Chapter 258 - World Outside The Wall

"Mortal Mammoth!?"

With astonishment written all over his face, Adam uttered the words which at once made him the focus of the penetrating cold stares of countless Fanger Bear Rabbits.

Oh shit... did I mess up?

The upright figure covered in dust-brown fur was piqued by the subconscious utterance. The long trunk dangling between two-foot-long ivory tusks on either side had an invisible threatening aura. With a thin strip of beast skin covering the nakedness, it was the perfect blend of a jacked-up human body with the head of a mammoth of appropriate size.

"What did you just say?"

Adam had already surpassed seven-foot in height, but the figure before him was much superior. With its gaze inclined downward staring at the naked human, its eyes exhibited a mysterious feeling.
