength of Asura that can bind it. However, in the state of this battle, due to its influence, the strength could not show six or seven out of ten. In the end, the battle ended with Tang San's defeat, and the key to the Divine Realm Center also fell into the hands of God of Destruction. , God King Tang San was finally sealed of divine power and became the captive of God of Destruction.

"Haha! hahaha! I'm finally the God King who controls the Divine Realm! The Divine Realm will go to the Peak in my hands." The God of Destruction looked at his hand, the key to the Divine Realm Center , said excitedly.

"Lord!" However, when he was excited about his victory, a tall man in heavy armor came to him.

"God of Damage, how is it going?" God of Destruction asked the tall man who came here.

"I am very sorry, Lord, that Xiao Wu can use the power of Sea God and God Position, and it is difficult for his subordinates to capture him and he escapes." The man called God of Damage , bowed his head and said to him with a very ashamed expression.

"What?!" God of Destruction just wanted to get angry when he heard this, but he waved his hand probably because of the joy of having obtained the Divine Realm central key.

"That's all, I'll just say why Tang San is uncharacteristically, using the power of Asura God Position as soon as he comes up. It turns out that because of this, Sea God is the same 1st Class God as you, and you can't take it down alone. Excusable. Now that the key to the Divine Realm Center is in my hands, Xiao Wu can't make a big deal out of it. You go down first and see how the others are doing. I'm done."

"Yes!" God of Damage said solemnly, but in his eyes there were unspeakable rays of light.


Xiao Wu, who escaped from God of Damage, passed through a cloud and came to a waterfall several tens of meters long. There is a huge water pool under the waterfall, and there is a small courtyard among the lush dense vegetation not far from the water pool. In this courtyard, a blond man also stands with his hands behind his back, as if waiting for something.

"Here it is?! Alas~~ didn't expect it to be so fast, but others can still say, God of Earth, how can I speak?" Blonde man covered his own Head, some headache muttered. Last time, God of Earth and Sea God had an unpleasant quarrel because of God of Metal, and now they are very complaining about it. It is quite embarrassing to ask people to help at this time.

Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 655

Douluo Divine Realm, Elemental Mountain Range.

Here is a rather strange mountain range, the whole of which presents this special multicolored, and what each color emits is a completely different elemental aura.

Elemental Mountain Range, this is where Divine Realm Seven Elemental Gods usually gather, but today there are only four of Seven Elemental Gods here.

An earth-yellow silhouette sits on a rock, and beside it is a red, a blue and a blue, three silhouettes of two men and one woman.

"So what? Old Earth, do you have a reaction?!" The tall man with red short hair said impatiently.

"Really, are you guys called by Old Rong as lobbyists? Why doesn't he come by himself." Earth-yellow silhouette, earth-yellow silhouette urged by red haired man Also slowly opened the mouth and said.

The four people at the moment are God of Wind, God of Fire, God of Water and God of Earth in Seven Elemental Gods. The gods of several people are Elemental Gods inherited from ancient era, Seven Elemental Gods of the same origin, and the four of them have the best relationship. After all, God of Light and God of Darkness and God of Space, these three only became gods after the four of them.

"Aiya, Old Earth don't say this. Old Rong also wants to save face. You were so angry last time, and now he is also a little sorry to come back to you." Seeing that the atmosphere between the two is not very good Well, God of Water next to God of Fire also hurriedly stood up to reconcile.

"This incident is no trivial matter. It concerns the entire Divine Realm. We are the 1st Class God of this Divine Realm second only to God King. At this time, we must consider the development of the entire Divine Realm." God of Wind, who had not spoken, also spoke, saying a little solemnly.

"Alas~ we've known each other for so long, am I that kind of selfish person? God of Destruction's paranoia controls this Divine Realm, which is not a good thing for the Divine Realm." God of Earth sighed, then looked towards three lightly saying.

The words of God of Earth made the three gods who were originally brows tightly frowns smile involuntarily. God of Earth is old-fashioned and stubborn, and is a bit of a stick in many aspects, but in the face of right and wrong, he is still Can handle it.

After a brief conversation, the three of God of Fire left, and only God of Earth stayed here, his head bowed, wondering what he was thinking.

After a long time, God of Earth slowly raised his head, and then moved, a gold lights appeared suddenly in his hand, and then a dark space channel opened, which was directly Flying into it disappeared. It's not the first time he's done this kind of thing, the last time he did it was with God of Metal's Pseudo Ultra Divine Tool.

"Although I don't know where you are now, but that plane is the one you appeared at first, if you have the heart, you will return there sooner or later, and then this inheritance will belong to you. Got it." God of Earth looked at endless void, muttered with some apprehension.

God of Earth has always had a bad feeling about the turmoil in the Divine Realm this time. The broken God of Metal Position entrusted to him by the previous God of Earth can be said to be his only concern. He, who has always been stubborn and old-fashioned, also had some precautions this time. Just now, he lowered the broken God of Metal Position and part of his divíne consciousness to the Doluo Continent where Qiu Bai at first was located. As long as Qiu Bai can return to Doluo Continent, the part of his divíne consciousness left behind can arrange a god trial for Qiu Bai, help him step by step inheritance and repair the broken God of Metal Position.


At the moment Qiu Bai is desolating the plane,

Coiling Mountain Dragon Clan's mountain range is constantly brushing and leveling, maybe even him I will not think that I will receive a great gift when I return to Doluo Continent.

"Huh!!!" Qiu Bai took a deep breath. He has been in this mountain range for more than a month, and the pill he took that can change his breath has long since lost its effect, but The position does not affect his activities in this ruins, after all, the biggest boss in this place has already approved it.

In the past month or so, Qiu Bai has also been helping the deep dragon beast corpse to absorb the Destruction Power above it, and at the same time he also accepted the gift from the other party. With the help of these dragon beast remaining soul force, now he has reached the level of Rank 79. It took less than half a year to directly break through from Rank 70 to Rank 70 Peak. If it is placed in Douluo Continent, it can be used by a group of Spirit Masters who have worked hard for cultivation in Spirit Sage, and there are Spirit Masters who have spent most of their life cultivating to reach Spirit Douluo. Give red eyes to die.

Although Qiu Bai has always resisted the use of foreign objects to quickly level up, but in this situation, he still couldn't help but say something really fragrant. In more than a month, he increased three ranks again. In fact, the time for rank promotion is basically each rank breakthrough in less than a day. For the rest of the time, Qiu Bai devoted himself to tempering fleshy body and spírit power in the gravity environment.

After more than a month of tempering, Qiu Bai's spírit power finally became no longer vain, firm and solid. Although at this stage, he can directly help the dragon beast corpse absorb déstruction aura for a day or two, and then the feedback he gets can make him break through to Rank 80 in an instant, but Qiu Bai does not plan to do so, only this can reach the bottleneck The level of cultivation, he wants to break through by his own cultivation. This is not only a process for him to wait for his own spírit power to be tempered, but also a choice for him, who has broken through Spirit Douluo, to have a firmer foundation.

The concentration of the world's spirit energy here is quite high. Here, Qiu Bai's cultivation speed will be much higher than that in Doluo Continent. Originally, if he cultivated by himself in Doluo Continent without any assistance, It took at least half a year for him to break through Rank 80, and now he is confident that he will break through to Rank 80 within a week.

Qiu Bai came to a relatively empty side hall after today's heavy cultivation, this is where he has been cultivation spírit power these days.

Qiu Bai sits cross-legged on the ground, and then activates his spírit power, the Dragon Soul Core in his body also responds accordingly, and the spirit energy in the surrounding air is also due to the influence of the soul core It rushed into his body quickly.

In the palace main hall in the distance, a somewhat illusory middle age person sits on the throne of the great hall. The Coiling Winged Dragon King has met someone who can communicate after a long absence. During this time, he also Gave Qiu Bai a lot of tips.

"This kid is carrying the rules of the world he is in. Is it just a lower plane? There is a Heaven and Earth Rule that requires the help of a foreign object to make a breakthrough and continue cultivation. , is really low-level. If the Heaven and Earth Rule of this world was not completely disrupted because of the natural disaster, this inferior cultivation method on this kid can be replaced directly." Coiling Winged Dragon King looked at the cross-legged cultivation. Qiu Bai said with some disdain.