Chapter 5 There I helped the kid

"My name is Gilgamesh, King of Hero's"

Everyone who heard his name was surprised by this

"But, I think the time for talk is over" Gil says as golden portals appeared around Gil and made a dome around Karna before shooting out weapons only for them to make little more than scratches. Suddenly Karna had rushed at Gil but Karan's agility is A and Gil's agility is A++ and with Haki and instinct EX he was able to see into the future and golden portals would seem to shoot at were Karna would appear next and scratch's would appear more and more and and Karna would have to keep using mana burst(flame) to stop more serious injuries and Karna decides to use his ultimate NP and what appears to be the sun on the ground so I got on some High ground and turned Enki into a bow and shot into the ground by Karna and a giant magic circle appears over the battle field and summoned. With the use of more prana the Surge of Utnapishtim can be used at it's strongest form over taking Karna's NP.

Achilles and Karna has already died

And I used up a ton of magic energy


I was able to get were Mordred and Semiramis were fighting

Right now Mordred is currently poisoned

Semiramis notices I'm here and how low on prana I was "Well with your demise the grail will be almost completely filled" with the use of haki and instinct and Calm and Collected I was able to open GoB and have Enkidu rapped her up long enough to give Mordred the medicine that cures all sickness in the world so she can kill Assassin.

Unfortunately she got away but not unscratched

"So… Mordred's your name" "yeah, the knight of treachery" "I see… well Mordred if you wouldn't have told me I would have assumed you were a king" Gil left leaving the two master and servant to there finally moments Gil made his way to the grail after seeing shirou and Semiramis fade away.

I noticed that after my battle with Semiramis that my master had died and if so use my Nobel phantasm I will fade to. I see Sieg turned into a dragon and carrying the grail into the reverse side of the world, but seeing this I can't help but notice that the counter force is sending multiple counter guardians.

Astolfo, Caules, and Laeticia also see the counter guardians and them attacking Sieg

…well I'm going to disappear to so might as well and take the mongrels down with me. I walk past Astolfo, Caules, and Laeticia and they noticed me to Astolfo looked like he was going to attack me before I said "didn't I tell you I have no interest in the child, but I guess I could help him out" I said before I pulled Ea

Astolfo being surprised by this was unprepared for me to destroy the counter guardians with Enuma Elish, though a very nerfed Enuma Elish

"There I helped the kid"

After that I went back to the throne of hero's with this

Holy Grail(full)