
"N-no no...! Don't do that !! Ash is sleeping she'll get up....*slap*...ah!."

I saw my mother's cheek became red as Dad slapped her.

"You filthy bitch!! Who do you think you're by telling me to stop?! And that...!" After shouting at Mom , he pointed towards the room where I sleep.

"Is she even my daughter?! She doesn't even like me!" He shouted again and my trembling mother flinched.

It always surprised me how she trembles while laughing with me. Also she trembles, but because of fear when being with Dad. I found her really strong but....I also wonder if I become as scary as father to her will she also tremble with fear by looking at me? But I also get angry by thinking why she has to fear Dad when he does nothing but beating?

"How can you say that...?! Maybe she is taking more after my looks and somehow doesn't like you much....but...How can you say that...? Most importantly..." She stood up. It seemed to me like she gathered some courage.

"You expect her to like you as her father even after witnessing that you beat up your own partner most of every night after coming from those- *slap*!"

Mom couldn't complete her sentence as blood could be seen in corner of her mouth after Dad slapped her again.

"I would be happy if she doesn't take after a slut like you." Dad gritted as he pushed Mom after finishing his sentance. He went to his room. Mom slided down as he left. She was crying silently. Suddenly Mom looked at the direction where I was hiding, behind the curtain of the room I sleep at. I could see after realising that I was there the whole time her eyes went wide.

She came to where I was without making a single sound. She sat on her knees in front of the curtain.

"Ash..?" She asked lightly. That words seemed really soothing to me at that time.

"Ash...I know you're there. Please come out." I could feel she tried to smile a little but it came out bitterly.

"Ash...From when are you there? You can't sleep?" I still stood there like I didn't hear anything.

"Ash...Mom loves you."

"That's my good girl...." She said after she saw me peeking from the side of curtain. She smiled but not bitterly as she saw me. That blood drop somehow dried after staying at that corner for some times.

"Can't sleep?" She asked gently.

"You shouldn't listen or see things like those, you know." She told me after seeing me shaking head as a no.

"Can you sleep if I go with you?" She said as she stroked my hair. I nodded.

"There there. Mom loves you so much and you're such a good girl as you didn't make a sound."

She came more close to me and said, "Go to your bed and count from one to hundred. I'll come to you before you finish. Ok?" She kissed my forehead. I nodded. She got up and turned the light off. She smiled at me as I went inside.

I went to bed and started counting as I told. It's true that before I completed the counting I fall asleep. But it's also true that she didn't come to me throughout the night. Though I heard some low scream and silent cries. But I just went to sleep. Still....she didn't come...


"Ash...should we go now?" I looked up and saw Raven's hand in front of me. She was trying to help me to get up. I saw myself sitting on the last stair. Her house seemed empty.

"Where's everyone?" I asked as I unconsciously sniffled. I touched my cheek and it's a little wet.

"Well all of them are outside. But I guess they already left without us. What can we do..? But still..." I looked up again.

"My hand is getting tired." She shook her hand. She.....smiled.

I chuckled to myself. I grabbed her hand as I stood up. "It's a rare sight to see Ms. President to smile like that."

"You talk too much you know." Raven glared at me with her popular cold gaze.

"Yeah yeah I know that. That's why I'm with Ms President."

"Stop calling me that."

"Yeah yeah whatever." We went outside as we talked.


"Yo!" Ray said calmly as he saw us coming out.

"L-let's go!!" Howth came running to me.

"Where's everyone?" I said after seeing except four of us, others were not there.

"Well... they just went by themselves. Raven I'm taking your car." Ray waved the key in front of her.

"Just take it." She closed her eyes and said.

Howth wanted to say something but Ray stopped him. Then suddenly Ray looked up. I saw him while he did that.

"Oh!? Do I have anything in my hair?" I went to the looking glass of the car to see behind what he was looking at. I found that it's Raven's mother. She stared at him as they both exchanged some words. But I think while doing so Raven noticed what I was doing.

"Then we'll get going." Without saying anything more they went away.

"So...." I turned to Raven. "I'll also get going then" I started to walk to my bike.

"Wait....are you going without this?" She waved the key toward me. I just stared at her and without saying anything she came to me. She stopped right in front of me really close.

I couldn't escape from the fact that she's damn taller than me. I looked up to meet up with her eyes.

"How am I suppose to go without that?" I stretched my hand to her as I shrugged. She just chuckled and walked passed me. I followed her every move as she....sat on my bike?!

"Get on." She grinned.

"Wait what...What do you mean by that?!" I barged to her.

"Nothing, just I'll take you to your dorms." She looked forward.

"I mean what...you serious-" I almost lost my words by her sudden action when she placed her finger on my lips to shut me up.

"Shhhh....I won't get you into any kind of accident. Just get on" She smiled.

"Agh... seriously..." I didn't say more as I got up.

"Well then....So your dorm is on the left, right?" Raven said as she drove my bike. She's pretty good at it.

"Yes..." After answering I looked sideways. But instead of stopping in front of the dorm she droved further.

"H-hey where are you-"

"I know I know. I'm taking you to show something peaceful. A place which will seem like a forest or Something like that?" She grinned.

"Seriously...Hope it just don't turn out to be something dangerous ." I crossed my arms.

Raven chuckled.

Suddenly we went through a open iron gate which was in ruin. I was amazed and looked around as we went further. It was a road which was going downwards but I didn't know where it was going. But it was really thin and surrounded by tall trees and bushes on sideways.

"So Ms Ash do you think I am going to involve you in something dangerous?" Raven said while still fixing her gaze to front.

I chuckled. "Well I guess it'll be dangerous afterwards. Not because I don't know where you're taking me to but because no matter what even if it started to rain you can't stop my bike. Don't just listen my words, cause I'm challenging you."

"Roger that just don't catch a cold cause it's going to rain soon." She smirked. I laughed.

To be continued.....