Chapter 9

Before the trip to Veliky Novgorod, the friends decided to prepare. First of all, Ivan, Olga and Pavel invited Marina with them, who happily agreed. Secondly, students registered in the League of Hunters. By officially becoming hunters, students were able to sell monster parts at better prices. Students registered a hunting team called Drunken Hunt and orders for intermediate hunting teams became available to them. Olga bought a small spiritual lightning seed at an auction for mid-level magicians at the Magic Center.

Arriving in Veliky Novgorod, the friends immediately went out of town to the forest. The students took with them tents, sleeping bags and other camping equipment so that they did not return to the city every day.

When the students in the forest found the first monsters - a pack of wolves at the level of a junior Servant, Ivan demonstrated to his friends the power of the element of space - with the help of Control, the magician instantly broke the necks of all wolves. After the battle, Olga said with some displeasure in her voice:

- Yes, Vanya, you are a cheater, just don't take away all our work, otherwise we three will have to release magic at such a pace only if a flock of higher Servants attacks ...

"Heh heh, I'll try to leave you something," Ivan replied with a grin.

- Wan, where did you get such a vessel for souls, which does not give my new reusable vessel for souls of the level of the Leader of the Pack and even less chance of absorbing a soul? Olga asked, with a mixture of discontent and curiosity in her voice.

- I found it at home when I was sorting out the parental trash in the closet, hoping to find something useful for cultivation - Ivan came up with an excuse, and Olga, it seems, was satisfied with the answer, although she was a little offended because Ivan grabbed all the souls.

For several days, the students walked through the forest, killing various monsters, among which one supreme Servant was caught, although for Ivan his murder was not difficult - his magic of space with 4 spiritual boundaries was already equated to the magic of an average level. Every night, the students set up camp, where they set up two tents and took turns watching around the fire.

One day, in a large clearing in the forest, Ivan's amulet vibrated and began to pull the student down. Ivan realized that the amulet had discovered something very tasty under the ground, and began to figure out how to explain to his friends the desire to start excavations. Suddenly, Paul stopped and said:

"Wait, I can sense that the earth below us is unusual - a strong breath of the element emanates from it. It may have a spiritual seed in it, or better. Ivan, can you dig it out with the magic of space?

Ivan, delighted that there was no need to come up with excuses, agreed and began to dig with the magic of space. True, the excavation attempt was unsuccessful - the breathing of the element of the earth at a depth of more than two meters was so strong that even the magic of Ivan's space was unable to dig - it took Ivan 1.5 hours to excavate a hole a meter in diameter and a meter deep, and the next meter depth - 5 hours, and then the ground did not give in at all.

Tired Ivan looked at his comrades, who, while Ivan was digging, had a picnic and roasted the meat of monsters, and said:

- It looks like there is not a spiritual seed, but what is worse, I propose to wait until we reach at least a high level. Hopefully during this time no one strong enough will find this place. Hey, leave the meat for me, I plowed here ...

After eating and filling the hole with earth back, the students went on to hunt. At the end of the first week of the hunt, the friends came across a small hill, from which Ivan felt the breath of the element of necromancy. The magician told his friends that he wanted to meditate on this hill, studying the aura of the local element of necromancy. Ivan sat on the top of the hill, focused on the energy of the element of necromancy and began to absorb it, resorting to the help of an amulet. "It seems that absorbing this energy is helping me greatly to accelerate the development of my element of Necromancy, despite the fact that I still cannot release the magic of this element."

When Ivan woke up from meditation, it was late evening and Pavel with Olga and Marina were sitting nearby and eating fried monster meat. Ivan was jokingly indignant:

- Eat without me again, give me something to devour.

- We thought that you feel good in the company of the dead and you will be satisfied with spiritual food - Olga said mockingly - hold on, here's still warm.

During the next month of hunting and cultivation - the students were sure to devote several hours a day to the improvement of their elements - the students killed many senior, junior and lower Servants, about a dozen higher Servants and one lower Pack Leader, for a fight with which Ivan summoned Kosolapiy. Ivan also managed to find 7 places with a strong breath of the element of necromancy in a month.

Once during a hunt, Ivan's amulet suddenly vibrated very strongly, flew out from under his clothes and pulled Ivan somewhere to the side. At the same time, the eyes of the dragon's head shone strongly with a silver color. Friends, surprised, but without asking questions, followed Ivan in the direction indicated by the amulet. After a short timeWhile walking through the forest, the students saw that there was a clearing in front of them, the one on which Paul had discovered the breath of the earth a month ago. Instead of most of the clearing, there was a huge deep pit, from which a gigantic undead monster rose, by the look and aura of which the students decided that he was at least a very strong Commander-in-Chief.

Suddenly the monster was covered with a bright flame, the tongues of which did not seem to deliberately set fire to the trees, and the monster burned to ashes in a few seconds. The soul remained from the monster and Ivan's amulet immediately began to try to absorb it, but as soon as the soul flew to Ivan, the magician felt that the soul was being pulled in the other direction by a vessel that was not inferior in strength to the student's amulet. After a couple of seconds of confrontation, Ivan's amulet lost and his soul flew to the bottom of the pit. "Yes, I thought that I had the coolest amulet, although, judging by the fact that at first there was some opposition, maybe I have an amulet of the same power, but more developed, because the magician who defeated this creature is probably at least the highest level ".

The students, out of curiosity, went to the edge of the pit to look at the strong magician. At the very bottom of the pit there was a strange well, from which, as Ivan understood thanks to the amulet, a lot of magical energy emanated. Near the well stood a woman, who looked about 30-40 years old, looking as if she had got into this world from ancient Russia: she had blond hair, curled in a braid, reaching almost to the ground, and the clothes corresponded to Ivan's idea of ​​the dress of his ancient Russian ancestors. "Only a super-strong cosplayer was missing here. Yes, and dug this hole, apparently, she. The hole is 20 meters deep, but I know how difficult it is to dig here. " The woman turned her head towards the students and looked into Ivan's eyes ...

Ivan found himself in a completely black empty space, reminiscent of the inner world, but without stars. "What the? Is this some kind of spiritual trap? I will try to concentrate using the magic of space with its 4 boundaries. " After trying to concentrate, Ivan felt as if there was an invisible cage around him, holding him in this place. The magician began to try to pierce this cell with the magic of space, but the cell did not give in. The student began to meditate, trying to strengthen his element of space. When Ivan turned to his amulet for help, a lot of energy poured from him to the stars of space. "Where did this energy come from? My amulet hasn't done this before. " Ivan began to use energy to break through to the middle level, for him the cage around him merged with the barrier of the middle level of space. After some time, the cage gave in, and Ivan, having passed to the middle level of space magic, woke up.

"Yeah, it seems, thanks to this trap and the energy of the amulet that came from nowhere, I not only reached the middle level of space, but also the fifth spiritual boundary." Waking up, Ivan realized that in the real world no more than a second had passed. The woman turned away from the students, went to the well, touched the sparkling water filling the well to the brim, and disappeared. Then Olga hit Ivan on the cheek, quickly filling the student with questions:

- Vanya, what's wrong with you? Looking at that woman? Do you like them? You just sent a wave of energy from you as from a breakthrough to the middle level, how did it happen? And what is this luminous amulet you have? Is this the vessel for souls?

- Hey, everything is fine with me, that woman apparently trapped me in some kind of spiritual trap, although I don't understand why she needs this, by this action she helped me to reach an average level in space and raise spiritual boundaries to 5. Yes, this is that a vessel for souls, he still knows how to find places with a large amount of magical energy. It is also a growing cultivation vessel. Please don't tell anyone about him, "Ivan said rubbing his cheek.

- You're a double cheater! Okay, let's go from here, suddenly another monster of the same appears, you shouldn't risk it and come up. - said Olga, after which the friends hurried away from the pit with the well.

The students continued their hunt until the end of July. Before leaving back to St. Petersburg, Ivan, having learned to release the magic of necromancy over the past month and a half, decided to make the first call in one of the places with a strong breath of this element. Ivan concentrated, concentrated on the energy of the element in the air and gathered the stars into a constellation.

Ivan found himself in the afterlife, the aura of death was felt everywhere. The consultant told Ivan that in the element of necromancy, unlike summoning, the magician must command the summoned creatures so that they consider the summoner their master, otherwise the undead can kill the summoner, feeling his weakness. Ivan found a skeleton of the highest Servant level in the attire of an ancient Russian warrior and directed energy into it, forcing it to obey. The student discovered that he had energy left, apparently due to the fact that he had the fifth spiritual boundary, and subdued two more skeletons of ancient Russian warriors - senior Servants.

When Ivan woke up, his small squad of undead stood on the hill in front of him. Friends congratulated Ivan on the call, and the students sold the collected parts of the magical animals and drove back to St. Petersburg.

At the beginning of August began the entrance examinations to the magic university of Peter the Great.