Red Asked Mr. Barry to stay for a few days before embarking on his journey back home. It was another request that she shamelessly made from the man, and without solid reason too. He stayed in the empty apartment that Red and her Nana were renting while the two lodged in the hospital temporarily. Sometimes, he tagged along to the hospital with Red.

Nana was confined for a few days and while she stayed in the hospital, Red decided to skip classes and stayed beside her Nana religiously.

Even though the doctors already informed her that her Nana was already out of danger, she still could not let her concerns rest for the future.

'It already happened now, and it had been so freakin' fatal. It could happen again down the road.'

'I will do everything to prolong my Nana's life.'

The night Nana was rushed into the hospital and was confined, Red stayed with her overnight. She only went home to get fresh clothes on the morning of the morrow.

In the apartment a few days after the incident, out of the blue, she imploringly inquired Mr. Barry, "If I go with you, can I bring my Nana with me?" Her eyes flickered with a mixture of uncertainty, anxiety, and audacity, like a person who was considering a leap of faith.

"As I was told, yes, you may, Lady Red." Mr. Barry clasped her fingers together in solemnity. They were seated face-to-face around the apartment's dining table.

He could sense that his mission of bringing the princess back to her home realm would be finished soon. However, the situation which pressed her to do so wasn't at all too positive so he could not rejoice completely.

"Will I truly get more energy crystals there? For free?" She probed reassuringly, 'Coz it will be futile to go there and not be able to ensure that Nana will live longer in good health.'

"I believe so, Lady Red. You are a part of the Royal Family so countless high-quality precious jewels and crystals should be provided to you like essentials."

She nodded, not exactly caring for the weight of the statement regarding the wealth aspect.

"Is the realm peaceful, Mr. Barry?" Her interrogation went on. 'Coz if it is a place of unrest, I might put Nana and me in danger.'

'I cannot risk it.'

Mr. Barry took a long while to answer.

"Mr. Barry?"

"To tell you honestly, Lady Red, the realm is at peace for decades past, but before that, we've come out of the war, and the threat of war had never been eradicated completely."

"It's not in my place, but the reason that the Royal children were not raised inside the Palace Walls was because of the threats to their lives."

"Enemies could use magic to kill their target in their sleep."

"Magic was used as a lethal weapon during the war. It was cunning and low."

His sentiments well surpassed his words.

"Is that why you were against magic, Mr. Barry?" Her tone turned reserved. She, too, felt the gravity of the situation. It was not just a simple reunion with her long-lost father. If she returned, she would be faced with more complications.

…If she returned, and brought her Nana with her, would they be safer there or here?

"But I presume there are types of magic that aren't harmful to people? Is there healing magic too?"


Red thought Mr. Barry would not respond so she parted her lips, ready to shoot her next question when he spoke curtly, "There is."

Even if it was not enough assurance, she felt relief flood through her well-being. 'Is it worth a shot to gamble for a big return if the risk is too high?'

'What if we go there and then die? Then, the effort is useless.' Her brows knitted together into a worried frown.

Mr. Barry went to reassure her, "Currently, the realm lives at peace, Lady Red. We are in a truce with the other kingdoms. Constant communications are being conducted between the kingdoms and as I have heard, the permanent union is possible in the future." He opened his mouth again but no words came out. Instead, he pursed his lips and stretched it in a grin suspiciously.

Red did not catch the suspicious act by the end of his statement. She nodded, taking in with trust all the reassuring words that Mr. Barry fed her. She's starving to receive affirmation. She gulped it down without much processing.


Mr. Barry trailed off. He sensed that if he pushed a little more, he could convince the princess to go home to the realm with him. "Will you be returning to the realm with me this time, Princess?"

'Princess.' She automatically shot her eyes on him. It was unintentional, but the leveled-up term of address surprised her.

He gasped. "Apologies for my insolence, Lady Red. After you get introduced officially in your Coming-of-Age Ceremony, you will be addressed as 'Princess'."

"I see. Then, I do not take offense. On the contrary, I am much obliged for the information you are sharing with me. I trust you, Mr. Barry. After the heroic deed of saving my Nana, you've completely captured my trust. I believe your words. If you say that it is peaceful right now… I will decide based on that piece of information."

"…" He fidgeted. "But I also told you that the realm came from unrest, and the threat of unrest is still there."

"The threat of unrest is everywhere. Even here. At least in the realm, as a holder of the position, I presume I have some sort of power to contribute to that peace?"

"Most definitely, Princess!" He was confident with his interjection.

"Well, then. It is decided." She balled her fists with conviction. "I will handle the matters with Nana."

"One last question, Mr. Barry." It was her turn to fidget in her seat. "If I leave here, will I be able to return at will?"

The atmosphere turned gloomy. "I wouldn't be the right person to answer that, Princess. But I think you know the answer."

She nodded while bowing her head. 'I think I know the answer, too. Why did I even ask? To prove me wrong?'

"Well then, I need to say my farewells."