
Chapter 7

Eventually we had to go to class. By the time I opened the door, Mera had already left. The rest of the day felt bit quiet as I finished the editing by my desk. Secretly doing the work during my other subjects, or during Morris' class itself. To be honest, there was nothing stopping me anyway.

Lunchtime finally began and everyone had already left the classroom to go eat somewhere else in the school. Most of the time, I would do the same because my school has quite the recreational areas to eat from including the roof. However, I didn't have time to spare. My hand was basically on fire trying to finish editing and then rewriting it all.

Just as I was about to take a break from the pain, a juice box was placed in front of me. Then someone moved my classmate's seat to link mine with theirs. It was Mera again! Though she didn't say a word unlike earlier. Her eyes didn't even meet mine. Instead, she just sat with a sandwich in her hand and took up a pen.

She didn't even ask but she took some of the papers that needed to be rewritten. I didn't say anything, rather I didn't want to say anything.

The sound of us just writing and my occasional sipping from my juice box made things feel peaceful. Compared to earlier this morning, I felt a bit more relaxed despite Mera in front of me. Lunchtime was almost finished, people started to pour into our classroom but we didn't stop.

I could even start to hear people talking in the background about me. Some even mentioned who that girl next to me was as a Gouldy. Or that if I actually had a friend this time. Though none of it mattered because they were talking about me. In fact, they should be talking about me since I am the main character here.

Eventually we managed to finish everything in time for the break to end. Mera didn't even say anything as she stood up and left.

Mako: Hey… Thanks…

Mera smiled then continued on her way. Everyone looked at our exchange like a bunch of animals. I simply gave them an annoyed glare to make them scatter. Letting out small sigh, I almost reached over to grab a cigarette from my bag for a good job done but I remembered this was school. I just had to bite my lip in the end…

Boy classmate with dyed orange hair: So what did you do this time to blackmail the owner of the school building?

Mako: Who are you again?

Boy: The guy who sits in front of you dumbass.

Mako: Try that again, I dare you.

Boy: I'm just saying, you should've at least known my name since I've been sitting next to you for years now.

Mako: I don't need to know anyone that isn't interesting.

Boy: I'm the only guy here who has the only dyed orange hair. What more would I need to be interesting?

Mako: Having different colored hair doesn't make you interesting, you're just a person with different colored hair.

Jake: It's Jake. Come on, I even know your name.

Mako: I doubt that.

Jake: Eh… You got me there. I'm sure it starts with a B though.

Mako: It's Mako.

Jake: Guess even after all these years sitting together, we couldn't remember our names.

Mako: Why are you even talking to me? Clearly there wasn't a signal in the air to talk to me.

Jake: Nothing. It just seems to be the perfect time to introduce myself after three years. Besides, it'll just be for one year till we never see each other again.

Mako: You still haven't actually said anything as to why?

Jake: Meet me outside Morris' office when you can. I need to talk to you about something.

Mako: Sounds sketchy as hell.

He didn't respond to that and just shrugged while unlinking his chair from mine. His face just looked completely tired or rather condescending. Those eyes just screamed tired of life protagonists but I won't be part of that story. I'm too busy to expand mine.

As class finally ended, we both straight went to Morris' office. We took a seat by the vending machine as I waited for him to speak up. Now that I've thought about it, this was the first time that I would talk to a boy my age. Usually I'd just keep the conversation to a minimum. Now there's one right in front of me buying some drinks. He didn't look that bland compared to the other guys in my batch but I think that's because of his hair.

A cold soda touched my face and I recoiled away. I smacked him in return on his thighs just because I didn't like surprises like that. He just laughed it off as he sat next to me. I took the soda off of his hands. Too bad this wasn't the flavor of soda I wanted. I don't like apples…

Jake: So what's up?

Mako: You're the one that wanted to talk. You should be the one taking the lead.

Jake: I guess so hahaha! Hmmm how do I put this…

Mako: If you don't have anything else to say then you can just leave. I have other fucking stuff to do.

Jake: Hey, wait. Give me a moment. It's just a bit embarrassing to say hahahaha.

Mako: Out with it! I'm already so tired from today. I just need to get the hell out of here already.

Jake: Where are you going after?

Mako: Why should you care? Just hurry up already! I'm losing so much of my fucking patience from today!

Jake: I want to hire you as my pretend girlfriend!

Mako: What!?

Jake: WAIT WAIT! Before you get mad, it's not what you think!

Mako: You have three fucking seconds!

Jake: My brother is a writer!

Mako: Huh!?

Jake: Yeah, he's a writer… He's not exactly shy about it so don't worry if it sounds like I'm spilling his secrets or something. He specifically writes about romance novels, he used to be good at writing them but I think something happened.

Mako: What does this have to do with me?

Jake: Well I sort of lied to him that I had a girlfriend a long time ago.

Mako: Don't you have any other fucking friends to do that sort of romcom shit? I don't exactly see a good reason to just lie about it to your brother.

Jake: The thing is he's… Been a bit depressed lately because of his writing. I just thought I'd give him some material to work with. He's not exactly the type to go outside for proper sources. Most of the stuff he knows comes from the internet.

Mako: How old is your brother anyway?

Jake: He's 22. He's been writing since he was a teen.

Mako: So you just want me to pretend to be your girlfriend or something for him to be able to write something?

Jake: Essentially, yeah. I just want to get his spirits up. There's nothing working as of right now to cheer him up. Cooking his favorite food, going to places he likes, and even asking him best friends to visit him. Nothing works.

Mako: I just don't understand why it has to be me. I'm sure someone in your circle can do something about that.

Jake: That's the thing. I wanted someone that wasn't in my circle or someone that wouldn't easily be swayed by people's opinions of them. I just know that some people can easily change if they start talking about them. Seeing what happened earlier just solidified that you were perfect.

Mako: I'm not cheap by the way.

Jake: I'll pay anything! I really will! I promise!

Mako: You must really love your family to say that.

Jake: It's better than leaving him to rot from the inside. Seeing how he used to be would brighten anyone's day. I'm willing to give up my monthly allowance or even starve a bit just to see him genuinely smile again.

Mako: Fine. I'll do it.

Jake: You will!?

Mako: Shut up already. Just go with it. I need have other stuff to do.

We exchanged our emails and phone numbers then left. What did I actually want from that interaction? It doesn't benefit me in the slightest besides another way to earn money. But I guess I have a small soft spot for those who want to do something for their family. Though it's a bit strange that he would be scared about it by his friends. Don't social people like him have people around them that say stuff like "I got you" or something. Yet, he wants to ask a total stranger like me.

He already walked up to his friend circle down by the courtyard as I stared from above. Eventually the annoying chick arrived again. Her eyes were still red and her cheek still a bit red from earlier. Guess I might've actually over reacted there. She stood next to me while we waiting for Morris to arrive.

I placed the cold soda on her cheek, she backed off a bit then realized what I was trying to do. I didn't like apples anyway. Mera took the soda with both hands gladly then smiled.

Morris: Looks like you girls finally found some common ground.

Sir Morris finally showed up as he sipped from his coffee cup across the hall. He looked completely stressed out judging from the appearance of his wrinkled inside shirt and rushed necktie. I just shot him a confused look and he gave out a small sigh.

Morris: Well, I guess nothing huge did but I can tell. Come in and let's discuss.

Morris was pretty impressed with the work we've done and how we didn't make a single mistake in doing it. However, I let out my mind about how he shouldn't have done that kind of shit in the first place. He was a professional writer after all! Though I think that's kind of the reason why I respect him enough to do this kind of stuff for him in the first place. Despite everything with the critics, fans, and deadline pressures. Morris still does it all because he loves it.

After we dropped off Morris' novel, we got paid. I guess part of me wanted to value the fact that if someone does work, they deserve to have compensation. As we walked home, I walked into a convenience store. I know this isn't much because the pay wasn't that big either but I wanted to do something.

Mako: Here... I know it isn't much for the trouble but here you go.

I handed her an ice cream sandwich that I've seen her consume on a daily basis each time I visit her home. I also handed her a small paper envelope with some petty cash, though I'm sure that she didn't need it. We just sat outside the convenience store curb unwrapping our ice cream.

Mera: Thanks, but don't you need the money more?

Mako: I have certain principles that I live by, cinnamon roll. I would feel like a fucking charity kiss if I just kept the money because you said so, but it would be even worse if I kept it and not say a thing.

Mera: You really are a kind person by heart, Mako.

Mako: Shut it alright…

Mera: Y'know I don't even like this ice cream.

Mako: You eat it every time I'm around though.

Mera: My dad just loves to buy it. Part of me thinks that if I grow to love it, he'll pay more attention to me.

Mako: Is that so?

Mera: Yeah… I'm talking too much aren't I?

Mako: Yeah, you are.

Mera: I'm sorry.

Mako: It's alright. A slave can make a mistake.

Mera: Right. Thanks.