"Hey~ Stop spacing out~ I'm bored~" Linda whined as Ash was looking outside through the window.
"Huh!?" Ash jolted.
"See?~ you've been spacing out this whole time aghhhhh~"
"Hey shut up you're noisy. Oh...by the way I wanted to say you someth...."
when She turned towards Linda, she got shocked as Linda's eyes were completely lifeless.
"Well...it's nothing." Ash turned again to the window.
"Hey that tree....that's not a cherry blossom but why it's named as cheery blossom." Ash said as she fixed her gaze outside of the window.
"That's a tree which is called lifeless by everyone."
"why's that Linda?"
"If someone is way too much normal or the one different from everyone around them, that 'someone' can also gets distanced by everybody. That can also be applied to other things. Just like that tree. It never had any fruits not to mention , not even any flowers. so...."
"it's beautiful."
"huh...? Just only with those green leaves?"
"It's beautiful in it's own way. Sometimes when you're different from everyone, you're not 'lifeless' or 'different'. That's even more unique. That tree looks really calm and very Lively due to those fresh green leaves. Yeah many trees can also give us calmness, but this one is no different than them. So, more like to say this is more beautiful..."
"Our class President."
"Huh? what...?"
"Our class President somehow thought of it as beautiful like you. She named it."
"Like me...? still, if she thinks so then she also insulted it. Don't you think if you're unique you need to have your own name? It seemed comparison to me because of naming it cherry blossom..."
Linda chuckled.
"Everyone!! attention!!! Due to some problems we need a new Vice President of our class. Anyone interested?!"
As soon Simon said it most of everyone in the class stood their hands up.
"Agh...there we go...Oh! Hey you! on the back row! you are selected for VP now everyone sit down. What's your name?"
"Ash they're calling for you. Go." Linda said as she found Ash dumbfounded.
"Huh...me what-
Linda...you pointed towards me right!? you. are. dead."
"Simon~" Linda whined.
"Agh stop it already. Whatever the reason is you're selected so introduce yourself already."
"Yeah Ash you should do that before everyone started attack you." Raymond mocked her from side.
"Hey mind your business. *ahm*
Well, I'm Ashley. That's all." She sat down as long as she finished.
"wh-what...that's all...? Well I guess not bad-"
"W-wow Ashley...!!! Y-you're so cool...!!! Perfect m-match for o-our P-President. Oh...! B-by the way I-I'm H-Howth."
"Nice to meet you Howth. By the way who is this President?" She asked.
"Y-you don't know..? I-I'm!!" Howth stated proudly. As long as he said Jimmy smacked his head.
"Ow...! You know that hurts!"
"Speak for yourself before I do that again." Jimmy groaned.
"A-ahaha...y-yeah...well I'm not Ash...hahaha.." He smiled awkwardly.
"Ah is that so..?" Ash looked towards the window again. But as soon as she looked out she spotted something.
"Hey! Linda I think I saw someone sitting in 'Logen'."
"Eh...? who's that..?"
"oh I named the tree. that's not important right now. Look there."
Linda gasped as long she looked there.
"What are you saying? No one is there."
"What are you..."
Ash looked there again. She saw that someone just jumped from up of the tree and landed safely on ground.
"Linda...look there. Do you know who's that?"
"Who's...oh.. That's Our President Ash. I guess she heard about you being the VP."
"what..? that fast..? Her name?"
"what" Linda chuckled as she said .
"Well why don't you ask her yourself though?"
"....why is she not here though? what do you take me as? I also have my pride you know. it's going to rain soon so I guess I'll just take another nap."
"You can even tell that it's going to rain today...? Well you sure about sleeping I guess she'll obviously come here today."
"Well like I care. whatever.."
To be continued.....