Chapter 13

Ivan's opponent was Semyon - one of the three new admittances who bypassed Ivan in the conscription exam. Semyon possessed a recruiting junior Pack Leader Black Bull and a contract thicket Lynx at the level of a senior Pack Leader. When the judge announced the start of the fight, the students simultaneously summoned the draft beasts and began to draw up a star map for the contract call. The clubfoot pounced on the bull, and the clumsy animals began to fight each other. Clubfoot began to win, and at that moment Ivan and Semyon completed the call of contract animals.

The thicket Lynx, which was two times lower than the bull and the Clubfoot - "only" one and a half meters at the withers, immediately pounced on the bear from one of the sides. Against the background of these giant animals, the small white fluffy animal the size of a puppy seemed very cute and helpless. Semyon, who knew that Ivan challenged him to a duel because he had a contract beast, quickly lost his composure and whinnied. But Semyon did not notice the element of chaos spreading across the arena of the aura. Suddenly, a strong blow from the Lynx, instead of hitting the Clubfoot, hit the Black Bull, after which the bear also hit the Bull, and Semyon returned him to the recruiting space.

The lynx again tried to attack the Clubfoot, but missed and was turned sideways to the bear, which violently attacked the animal, taken by surprise. The clubfoot knocked the Lynx down and began to bite into her flesh with his teeth. The dumbfounded Semyon recalled the wounded Lynx. Semyon saw with his own eyes that the attacks were supposed to hit the target, but at the last moment the space was somehow curved, and the situation turned out to be beneficial to Ivan. Semyon looked with disbelief at the Arctic fox, which freely ran around the site around Ivan.

Ivan praised Kosolapy and sent him to the recruiting dimension, then the student took the Scribe in his arms and began to stroke him. At that moment, Pavel and Olga, who were watching the duel, approached Ivan. The girl immediately began with a sneer:

- Oh, how cute. And you can't say that this is the Leader of the Pack. Would you like to pet it? - Without waiting for Ivan's approval, Olga began to stretch her hand to the Scribe, but for some reason her hand could not reach the animal.

Ivan laughed and began stroking the Scribe harder, saying "Well done, that's how it should be." Since the duel was at the end of the school day, the students went to the bar to celebrate the Scribe's first fight.

Thanks to the Scribe, Ivan began to quickly rise in the ranking of the secondary course of the main department of appeal, taking fifth place out of 36 by the beginning of November. In the ranking of the middle course of the secondary department of space, Ivan, with his 5 spiritual boundaries, which are usually reached only at a high level since the beginning of October, occupied 3rd place out of 14 - in second place was Lyudmila, who managed to score a little more than Ivan and was not inferior to him in strength - fights using only the magic of the space between them ended in a draw. And in the first place was a girl, a magician of a high level of the element of spirit, who possessed 5 spiritual boundaries and an element of space of the middle level of the third level. Neither Lyudmila nor Ivan could defeat her using only the element of space.In the ratings of the initial course of the secondary departments of chaos and earth, Ivan cheated a little within the framework of the rules: since at the initial level these elements do not have attacking techniques, it was possible to choose a second element that could be used only without exceeding the level and level used by the enemy with his second element, elements, stage and level were discussed in advance. Ivan, stating that of the attacking elements he only had space (which, strictly speaking, was true), rolled his opponents with entry-level magic, approaching in strength to high-level magic. Therefore, in these ratings, Ivan proudly took the first place.

In the ranking of the initial course of the secondary department of necromancy, Ivan took first place more honestly: thanks to the fifth spiritual boundaries and the second stage of the initial level, Ivan began to call one higher Servant and three senior Servants, to which opponents, even with the third stage of the initial level, could not oppose anything.

Ivan also rose high in the general institute ranking of the middle course of the Institute for the Magic of Changes: having the fifth spiritual boundaries and three elements of the magic of changes, it did not make him much trouble.

In the university-wide ranking of the middle course, Ivan also climbed quite high, but it was more difficult: this ranking took into account not only combat achievements, but also scientific research, and in battles it was allowed to use all elements and any magical artifacts.

Thus, Ivan began to receive a lot of resources every month: various magical artifacts and tools, including those that accelerate the cultivation of spiritual boundaries, as well as the ability to cultivate 5 days in the Rooms of the Elements, a day in each of the rooms corresponding to the elements of Ivan.

The Element Rooms were multi-level rooms designed for the cultivation of certain elements, in the magical university of Peter the Great there was a room for each element except for the blessing. In each of the rooms several students could be at the same time at each level: the rooms were multi-level, the higher the level, the more efficient it is to cultivate there, but it is more difficult to be there. In the rooms of the elemental elements, as well as the rooms of the elements of shadow, poison and plants, there was a strong breath of the corresponding element. In the rooms of the elements of the magic of change, there was a dense breath of neutral energy, as well as a pressing mental impact, resisting which it was possible to quickly reach new spiritual boundaries. In the room of the element of necromancy, there was a strong breath of the element of necromancy, as well as a pressing mental effect.

Thanks to this, by the end of the first half of the year, Ivan reached the second steps of the intermediate level in the elements of space and calling, the third step of the initial level in the elements of earth and necromancy, and the second step of the initial level in the element of chaos.

At the end of the first half of the year, quite a lot of students were expelled from the university, including Marina, who could not get out of the bottom lines of the middle course rating of the main department of the element of fire. Having taken off, Marina decided to go to the Hunters.

At the beginning of the second half of the year, the start of the team competition was announced. There should be 4 magicians in the team, no matter from which departments, the main thing is that the course of the main department coincides. All elements and any magical artifacts could be used in battles. Points for battles were taken into account in the university-wide ranking, as well as in the ranking of the main department. Ivan, Pavel and Olga invited Lyudmila to join their team as the fourth person, who did not immediately, but agreed.

The competition was held as follows: first, there were qualifying matches in 16 groups, and then the remaining 32 teams took part in elimination matches.

The first qualifying battles for Ivan's team went very easily: Ivan and Lyudmila at the beginning of the battle threw all opponents out of the arena, and Pavel defended the team with water magic from the initial-level magic that the opponents could have released.

This tactic did not work with only one team in the group: they, like Ivan's team, won all the fights, just maybe not so quickly.

In this team, all four were already approaching a high level, each had at least one element in the third stage of the intermediate level, as well as at least one spiritual seed. The team consisted of four people: a tall blonde, a short dark-haired guy, a red-haired guy of average height, and a tall blonde girl.

After the signal to start the battle, Ivan and Lyudmila tried to push the opponents away, but the short and redhead used the magic of the initial ground level, plunging their team into the ground up to their waist. Ivan immediately summoned Clubfoot and the skeletons and began to summon the Scribe. A blonde girl, a redhead and a blond, when the low one dug up the whole team, brought down the magic of the initial level of the third stage of fire, lightning and plants, respectively, on Ivan's team. Pavel defended himself with the magic of water of the third stage of the initial level, Olga moved around the arena with the help of shadow magic, and Lyudmila protected herself and Ivan with the magic of space. Low attacked the skeletons with entry-level third-degree light magic, empowered by a spirit seed. The blond, when Ivan summoned Kosolapy, managed to imprison him in a prison of medium-level plant magic of the third level, reinforced by a large spiritual seed: the magician summoned medium-level magic three times faster than Ivan.

As a result, the opponents first pressed Ivan's team, but when Ivan summoned the Scribe and helped him a little to spread the aura of chaos around his team, the enemy's magic stopped hitting the target and Ivan and his comrades were able to focus on the attack: although the opponents could easily block the magic of the middle lightning level of the second Olga's steps, with the third level of medium-level fire magic, reinforced by Lyudmila's large spiritual seed "Yes, how fast does she cultivate at all? !!", as well as the magic of space of Ivan and Lyudmila, the opponents had a hard time. As a result, Ivan's team won, and the students left the group with the first place.

And then there were elimination fights.