Dark Moon

I'm Ashley. I think I'm sleeping right now but something just surprised me. But I guess what's it? Hm...well I am feeling a little pain on my toe finger? Huh..?

"Aaaaaaaa!!!!" I springed up as long as I came to senses that someone was bitting my toe finger and to my utter shock that was Linda.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled at her.

"Mm...tasteless food is speaking...I'm possessss...." Linda mumbled.

"Agh...why always me..." Suddenly I looked around me as I found myself not in my dorms. Also I found myself not wearing my jacket. So I somehow blankly got down of bed.

"ACK!!! Hey where do you think you're going?!" I froze as soon as I felt I stepped on someone's hand and they started yelling. But...wait isn't this voice is similar to that dumb.... Jimmy..?!

"...You should look at front or else you'll get into a car accident...baka(idiot)..." I turned back to find Jimmy laying on floor as he spoke his last sentence mumbling before going back to sleep. But seriously he's saying idiot in Japanese now..?

I think I should find out where I'm before doing anything. I looked in front of me and I flinched by founding James staring at me as he was sitting in the couch of that room. He looked like a ghost at first to me with his scary eyes.

"Wondering what's going on and where you are?" James said with a straight face. I answered by nodding.

"Care to look at...WHAT I HAD I GO THROUGH BECAUSE OF YOU PUNKS!?" He suddenly started to yell which made me flinch at first. But suddenly he started to sob.

"...Oh my I COULDN'T get any sleep until now. Just know this is Raven's house. She's outside. Leave me and ask her the rest. Please let me SLEEP!!" He cried loudly.

"....Hey you! This is Library .Why are you shouting..." Jimmy suddenly mumbled again.

"This...I'm going to kill him today!! " He stood up as he stomped towards Jimmy.

"Aren't you sleepy?" He stopped on his spot by hearing me speak.

He went back where he was and soon started to doze. I came out of that room and I can't help myself laughing loudly.

"What the... hahahahah that's hilarious!!! Lmao man!! Hahahahah! Oh! Ahm ahm. He told me I should ask the rest to Raven but what time is it?"

I looked around but suddenly an idea popped up. I searched for my phone and I found it in my pocket. Well I guess I'm just really lucky. It's around 3:00 am. I saw there's a sofa in front of me at some distance. I went there and peaked through back. So I finally came to the point that we all are in Raven's house by finding Simon sleeping there peacefully. But now I have to find her. But then again...if all of us are here, where's Ray and Howth?

I heard flapping of a curtain. I followed the sound. The direction, it was exactly at the left side of the room from which I came out.

I was on my way when some things came in my head. Like...

'I wasn't drinking then why I ended up with them? Who took me? What happened to my bike? Where is my jacket?'

Thoughts like those kept on coming until I saw the balcony where the silver, shiny moonlight was coming even at that time. But along with that there was someone else, that's Raven.

Raven was there leaning against the door frame which connected the balcony. There was no word from her. She moved forward and stood at the edge where the rods were blocking the way from going any further. That's also glowing by the moonlight. That time I realised something.

"The moon. The full moon which seem to be always the most beautiful thing at night decorated by uncountable Stars. But even the most beautiful thing always has flaws or more likely to say a 'dark side'. Which it'll try never not to show to anyone. But if those flaws weren't there it would have never been that beautiful." I spoke from behind as Raven turned to face me. I was smiling there standing.

She was about to smoke as she's holding a cigarette on her right hand. But she looked different from her usual self, I know that I have just known her for some hours. I can tell the difference, she looked flustered. It was more like to me that she was in her real self. A face which describes worries.

"Oh Ash you- Uh...sorry I wasn't sure about saying...."

"Were you always this much worried about little things?" I smiled again as I stopped beside her. "It's ok to call me Ash." I looked forward. I could feel her stare still on me.

"What's it?" I suddenly felt the same coldness as before when she looked forward and put her cigarette on her mouth. I saw her taking out the lighter but that's the one what was with me before.

"That lighter...Did we meet before going to there with them?"

"....I don't know about what you are saying, but it's not a lie that I got it from someone stranger."

"Stranger..." I mumbled.

I won't be lying if I say I have sharp senses. She peeked really fast from the corner of her cold eyes while I mumbled.

".....my father...He also had this same lighter. I always thought that it's really special to him. But never had enough courage to ask about that. But I don't know why....but when I last saw him he said that was not the original one. Well this same one could be found anywhere but they're all not the same. That's what he wanted to say."

"Is he dead?"

"Huh? No! He's overseas! idiot." I giggled by hearing that.

"There's someone who told him not to smoke but he kept on. That person took his lighter away so he won't be able to. Don't you think it's insane? He would have just brought one but he never did. I will be lying if I say he never did. He did but after he lost all connection with that person. "

"He sure loved that person. Well aside from-"

"I get to know this rest from my mother and.... you're the only one to know." She turned towards me.

"I'm glad."

"You should smile more often." She inhaled her cigarette.

"You can be more honest with yourself when there's no one except me. I like to keep secrets. But it's also ok if I'm rushing things over you." I can tell she somehow felt a little uncomfortable with me being speak like that.

"Uh...is that- Oh! I forgot to ask!!" She got startled by my sudden action.

"How I ended up here?! Where's my bike!? if everyone is here then where's Howth and Ray?! I wasn't even drinking!! Then- What happened?!" Lastly I grabbed her by her collar as I shouted the rest.

She stared blankly at me. I was looking up with fierce eyes.

"Hah...calm down for a second. I'll explain it." She broke free from me as she sighed in response towards me.

"At first tell me how much you remember?"

"Well I was with y'all. I was just having those snacks and drinking my coffee. Howth really got wasted though he just started to sleep. But Linda and Jimmy...they became a pain in ass. Then...What happened after that?"

I really couldn't remember anything after that.

"Well...I also don't know how that happened but I remember after everything became like that the atmosphere really seemed drunk. But you know what even you suddenly started to mumble some nonsense things." She turned to me.

"WHAT!? I MEAN.... there's must be a reason for it to become like that right?! That can't just happen suddenly out of nowhere when I don't remember a thing!!"

"You should lower your voice or Ray will come out of his room if you make trouble for Howth to sleep."

"Oh yeah sorry about-" I was about to shout again but placed by hands on my mouth.

"What did you say?! What do you mean by Ray's room?! This is his house?! But James told me this is yours!!" I whispered.

Sha glared coldly again.

"I told you to calm down before. Didn't I ?

He's my brother. Of course his room will be here. The room you're in was the guest room. Including that there is three rooms. Mine, Ray's and...well that's not-" She stopped on her way as she saw me with my mouth wide opened in shock.

"Don't even try to shout. It was hectic to carry you afterall, you indeed are heavy. Howth is lighter though. Oh! let me get to point. Somehow suddenly I felt you're spacing out. That's right after the things you remembered. I didn't pay much attention to it but not long after you put your head on my shoulder as you just went to sleep...?"


"I'm not done. Well more precisely to say , you suddenly looked you felt too much comfortable with something so you just went to sleep. But after hearing that you don't remember that...it's also bothering me. There's must be something I'm missing...

and James took your bike all the way here. That's why he was really annoyed..." Raven chuckled. I was keeping my head low as I was deep in thoughts. But suddenly I smelled a scent which made me startled.

That's the same one from my dream. It's also strange that I remembered that clearly. I felt anxious to find out where it was coming. Until I looked at my left to find it coming from....Raven? Suddenly I realised that she's also feeling anxious. I could tell after hearing the scent coming from her. But what's this actually? After realising whose it was I felt comfortable. Just like that time....

"Raven you're feeling anxious right?"

Just after I said that the scent grew even more strong. I suddenly started to recall the glimpse of the time which I can't remember. But before I could say those to her , everything became dark.

Everything was so black I couldn't see a thing....

To be continued.....