Chapter 3

Getting to the department of staffs to see the head of the function I came across the secretary.

" What are you doing here "" Good Afternoon am here to see Mr Bae"

"Are you a new student"

" Yes I am "

" The function was not made by Mr Bae . You will have to meet the director. The function was organized by the head of this college."

I was startled. Head of college. But how did he know me am not popular .

" How can I meet him"

" Actually you can't meet him. students don't meet the head of college that's why the board of directors are here . "

" Since he was the one that organized the function I need to talk to him "

" Things are not done that way . You need to sign some papers and forward your invitation before you can get answers . "

" Can't I just see him "

" Nope. Follow me I can help you."

I followed him to his office. He asked me few questions about myself. After that he wrote all what I want him to write . Soon he was done and he assured me that he will see the message. I was not yet relieved but after two days I got a reply. I was told to meet the minister in the administration office to cancel my name from the function and I was replaced by another girl. I was so happy my joy knew no bounds.

I woke up late the next day. I ran into the shower soon I was out. I wore a short and tie a sleeve on my waist, I wore an oversized hoodie, put on my glasses, pack my bag, wore my shoe. I enter the kitchen and took a meatloaf and kept it in my bag with a banana milkshake. I need to be in class before this wicked teacher gets in class before me. I kiss my aunt goodbye and ran down to the garage took my bike and burn it down the road I almost got involved in an accident.

When I got to the school compound there was no sign of students outside. Am so late. I hurried down the Walk way and through the stairs and I bumped into someone and files went flying everywhere.

" Sorry " I didn't even hear myself I was breathing fast . I quickly do what's right and handed the files to .....

Whoa !! I look at the person I bumped into so cute and handsome , tall and slim with some kind of funny haircut and dressed so casual.

" Don't be in such a hurry pick up the last file at your back " . His voice were rather cold but not harsh.

" Your dressing is odd ". He simply said and left.

I touched my hair it was still wet and some grass were on it. I look down at my leg my shoes were untied. Am going to be the topic of today.

As I entered the class everyone was looking at me with disgust especially Mariah . I fixed my eyes on the floor as I walked to my seat , My lonely row. Since I was the only one on that row I just seat in any of the four seats.

" Look who's here" Bob said and that got Mariah attention

" Looks like our beautiful friend overslept" Mariah said and her friends giggled.

" Gyacie did you dream about me " Another masculine voice said and everyone started laughing.

I checked my wrist watch am few minutes early than the wicked mistress

" Phew !"